Sunday, August 1, 2021


1. California Gov. Newsom Recall and the 2022 Midterms . There is a lot on the table for this month of August . SO I put a few things on the table discussion . The Recall election is in September 14th. Is a month away . There is a chance that Newsom will be out of office . I will like to write later whom am endorsing to replace Newsom . EITHER CASE even if he by slightest chance survives recall California is heading to a vary unstable period .
These are brief opinions of mine regarding some news items that are just lurking around the corner to say .California  (1)>>Gov. Newsom according to many poll pundits are saying the he "has a reason to worry" . If the recall is successful and a Republican replaces him. This could ring out in the 2022 midterms .  (2)>>The nation's Democratic party should also be worried . The long-expected gubernatorial recall election in California is set for Sept. 14, and 46 candidates (not including the governor himself, Democrat Gavin Newsom) have officially qualified to run. co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Times found that 50 percent of likely recall voters wanted to keep Newsom and 47 percent wanted to oust him. These fresh polls — both within the margin of error — differed markedly from a handful of surveys released in May and June that found the recall effort trailing by at least 10 percentage points.If California Gov. Gavin Newsom is recalled, he predicted the effects would be felt “all across the country” for “many, many years,” arguing Thursday in an interview with McClatchy’s California editorial boards that it could boost Republican chances in the 2022 midterms. So Gov. Newsom knows the consequences of the recall. With the Covid- 19 quagmire going on most Democrat governors , legislatures are going to face a backlash . “I don’t think the national Democratic Party’s asking themselves that question,” Newsom said during the interview with the editorial boards of The Sacramento Bee, The Fresno Bee, The Modesto Bee and The Tribune of San Luis Obispo. “If this was a successful recall, I think it would have profound consequences nationwide, and go to not just politics, but to policy and policy making.”. 

2. Possibility of a national lock-down over Covid Delta ?
Here is a bit more disturbing piece , controversial in nature while it relates to California if the recall effort of Newsom falls flat . There is a huge possibility of a second wave lock down in the state , perhaps the nation .  (3)>>The overblown Covid Delta cases will continue to raise . You ALL KNOW HOW THIS PLAYS INTO POLITICS . On a more serious note, I'm pretty sure they've planned it and would do their best to make sure the show still happens. Anyway, we'll see. I hope they don't cancel it.  WALL STREET IS NERVOUS .A surge in Delta variant infections sparked a broad sell-off on Wall Street on as investors feared renewed COVID-19 shutdowns and a protracted economic recovery.All three major U.S. stock indexes ended the session sharply lower, with the S&P and the Nasdaq suffering their largest one-day percentage drop since mid-May. Even sleepy Joe made note : Joe Biden said Friday that it is "unlikely" the coronavirus's Delta variant will force the U.S. into another lockdown but hesitated to rule it out."I don't think so, because so many people have already been vaccinated," Biden said at a press conference when asked if the variant could prompt a new shutdown nationally. "But the Delta variant can cause more people to die in areas where people have not been vaccinated. Where people have gotten the two shots, the Delta variant is highly unlikely to result in anything." BUT IS THAT A CRACK UP .  (4)>>We have also been hearing of breakthrough cases involving the Covid vaccines , people who have gotten the jab have either tested positive or gotten sick with the virus , its SLOWING making some news elements a wee  (4.1)>>bit like saying "maybe" they  [ CDC] don't have all their eggs in the basket over rulings on masks and vaccinations . MY observation is that the government STILL knows nothing about this virus , all they can do to the public is to GASLIGHT everyone putting on a mask even though your vaccinated . I guess we can thank the CDC's ridiculous, confusing, premature decision for : - vaccinated people to throw off their masks, really? - for non-vaccinated people to wear masks - really? Oh! yea....just like they wore masks NOT when there were all levels of government saying wear a mask. What were they thinking ?  They are supposed to be scientists. Yes, vaccinated people can spread the virus now , so why get vaccinated ??? , so back  to BLAME the UN- VACCINATED because vaccinated people are getting sick because of the un-vaccinated .Likely yes, but to what extent that is actually happening remains unclear at this point; there just isn’t enough conclusive data to determine that yet. Regardless, it is also more likely that fully vaccinated people with symptomatic cases are more contagious than people with asymptomatic cases. Still, vaccinated people can come down with infections, overwhelmingly asymptomatic or mild. That may come as a surprise to many vaccinated Americans, who often assume that they are completely shielded from the virus. And breakthrough infections raise the possibility, as yet unresolved, that vaccinated people may spread the virus to others. YET, If a lay person like me read about variants a very loooong time ago during the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, why didn't they envision the effects of a highly contagious Delta variant and more to come and realize that their "throw away your masks " if you are vaccinated. Give me a break!
