Thursday, August 1, 2013

Economic Recovery focus on the Poor not Middle Class........

There are  whole class of people forgotten .
It's not the Middle Class , but the poor.
The speech that Obama should have given on his second  Inauguration should have been the one he gave   Last Wednesday, He said " Let's build the middle class" . "Why did it take 5 years" Well his approval ratings have never been higher. I believe that is because the American people have no other place to go. The Republicans are insane and the political left spends it's time arguing nonsense. It was a  good speech , but there were a few shallow spots . That which I feigned . Mr. Obama is right when he says that Washington is distracted  and not focusing on the domestic issues , yes the President said that there were"phony scandals".  Here I part with the President . The scandals are not phony. They are real , but the President is just letting them slide along with him . His second term is a difficult one . I'll bet you it's all just going to turn into "hot air". Why the focus on  middle class  the so-called the well off. Why not the poor , and get them on the road  to the middle class. Just where has the once American dream gone? President Obama wants to build the Middle Class , I say what Middle Class?. Today in America there is a great divide . There are only Poor , and Rich . 

The middle class was absorbed into the wealthy 'higher class' of six figure earners.The headline data from the report is that while many Americans are becoming wealthier than their parents, that the most significant economic gains are being channeled to the highest income brackets. If you earn a wage , you still need a six figure income to buy a home and own it . Most homes cost over 200,000 a year . Sure enough even raising the minimum wage will not make any one any wealthier to make a living .According to Pew, 40% of those born in the bottom stay in the bottom, 40% of those born into the stop stay at the top.The American Dream is the belief that if you work hard, if you are blessed with at least a modicum of ability and have a little luck, you can succeed. That is, you can rise in society no matter how humble your origin to something better in the way of material well-being, economic security, a settled life and social prestige. It is the dream of upward mobility for oneself, or at least for one's children.
 The median take home pay in the U.S. is back where it was in 1973, about $48,000 before taxes. It rose from $47,563 in 1973 to $54,841 in 2000 and has fallen over 10% since then to just over $48,000. And the trend is bound to become worse because American businesses are hiring far more part-time workers than full-time employers. These part-time workers work for hourly wages for no more than 29 hours a week and thus are not privy to health care insurance. Some 70% of all jobs so far in 2013 are the part-time variety. Since 1979 the top 1% of earners, 3 million Americans, saw their wealth increase by over 8 times to 72% of all household wealth. Over the same period, the next 20% of the nation,or 60 million people, increased their wealth by 65% or 2% a year.
Of course, not all middle class Americans think the poor are to blame for their own economic situation. Some say the government is at fault for constantly approving new mandates and regulations and then raising taxes on the middle class to pay for them. Others blame big business, which they accuse of doing anything to make a buck and putting the screws to the American worker in the process.Americans put the middle class at the bottom of the list for groups who may have been helped by Obama’s policies, the polls reports. In reality, large sections of the population that previously would have been considered middle class—shop keepers, small farmers, professionals, civil servants—have been thrown into the ranks of the lower working class, which comprises the vast majority of the people. The avoidance of the term “working class” is part of the attempt to cover up the real source of the social crisis. Which are the poor.

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