Sunday, April 5, 2020

The VIRUS that Shook the World.

Fear of the Virus maybe doing more
"harm" than the Virus
on it's own.
It's REALLY MIND BOGGLING  , sort of out of this world what is going on right now . There are few words to describe it .There are still a lot of unknowns around what coronavirus will mean for the economy, and we won’t have a full picture of the decline — how sharp, how deep, and how long — for quite some time.Amid the corona virus, the quarantines, the lock downs and the downturn in the economy... But there’s little doubt that a "small" recession is going on . Right it seems to me that the world , particular our America was caught off guard .  (1)>>We also have a Flu strain that has been intermixed with the Corona-virus , but that is another story. (1.2)>>I am so stinking mad as to what is going on now . First of all our nation did not see it coming . FOR Four years on a daily basis of distraction we had an all out effort to impeach and remove Donald J Trump from office , from the first day he was sworn in January 1st 2017 right up to the just a we bit close to December 2019 .The events surrounding this US election were very emotional, surreal, and very strange feeling which made the whole thing highly irregular when compared to any other election or event I had been a part of. It was a spectacle that was very eye opening that contained lots of drama, charged-often divisive emotions, and excitement that caught the whole world's attention. The disliked, low-polling, businessman and underdog Donald Trump won the presidency which signified a major shift in our country. Then we watched as Russia was blamed for meddling in our elections (influencing our election in favor of Trump) as the Wikileaks DNC dump was claimed as "Russia's". Even though the DNC emails were real and quite damaging to read.... this was overlooked in order to label the incoming President as a foreign collaborator, illegitimacy, and even criminal. As time went on it really seemed as if we were watching a grand theatrical presentation of the good guys vs bad guys (no matter which side you may have supported). Our Nation fell asleep . On the other side of the world was brewing something sinister , that even (2)>>HOMELAND SECURITY missed . NOW By continuing the vast investigations that have dogged Trump for four  years, have already endangered  the safety and security of the nation? Sure they have . Just look at this now , we might have a full Pandemic that could hurt our nation . The threats facing the country are arguably more complex and numerous than at any time in modern history. Not only is the New  Cold War with Russia partially revived, but the Chinese government is being increasingly assertive on the world stage. So China , now does not share the same respect for humanity that we do. For 35 years, they adopted a one child policy. Fratricide was commonplace when a couple had more than one child. The current deadly animal virus epidemic spreading globally may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory linked to China’s covert biological weapons program. This information was derived from an Israeli biological warfare expert right now that is under dispute as being just another  "  conspiracy theory" . Either case the epidemic right now , (3)>>even if it looks like it came from a unsanitary meat Market in Wuhan, it fits all and  if not fits under the Home Land Security website description as being some sort of  "biological attack" using a virus as a weapon . A year from now as the dust settles in America, a few other nations hit by the virus. There could be a united front that could  punish China , that might include Russia . With that all said . HERE IS THE KICKER . If  China just unleashed a virus like this , it first hurt = China, its so illogical to assume it . Also the  saying"Chinese Originated" feels soo soo wrong. It may NOT BE THE FAULT OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE , but their Government . It sounds bias most of all "China originated" maybe OK because of geographical relevance like MERS but "Chinese originated" is basically saying it's originated by or inside Chinese people, or Chinese things.  Not that is WRONG !You wouldn't hear a scientist say anything like this unless they are eugenicists  BUT Not only China ,👉 if the virus kills off the Communist Party , but it might  also just bite the ass of the North Korea regime as well, this could be judgement day for both .
Will America Survive ?
The economy right now is heading to a short term recession , it's going to be slow going to revive the Stock Market as investors struggle , the government under Trump  will try to restore order . The Trump team’s response has been the subject of steady criticism in recent weeks amid its struggles to ramp up testing and rhetorical misfires from the president, who spent weeks downplaying the economic and public health threats posed by the virus’ spread.But for the rest of the year its going to be a struggle for every American . Everything is a mess , even our health care system . Many states within the country might end up in bankrupt in trying to proved a way to stop the virus . Either way I see that America will survive using some sort of draconian way curb the epidemic  for a year till the virus subsides . NOW as far as the bend in the curb it might- happened right after July , after a vaccine will be found that was able to help those who were in need of it . NOW  The Election of 2020AD was dominated by the epidemic. The future debates between Trump and Biden will probably be simmering . (4)>>AS Far as anything political the Democratic National Convention picked Joe Biden for the nominationas I was telling you many times in this blog .  The election is not only rigged as it was in 2016 . It's now worse ever .  The 2020 November election is cooked . Will there be polls open , probably not because of the virus fears . Yes , it looks more suspicious our election has been compromised.  President Trump will win the 2020 elections. This whole thing plays in so perfectly.  But here's the bottom line. 1 of 2 things. Either the greatest story in human history. Or. The greatest hoax ever pulled. Coming up there with the 2-month complete shutdown of the world's most common operations, such as schools, the stock exchange, some banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sport games, sport championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, and ship cruises. There will be food shortages and staged electricity power loss. Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, gold and silver stocks will fall, and many corporations will either go bankrupt or take a significant financial loss, such as in the case of what's about to happen to Air Canada, Disney, and Coca-Cola.  I AM  sure if we are ALL still here by November 2020 the nation would slowly recover , but a year or two is a long time .

