Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Israeli PLAN to Get Rid of GAZA .

Separately, a πŸ‘‰πŸ‘€leaked documentπŸ‘€πŸ‘ˆ from the Israeli Intelligence Ministry recommended forcibly resettling 2.2 million Palestinians from Gaza in the Northern Sinai and constructing a buffer zone along the Israeli border to prevent their return.  The proposals are only the latest in a long history of Israeli plans to depopulate Gaza and resettle Palestinians in the Sinai. (1)>>Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza - The plan advocates the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls for the international community to be leveraged to assist the move . Every time Israel murders a bunch of Palestinians by revenge bombing of Gaza &  someone will bring something like this up.Newsflash, it's not a secret! They are not trying to hide any of this. Western politicians will try to hide this to make their hardline Israel support easier to swallow. All you have to do is ask a member of the Israeli government and they will start ranting about sub-human extermination and shit. A Hebrew-English translation of the document, published by the Israeli website +972 Magazine, outlined three options regarding the civilian population of Gaza.The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance.The document recommends that Israel evacuate the Gazan population to Sinai during the war, establish tent cities and new cities in northern Sinai to accommodate the deported population, and then create a closed security zone stretching several kilometers inside Egypt. The deported Palestinians would not be allowed to return to any areas near the Israeli border. Although not a binding policy, it has deepened long-standing Egyptian fears that Israel wants to make Gaza into Egypt's problem and revived Palestinians' memories of the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people who fled or were forced from their homes during the fighting surrounding Israel's creation in 1948, which Palestinians refer to as the Nakba, the Arabic word for catastrophe. (2)>>It's NOT about JUST getting Rid of HAMAS alone . The October 7th attack was well planned , most likely the Israeli IDF knew it was coming . This is all while they are quietly killing Palestinians in the West Bank as well. As of a few days ago, 110 have been murdered so far since October 7th. 2,000 have been injured and Israeli settlers have stolen land from and displaced almost 1,000 people. Whatever happens, I feel that these next two years are going to go down in history as the genocide of hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians (not Hamas) and that sucks. This week the eruption of (3)>>Palestinian protests , and more dead Palestinians . It has become a downward spiral for them . The Arab themselves seem to have abandoned them , there is hardly much recognition of the United Nations . My honest feelings here . I wished that  Palestinians would have their country.Yeah but it's worth mentioning that this document isn't about a "what if" scenario. It actually explicitly recommends expelling the Gazans into Egypt.  On the one hand, this government is far right enough that they might actually try to do this.When you can convince the world to support your victimhood while you are the aggressor, and convince everyone you are oppressed while oppressing people, you don’t have to do anything. (3)>>The antisemitism tactic is starting to wear thin, hopefully more and more people will stop giving a shit about being called that and stick to the facts. On the other hand, this document and its recommendations are so patently absurd that I just can't believe that Netanyahu - evil as he is - is stupid enough to follow any of it's recommendations. I mean, its basically saying that the author thinks that the US and Arab states can be convinced to help expel the Palestinians. Which is an idea that's so detached from reality that it makes me think this paper may not be taken very seriously. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office played down the report as a hypothetical exercise, saying it was a "concept paper, the likes of which are prepared at all levels of the government and its security agencies." The authors of the policy document say it is absolutely necessary to “motivate” Palestinians to agree to leave and give up their lands via a sustained propaganda effort. “The messages should revolve around the loss of the land, making clear that there is no longer any hope of returning to the territories that Israel will occupy in the near future,” it says. So this is the REAL plan for Gaza already hatched months before the Hamas attack. (4)>>Did Netanyahoo secretly allow the October 7 attack, to further this agenda? Proof that Canada's leaders are a bunch of craven stooges demanding we "Support Israel", with that "Israel has right to defend itself" enabling propaganda. Israel thinks we're a joke obviously. Nothing less than back channel ethnic cleansing using Canada, via Egypt, as accessories to the crime. As if another Israeli neighbour, not to mention Canada (are we "in on this"?), wants to take on MORE refugees so Greater Israel can add more illegal Lebensraum ("Seaside Gaza Condos") for Jews from Brooklyn, Russia & Canada ironically. This was clearly already the Likud, right wing, crypto-fascist plan for a "New Mid-East Order", with tacit USA support. Netanyahoo already revealed this plan months ago.  But that all doesn't negate the fact that this paper came from an Israeli government agency and, serious or not, its mere existence is extremely concerning.I think this debate has been approached by overwhelming amounts of facts from propaganda and unreliable sources. I believe this should be more of a philosophical debate. How do we define ownership of land? What is justified in a time of war? Is war ever justified? Etc. Israel is wrong for using disproportionate force in retaliatory strikes,imposing collective punishment on innocent civilians, expanding illegal settlements, treating Palestinians as a second class, and violating international law.Israel is smart to use violence in self defense. They will occupy and instill a government and have a strong military presence there it's pretty simple there would be no other way to keep control. Unless they decided to level the entire thing which even Israel can see would be a huge mistake particularly with them wanting normalised relations with countries in the region.Strategic ambiguity might benefit Netanyahu best in domestic politics. It's a universal strategy for scumbags to focus on their reasoning and not their execution. As they are currently planning and NOT  telling the media. They want to erase any form of resistance and get Gaza to a level of deep segregation  as 50 years ago. Or force them to leave to Sinai dessert and they build a new re- settlement instead.Hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza have already been made homeless and murdered, most of which have nothing to do with Hamas. Israel has already stole their land and denied them of the most basic of human rights (for decades). Israel does not allow building materials to enter so how would they rebuild if they were to move back. Any survivors of this will likely seek vengeance, and rightly so.Israel is on the cusp of losing swathes of European support and allies.  Which will cause for Egypt economy to crush even more and give them (Israel) more and more land and freedom to do what they want, and yes at the COST of AMERICAN TAX PAYER MONEY !


