Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March o·pin·ion-s.

Regarding a few thoughts on the Corona- Virus. Here is the BIG problem with new diseases, however, is that experts are learning new information everyday and things change rapidly. Smart people make mistakes, and new information is constantly coming to light. We are suspicious of the latest outbreak of an (1)>>apparently bat-borne corona virus in China, which is destabilizing capital markets, China (to an extent at least) and stoking the anti-China feeding frenzy of CIA-linked media outlets like The New York TimesIt should be noted that Chinese scientists have been studying this type of virus and anticipated the possibility that the next outbreak of a bat virus to human outbreak might well occur in China.The timing of this outbreak, coinciding with the Chinese New Year, is significant. China screwed it's self hard. And they are now trying to sell themselves as the big saviors of the world. None of this would have happened if they hadn’t hidden the virus from the world. And now trying to play the big heroes?  China’s health minister, Ma Xiaowei, warned Sunday that the virus seems to be (2)>>becoming more transmissible and the country—which has taken unprecedentedly draconian steps to control the virus—was entering a “crucial stage.”  Some health experts are worried that, as coronavirus spreads, too many patients will be stuck waiting for test results because of a limited supply of test kits available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While waiting, those patients would have to be kept in temporary in isolation in hospitals, taking up limited bed space. After a California woman tested positive for coronavirus—the first case of “community transmission” in the U.S., in which someone is infected in spite of no known link to travel abroad—infectious disease experts expressed concern that the disease is spreading undetected in other parts of the country.The Chinese government continues to censor news and social media. This not only keeps the rest of the world from knowing what’s going on, it also makes it harder for the government itself to keep track of what’s really happening, as opposed to what underlings are reporting to their superiors.That and officials in Wuhan aren’t testing very many people, and just sending them home. And a bunch of deaths are not being logged as Corona and just being labeled as pneumonia, and the bodies quickly burned. So the stats we have are very misleading. And it’s probably more infectious and more fatal than the official story.

Joe Biden's Comeback ?

Bernie Sanders big shake up could be slowing down . As I write we are going to start to see a few of the (3)>>Democrat candidtates dropping out of the race . Billionaire presidential hopeful Tom Steyer after he dropped out of the race on Saturday night. Steyer, whose net worth is estimated at $1.6 billion, spent approximately $252 million on his campaign, according to the Center for Responsive PoliticsMr. Steyer, 62, had failed to capitalize on his investment of millions of dollars in South Carolina, where he had pinned the hopes of his campaign. Despite spending more than $191 million on advertising nationally, Mr. Steyer did not earn any national pledged delegates in Iowa, New Hampshire or Nevada, making South Carolina something of a make-or-break state for his continued viability. With nearly 90 percent of the votes counted here, Mr. Steyer had garnered less than 12 percent of the vote, although he told supporters he might pick up one or two delegates. Here comes back Joe Biden ,  the most recent South Carolina poll puts Biden ahead with 28 percent, Sanders at 20 percent, and everyone else below 15 percent. South Carolina has 54 delegates that are pledged based upon the primary results. Biden would be the only candidate who has beaten Sanders in a state, and he might even be leading in the delegate count. The hopes of candidates such as Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar would be waning, and the lesser-known candidates would be facing the tough task of making a strong showing in the Super Tuesday states. Futurewise → Trump is going after Biden later on , in this manner shows he's frightened of him and his ability to make him look the phony by comparison. Trump is no Stateman and Biden has been that with a long record in the Senate and White House. He is admired by our allies while Trump is held in disdain. Domestically, Biden's able to get moderate Republican support to Trump's trashing the GOP in their eyes. It's at least enough to swing a few Electoral votes.  I think Biden is the most threatening candidate towards Bernie (and his allies) out of any in the corporate democratic field, and as such, we need to avoid mixing up our very justifiable disdain for the man with too cocky of an attitude towards his prospects in certain states, and among certain voters. I agree that the establishment will eventually pick one candidate and give them the benefit of all their influence, and since everyone else kinda bombed, it will probably be Biden.