2.2 Back to School or NOT?
 According to a ED Source article " A tangle of state or district rules, legal questions, and community pushback has limited the power of many principals and superintendents to require the two most powerful forms of protection against the virus: masks and vaccines". Schools are starting back in a matter of weeks . So far respects to what I wrote above about Delta Covid was more a critical eye on the government flip flops  .  (4.2)>>ALL WE HEAR IS FEAR. Dr. Fauci recently said that " It's only going to get worse" .That is bringing up anxieties in some students and parents, but experts are sharing information to put minds at ease. There is so much flip flopping from the CDC  it's going to become more confusing for school districts to even get a nudge to normalcy . Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has been critical of COVID-19 restrictions, said he would sign an executive order to issue emergency rules for "protecting the rights of parents," making face masks optional across the state in schools and leaving it up to parents — a move immediately bashed by Democrats as a political stunt that could worsen the state's COVID woes. Recently revised CDC guidelines say all people in K-12 schools should wear a mask indoors, regardless of vaccination status. NOW THE PANIC  headlines  says young people, but it should read unvaccinated. Young people are the most unvaccinated group.One could interpret the headline as saying that a child is more susceptible to catching this strain than an adult of the same vaccination status, which is a distinct concept from saying unvaccinated people are more susceptible and children are much more likely to be unvaccinated. The former would be a unique development, the latter, not so much.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which said July 9 that only unvaccinated staff and students need to wear masks in schools, reversed course 18 days later, and now advises—along with the American Academy Pediatrics – that all students and staff mask up, regardless of vaccination status. It's going to be another strange shelter in place year for public schools , full of angry parents , low enrollment , students not showing up for school . Crazy masking mandates . BY FALL flu season starts and schools are closed again. 

3. The U.S. Military gets a huge boost of $$$ , while no hope for Healthcare reform .
 America sadly has more money to spend on it's military than it actually does for it's people .  First of the  (5)>>Military Industrial complex CONTROL over U.S. spending on a war machine is insane. To what may be the surprise of many, Biden’s budget also calls for full speed ahead on new weapons for all three legs of the nuclear triad—including $2.6 billion for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (the follow-on to the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile), $3 billion for the B-21 bomber, and $5 billion for a new nuclear missile submarine, as well as $609 million for a new Long Range Stand Off cruise missile and $2.9 billion for improvements in nuclear command-control systems. All of these sums equal or exceed the amounts requested and approved under Trump. NEARLY 715 BILLION ! Reflecting a COLD WAR MENTALITY !A defense reduction could not pass this Congress, regardless of Biden's views. You're not going to get Manchin and probably a few other moderate Dems on board with that, especially if they continue to want bipartisan spending.The American foreign policy is to secure and facilitate trade globally. Thats why the united states has such a massive navy and military bases everywhere. I find much American foreign involvement pointless and without reward but its not like these actions have no push factors.Reducing the military budget just tanks the economy and destroys military support, which has never been more valuable.Congressman Pocan called on the White House for months to consider significant cuts in defense spending. After Biden announced the withdrawal of combat troops from Afghanistan by the fall, Pocan renewed his push, (6)>>hoping some of the money could be diverted to healthcare and other social programs. “That's a very large figure, $50 billion, that went towards spending in Afghanistan,” he said. “So we just think it makes sense to have that amount reduced or at least redirected towards other things that are in our national defense. I would argue things like climate change and healthcare are in this nation's defense and I still think there's opportunities to redirect some of those Pentagon dollars to those needs.”Right NOW with the Pan -demic we REALLY NEED TO REFORM HEALTHCARE . Our healthcare system is built on profits over people , it's a killer system more deadlier than any virus in this country .

