Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July a soliloquy.

This *** 4th of July , I wanted to reflect on America . Yes, "my country this' of thee..." in solo song , that we erred long ago. FOR the UNITED STATES that last decade into the 21st century has exposed some bitter truths to it's citizens who have become weary of Washington D.C. politics . (1)>>Yes , we are screwed , over taxed , and nickle'd  and dime'd. Perhaps foretold by President Abraham Lincoln . How we came to this point is still a mystery . We also have many pundits on the Right and left pointing fingers in the media , sure enough if we could "resurrect" our founding fathers they would be APPALLED . Yes, if Benjamin Franklin saw the nation he helped found 239 years ago would he "regret" it? He might say , "this is not the republic I helped found ...." his first shock would be the recent Supreme Court ruling . Mr. Franklin was a staunch liberal of his time , but how far he would go ? At present the creation of our Founding Fathers limps along with high unemployment, gargantuan budget deficits, and a lack of confidence that is, well, (2)>>  un-American. So with these United States seemingly in trouble, it’s always worthwhile to consider the difficult times we’re in through the eyes of the Founders themselves. The Founding Fathers gave us a vision of what was possible in a land of opportunity. A place that simply said that it didn't matter where you were born or from whence you came — here you could “be all that you could be.” Well its not happening anymore
, some how it all fizzed out with the election of President Obama who still remains at a 50 % percent popularity in American polls ! . It might seem that all is well , it is not , and inflation is so high , that the economy is sluggish regardless of the Wall Street gains . It's vary deceiving . We fought a war against England because we claimed the government had abused its power and overstepped its authority. We justified this by citing ideals like natural rights and liberty. After we won we formed our own government, which immediately began pulling the same crap England had. Oh, sure we put things in the constitution that prohibit all kinds of government actions. The problem is a constitution is just a piece of paper. It only has power if its words are enforced. 

America foreshadowed .

There has been said that the United States of America has a God ordained nation.Early perpetrators envisioned  a (***)>>manifest destiny . One early poet saw in America in it's infancy a future dominating power . (3)>> America: A Prophecy was Blake’s first attempt to present historical and contemporary events in mythological form so as to draw out their universal significance. In other regards, the work deals with the oppression of the mind, with the dragon being representative of this repression. The "Ancient of Days", represented in America a Prophecy by Urizen, who is like Zeus, Jehovah and other leaders of gods, is the creator of religion. He is old in a mentally frail manner as well as cruel. Urizen is represented as white, which is connected to snow, colourlessness, atheism and the unknown. He is always an abstraction, Orc, on the other hand, is the representation of revolution, along with blood, rage and passion.Blake had many expectations for the American revolution, which is described in a prophetic way within the poem. However, he was disappointed when the fallen state of existence returned and that slavery was not immediately ended. He was also disappointed when there was not a sensual liberation. After Napoleon declared himself emperor in 1804, Blake believed that the Americans would start treating George Washington as their god king in the manner that the French treated Bonaparte and the English George the III. He continued to believe in an apocalyptic state that would soon appear, but he no longer believed that Orc man, the leader of a revolution, would be the agent of the apocalypse. Instead, he believed that God could only exist in men, and he distrusted all hero worship. The "Preludium" of America is tragic in the sense that it introduces the infinite transformative Idea of revolution, the sensations of virtual intensities in the actual, only to witness its loss. Initially, as an indefinite, virtual intensity, an Idea of revolution, Orc receives no clearly defined representation in the first twenty-five lines.  While complaining that he is imprisoned in "caverns," Orc can be thought of as a kind of virtual capacity for revolutionary intensity that only expresses itself in the mobile contingency. Held in "tenfold chains" Orc claims:

