Sunday, November 5, 2023


Are we in the LAST DAZE !?
a lotta powerful sarcasm for those 
who connect the Israel -Hamas Conflict to the 
end times . Honestly we should be 
more afraid what our Government 
does NEXT !

SO many media evangelical Pundits recently . Along with the Hamas - Israel war as sign  (1)>>"pointing to the last days....." OR WE SHOULD be Paying ATTENTION to Israel . For my own part we should not be looking at Israel , or Russia , or China . BUT PAY CLOSE attention to what the Government of the United States does NEXT . Yes, you want to talk about apocalyptic , first put in perspective what , how many wars has the United States conducted in the last 50 years , starting from the Korean War , Vietnam War  & so on .We should not be fearing Russia , OR CHINA . Our own country is our worst enemy . The  (2)>>Washington politics is toxic with war mongering Congress members on both sides of the uni-party slaves to the Military Industrial  complex . There was a quote I liked, I think it was from Dan Carlin. He said that leading up to WWI Europe had become too economically entwined to go to war with itself, but none of the economists were invited to the war councils. The generals making the decisions didn’t understand the situation so they made dumb decisions. The situation is undoubtably more-so interconnected today, the question is, do we have economists making the call on starting wars? I feel compelled to state that the U.S. has made significant global mistakes, particularly in the Middle East, for an extended period. (3)>>American Exceptionalism and arrogance have isolated a substantial portion of the world, and this has contributed little to the betterment of humanity. As a nation, America has been responsible for the loss of millions of lives, all while professing to be advocates of peace. The stark contrast between America’s professed ideals and its actions is a glaring hypocrisy evident to much of the world, resulting in a decline in respect and trust that harms the nation. Similar to the rise and fall of great civilizations in history, the (4)>>decline of American Imperialism has already begun, and we must acknowledge our own role in this. It’s time for America to reconsider its support for states such as Israel and focus on addressing our internal challenges. It’s worth noting that, in Judaism, Jesus of Nazareth is not considered the Messiah or “the Son of God.” This interpretation goes against monotheism, a fundamental belief in the absolute unity and singularity of God in Judaism. Worshipping a person is viewed as a form of idolatry from their perspective. Increasingly, this society's "popular opinion" leaders—in the media, the legislatures and the courts—will be defining as "the bad guys" those of us who strive to uphold traditional values and to teach the basic moral and spiritual principles that have always defined the American way of life! The American and British-descended peoples are on a moral toboggan slide that will lead straight into the Great Tribulation!

The Collapse of America 
 As America's national power and prestige continue to deteriorate, as the morality and way of life of the American and British-descended peoples speed downward in their toboggan slide.  (4)>>I look at it not from the perspective of some all-knowing utilitarian deity tasked with doing what is best for the world but from that of a random, ordinary person who doesn't start wars or want wars and who knows their own human rights and values them above those of people they don't know. "If it doesn't negatively affect me, it's not my problem. I have no obligation to clean up other people's mess at my own expense." The US’s conflicts abroad remain brutal and deadly, but what’s frightening about them is not just the violence they inflict. This new kind of American war is revealing that the most elemental face of war is not death. Instead, it is control by domination and surveillance.  (5)>>The trope about ending endless wars is really a way of arguing that the US foreign policy establishment has failed, that the supposed doctrine of interventionism is ineffective and counterproductive, and that the United States should retrench, withdraw, and do less in the world. It is the latest talking point in a long-running debate between advocates of restraint and advocates of engagement. The debate is not whether we want wars to end or not, but about what strategy is best suited to end them on the best terms. Advocates of restraint believe that we can end wars by simply leaving them. I don't think the world can handle another world war. simply for the sake that we're all so interconnected. every major nation trades with each other and are in bed with each other. I would be a detriment to whatever country starts a war. Think about how the global supply chain has been impacted by the pandemic, the world would probably cease to function all together in a major conflict.

