Saturday, March 21, 2020

Living on Manufactured Fear.

The Shelter in place has me going
bonkers , nervous , confused
about what is going on .
WELCOME  to the UN-REAL world of living in fear . Right now , yes  I am scared , worried . I know with the massive shutdowns so many people are going to hurt financially. I do care , (1)>>but are we living under a manufactured fear ? Every now and again the reality of what is happening hits, the extraordinary measures that are being taken across the world, the sense that what can kill you cannot be seen, the mandatory, claustrophobic lockdowns, and it all feels profoundly psychologically uncomfortable. The State and local governments have looked themselves into total shutdowns and "shelters in place" regarding the Corona Virus aka COVID-19 . The Stock Markets trembling . Many institutions are closed  perhaps a month or longer . There is so much Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming .that it's driving people to brink by empting out mega grocery stores throught the United States . Food rashions , water , milk and yes the ever elusive Toilet Paper  vanishing . Is all that fear , just maybe an over reaction ? I think it's a 50 to 50 split. Yes that we have to be cautious about the virus , we don't exactly know much about with the exception of the few that have become infected with it , have recovered . Remember as far as we know the virus is transmitted by a person who is infected to another person with risk factors The numbers don't add up when you account for massive financial losses, increased costs of goods while unemployment skyrockets. Everything going crazy . It makes ask questions more often.  (2)>>WE still don't have much data from China , since the Chinese Government said not so much to the wolrd , besides using the virus for a massive cover up ,  that for China the virus has slowed down to a point of only a few cases [ if you want to believe China]  . Either way I started to look at some of the peculiar things about the outbreak .  (3)>>First according to the CDC this also one of the worst flu seasons in years (the weeks ending February 8, 2020 and March 7, 2020) were reported to CDC during week 10. Three were associated with influenza B viruses; one had a lineage determined and was a B/Victoria virus. Here we go→ Now with all this Flu stuff going around is, HOW DO TELL THE REGULAR FLU APPART FROM COVID -19? So with a drum roll . HERE I think that its possible that many of influenza -  Viral pneumonia  cases may have been mistaken for COVID-19 virus . I think the CDC needs a good test kit to determine the differnces between the two , most part we may be in for a strong flu season intermixed with a COVID-19 breakout ,  with that,  the medical establishment may be quickly rushing , confusing the public on what is the regular flu and more dangerous COVID-19. While This "pandemic" has proven without a shadow of a doubt that if people are told there is a threat by the media, and doctors, and people in suits, they will panic like the stupid creatures they are. Have you been to the grocery store lately? Have you coughed or sneezed around a group of coworkers and noticed the reaction?

An economic stimulus package for reelection ?
I have a bad habit of picking out things . A bit paranoid , gut feeling that something is at work in our little world .  (4)>>MAYBE  am' being a bit of a conspiracy theory~ist .  With That keen sense . Trump admin is using CV breifings as low key campaign commercials in place of rallies? Trump’s re-election campaign is emphasizing the actions the President has taken to contain the virus so far, from tapping Vice President Mike Pence to lead the government response to the virus to restricting travel to the U.S. from China, South Korea, Italy and Iran. (5)>>Trump's lack of response at first may have set off overblown assumptions.
  AND  if Donald Trump pulls this off and if he actually sticks the money in the hands of the American people and he doesn't just go and bail out the big corporations now some of them are going to need to be bailed out the airlines are particularly hit really hard right now and if they don't get a bailout for the airlines you know this was something that wasn't a mistake they made this wasn't like the banks getting greedy over leveraging doing all of these things this was the the airline industry taking a hit for a completely out-of-control unknown variable that nobody could have ever foreseen coming .so I am not at all against bailing outthe airlines I'm not at all against bailing out various big businesses thatare gonna be hit you know some retailers restaurants small businesses definitely and that's all part of the economics timulus package that they're puttingtogether they're looking at bailing out kind of everybody but guess what the American people included and that is huge finally we're going to be looked at we are going to be considered in the bailout the American people if Donald Trump does that Wow I think that scary thing okay something scary to think about because I think that would just get him reelected. So far, Trump has taken a beating over his handling of the pandemic. The economy is tanking, and just 46 percent of Americans believe the federal government is doing enough to confront the coronavirus, down from 61 percent last month, according to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. Few people trust what Trump is saying about the pandemic, according to the same poll. 

Tulsi Gabbard sells out to Joe Biden's Rigged Nomination .