What is worse is our (5)>>healthcare system can not handle this pandemic , it could burst Both the private "healthcare" system and its US gov't "regulators" failed to anticipate, prepare for, or cope with the corona virus. As that failure dissolves the economy, private and gov't responses solve nothing, worsen everything.The US is objectively better prepared for a pandemic in terms of capacity to handle influx of hospital patients.At some point — possibly when a vaccine for the virus comes to market, or possibly as soon as the rate of infection starts declining and widespread testing allows for more confidence that another surge is not imminent — governments will lift their restrictions and activity will start to thaw. My belief is that the healthcare infrastructure itself doesn't have a huge impact on how we respond to pandemics. Every nation has its own healthcare system and we have seen very different results from each of them. Even among European nations, where systems are somewhat similar, we see very different reactions to the virus. That's because pandemic response isn't baked into healthcare systems, necessarily. To answer your question, the US had more ICU beds and supplies, and also has the ability to rapidly manufacture more things once factories get retooled and ramped up. But that's not necessarily because of the total dollars spent in the healthcare sector. My belief is that the healthcare infrastructure itself doesn't have a huge impact on how we respond to pandemics . The aftermath of the Corona Virus might be a better healthcare system . The Virus is going to shake up our healthcare System  for sure , it might have to put people ahead of profits . It is VARY LIKELY that next year 2021 we may have the Both houses of Congress discuss "healthcare reform" , the urgency of Now to get it done is more apperent .

The Aftermath ?
 With The long haul is hard to make a prediction . I am vary much overwhelmed by the "pandemic" numbers first of all .  (6)>>FEAR IS ALSO the ECONOMIC KILLER. Corona virus pandemic taught me one thing, our whole economic system is fragile, with climate change economic disaster on sight, we need to to move away from Money Based Economy to Resource Based Economy. It's time to implement economic system that puts PEOPLE and PLANET before PROFIT.  The 24hr News blasting away on TV has made the COVID -19 virus more like a Creepy celebrity giving a daily tally of victims .  There's fearmongering because it's currently very contagious and while the first-gen coronavirus might be curable, other wise it must be driving the public crazy . My question is this - why is the coronovirus being treated different from, let's say, the flu? A quick google tells you that about 12k ppl get hospitalized (not infected) with the flu and 3500 people die from the flu every year like in Canada. Right now we have what...10k ppl infected in china and a few hundred dead?I understand the sentiment that we don't want it to spread. However, isn't this a bit of overreaction?  Million's people are hurt losing their own jobs now . The Government have launched unprecedented public-health and economic responses. The situation evolves by the day. AS we with some money hope going to people that need it. The health and safety of the population remain the highest policy priority. Congress and the administration need to make sure that sufficient diagnostic, protective and therapeutic equipment are available. Policymakers also need to make sure that economically vulnerable health care workers and health aides in particular, do not have to choose between work while sick and staying home. They will need paid sick leave as well as paid medical and family leave. This will mean expanding already enacted protections, so that the self-employed also receive benefits.  And a Stock Market that is right now unstable . For the next few months the Market as well as oil prices are going to make vary sharp turns before a actual rebounds to it's previous stability. A V-shaped recovery is the most optimistic forecast, as it calls for a sharp rebound after bottoming out for a short period. AS I said above☝, it might take 2 years . This all depends on shaking the fear of the virus by returning healthy people to work , and containing the pandemic by a vaccine, then  by empowering each State government to bring stability through an expaned welfare program for it's citizens .