"Those in Charge of the LAST DAZE "

The last time any kind of peace treaty was signed by Israel and Palestine was in 1993 so, yeah... (6)>>Also the stuff going on in Palestine and Israel (I'm not an expert on it, so don't want to say too much) has been going on for a while, people are always trying to solve the issues between the two peoples and of a peace treaty was signed it would be huge news.In fact I can't find much about it at all googling.Guys, I think this is made up.. Things are HEATING UP . AS USUAL we all going to get "brainwashed " into supporting two wars on two fronts . ie  Middle-East and Ukraine .Most people don't realize the vast majority of (7)>>Zionists in the US are evangelical Christians, not Jewish people. Zionism wouldn't have a stranglehold on public policy without the political power/financial backing of right-wing Christians who are trying to bring on the end times. It's the longest waiting game in history, people that think there will be an apocalyptic event prophesied to take place.Remember how the Mayans (was it the Mayans? I don't really remember, but anyway) prophesied the world would end in 2012, then it didn't happen on either of the Roman or Mayan calendar system. The world said, as far as I know, "Oh, I guess it was wrong then." Meanwhile, people that truly believe in the  (8)>>Biblical end times are on the largest copium dosages I've ever seen in humanity. This was fueled and supported by the crazy popularity of Christian authors like Hal Lindsey and his Later Great Planet Earth book which was on the bedside table of almost every Christian in the 70s.Yadda yadda yadda Vietnam, Cold War, crisis/nuclear war only makes those fears radioactive and it all continues and is further amplified by Illuminati-loving, conspiracy theory obsessed extremists like Tim LaHaye and his work in the 80s/90s, including the insanely popular Left Behind series.Every era, every generation has some form of "end times" obsession that they think is happening. Everyone can pick some event or cultural sign, etc. that they can convince themselves and others means "we/our generation" is the most important thing on this pale blue dot in all of its existence, so surely the prophecies/signs are talking about now/soon.Read Jesus and John Wayne by Du Mez, she makes a pretty compelling argument and connects a lot of dots for why many Christians are obsessed with this kind of stuff.

 REMEMBER we have been told about the "axis of evil" , (9)>>that it was Russia , China and Iran by Washington D.C. madmen for decades . (10)>>BUT the real AXIS of EVIL is close to home. SHAME on the United States of America!When the inhabitants of the earth support war, regardless of the reason for war, instead of supporting the poor and needy, they have become "ripened in iniquity."VERY CLEAR warning to the modern-day Americans (known in our story as "the Gentiles") The United States of America (U.S.A.) have given billions of dollars, mostly in military aid, to the Ukrainian government to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia. (11)>>NOW it going to give BILLIONS to Israel in a new war , the American government is sending more and more troops to the Middle -East as I write .  LIKE , If Hamas fire rockets out of Al-Aqsa, and Israel blows it up, this would pave the way for the third temple. Once the temple comes, all bets are off honestly. We’ll only know for sure when the Abomination of Desolation occurs. CRAZY TIMES , its suspected that the Biden deep state is going to cause a "event" a false flag as the next election year comes . (12)>>POSSIBLY to STOP TRUMP from getting re-elected . The time and the hour no man knows, and bible made us know that at the end kingdoms shall rise against kingdom, earthquake in divers places, mother inlaw against daughter in-law, and MANY more, this are few out of the sighs we will see which are already happening.America is a place of many great events that are going to happen . Our national economy has been made to suffer. It was already in trouble, and this has compounded the problem. But-sad to say-THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING! ISRAEL, now are actually HIRING one of their sworn enemies to fight against another enemy. America in this way now actually seeks the help of Russia-HIRES Russia-is DEPENDING upon atheistic Chinese  Communism to defeat her enemy in war! ls this right? Do you suppose that he might now say, “O America, America, how often would I gather your children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wing”? (13)>>WAKE UP! Quit "kidding" yourself! You KN 0 W THESE THINGS ARE TRUE OF A BROAD MAJORITY OF OUR PEOPLE-NOT JUST A SELECT FEW! It's about time you began to look around you and FEAR!


