Thursday, November 16, 2023

Congress NEEDS a OVERHAUL !?

I suppose am right that this isn't a failed state, but it's so frustratingly chaotic and dysfunctional to me, especially with all the potential we have. Yet , am saying that ... (1)>>So, go ahead and replace Congress. Congress members over the years  done the same .Today our political system is pretty much dysfunctional . So the fighting & the elbowing , and cussing out your fellow Congress member .  "You're a United States senator, sit down." Such a good line, honestly by SANDERS.  HISTORY WISE ๐Ÿ‘‰Andrew Jackson was an actual lunatic who in one duel his strategy was to get shot so he could take his time to line up a shot a kill someone for insulting his wife. I don't think we should be looking to the 1820's for our standards in government.   Been there, done that and it gets worse with every change. All you’ll do is continue the musical chairs stupidity..  (2)>>We’re a nation owned and operated by BIG corporations and their bedfellows BIG government politicians that call themselves progressives and or conservatives, Democrats and or Republicans, better defined as the “Duopoly.” This nation is operated on greed, extortion and bribery. The duopoly owns and operates the media, ballot access and the national debate forum. Congress has been in session for five straight weeks as the House went a historic 21 days without a speaker after a group of right-leaning lawmakers teamed up to depose Kevin McCarthy from that post. Now, new House Speaker Mike Johnson is under pressure to avert a government shutdown — and keep his caucus in line — without falling to the same fate as his predecessor. Notably, no Republican women sought to replace McCarthy as House speaker.  (3)>>The Capitol is a place with big egos where tempers often flare, but this week’s ugliness underscored a likely unprecedented amount of immaturity and rancor in the building, particularly among House Republicans, whose general disarray left their chamber literally unable to function for weeks last month.Love it! These goons deserve each other. Would love to see someone just haul off and punch Gaetz. Has an extremely punchable face. Just walk by him and POW. Take that you Reich wing shihteheel. Someone walk by and gouge MTG in the eye. Give Jordan an atomic wedgie. Put Johnson in a headlock and give him a noogie. I'd pay money to see these things. CONGRESS was a madhouse for a couple of weeks ..The new "incident" when Members of Congress came storming out , crashed into each other . It was not just Republicans , but Democrats as well .
Congress NEEDS a OVERHAUL !? 
Why is the US Senate so notoriously dysfunctional and gridlocked, and ineffective in its ability to pass needed legislation for the American people, and what can be done to change this reality? It’s become an almost accepted reality.“Let’s elect a president who will write Executive orders to get what we want!”“Let’s stack the judiciary to have judges legislate from the bench!”People are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to find some far fetched solution to bypass this apparently unsolvable congress problem. (4)>>The people that keep being elected to the house and senate are barely passing legislation. It’s gotten so bad that even the bare minimum things we used to agree on like the debt ceiling are being used as bargaining chips.The minimum wage in this country has went up $4 since 1990. We’re still fighting over if healthcare should be a right or not. And the future of social security, we’re being told by the news media every day, is uncertain. This is also as inflation hits a 40 year high and corporate profits hit a 50 year high.What the hell happened to congress? The elected people ideally are to represent the needs of the people and address their problems. Clearly, that’s no longer happening.Is this the result of money in politics and politicians being beholden to corporate greed? Is there other factors at play here? And what can be done to fix congress so the working people can actually have representation and a functional first branch of government?
