Sunday, August 22, 2021


The EYE of Opinion 

1. The Media sell out  , Fall out for Joe Biden .  As I write this the possible political fall out of Biden's administration miscalculation of withdrawing from Afghanistan unfolds , there is already talk of impeaching Biden , we have stranded Americans who can't get home , meanwhile Biden is more concerned about the refugees . Secondly , the CDC is pushing for booster shots , again proves that the Vaccines don't work , more , more vaccinated will still get sick after getting the Covid shot . Thirdly, the California recall is NEARING !!! that took a lot of work , the Pandemic lock downs have made the people angry enough to get a movement rolling to oust Gov. Newsom . I will write later on the Newsom recall ..... Now onto the Afghanistan U.S. Withdrawal chaos ...
 (1)>>Joe Biden was a sell out last year for the Media that  helped flip the vote against Trump . Right as it seems because of the Afghanistan fiasco Biden is being relentlessly attacked by his liberal  media friends . I was warning about this was going to happen to him . For four years journalists cried wolf about President Trump’s supposed authoritarian tendencies: He was a threat to journalism and free speech and the very foundations of democracy. In between writing stories about his incompetence or his poor diet or the state of his marriage, this purportedly fettered press would often compare Trump to Stalin or Hitler or Mussolini.  Remember this when Trump bombed Syria the left wing media was praising Trump as "acting presidential for the first time" .  So when Biden pulls out of a long over due war in Afghanistan the whole media goes into a mad frenzy  attacking him. BUT here are another bit that is CRAZY , the Biden administration has  (1.1)>>stranded 40,000 Americans in Afghanistan  " with no safety guarantee"I'm also a little dismayed at the reporting on this is not the focus of the media. It generally doesn't sit well with me, all the media seems to be lamenting that we withdrew, and are reporting this as a failure. Spending $800 billion and tens of thousands of US soldier lives is the actual failure. Yeah, you just can't take over a country in a week like this, unless the disparity in military power is absolutely enormous.I'm pretty much 100% certain there were backroom deals [ see my last blog post, it was ALREADY PLANNED ]  to make this transition of power happen as smoothly as it did.And if we learn in ten years that the Republicans helped in order to make a Democratic President look weak internationally, I will be entirely unsurprised given what Nixon did in Vietnam and Reagan did with the Iran hostage crisis. (1.2)>>The media misses their meal ticket. They're grasping for stories because they've taken a huge hit since the former guy left office. That's not to say Biden's first 100 days were completely flawless/devoid of any criticism. Biden was doing well, particularly considering that he was given almost no transition time to prepare and had to hit the ground running now to deal with a historic catastrophe Afghanistan . The Media mob now will surround him and eat him alive till he leaves office.
2. Afghanistan .
It's so outrageous that our nation went into Afghanistan in the first place . 20 years! I remember people saying we’d be gone quick but McCain was adamant we’d be there 20 years and here we are.I hadn't fully appreciated that  (2)>>before we went into Afghanistan, the Taliban were in power. So basically, this is just the US occupying a country for 20 years, spending almost a trillion dollars on a non-descript mission, and then when they leave, the old boss comes back to take over. I don't know why that would surprise anyone.Sure, the Taliban are a fundamentalist religious oppressive group - but that's true in many other Islamic countries too. You can't impose democracy on a country that mostly doesn't want it.That's my whole thing on it, the Afghan gov has been so wishy washy on having us there that it doesn't make sense for us to stay there. And what exactly is our end game in Afghanistan? First it was to blow the Taliban to hell, we did that. Then help the people, then build schools, then build the government. It's never ending and it's a joke. If you can't win a war in over 20 years then you really have to ask when it will end.