(1)>>"pointing to the last days....."Because the apocalypse will always sound exciting, and people will always love to obsess over such things.You see this with secular ways too: nuclear fallout, global warming, epidemic catastrophe, even fictional things like zombies gets people excited and can easily become something of an obsession. There is a whole industry of entertainment about this stuff, and some people become really engrossed in doomsday prep. You want to draw attention and trill your audience? Tell them about how earth's magnetic field will switch polarity shutting down the power grid and sending us to the stone age. People love that crap.There will always be people who are fascinated by the end of the world. It's just that christians have a book with inscrutable imagery that can add a little extra spice to it. Well, the religion started as an end-times cult (I'm not using the term pejoratively). Jesus, the Disciples, and Paul all believed that the world was ending in their generation. Many of the writings in the New Testament are deeply apocalyptic. The faith has certainly grown in other ways, too, but those end-times focused people are just tapping into what was written.It's also a great form of escapism, and lots of people get sucked in by that.(2)>>Washington politics is toxic with war mongering Congress .The international community have billion pairs of crystal clear eyes to see that all US political leaders be it Democrats or Republicans including its representatives or lawmakers from the House, government officials / administrators in CIA, FBI, Pentagon, etc are well trained in their upbringing in the US to “lie convincingly” be it in international / overseas conferences or public and private address in their own US’s soil constantly blinking and winking their eyes not only to deceive others in the world but also their own Americans to win presidential election to become POTUS or other authoritative position like the Housekeeper (or House Speaker) in US’s House of Representatives.Long gone or actually there wasn’t any US’s leaders with genuine sense of justice and righteousness only to have a bunch of political opportunists and “great talkers or liars” to become POTUS for the past decades. NOW with Congress, saying that there wasn’t enough time, given the ongoing battle over funding the government. Given any opportunity for a war , Congress pushes billions ahead of the national needs of its citizens . US will ultimately take its own poison to be self defeated as “fake democracy” adopted by the US will lead to Capitalism that ultimately lead to elitism and individualism to neglect the weak and poor only to benefit those greedy rich for human beings to be nearer and nearer to “collapse of civilisation” when the international community can see with our crystal clear eyes those regular mass shootings incidents happened in the US when its government have no control over gun violence and sales of fatal weapons let alone to be able to impose any gun law against those political influential, powerful and wealthy defence industry - MIC and arms / gun merchants in the US.  US politics is now stuck in a “dangerous zone” between Democrats and Republicans fighting for their personal interest and selfish political agenda at the expense of the livelihood of ordinary Americans under its “fake democracy” political system still having those “cowboy hooligan mentality” full of "killer and war-mongering instinct".Be it Democrats or Republicans, US's administration today is only interested and busy focusing on meddling into other countries’ internal affairs and create “imaginary enemies” like Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc to stir more unrests and tensions that ultimately lead to wars all over other region in the world far away from US so that defence budget can be "justifiably increased annually" to multi-trillion dollars to further enrich the rich, powerful and politically influential defence industry - military weaponry merchants but fail miserably to tackle US’s huge junk of domestic issues.(3)>>American Exceptionalism and arrogance have isolated a substantial portion of the world. Traditional U.S. political cleavage issues are matters of class, race, and religion. Within those parameters, politicians are primarily elected as “power brokering” managers for the distribution of opportunity and resources; who gets them, how much, and when. Changing demographics have tilted or exacerbated power differentials and, White social conservatives view it as an existential threat. They are pissed.Right to rule vs. privilege to serve” - Often, people convinced of their own self-righteousness and superiority believe they have a divine right to dominate and control others. It's a self-perceived “legitimated rationale” which is the essence of Anglo-American exceptionalism (most favored and uniquely blessed by God.) IOW, challenges to the old social order is anathema to His will. Therefore, the U.S. is in a “good vs. evil” struggle for power and resources. The upshot: Nobody gives up power willingly, without a fight. Hence, the U.S. is on a path to a violent 2nd Civil War. The first salvo was fired on January 6th, in an attempted MAGA coup led by DJT.So, the nation's on a runaway crazy train and no one can get off and, that's what makes us crazy.