The Chaos is paving the way to avert a (5)>>Government Shutdown on November 17th . It was either a sucker punch or an accidental bump in a crowded hallway — but to members and congressional observers alike, an incident between former Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett was evidence of simmering tensions in a divided Congress that has been in session for weeks without a break.The House has been in session for 10 weeks without a break, as Republicans argued over the speaker ouster and competing plans to fund the government. New Speaker Mike Johnson summed up some of that frustration at a press conference  morning.“This place is a pressure cooker. Everybody can go home, we can come back, reset,” Johnson said. “This will allow everybody to go home for a couple days for Thanksgiving, everybody to cool off.” It COULD ONLY GET WORSE. Over in the Senate, Oklahoma Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R) nearly started a fistfight with labor union leader Sean O’Brien during a committee hearing.“If you want to run your mouth, we can be two consenting adults,” (7)>> the ex-MMA fighter told O’Brien, who was testifying before the panel. “We can finish it here.”  LIKE Am from Boston. Also embarrassing in our own way. But holy shit, cowboys, if I can give you any hint at all, it's this –Don't pick a fucking fight with a guy from Meffa named Sean O'Brien who runs the Teamsters and got the job by kicking out Jimmy Hoffa Jr. – and whose father, and grandfather, and great-grandfather were high up in the Teamsters during the bad old winter hill gang days!I don't care how many Armalites you own, I promise they have more, and plenty of FBI on their payroll to boot. Two adults throwing fits and not able to find words to actually discuss issues so they result to violence and name calling. And the goat Sanders having to babysit. Our government in a nut shell.In good news,[ SEE ๐Ÿ‘‰ Congress  ๐Ÿ‘ˆ]  has passed a short-term funding bill that will keep the government open and prevent a shutdown ahead of a deadline this week. In potentially more concerning news, however, the bill only postpones a full debate on government spending, setting up what could be a truly contentious funding fight in the new year.This was quite humorous. (8)>>I have to admit that our government is absurd; I fail to understand why anyone would consider these hearings to be important. No government shutdown this time around sorry guys, no one wants one in government so they will pass a cr hopefully past Christmas this time.


(1)>>So, go ahead and replace Congress. There’s No More Trust in Fair Elections! But there’s Trust in Getting Rid of a Totally Corrupt Government!! When people talk about congressional dysfunction they usually mean that Congress, despite its vast authority, seems paralyzed in the face of the nation's toughest problems. The paralysis usually stems from disagreements between the two parties, and is exacerbated by the unusual construction of the US Congress, which makes it possible for one party to control the House while the other controls (or at least exercises veto power) in the Senate. A secondary (and arguably related) problem people are sometimes referring to is the perception that the personal relationships between members of the two parties are angrier than they've been in the past.Congress and the White House seem incapable of working together on anything, even when their interests align. With lawmaking at a standstill, the president’s use of executive orders and regulatory discretion has reached a level that Congress views as dictatorial—not that Congress can do anything about it, except file lawsuits that the divided Supreme Court, its three vacancies unfilled, has been unable to resolve.The House burned through two more speakers and one “acting” speaker, a job invented following four speakerless months. The Senate, meanwhile, is tied in knots by wannabe presidents and aspiring talk-show hosts, who use the chamber as a social-media platform to build their brands by obstructing—well, everything.(2)>>We’re a nation owned and operated by BIG corporations and their bedfellows .It’s strange how avowed leftists can shill for big corporations because of their shilling for violent thugs. Social justice makes strange bedfellows. The Rightwing controlled GOP members R cozy bedfellows sleeping with MIC or the big military corporations of their state/districts.Currently, the domination of big money over our public institutions prevents government from being responsive to Americans. Corporate influence over government does not end with the passing of a law. Corporate entities with no natural limits and endless resources can wage a long-term, sustained attack across policymaking pressure points. For example, if a law is passed that corporate interests oppose, relentless industry pressure can be brought to bear on the agencies charged with enforcing that legislation. This is one of the most infuriating bits of politics over the last few years. Massive obstructionism the likes of which we haven't seen since before the Civil War, and the perpetrators have the gall to point fingers in the other direction. The usual political games is one thing, but this always felt downright insidious - it's basically willfully pinning the crime you perpetrate on your victims.  