 my spirit soars;Sometimes an eagle screaming in the sky, sometimes a lion,Stalking upon the mountains, & sometimes a whale I lash The raging fathomless abyss, anon a serpent folding Around the pillars of Urthona                                                    (1: 12-16, E 51)
The moment which is most troubling to those who wish to read America as a celebration of the American Revolution is Orc's sudden existence as an actual, empirical subject, a definite individual who takes particular actions, the consistency of whose being is determined in its relation to a definite field of representations. FROM POET to the PRESS of 1790's . America was much a "phantom" nation on the shores of British territory.  Britain lost the war because General Washington had two other generals on his side. One was `General Demography,' population. The population was burgeoning. And the other general that Washington had on his side was `General Atlantic,' that is Atlantic Ocean. It took two and a half months to cross the Atlantic by sail against the wind. By the time the Donald Rumsfeld of that war, the secretary for America, Lord George Germaine, sent his orders across to America 3,000 miles away, it was too late; the orders were moot. Things had changed. It took two and a half months. So General Atlantic, meaning `General Distance,' and `General Demography,' meaning population, were really generals who aided Washington tremendously.Thanks in part to the skill of the American negotiators, the Peace of Paris (1783) was very favorable to the United States. Great Britain recognized American independence, as France had done in 1778, and the United States gained all the land east of the Mississippi between Canada, which Britain retained, and Florida, which returned to Spain. The future of the American republic remained uncertain, but it would at least be in the hands of its people, a people who had, with considerable help from the French, won their independence from the most powerful nation in the world.

America not a "perfect" nation , hardly was under God .....

In order to understand where we are today, we need first of all to understand something of where we’ve been .America's Founding Fathers are seen by some people today as unjust and hypocrites, for while they talked of liberty and equality, they at the same time were enslaving hundreds of thousands of Africans. Some allege that the Founders bear most of the blame for the evils of slavery. Consequently, many today have little respect for the Founders and turn their ear from listening to anything they may have to say. And, in their view, to speak of America as founded as a Christian nation is unthinkable (for how could a (3)>> Christian nation tolerate slavery?).Many questions have been asked as to why things in our nation were not SO PERFECT ? I am going to challenge the notion that our country was ever so serine . Revisionists exist out there that tried a propaganda spin on America's  (4)>>REAL HISTORY . Cutting out blocks , and painting a different picture for today's media . Recent actions against "faith based" institutions for example have been cited as "recent" . However the American government has  persecuted religious beliefs for the last 200 years . While we are told the opposite that our nation protects religious freedom is only in word only in the last century , and not in it's entirely . Since the founding, critics of America's secularism have repeatedly sought to break down the church-state wall. After the Civil War, for example, some clergymen argued that the war's carnage was divine retribution for the founders' refusal to declare the United States a Christian nation, and tried to amend the Constitution to do so.The best way to understand the cultural scenario is to realize (as someone astutely mentioned on twitter recently) that there are two different types of Christianity. One is a movement of people who want to live and be like Jesus. The other (and far more common, far more powerful) is a civil and political religion that is simply named Christianity. The civil political religion named Christianity is addicted to both political power and violence, and thus finds the message of Jesus offensive. The religious persecution narrative is nothing new – it has long been at the core of the Right’s reaction to secular government and religious pluralism – but it has taken off in recent years in reaction to advances in gay rights and reproductive freedom, and to an increasingly secular and pluralistic society.The frantic warnings, fueled by individual persecution myths, range from the insistence that conservative Christians are losing their right to free speech to the claim that the U.S. is on the verge of instituting unconstitutional hate speech laws to dire predictions that religious faith itself might soon be criminalized.

Renewing America .