(4)>>decline of American Imperialism has already begun. Sadly, the United States operates under the Machiavellian rules. When you apply these rules it can be overwhelming as you see that the United States has been in continuous war for the past 70 years. Eventually, this will be a liability with our treasury as you can see that we've concentrated on our military industrial complex and ignored our commercial industry growing our national debt to some 27 trillions without an end in sight. It will come to an end causing our future generations incredible burden.There is one main reason for the instability in this country. The liberals. They are actively attempting to take over all three branches of government by unethical, underhanded, and illegal means. If they are successful there will be no more checks and balances in our system. After that there is nothing to stop them from running rough shod over this country. The democrats are liars and thieves and their leader , Biden is directly responsible for the economic problems we are facing. Normal people don't feel like they can trust the government anymore. And they're right. Get it? Right, lol. Seriously though between the democrats and the liberal medias lies, who can you trust.  (4)>>I look at it not from the perspective of some all-knowing utilitarian deity tasked . Political parties are essentially clubs for getting politicians into office. To the extent they believe in anything it’s just election strategy.Conservatives reject utilitarianism because it does not respect individual rights and because you can define “greatest good” pretty much any way you’d like. Conservatives believe each individual should be able to decide what is good for themselves rather than having what is good dictated to them by government or a popular vote. since utilitarianism key principle is happiness they disregard justice, action, and etc. since they focuses only in the consequences. Utilitarianism does not consider on the action of the actor since they look for the outcome of the action. For me, to assess our moral worth we should look for the action and how the action was done if the act is ethically right or wrong and the outcome of the action should be seen last. For me in every action has its own consequences and those consequences would give us reflection and understanding. If we condemn the way of utilitarian is wrong for since happiness is not the goal or principle but what that action could affect to us and to the other whether we our morally right or wrong we should not look utilitarianism as a way. An example would be a person who is stealing in the supermarket for food to feed his family, if we look in other aspects his actions is wrong since he stole foods from the supermarket and the an employee could be blame on the persons action but if we look in utilitarian, the person is morally right since that food will be given to die family to eat. In that example we could say utilitarian is not an effective way to use in assessing moral worth. (5)>>The trope about ending endless wars is really a way of arguing that the US foreign policy establishment has failed.  One such tradition in US identity narratives is the idea of “winning” in war. Like at an individual level, “winning” acts as a “routine” in US foreign policy, providing “affirmation” of America's “place in the world  American exceptionalism, its place in the world, and its ontological security. This has been true in response to both policy successes and failures. As other studies have noted, the indeterminacy and longevity of the War on Terror has brought US perceptions of order and control into question, thus generating widespread ontological insecurity. Conducting a discourse analysis of the rhetoric of Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump, this paper is the first to explore how the ideas of “winning” and “victory” have manifested themselves in political discourse on a national scale. All presidents utilized different components of American identity narratives for their own political purposes, but the inability to produce results commensurate with previous American wars produced significant national ontological insecurity in each case. The time bomb is ticking faster given politician continue their ego of America the richest and most powerful country on earth, deploying the unaffordable and overstressed resources to fulfill their personal interest around the world. Try to scapegoat and sabotage others from releasing their potential. A self-harm game that exacerbated and neglected the domestic issues resolution requirement. The seeds of social instability had been sow, implosion imminent.The US politicians are mainly self-interested, engage in irresponsible political brinkmanship and populism. They hardly serve the people and country, but their funders and inner circle groups.The country's infrastructure collapsing, many states living on contaminated water, third world communication system, healthcare, and education systems are plunging in service standard. Middle-income groups disappearing, homeless people are rampant, rundown communities are everywhere.(6)>>Also the stuff going on in Palestine and Israel (I'm not an expert on it, so don't want to say too much) .  And how many interpretations of eschatology have been wrong in the same amount of time. People are saying a war in Israel is a sign of the end...??Do they realize how many wars have happened in that exact spot for the past 3500 years?Canaan is a fertile strip of land that connects Egypt with the fertile crescent. There is a sea on one side and the desert on the other side. It's a strategic bottleneck. Great and small powers have been fighting over it since the Egyptians and the Hittites in the Bronze Age. Listen I'm with you it's scary. It literally says the Jews will come back to Israel and be a nation again. It says a Generation shall not pass before all things come to pass. Every Islamic nation is railing against Israel as it said would happen, the last thing we have left to assure me this is it would be Russia (Magog) being dragged down to fight Israel by Iran as it says "Magog will be dragged down because Persia has hooks in its jaws" to fight against Israel, and God will Save