 (6)>>I LIKED TULSI GABBARD . But she turned into a big sell out by endorsing Joe Biden!!! To the surprise of seemingly everybody,What, she picked Sleepy Creepy Joe ???  What absolutely shocked everyone was Gabbard immediately giving her endorsement to Joe Biden. That move blindsided the establishment, Bernie Sanders supporters, and Gabbard’s own supporters.  WHAT IT SHOWS ? Is that it could be really rigged  for certain .Apart from Biden and Sanders, Gabbard outlasted all of her Democratic rivals to become the third remaining White House hopeful in what began as a historically diverse and crowded pack of candidates. The DNC hated her and  ended her campaign. Gabbard qualified for the last debate but then they moved the goalposts on her and she was out. No way to treat a woman but they had to protect senile Biden.  Gabbard closely tied the reasons for her withdrawal from the race to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, saying that “the best way that I can be of service at this time is to continue to work for the health and well-being of the people of Hawaii and our country in Congress, and to stand ready to serve in uniform should the Hawaii National Guard be activated.”The Democratic primary voters had chosen Biden, Gabbard said, and she had faith in his character. “I’m confident that he will lead the country guided by the spirit of aloha, respect, and compassion, and thus help heal the divisiveness that has been tearing our country apart,” she said. With Tulsi out , this means we will not see a woman running for President for a long while . It's sad . You can't trust the system , and Gabbard's selling out  is the perfect example .

(1)>>but are we living under a manufactured fear ?  Fear of the coronavirus is almost as great a threat as Covid-19 itself, the disease it causes. Exacerbated by the media and social platforms, hysteria makes the crisis seem even bigger than it is. It’s not. And it’s important sometimes to remind ourselves, and others, of this simple fact. The phenomenon of mass toilet paper-buying is a symptom of hysteria. Even as Federal and State governments jump with preventive measures, such as banning mass events, "hysteria,"  It’s something that we as humans are prone to (think: the Salem Witch trials), but it’s also something that the internet – a self-creating entity – has provided a fertile landscape for the Government going out of control to contain a illness.   Avoiding fear creates space for further panic, isolation, loneliness, depression, and hopelessness. For mass media, insurance companies, Big Pharma, advocacy groups, lawyers, politicians and so many more, your fear is worth billions. And fortunately for them, your fear is also very easy to manipulate. We’re wired to respond to it above everything else. If we miss an opportunity for abundance, life goes on; if we miss an important fear cue, it doesn’t.  (2)>>WE still don't have much data from China. While the vast majority of cases and deaths are still occurring in mainland China, Covid-19 has already made its way to at least 25 other countries, including the US, Malaysia, Egypt, and Canada. Markets are on edgeBusinesses and cruise ship itineraries have been interrupted. Cities and countries are responding with unprecedented quarantines and travel bans. The whole thing feels a lot like the 2011 pandemic film ContagionBut the crucial question is which interventions in China were the most important in driving down the spread of the virus. Epidemiologists say China’s mammoth response had one glaring flaw: it started too late. In the initial weeks of the outbreak in December and January, Wuhan authorities were slow to report cases of the mysterious infection, which delayed measures to contain it .(3)>>First according to the CDC this also one of the worst flu seasons in years. The CDC doesn't test everyone who has flu symptoms to be certain they really have flu, rather than some other viral infection. Still, the CDC estimates are reckoned to be pretty accurate, and they are updated regularly. So far this season we've had between 30 and 40 million illnesses in the United States. Remember this the FLU! not COVID -19 . Of that number, about half were ill enough to seek medical care, and between 300,000 to 500,000 people required hospitalization.   see  (4)>>MAYBE  am' being a bit of a conspiracy theory~ist .   Well I have had comments that my blog sounds a bit like a blog  panders to conspiracy . Yes, it might seem that all the elements are there . When I started my blog a few years ago . I was taking on unchartered waters in the political field , satire , opinions , commentary and philosophy .  (5)>>Trump's lack of response at first may have set off overblown assumptions. I think what people blameTrump for is his lack of caring to learn what the virus is capable of. From the outset he claimed it wasn't a threat and wasn't serious, that it would magically disappear, and that the Democrats were using it to try and damage him. On March 2nd, some 6 weeks after trump first spoke on the virus, he publicly asked doctors of a flu vaccine would work on coronavirus. Can anyone say that question doesn't show an extreme lack of understanding to what the world is dealing with? This mindset, in my view, severely hampered our nations preparedness for the crisis. There is no reason we shouldn't be testing more people per day than any other country. Whether or not die hard trump supporters believe everything he says is besides the point. We are a nation of 320+ million people and they all take queues from the president and look to him for leadership. (6)>>I LIKED TULSI GABBARD . I wrote about Tulsi in my blog a few  times , in my last post March Opinion's 2 . Tulsi shared my views against American regime change wars , she during the dabtes had a vary valid argumnet . Not only that she exposed most of her Democrats who were siding with Republicans in regards the war in Iraq . This all led the Washington Post to describe Gabbard as “the Democrat that Republicans love and the DNC can’t control.” The paper mused in 2015, “The question now for party leaders is how they handle a young, rising star who is as much a wildcard as just about anybody in their party.”  The possibility that Gabbard will run as a third-party candidate in the general election future , perhaps splitting the Democratic vote . She has previously denied that she would do so, but it would be especially difficult for her now to turn around and campaign against a candidate she has endorsed.

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