2.1 Afghanistan American pull out is a horrible fiasco !
With 40,000 Americans stranded in Afghanistan .  (3)>>US weapons made had  fallen into the hands of the Taliban warlords. Current and former U.S. officials say there is concern those weapons could be used to kill civilians, be seized by other militant groups such as Islamic State to attack U.S.-interests in the region, or even potentially be handed over to adversaries including China and Russia.The officials said launching airstrikes against the larger equipment, such as helicopters, has not been ruled out, but there is concern that would antagonize the Taliban at a time the United States' The U.S. spent billions of dollars over two decades to train and support the Afghan security forces, but the Taliban was the ultimate beneficiary of the decades-long investments.With US troops all but gone, the Taliban now find themselves flush with American-supplied tools, without having to raise a single penny.Furthermore, the Taliban never left afg. They just waiting for the US to leave. We swung a sledge hammer to kill a fly and ended up killing 10’s of thousands of innocents unnecessarily and never defeated the enemy we went there to fight. (Which is debatable anyway, because technically that was al queda, not the Taliban.) Meanwhile, the country is no better off now than before. Actually, it’s worse, because the Taliban took all our equipment we gave Afghani forces.
2.2 American weapons left in Taliban hands !
The Worst fiasco awaiting the Biden administration is OBVIOUSLY the capture of American made weapons into the hands of the Taliban .  (3.1)>>The Taliban wasted no time in gloating over their new war booty. Photos and video posted to social media show Taliban posing with captured aircraft, trucks, Humvees, artillery guns and night-vision goggles. Such equipment could be used to suppress internal dissent or fight off their rivals. The U.S. military removed planes, heavy weapons and sophisticated military equipment as it began winding down its operations in Afghanistan in the spring. But it couldn't take home 20 years of accumulated hardware and instead left much of it to the Afghan military. The sheer monetary number is extravagant . More than two dozen Republican senators demanded a “full account” of what’s been seized — and what plans are in place to get it back. At the price tag of 80 billion dollars worth of weapons. Admitting the weaponry seizures, National security adviser Jake Sullivan said Tuesday that the White House does not “have a complete picture” of what “has fallen into the hands of the Taliban.”

Changing the subject .....
The illusion that vaccines for Covid were going to give (4)>>lasting protection is now being exposed slowly , I guess the CDC and FDA were not as I said before doing any clinical investigation into all these vaccines being effective against covid strains .  (5)>>The data form Israel is showing that vaccinated are getting sick still with breakthrough cases . Fully jabbed adults with Delta have virus levels just as high as those unvaccinated .The question of vaccine efficiency has little less to do with the strains but more to do with the shelf life of the vaccine . First it's difficult to store the vaccines so a certain batch does not  spoil  .  There should be a question raised about the  Covid vaccines being contaminated with a mRNA covid strain  . AM sure that vaccine will leave the vaccinated more vulnerable to more strains , rather than pointing the finger at the un-vaccinated for any virus spread . I recall my interpretation, with only a layman's understanding of vaccines and the immunology around them, was that the most significant effects of the vaccine would wane over several months, but the first booster (the second shot) would extend effectiveness much more, but still not indefinitely. The idea was that if most people were immune because of the vaccines, even if the immunity only lasted for a year or so, then the virus wouldn't be able to spread, and therefore couldn't mutate, and we'd simply eradicate it.I'm pretty sure they originally said the vaccines might only last a few months to a year and would probably need to be boostered. It was only after the first crop of vaccines finished initial tests that they became optimistic they might provide protection for longer periods , not its not the case . 
4. California RECALL .
Question , (6)>>the  recall  California Gov NEWSOM? There are many reasons . California is not a vary good part of America , its one of the states in the Union with the highest Taxes . Highest consecration of homelessness found anywhere else . California is not as progressive as many claimed it is. California has not elected a woman governor , or a person of Color . Behind it all California is a racist , sexist state.  Newsom , He thought he’d score huge political points with an overbearing covid protocol to “protect” Californians, but it backfired since too many Californians wised up and understand destroying livelihoods and implementing double standards was beyond the pale. Rules for thee, not for me. People saw through this double standard , it was not just California , many blue state had the same. For me it comes down to the general complacency the Democratic Party seems to have with the way they run California. They have handled the housing crisis poorly, they have let homeless people do whatever the heck they want and get away with it, they have handled the pandemic poorly with all these burdensome restrictions for vaccinated people, and they have handled the wildfires poorly by not holding PG&E accountable.Recent polls show a dead heat among likely voters on whether to fire Newsom, despite the state’s overwhelmingly Democratic tilt. I watched Newsom web conference last week talking about most recent shut downs. He had virtually no plan to compensate businesses during the shut down. This alone is extreme negligence, and shows a fundamental misunderstanding on how the economy works.He also 'bragged' about having thousands of ventilators available. We now know that incubating covid patients is an absolute last resort, and leads to death in a majority of patients who are put on a ventilator. This is because their airways are never able to recover after having a machine breathe for you. The dude's an obvious tool, and corporate 'yes man.'