Israel and the whole world will be in awe at the power of God saving Israel. Yes people are saying it’s a sign of the end. I just searched up the word “war” in this group to see what others have to say because my pastor in church for the first time ever brought up the end times and said that this war means it’s bringing us closer to the end times and return of the messiah [ ANTI -CHRIST probably ] (7)>>Zionists in the US are evangelical Christians, not Jewish people. It’s key that US evangelicals’ political Zionism took shape after the Arab-Israeli War of June 1967. This timing meant that, post-1967, evangelical understandings of Israel became preoccupied with its sovereignty over the covenanted land. In the wake of that war, which saw Israel take control of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, Jews themselves were undecided on Israel’s significance. The trend, more obvious and expected in Israel, was to emphasise the centrality of land to Jewish identity. The entirety of Judaism could be distilled, in the words of the Israeli official Yona Malachy, to ‘the tripartite union of religion-people-land’. ‘The recognition of the tie between the Jewish people and their country must become the central theme of any future dialogue between Christianity and Jewry,’ he warned in 1969. Unless, of course, you believe that bloodshed in Israel will pave the way for the Second Coming of Christ. Secular voters may find it baffling, but it’s a worldview of a significant number of evangelical Christians and, by extension, a critical portion of the Republican Party.And while many might be familiar with the affinity that exists between Jews and evangelicals, the religious right’s vitriolic response to the Israel-Hamas war brings to the forefront prophecies that many Christians use to guide their thinking and actions.   “Christian Zionism, particularly of the variety that has become predominant among American evangelical Christians in recent decades, which sees Jewish control and settlement in the entire land of Israel as a requirement for fulfilling their end-times prophecies, has been extremely detrimental to US politics, and US policy toward Israel,”Christian Zionists have achieved exceptional unity and influence on support for Israel, using a sophisticated combination of religious, historical and political components. They emphasise a potent type of interfaith engagement that elevates biblical covenantal language, and offer a sanitised version of the Jewish-Christian past, yet also orient their work toward the pragmatic goal of increasing political influence.(8)>>Biblical end times are on the largest copium dosages I've ever seen in humanity. ANYBODY who talks about it is either getting it from that one source or from someone who ultimately gets it from that source, and it doesn't originate anywhere else. It appears in ONE sentence in a book at the end of the fucking bible, the book of Revelations, which is some dude babbling a lot of trippy shit about crazy hallucinations he had which if somebody you know said them you'd say "Dude whatever you're on I want some." It is such a bunch of incomprehensible gibberish it makes STUPID people think it's REALLY SIGNIFICANT, and not so stupid but IGNORANT AND FOOLISH people MAKE UP CRAZY SHIT and say "THAT'S WHAT IT *REALLY* MEANS!" and think they are actually CLARIFYING something and telling the world what "GOD" really wants them all to know but all they are doing is MAKING THINGS UP. Believers in the bible have a phonetic embed buy-bell .Nearly every church building priest has bought a bell for their church. However it is traditional so this is open to skepticism. Central to the book of Revelation is the letters sent to the seven churches of Asia. A phonetic embed of Revelation is revel-asian, so the significance of the letters is reinforced by this. Revelation is also revel-lay-shun The book is a revel if you remain a virgin, and the pits if your promiscuous. Hatred of the Soviets was followed by the Vietnam war. So- Viet is the phonetic embed of Soviet. America has a long history of fighting reds. Red skins, red uniformed British, and communists. Americans love Hollywood movies especially comedies. The phonetic embed of American is a-merry-can perhaps a can of film, and America loves `a merry car' chase in just about every movie.(9)>>that it was Russia . The Israeli backstabbing of Russia is almost poetic. They sent weapons and intelligence to help destroy Russia and some of those weapons ended up being sold to Hamas by the Ukrainians. Israel forgot that the Russia's neutrality about the Palestinian problem was helping to keep Israel safe for all those decades and now that's over. Seeing a pattern here. The same thing surrounding Ukraine. Same things you seen in the GOP. Russia being the common denominators. Russia doesn't see Hamas as terrorists. Like, if you disagree with the war and ask for peace in Russia - you're terrorists. If you are Hamas - you're not.I don't know how to explain, but they arrested a woman who was protesting against Hamas. Because if you're against Hamas - you support terrorists.I mean... Israel does effectively occupy the West Bank. Yes, Sharon pulled essentially everything out of Gaza 18 years ago, but a similar move was not made in the West Bank. While Fatah is nominally in charge, there is still plenty of settler activity there that is strictly illegal under Israeli law; that's one of the reasons why Netanyahu was so gung-ho about trashing and subverting the court system. And there is still plenty of land there that is directly or indirectly controlled by the IDF.Given how careful Israel was to avoid antagonizing Russia over Ukraine, it's interesting to see Russia now stabbing Israel in the back.A lesson to every other state that tries to play nice with Russia. Russia will stab you in the back as soon as it is in their favour.