Hell, the GOP was flat out having hostage negotiations. "You give us what we want and we won't completely stonewall and run the country into the ground." That's how they got their extension on the  tax cuts, among other things that people now hate  Biden on. They were chips that had to be thrown in to get anything at all done.  (3)>>The Capitol is a place with big egos where tempers often flare. Many of our afflicted politicians and their money-yielding, special-interest paymasters place themselves, their petty political parties, and the continuation of status quo above America and our way of life.The threat has been readily visible since Donald J. Trump raised his right hand and solemnly swore to.... His Oath initiated the revelation that quickly exposed status-quo worshipers and their falsely enlarged heads.For example, Maxine Waters said, "I am not about to let this country go the way of Donald Trump!" She used the personal pronoun I. I will not let our duly elected president.... Hillary Clinton arrogantly and callously told West Virginia coal miners that they would have to retrain for other jobs. A more recent example is the "Spartacus moment."But have we provided a platform for some egos to grow unchecked and out of control, only to make a mockery out of our democracy?  (4)>> The people that keep being elected to the house and senate are barely passing legislation.Call me naive but, for so long, I really did believe there was a shadowy behind-the-scenes GOP supergroup telling them all what to do. And, yes, maybe I did think it looked like the one from The Simpsons where they open meetings by reading from the Necronomicon but I was willing to believe maybe it was just a bunch of white guys who wore suits and did all their business in steak houses and cigar bars. But this whole thing is waking me up — there’s just these people, fully willing to turn on each other, for what equates to Monopoly money and no one seems to think this is problematic for their party.One of the main responsibilities of our Congress is to adopt the annual budget for the federal government by October 1. In recent years, gridlock and division have made this nearly impossible. So we face a series of shutdown threats and short term extensions measured in weeks.A Centrist Party would be very healthy for our country and would be the key to weeding out and minimizing the impact of the extremes on both ends. The result would be fewer crackpots on Right serving in Congress, less gridlock and immaturity.At least it would be worth a try.(5)>>Government Shutdown on November 17th .Isn’t happening , it interesting how it lines up with Nov 17th the government shutdown date and many more events that take place ๐Ÿคจ .The deal that he cut maintained government funding for roughly six weeks. About half of that time was wasted as Republicans squabbled among themselves about selecting a replacement. That left little time to haggle with Democrats, who control both the Senate and the White House, over a long-term solution.  Biden signed a short-term government funding bill on Thursday, avoiding a potential government shutdown and pushing into next year debates about wartime funding for Ukraine and Israel.But the legislation keeps the lights on, and despite earlier reservations, once it was clear it would pass Congress, the White House signaled Biden would sign it.Wild how much money the US has been giving to Ukraine… with the looming shutdown. Reports of a “plan” to keep government jobs funded until Nov 17th which includes funding for Ukraine as well….shit ridiculous man.(7)>> the ex-MMA fighter told O’Brien.  Over in the Senate, Sen. Markwayne Mullin challenged Teamsters president Sean O'Brien to a fight.One of Congress' most bizarre days in recent memory.…til Bernie broke it up! Strange days indeed. ๐Ÿ˜ณNo, not quite. Sean O’’Brien challenged the Senator on social media.“Anytime, anyplace”, he said. The Senator merely accepted his challenge to fight right then and there.The video of this exchange was absolutely hilarious. Some of the most immature behavior I've ever seen from a member of congress.“Then stand your butt up then” is now part of the transcript from a Senate committee hearing, thanks to Markwayne.The man purposely tried to fight when there were cameras and police and other congress people around because he's a huge coward. He knew no one would let that fight happen. There was plenty of time to DM the teamster and set something up. Republican Sen. Mullin did the "HOLD ME BACK BRO!" and thought it would make him look tough lol. (8)>>I have to admit that our government is absurd.  Democracy is a terrible system of government. The idea that everybody's vote is equal is ludicrous. It pretty much guarantees crazy politics (and there's crazy politics in every democracy, sometimes worse than others). Unfortunately, democracy is by far the best system out there.Incidentally, the US hasn't done as well as it has because of democracy -- it's the Constitution and general acceptance of the pre-eminence of the rule of law and inalienable rights that has protected the US. Additionally, there was the idea that citizens owed allegiance to the nation and had to sacrifice (voluntarily) for its good to protect everyone's liberty. Even when these ideals weren't upheld, the principles were still there, and gradually many great improvements have resulted. But even with all the good things that have happened in the past decades, I'm worried those attitudes are no longer generally held.Politics are wild to anyone when it's not the country they are used to. You can find odd and crazy political stories anywhere.