The Afghan pull out was [ is] a horrible disaster , it shows how our nation is run by morons,a totally clueless government  .  DON'T GET ME WRONG , first the U.S. never should have invaded and occupied Afghanistan . Blame Bush. BUT its not just a Biden thing. Biden had the opportunity months back to evacuate ALL AMERICANS before the refugees came storming Kabul . That should have been the first priority . Now it's possible that the Americans stranded there could be held as hostages . Biden's press conference was a disaster filled with incompetency , like a leaky bucket of fumbles . The chaotic withdrawal was even criticized by the UK parliament holding Biden in Contempt is more shocking . Will Joe Biden survive ? Who knows ? Now the American media will likely give Biden a Nixon send off .


(1)>>Joe Biden was a sell out last year for the Media that  helped flip the vote against Trump. That dynamic should also be informing the media's understanding of why Biden is not able to achieve the kind of approval rating that the presidents before Donald Trump were able to achieve in their first 100 days. Unfortunately, it isn't. ABC's headlinePerhaps most worrisome NOW for  Biden in the White House is that the usual media handmaidens are aggressively poking holes in Biden’s preposterous assurances instead of defending him. Biden was a sell out , now the fall out of the Afghan bungle is looking more worse  for him . There is  a bit of Nixon echoing , the change of the media winds when he was peppered with a score of tough questions in the briefing room. The consistent theme was serious doubt about the ability and claims of Biden and his team. (1.1)>>stranded 40,000 Americans in Afghanistan  " with no safety guarantee" .  The U.S. embassy in Afghanistan on said it “cannot guarantee safe passage” to the Kabul airport, a reversal from government officials’ assurances Tuesday that they had secured a commitment from the Taliban to not interfere with evacuation efforts.“The United States government cannot ensure safe passage to the Hamid Karzai International Airport,” the embassy wrote in a security alert issued Wednesday, noting that “the security situation in Kabul continues to change quickly, including at the airport.”(1.2)>>The media misses their meal ticket.  This. I can't for the life of me understand the viewpoint that pulling out of the shit-storm that is the Middle East is somehow bad. People whining that we're pulling out "too soon"... Well fuck, when is the right time? People whining that we'll be back. Well fuck, if we never leave what's the difference? People whining that the locals aren't up to defending themselves without our direct help. Well fuck, if they can't defend themselves without us after all this time then either we suck at training them or they're untrainable and either way we are wasting our time and effort. And at the end of the day, what's the end goal? Nation building? Afghanistan is impervious to that and Syria is already a nation that was doing far better before we got there than it ever will in the near future.  (2)>>before we went into Afghanistan, the Taliban were in power. Taliban are doing so well they're collecting taxes in the countryside. When Mattis visited Kabul in November of  2017 year, the Taliban were so pissed off that they missed him they fired over 50 rockets into Kabul out of frustration...and then followed that up a few weeks later with that bombing in the diplomatic quarter. And let's not get into the absolute state of the ANA right now. The Taliban have pretty much won, all they need to do is bide their time.  (3)>>US weapons made had  fallen into the hands of the Taliban warlords. Video and pictures published by the Taliban on Twitter and elsewhere show fighters carrying M4 carbines and M16 rifles discarded by Afghan army units. Other images show Taliban forces capturing abandoned government vehicles. The American weapons could be in service with the Taliban for years because of plentiful ammunition supplies. The 5.56mm round it fires is available to civilian gun owners in the United States. The Taliban’s haul of American weapons and equipment taken from the Afghan military could worsen instability in the region – including 
 in China – if they fall into the hands of extremists, analysts say. 