4. Iraq and Afghanistan troop going home?
The nearly 2% uptick in defense spending comes as the Biden administration pulls the nation out of the (7)>>U.S. military’s longest war and shifts focus away from the Middle East to address emerging threats from China. America's longest "wars" may have ended with a over fizzed out military that my have lost the luster to wage a war So listen , We have no right to invade another country, nor do we have the right to control anything that happens there. Why are we there? What initiated endless wars were lies about WMD’s, then we had to get bin laden, then the taliban, then we aligned with the taliban to fight all 5 members of ISIS. We overlook the atrocities committed my foreign governments like Israel who just bombed Palestine, killing 60 children in the process and Saudi Arabia who treat their women like 3rd class citizens. We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. WE ARE the bad guys invading countries who didn’t attack us.The Pentagon and other government officials say they will achieve this by removing a small but unspecified number of 2,500 U.S. troops currently stationed in Iraq and reclassifying the roles of other troops into paper. The announcement on Monday comes as the Pentagon approaches the end of the (7)>>U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan and ends its 20-year presence there, even if the Taliban occupy dozens of districts across the country in a military attack. increase.


 (1)>>Gov. Newsom.I am no fan of his, he was not decisive enough during COVID and he made his own bed re: the recall when he went to that stupid dinner. Also, the Democrats in California have some of the worst policies in regards to housing in the entire developed world. Gavin claims to know this too but does not seem to want to twist arms in the legislature to make change actually happen. He also slept with his campaign manager's wife while he was Mayor of SF.The effort began last spring, spearheaded by Orrin Heatlie, a retired sheriff’s sergeant from Yolo County. It is the sixth attempt to recall Newsom since he took office in January 2019; the previous five, including two others by Heatlie, fizzled with little support and even less notice.They have easy issues they could bash the Democrats over the head with in high housing costs, homelessness, and crime rates but instead choose to run on culture war nonsense and COVID issues. California is one of the most culturally liberal places on Earth and COVID might be an afterthought by the time the recall vote actually happens.(2)>>The nation's Democratic party should also be worried .  A review of the 2020 election, conducted by several prominent Democratic advocacy groups, has concluded that the party is at risk of losing ground with Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters unless it does a better job presenting an economic agenda and countering Republican efforts to spread misinformation and tie all Democratic candidates to the far-left.The 73-page report, obtained by The New York Times, was assembled at the behest of three major Democratic interest groups: Third Way, a centrist think tank, and the Collective PAC and the Latino Victory Fund, which promote Black and Hispanic candidates. It appears to be the most thorough act of self-criticism carried out by Democrats or Republicans after the last campaign.Overall, the report warns, Democrats in 2020 lacked a core argument about the economy and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic — one that might have helped candidates repel Republican claims that they wanted to “keep the economy shut down” or worse. The party “leaned too heavily on ‘anti-Trump’ rhetoric,” the report concludes.“Win or lose, self-described progressive or moderate, Democrats consistently raised a lack of strong Democratic Party brand as a significant concern in 2020,” the report states. “In the absence of strong party branding, the opposition latched on to GOP talking points, suggesting our candidates would ‘burn down your house and take away the police.’” (3)>>The overblown Covid Delta cases will continue to raise .  I am just quoting news sources as to what they are saying,  AGAIN its my opinion is  that the virus overblown . The Delta virus suddenly appears out of the blue when the U.S. government wants YOU to GET VACCINATED . That's more like trying to get the public into the fear mode to get the shot in the arm . SO the new [ Delta variant now accounts for more than 51% of new COVID-19 cases across the country. Los Angeles County public health officials recommend everyone wear masks inside regardless of their vaccination status. So MORE RESTRICTIONS could be coming , if schools open back up and kids start getting it in high numbers, and I bet they do, I think we'll see some lockdown. then again. (4)>>We have also been hearing of breakthrough cases involving the Covid vaccines .In recent weeks, as cases of the delta variant have increased dramatically in the United States, there’s been talk about “breakthrough” COVID-19 cases but not as much discussion about what these cases actually mean.To get to the bottom of what COVID-19 breakthrough cases actually are, how many breakthrough cases there are and what this means for the COVID-19 vaccines. Reports of vaccinated people being infected and sickened with the Delta variant of the coronavirus have multiplied in recent weeks, prompting anxiety and confusion over whether vaccines are as effective as they were advertised as well as whether fully vaccinated people need to take measures — like masking up again — to protect themselves.  (4.1)>>bit like saying "maybe" they  [ CDC] don't have all their eggs in the basket over rulings on masks and vaccinations . The CDC made a stupid mistake when it advised that vaccinated people could go without masks indoors, relying on an "honor" system for the unvaccinated. Of course the unvaccinated, who are in denial about science, would be the first to discard masks. Even if you are vaccinated, continue to protect yourself and others--if you are indoors around people you do not know, wear a mask!CDC wanted to give an incentive for folks to Get vaccinated so they dangle the carrot of, if you get vaccinated, you don’t have to wear a mask. However, there is no honor among thieves. Expecting people who are on board with lying to tell the truth about being vaccinated to go without a mask was a huge error. It opened the floodgates, and just wait until kids are back in school soon. Given many Americans avoid going to the hospital even when seriously ill for fear of not being able to afford the bill, the CDC assumption that most breakthrough cases are “mild” or “asymptomatic” is naive at best.Now the CDC has made a strategic decision to only investigate breakthrough cases “among patients who are hospitalized or die”, leaving us with no meaningful information of assessing our risk of infection on the ground at this point.The CDC has managed to botch multiple calls at pivotal points during this pandemic, from failing to recommend mask use on the front end, to the irresponsible decision to suggest that vaccinated people should unmask in public despite the high percentages of unvaccinated people in many communities throughout the country and the unvaccinated status of children.Many of us get that this pandemic is dynamic and the CDC won’t have all the answers. But the evidence of some ill conceived political decision making at the CDC is pretty hard to miss. (4.2)>>ALL WE HEAR IS FEAR. Dr. Fauci recently said . Dr. Anthony Fauci is warning that unvaccinated kids are more likely to contract the COVID-19 Delta variant because it is so highly transmissible. see 👉 👈Headlines are just that, things to scare the crap out of you and then you read the article and ask yourself wtf was in that journalists mind when he/she gave his article such a headline. The same was in my country when this pandemic started, all the news on tv and newspapers had such dangerous and chaotic catch phrases.(5)>>Military Industrial complex CONTROL over U.S. spending on a war machine is insane. But Democrats say, during a time of relative peace, now is the time to shift some of that money to other priorities.“To have an increase of 1.7%, just the increase in that budget is one and a half times the entire budget of the Center for Disease Control,” said Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison. “And I think most people would agree the biggest attack that we've had on this country in the last year has been COVID-19.”(6)>>hoping some of the money could be diverted to healthcare and other social programs. Congressional Progressive Caucus chair Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) is blunter: “We’re in the midst of a crisis that has left millions of families unable to afford food, rent, and bills. But at the same time, we’re dumping billions of dollars into a bloated Pentagon budget. Don’t increase defense spending. Cut it—and invest that money into our communities.”he defense budget should be cut for its own sake--because the spending increases are unnecessary and increase the risk of war. It is not true, however, the the U.S. government has only a limited pool of money and that domestic programs must be paid for by cuts in defense spending.(7)>>U.S. military’s longest war and shifts focus away from the Middle East to address emerging threats from China. There will also be money to further develop and test of hypersonic weapons and other "next generation" weapons systems as the military aims to build capabilities to counter Russia and China.The Pacific Deterrence Initiative, created to counter China, focuses on competition in the Indo-Pacific and aims to boost U.S. preparedness in the region through funding radars, satellites and missile systems.Tensions with an increasingly assertive China are on the minds of U.S. military planners. Bejing accused the United States last week of threatening the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait after a U.S. warship again sailed through the sensitive waterway.(7)>>U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan and ends its 20-year presence there, even if the Taliban occupy dozens of districts across the country . Estimated amount of direct Afghanistan and Iraq war costs that the United States has debt-financed as of 2020: $2 trillion.This defining moment for Biden's legacy has been met with growing speculation that the U.S. may have to return to its longest war zone as the Taliban continues to take ground, execute America's local allies and, many fear, position itself to overrun the U.S.-backed government in Kabul.Russia is currently holding drills in Tajikistan on Afghanistan's northern border ostensibly to prepare for potential security threats posed by the Taliban, which in recent weeks has prioritized securing border crossings. However, multiple officials who spoke with U.S. News confirm the U.S. believes Moscow is actually exerting pressure on its former Soviet ally not to cooperate with American efforts to establish a new counter-terrorism base that would allow the U.S. to operate in Afghanistan without having to maintain a presence there outside the embassy. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have traveled to Tajikistan and other nearby countries in recent weeks as a part of this effort to allow the establishment of a new U.S. base, though that optimism has waned as administration officials now emphasize America's ability to operate "beyond the horizon" without nearby support.Similarly China has stepped up its pressure on Pakistan, following a years-long campaign of bringing Islamabad closer into alignment with Beijing's intentions for the region – all at America's expense. And Chinese officials are planning trips to other nearby countries the U.S. is currently courting to, as its state media service stated on Saturday, not only "help further subdue the chaos left by the power vacuum in this country, but will also push ties between China and other Central Asian countries closer."