Generally, after these are done, it's clear who the candidates will be for Democrat and Republican parties. If the wins are decisive, the other candidates will either lose support, or choose to dedicate their support to the winning candidate so they don't waste money. We have already seen that  Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg endorsing Joe Biden . The battle will be between the 3 "B's" = Bernie , Biden and Bloomberg . BUT WE CAN ONLY GUESS that BIDEN gets the nomination since the Democrats again may have rigged it against Bernie all over again . (4)>>Rigged does not mean “unfair.” It means the outcomes are predetermined.  If they can't do well TUESDAY ,😂 then they may be too far behind to have a realistic chance at catching up.Bernie Sanders got blown out in South Carolina — but he’s poised to rebound on Super Tuesday, according to new polls released over the weekend.Sanders holds a big lead in delegate-rich California, and he’s also the favorite in Texas, these surveys show.The DNC actively sabotaged Bernie's campaign in 2016. That is fact. To be suspicious of them, especially after they purged themselves of progressives a couple years ago, started taking fossil fuel lobbyist money
again, and voted down a rule that would have stopped utilizing big corporate donations, there's no reason to believe they're any less corrupt and conniving now. WE ARE going to see  SLEEPY JOE CLIMB .  PLUS it could be a vary interesting prospects for a Woman Vice President for both Bernie and Biden .  BOTH Democratic presidential candidates Joe Biden has at least four women in mind as potential running mates — but had a hard time remembering their names when an Iowa voter asked him. EVEN  Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in a new interview indicated that he may select a woman as his running mate as he seeks the presidency in 2020, Let's see what bcomes of the Democratic Party.


(1)>>apparently bat-borne corona virus in China. Chinese researchers investigating the animal origin of the coronavirus outbreak in China have said that the endangered pangolin may be the “missing link” between bats and humans.Bats are known carriers of the latest strain of the disease, which has infected at least 31,000 people and killed more than 630 worldwide, mostly in China where the outbreak started.A genetic analysis showed that the strain of the virus currently spreading among humans was 96% identical to that found in bats. Chinese leader Xi Jinping spoke about the need to contain the coronavirus and set up a system to prevent similar epidemics in the future.A national system to control biosecurity risks must be put in place “to protect the people’s health,” Xi said, because lab safety is a “national security” issue.Xi didn’t actually admit that the coronavirus now devastating large swaths of China had escaped from one of the country’s bioresearch labs. Wuhan Institute of Virology, either, since it is one of only two bioweapons research labs in all of China.The novel coronavirus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, may have escaped from that very lab, Even the deadly SARS virus has escaped — twice — from the Beijing lab where it was (and probably is) being used in experiments. Both “man-made” epidemics were quickly contained, but neither would have happened at all if proper safety precautions had been taken. (2)>>becoming more transmissible.  If this information is really accurate, this one is going to be pervasive. Thereis  no idea how many people sadly  will actually die from it, but it will probably be a lot, and I think we should start getting used to the idea that this virus is here to stay, and that everybody will eventually be exposed. Communicability without symptoms, and being spread by droplets which means it's in the air around infected people, it's like a virus with a cheat code. We have no defense against it. (3)>>Democrat candidtates dropping out of the race. As Super Tuesday approaches, the Democratic primary field continues to shrink. I foresee that if there is any woman remaining running for President in 2020 will be Tulsi . The polls suggest the race is a three-candidate competition among Biden, Sanders and Warren. The trio has been leading nearly every 2020 poll for months.   (4)>>Rigged does not mean “unfair.” It means the outcomes are predetermined.  It's somewhat ambiguous what people mean when they say "rigged" in the U.S. context. I don't think our elections are rigged (though I have some questions about that last governor's race in Georgia). The article is talking about perception that "the system" (meaning broadly the economy, the laws, the political process) is rigged, meaning biased towards those who are already wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyone else.However, it's worth noting that there are a spectrum of techniques that authoritarian regimes use to alter the results of elections so that they can remain in power, and many of those techniques are probabilistic. If they miscalculate how much they need to interfere, the ruling party can end up accidentally losing, and then they either have to allow democraticization or viciously crush the opposition in an open display of authoritarianism (which can result in sanctions, loss of foreign aid, or provoke a civil war). Sure, there are ways to ensure that the outcome is predetermined, like outright lying about vote counts. But if you want to fool the people or provide at least the appearance of democratic reforms to foreign observers, which are the main reasons some authoritarian regimes have elections in the first place, you don't want to have to make big changes to the vote counts. So they use propaganda, restrictions on freedom of speech and freedom of the press, surveillance of opposition groups, the creation of astroturf "opposition" parties, threats and intimidation, vote-buying, non-secret ballots to enable retaliation, voter suppression laws, using pretexts to disqualify ballots that vote the "wrong" way, etc. to make sure they're starting from a position where they're likely to win without straight-up ballot-box stuffing or lying about the results. But if they underestimate the strength of the opposition, massive turnout can actually result in the opposition winning.