(1)>>Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza . Exactly, and this is the first clue to what this document is and why it was leaked. For context, this office has no operational authority. It was originally created to inflate the number of ministerial positions for the purposes of coalition politics. It is currently headed by a radical right Likkud member, Gila Gamliel.Likkud has been ruled by Netanyahu with an iron fist, but recently with his legal and political troubles members have been smelling blood. Gamliel is a dyed in the cloth extremist, it is no accident she lacks real authority. This document was created and leaked on purpose for "the day after". After the smoke clears, after Netanyahu is gone, she will be using having signed off on this to improve her position with the radical right. This could translate into a prime position in a post Netanyahu faction within Likkud or jumping ship to leadership of another party. She is anticipating super polarization after the war and setting the stage for her political career. Here is the article OP was based on (in Hebrew). A few Google translated excerpts: The existence of the document does not necessarily indicate that its recommendations are being considered by the security system. Despite its name, the Ministry of Intelligence is not responsible for any intelligence body, but independently prepares studies and policy papers, which are distributed for perusal by the government and security bodies but are not binding on them. The annual budget of the office is about NIS 25 million and its influence is considered relatively small.According to an official at the Ministry of Intelligence, the Ministry's personnel stand behind these recommendations. The source emphasized that the ministry's studies "are not based on military intelligence" and are only used as a basis for discussions in the government.I hope this sheds light on why the Israeli government would waste precious time on patently fantastical plans during war. Here's another tidbit: a similar document was created on the same day by a right wing thinktank called Misgav Institute for National Security. (2)>>It's NOT about JUST getting Rid of HAMAS alone . I still can't believe there are people blindly defending/excusing this & calling everyone who even so much as LOOKS at Netanyahu funny an antisemite. Remember when everyone just plain agreed Netanyahu is a horrible and stupid man? What the Hell happened? Forced resettlement is the definition of ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing and total genocide are not mutually exclusive. If you are trying to remove all or part of an ethnicity from your territory you are ethnically cleansing, which is still genocide. Just not to the extreme severity of removing them from all of existence which is total genocide. There is no mistaking and no excusing what Israel is doing here.  That’s forced resettlement, it’s really fucked up and surely illegal but it’s not ethnic cleansing… if Israel wanted to kill all of Gaza they could do it and nobody could stop them in time. Also, people seem to forget that Palestinians and Israelis are not two separate races. A large minority of Israeli citizens are Palestinian and another large portion are Jewish Arabs. This is not a white versus brown war. This is a religious war. People should stop trying to fit their American perspective on cultures that are completely different. Now y’all can ban me. Idgaf. (3)>>Palestinian protests , and more dead Palestinians . It has become a downward spiral for them .Both Israel and the Hamas militants who control Gaza have rebuffed mounting international pressure for a ceasefire. Israel says hostages taken by Hamas during its rampage in southern Israel on Oct. 7 should be released first; Hamas says it will not free them or stop fighting while Gaza is under assault. Israel considers all Palestinians Hamas .  What is happening in Gaza represents one of the darkest pages and unprecedented level of suffering in the history of the Palestinian people.  Ministry of Health reported that more than 10,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including over 4,000 children. Overall, more than two-thirds of Palestinians killed in Gaza since 7 October are children, women and elderly. The number of Palestinian children killed in Gaza in one month far exceeds the annual number of children killed in conflict zones around the world since 2019. As we write, there are thousands of Palestinians still trapped under debris, including around 1,300 children, most of whom are presumed dead. Some 24,000 Palestinians in Gaza were also injured over the same period, many of whom are in critical condition, while Gaza's collapsed healthcare system is unable to take care of them.Appalling reports that civilians attempting to relocate to southern Gaza were struck and killed by an explosive weapon must be independently and thoroughly investigated, as must all allegations of serious violations of international humanitarian law.