(1)>>We also have a Flu strain. The flu has already killed 10,000 across US as world frets over coronavirus The flu remains a higher threat to U.S. public health than the new coronavirus.This flu season alone has sickened at least 19 million across the U.S. and led to 10,000 deaths and 180,000 hospitalizations. Roughly a dozen cases of the deadly coronavirus have bidentified in the U.S., though the number has mushroomed across its outbreak zone in China. (1.2)>>I am so stinking mad as to what is going on now.And you're exactly what the problem is with many conspiracy theorists. You don't actually do any theorising, you just find something that sounds cool and then post it without any fact-checking or investigative work. Conspiracy theories aren't meant to be just some bs you found online, they are meant to be checked, revised and enhanced as you find evidence to back it up. If you think that to check your theories for evidence means it isn't conspiracy . (2)>>HOMELAND SECURITY missed . On Feb. 13, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent out an email with what the author described as an “URGENT” call for help.The agency was struggling with one of its most important duties: keeping track of Americans suspected of having the novel coronavirus. It had “an ongoing issue” with organizing — and sometimes flat-out losing — forms sent by local agencies about people thought to be infected. The email listed job postings for people who could track or retrieve this paperwork. There are steps the administration could take to reduce the impact of the greatest public health crisis in decades. But we should understand what has gone so badly wrong. Broadly speaking, the Trump administration made four major mistakes.
“Help needed urgently,”see 👉 the CDC wrote(3)>>even if it looks like it came from a unsanitary meat Market in Wuhan.  Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged 17 years earlier from a market in China’s Guangdong province—on that occasion via civet cats—and the Chinese combination of live, wild animals, poorly regulated animal husbandry and unsanitary butchery is a perfect storm for viruses to emerge. Wet markets are found the world over, typically open-air sites selling fresh meat, seafood, and produce. The meats often are butchered and trimmed on-site. Markets in China have come in for justifiable condemnation because of the way they’ve evolved, commingling traditional livestock with a wide variety of wild animals, including exotic and endangered species. Many are quite unsanitary, with blood, entrails, excrement, and other waste creating the conditions for disease that migrates from animals to people through virus, bacteria, and other forms of transmission.(4)>>AS Far as anything political the Democratic National Convention picked Joe Biden for the nomination.  Again , our political system is a mess , example , the suprise outcome of the DNC , the endorsements of Joe Biden . Only proved it's rigged again .  The virus poses unprecedented challenges to the 2020 election, and that time is running out to prevent a disaster at the polls. President Donald Trumpwill square off against likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden in what is shaping up to be a tight race, where small tweaks to voting rules could tip the scales or trigger a constitutional crisis. Joe Biden though he won the nomination ticket , he just will not beat Trump as I suspect . But the 2020 election is worse than the 2016 one . The aftermath of the 2020 election is probably going to drive dire hard Democrats insane , the virus outbreak  invokes a conspiracy. Again election meddling. (5)>>healthcare system can not handle this pandemic.  Supporters of Medicare for All, a universal healthcare system plan for the United States, have already pointed out how the potential for pandemic would be far less with such a system in place.  Universal health care is not a perfect treatment for emergencies like this. Italy has a universal health care system, a federalized national health insurance program similar to Canada’s, but an uncontained outbreak has still forced the country to lock itself down as cases and deaths continue to pile up. Hospitals and other providers have already warned the nation that operations cannot handle the increasing volume of patients presenting with COVID-19. The pandemic has also prompted many organizations to cancel or delay revenue-driving procedures such as elective surgeries to free up capacity.Some hospital CFOs have reported that their operations could shut down in the coming weeks as many organizations struggle to make payroll and pay vendors the rising prices of supplies in short supply, including personal protective equipment. There is a real concern that Americans, with a high uninsured rate and high out-of-pocket costs compared to the rest of the world, won’t seek care because of the costs. Before the crisis even began, the United States had fewer doctors and fewer hospital beds per capita than most other developed countries. The rollout of Covid-19 testing will be patchy, reliant on a mix of government and private labs to scale up the capacity to perform the tens of thousands of tests that will be necessary.  (6)>>FEAR IS ALSO the ECONOMIC KILLER.   The fear induced "lockdowns" to bend the curb are also hurting the economy . Its mind boggling that fear of a virus put the whole nation to system shutown that is vary much not needed. The U.S. stock market, that “great” oracle of our economic future, is getting very nervous.  it lost everything it had gained since the year started. So far, though, the betting is that the virus can be kept under control or will burn itself out.  That relationship, between spending and income, consumption and production, is at the core of how a capitalist economy works. It is the basis of a perpetual motion machine. We buy the things we want and need, and in exchange give money to the people who produced those things, who in turn use that money to buy the things they want and need, and so on, forever. What is so deeply worrying about the potential economic ripple effects of the virus is that it requires this perpetual motion machine to come to a near-complete stop across large chunks of the economy, for an indeterminate period of time.