First of all I believe we need a new political party . The two parties of Democrats and Republicans have led the nations ship unto a stormy sea. Point the finger, complain, whine, moan and demand, fighting one another for the last scrawny hen in the house.  We did not create classes of people out of thin air and demand, at the point of a gun, special rights unavailable to others.  We did not judge another by the color of his skin, his origin or his creed, and when we failed to uphold our stated principles, we did something about it, as best we could, procedurally. We all know America is doomed unless we return to core economic values and we know the economy is presently in ruins.It seems to me that the last thing our political culture needs is another round of hectoring people for being insufficiently patriotic on the basis of their disagreements over fiscal policy. I would argue that it is blind patriotism (aka blind faith in government) that has helped us reach the threat he is talking about. Belief in government’s ability to do anything and everything, from planting ‘seeds of democracy’ in the Middle East to fixing the health care system is what put us in the huge hole that we have to dig out of. If we were more skeptical of (and asked less of) our government, there’d be a lot less to pay back. I mean, even leaving aside the Civil War, I’ve just been reading again about the 1787 Constitutional Convention, when the hallowed “Founders” and “Framers” were laying the basis for our National Greatness. It’s remarkable the degree to which those debates were driven not just by slavery but by other non-greatness economic issues, like the worries of bondholders, the Ohio Company’s attempts to secure lucrative land grants, the concerns of eastern shipping interests, etc. Meanwhile, the nationally great project that we now know, grandiously, as “Westward Expansion” or “The Conquest of the Frontier” was getting going in the form of lots of people heading over the Appalachians to squat on whatever good land they could find. (This, too, was among the Framers’ preoccupations.) And, of course, the partisan scrabbling of the early Republic is legendary to anyone who’s studied the history even a little bit. Even today, battered by recession, deep in debt, mired in war, Americans remain proud of their country, and justly so. America still towers over rivals in scientific virtuosity, military power, the vitality of democracy and much else. Polls show that Americans are still among the most patriotic people in the world. This summer 83% told Pew that they were “extremely” or “very” proud to be American. As we stare into an uncertain future, Past is always prelude to a better existence. There was once a perfect time, but it’s not now. It’s easy to understand why politicians would exploit such a desire when positioning their brand of politics as an imagined catalyst for transformation. If they’re perceived as a leader of that charge, your vote is guaranteed.

*** On July 3, 1776, John Adams wrote an excited letter to his wife, Abigail Adams. In it, he predicted the joyous celebrations of American Independence Day, including the parties. He wrote the following :
"It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other......"
(1)>>  I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and cause me to tremble for safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic destroyed.

—U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 (letter to Col. William F. Elkins) Ref: The Lincoln Encyclopedia: The Spoken and Written Words of A. Lincoln 

Arranged for Ready Reference, Archer H. Shaw (NY, NY: Macmillan, 1950)
(2)>> un-AmericanThe United States is no longer, and has not been for some time, by deliberate design and effort, a democratic republic. The United States is, and has been for some time, a fascist police state since September 11th, 2001. America has been sold out to big corporations , to foreign governments in it's disguise as part in some  "globalization" scheme . today it’s Government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations....Instead of protecting the people from corporate interests our government now places protecting corporate interests (aka profits) above protecting citizens’ health, lives, and interests.  (3)>> America ,  a Prophecy ....America a Prophecy is a 1793 prophetic book by the English poet and illustrator William Blake. It is engraved on eighteen plates, and survives in fourteen known copies. It is the first of Blake's Continental prophecies.(***)>> People have mistakenly linked democracy and political freedom to Christianity. That’s why many contemporary evangelicals believe the American Revolution was completely justified, both politically and scripturally. They follow the arguments of the Declaration of Independence, which declares that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are Divinely endowed rights. . . . But such a position is contrary to the clear teachings and commands of Romans 13:1-7. So the United States was actually born out of a violation of New Testament principles, and any blessings God has bestowed on America have come in spite of that disobedience by the Founding Fathers.The problem is anyone can say "the god of the Bible is on my side." If I'm currently in charge, I can say that the god of the Bible *clearly* says to obey those who rule. If I'm not in charge, I can argue the same god has chosen me to bring 'god's judgment' to the regime. During the English Civil War both sides argued the Christian god was on their side. (3)>>Up until  1980's  I was under the thinking that this  America was indeed a "Christian" nation. While the people may have followed Biblical principle on the whole, the Holy Spirit revealed that the governing authority (Constitutional Representative Republic, in international bankruptcy from 1791) was completely secular from about 1770 forward. (4)>>This corruption of the U.S. government is on the rise and seems to be reaching a crescendo, which is scary indeed. It seems that the usual pace of corruption has quickened. From the founding of the United States, claims author Thomas Horn, this nation has been manipulated toward one goal: building an occult society. Horn explains upper-level Free Masons among America’s Founding Fathers sought to weave patterns and symbols into U.S. government, architecture, even its very currency, reflective of the ancient Egyptian gods.

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