(3)>>The antisemitism tactic is starting to wear thin, hopefully more and more people will stop giving a shit about being called that and stick to the facts.  If YOU CRITICIZE ISRAEL your a ANTI-SEMITE . It's an Israeli propaganda tactic. "You don't agree with me? You're antisemitic."Nah I'm anti all religion. Religions telling people to each other for their imaginary gods. Pathetic. Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. This has been the worse type of playing the RACE CARD than anything else . Anti-Semitism is exclusively for Jew hatred. Yes it's misnomer but the definition is strictly for Jews. BUT being Jewish is not about RACE , since its a RELIGION .Arabs are semites as well. Prejudice towards arabs is antisemitism. The displacement of Palestinians is antisemitism.Absolutely no one is saying antisemitism does not apply to jews and you are a complete ignoramus if that is what you take from my words. Arabs are a semitic people, with a semitic language.But antisemitism does not refer to them. The term originates in the late 19th early 20th century, created by groups who were anti Jew.Until the revival of the term by these racist groups, the precursors to the politics of the Nazis. Reference of anything as Semitic was solely for linguistics. And hadn't been used in reference to race for some time.I would like to say I also dislike the phrase anti-Semitism, especially it's overuse and the attempts to shield any and all legitimate concern or criticism directed towards Israel.But to say that antisemitism refers to all Semites is false. And it is white supremacists who are responsible for that fact.Honestly I’m annoyed with the international holocaust memorial definition of antisemitism. They do say that to criticise Israel is valid but it also heavily implies that it’s also antisemitic to do so when it really is not. I’m the daughter of a holocaust survivor, my Dad saw atrocities no human should ever and now humans are suffering at the hands of Jewish people all in the name of a Jewish state. It’s literal madness. Israel absolutely does not represent Jews, it’s mostly Orthodox Jews who actually recognise this and tend to be the biggest critics of Zionism within the Jewish community. Also Zionists constantly get into bed with antisemitics. The only reason they got Israel in the first place is because Europe and the US didn’t want to deal with all the displaced Jews after WW2 and so to make it easy they just gave away land that shouldn’t haven’t been theirs in the first place really. I wish more Jewish global authorities would stand up and criticise the warmongering of pro Zionist groups. It’s basically nationalism and we all know how horrific nationalism can be.(4)>>Did Netanyahoo secretly allow the October 7 attack, to further this agenda? Netanyahu's support for propping up Hamas is an absolutely huge factor in Oct 7 occurring. I support Israel's right to defend itself, and ultimately responsibility lies with the ones who committed the atrocities, but Netanyahu's actions and terrible policy have enabled Hamas to commit these atrocities and his policy has led Israel into this war to the detriment of both Israel and Palestine.In this week’s New YorkerDavid Remnick writes about a closed-door meeting with supporters in which Bibi reportedly said, “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state must support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy.”The US was also warned about 9/11 before it happened. Even setting aside this guy’s analysis, there certainly were warnings from within the Israeli intelligence community that something was brewing. There was a major fuck up here. It is easy to dismiss a warning like this when you don’t want to believe it can happen. I don’t think Israel will be caught like this again any time soon though. If anything, from now on Israel will overreact to intelligence in a big way.  Netanyahu's idiotic, extreme government of nutjobs is half the reason israel was caught so off guard! Netanyahu is the Reason we have unqualified extremists leading this country. Ben gvir didn't even serve because his beliefs were too extreme for the idf so they couldn't inlist him, and now because of netanyahu he is the minister of national security ffs... Bibi used to ridicule the left in Israel for years saying they can't bring peace or security to this country and that the left will sell this country to terrorists, yet look what happened under his fucking watch- the worst attack in the country's history. Na attack that many people in the army and shaback warned about yet the higher ups ignored! This mam alone is almost as responsible for this mess as hamas themselves.     There were news reports that Egypt got wind Hamas was planning something, but they didn't have specifics. They passed on what they had to Israel, and Bibi ignored it.Israel is a tiny country, the size of Wales, or the State of New Jersey. That it took the army as long as it did to arrive in the south is also insane. It's because Bibi was busy putting them in the West Bank to defend settlers breaking the law instead of watching the Southern border.There is a lot of blood on Bibi's hands.