(10)>>BUT the real AXIS of EVIL is close to home. SHAME on the United States of America! Ok, so first point is what an "Axis of Evil" is. By the GW Bush standard, in 2002, he stated that Iran, N. Korea and Iraq were the Axis of Evil because, in his mind, they were the three countries that caused the most destruction and threat to the world, while repressing their people the most. According to Pew the global opinion on what nation is the greatest threat to world peace is The United States. If we are taking world opinion into account. The U.S and Israel are the only two states with nuclear weapons in the middle East and they only two states that refuse to allow the middle east to become a nuclear weapons free zone.  USA: The US military is clearly the most destructive force in the world. MLK called the USA the greatest purveyor of violence int he world back in the 60s, and nothing has changed. the military has destroyed afghanistan and Iraq, feeds endless war in syria and funds and supplies destruction around the world. while continuing to develop a world system that perpetuates this violence and destruction. Further, the USA really destroys it's own people. It's extremely repressive to the black population, with it's police killing them at will. And despite having the most wealth on earth, it is a country where more than 50% of the people make less than $30,000 a year. it's a society in shambles and it is caused by government corruption and policy that favors the rich rather than trying to help the poor.(11)>>NOW it going to give BILLIONS to Israel in a new war. Yes, I understand what's going on to the best of my knowledge and I also feel bad for the innocent people caught up in shxt like this no matter where they live.However, we need to put our foot down collectively and realize this isn't sustainable and doesn't make sense.We've already given Ukraine billions of dollars, which people are already angry about. $38 billion over ten years. $3.8 billion per year is a significant sum, true, but the US federal government spent $6.6 trillion in this past fiscal year alone, to say nothing of state and local governments. Nothing in the US is a question of money; it is a question of political will.  But if we do anywhere near the same for Israel at the same time, it should be impeachment worthy imo.We have states, cities, neighborhoods, etc that have needed far less than what we've already sent out for months or years and they still have to beg and plead for it.But foreign countries who suddenly have war declared on them get it quicker? Also I know war is more serious than anything else people need the money for. But it's the principle of the situation.Don't even get me started on celebrities holding out and at the same time trying to preach about certain people not having enough money.We need to help ourselves before helping everyone else. Feel free to call me uncaring or selfish, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.(12)>>POSSIBLY to STOP TRUMP from getting re-elected . I think that it probably started out as a virus flu—possibly weaponized. But it was used by some US politicians as a catalyst to further an agenda including ruining the economy. The plan being, stop Trump from getting re-elected. NOW the big distraction is ANOTHER WAR ! The Democrats under Biden are in panic mode , they'll do anything to further their cause ...I’m starting to think that no matter what the Democrats and the judicial departments attempt to do to stop Trump from getting re-elected it’s a lost cause. Our government has grown too corrupt and our lives are going for the worst. But what to do?yeh. the whole reason I got "into" conspiracy theories was 20+ years ago, when "Bush did 9/11." It felt like that was something more democratic-leaning people felt comfortable saying, but it was pretty bipartisan (at least in my neck of the woods).(13)>>WAKE UP! Quit "kidding" yourself! SINCE ISRAEL IS AN AMERICAN COLONY and America's only beachhead in the Middle East aimed at the Arab oil fields, and America cannot survive without the oil which the Arabs are determined not to give her unless she makes Israel give up Jerusalem and the Arab territories and let the Palestinians back in, which she will never do, America will fight for the possession of Israel and Arab oil. NEITHER RUSSIA, ASIA, AFRICA NOR EVEN EUROPE COULD POSSIBLY TOLERATE SUCH HIGH-HANDED AGGRESSIVE BELLIGERENT AMERICAN ARMED INTERVENTION in the Middle East to achieve her own ends for the protection of Israel and conquest of the Arab oil fields, and thereby complete American domination of the entire Middle East and North Africa to the very borders of Russia.RUSSIA AND THE MIDDLE EASTERN NATIONS WITH THE HELP OF OTHER ASIAN AND EUROPEAN POWERS WILL CONFRONT SUCH AN AMERICAN THREAT or attempt, by their own armed invasion of Israel to put a stop to it and end the Arab-American Israeli War, restore the Arab lands to their rightful owners, reinstate the rights of the Arab Palestinians with self-determination, and make Jerusalem an international religious capital of the world by a specific pact enforced on the participants by this combination of world powers and its coming world dictator.THE WHOLE THING IS COMING TO A HEAD SOON, HELL-BENT ON A CRASH COURSE TO CATASTROPHE!--Waste, pollution, over-population, starvation, monetary crisis, energy crisis, economic disaster, political chaos, Comet Kohoutek, the Great Confusion (or Babylon the Great), the Arab-Israeli War, the collapse and/or destruction of America, the final deflation of the Green Pig--America's worldwide dollar empire, and finally World War Three, ending with the invasion and conquest of Israel at the Battle of Armageddon!