(3.1)>>The Taliban wasted no time in gloating over their new war booty. In the chaos of the moment, however, it’s unclear to U.S. officials how much equipment the Taliban has seized and how much sits unattended on bases and small combat outposts across the country. That uncertainty over the status of a massive arsenal is sparking fears of a regional arms bazaar that could be a boon to terrorist groups and insurgents. The images that have spread across the world over the past week of Taliban fighters posing in front of captured helicopters and light attack aircraft have allowed the group to further humiliate the former Afghan and American governments. But these images don’t concern longtime extremism watchers as much as the proliferation of guns, bullets and grenades.   (4)>>lasting protection is now being exposed slowly. There is no evidence a booster will be needed. If evidence does emerge it will likely be indicated for older people and the immunocompromised. CDC,FDA and other health agencies will make the recommendations as will your dad's doctor. But if you ask me I'd rather get the vaccine out to the rest of the world before we start doling out third shots except for those who really need them. The Biden administration’s plans to make COVID-19 booster shots available next month has drawn a collective scream of protest from the scientific community. As some scientists see it, the announcement is rash and based on weak evidence, and they worry it could undercut confidence in vaccines with no clear benefit of controlling the pandemic. Meanwhile, more information is needed on potential side effects or adverse effects from a booster shot, they say.Perhaps even worse, the announcement has fueled deeper confusion about what Americans need to do to protect themselves from covid.  BUT starting the week of September 20 to anyone who is at least 8 months out from their second shot. (5)>>The data form Israel is showing that vaccinated are getting sick still with breakthrough cases . Israel had fully vaccinated slightly over half its population by March 25. Infections waned, venues reopened to the vaccinated and the prime minister told Israelis to go out and have fun. By June, all restrictions, including indoor masking, were abolished.But Israel paid a price for the early rollout. Health officials, and then Pfizer, said their data showed a dip in the vaccine's protection around six months after receiving the second shot. Now it has one of the world's highest daily infection rates — an average of nearly 7,500 confirmed cases a day, double what it was two weeks ago. Nearly one in every 150 people in Israel today has the virus. But Israel’s experience is forcing the booster issue onto the radar for other nations, suggesting as it does that even the best vaccinated countries will face a Delta surge.(6)>>the  recall  California Gov NEWSOM?  Here is a list why Gov. Newsom has to be removed from office >>>Newsom's job as the highest ranking Democratic Party member and of our state, is to address the problems created by both government action and inaction. He leads a Democratic Party giga-majority in both houses of the state legislature and has been Lt Governor or Governor since 2011, nearly a decade. But when it comes to the issues, I fear he has been wholly ineffective (income inequity, poverty, homeless, opportunity inequity).California is currently the 3rd or 4th worst state in the nation for income inequity.California leads with the nations worst poverty rate using the latest and most up to date measurements.California has 12% of the nations population but 27% of the nations homeless.4th highest unemployment rate.California has a severe housing crisis.California has a severe water crisis.5-6th highest electricity costs in the nation.1st most expensive gasoline tax with a rate of 66.98 cents per gallonHighest income taxes with a top rate of 13.3%. Newsom misled the public about wildfire prevention efforts ahead of worst fire season on record.Newsom failed to hold accountable his administration for EDD fraud which costs taxpayers roughly $30 billion dollars. Money that taxpayers now owe to the federal government.Newsom was found coordinating with PG&E lawyers to write legislation to protect the monopoly that killed more than 80 people. In addition, his micromanaging of the CPUC (the regulatory body for utilities) prevents it from protecting Californians from monopolistic utilities.Gavin's administration has been a revolving door for lobbyists and pay for play politics (AB5 and other bad legislation that was signed).Newsom worsened COVID place based inequity by under funding smaller counties when divvying up the $9.5 billion CARES Act’s Coronavirus Relief Fund to counties. Large, politically connected counties with more than 500,000 residents received nearly double the money per person (per state auditor) than did small counties. As a result of this systemic place based inequity, the COVID infection rate surged in smaller counties and small counties had case rates equally high & higher, than large counties.Newsom's administration supported multiple unconstitutional laws over Californians, which thankfully were overturned by the Circuit and Supreme courts. Even laws, blocked by Jerry Brown for being unconstitutional. Newsom signed the legislation even after being told the legislation was unconstitutional.Overturning the will of the voters with abolishing the death penalty, despite voters just voting on it.The COVID lockdown in California destroyed many California businesses and the lives of many families.