Sunday, December 31, 2023

" WARS and RUMORS of Wars " 2024 AD .

Since 1898 , America , it's government can't seem to avoid wars
The Cartoon above from 1898 , as US troops invaded 
Cuba . Now it's the year 2024 AD , we have bigger 
problems ahead , right ?
This long series of world-distressing events did not begin accidentally in (1)>>September 11th , 2001 AD . America was involved in every major war since 1945 , after World War II .There is distress of nations with perplexity today in this nuclear, missile, space age with its terror menace and sputniks as in no previous period of history. 20th century, our ‘wars and rumors of wars’; our ‘earthquakes and food shortages in one place after another’; our ‘anguish of nations, not knowing the way out, while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the events befalling the earth. It's almost biblical . The fact is a whole lot of these "wars" are quagmires our elected politicians in Washington D.C. have chosen to start .I understand that  our government thinks they are helping is good but we do have many problems in our own backyard that 100+ billions dollars could be used for. (Ohio train derailment, still no clean water in Flint Michigan…etc) help me understand this geopolitical warfare situation….So 2024 brings warnings of war escalating in many parts of the world with American involvement .
1.Israel Possible regional war .
Other than terrorist groups,  (2)>>I believe  any countries are willing to engage Israel over Gaza will happen next year . The United States has two carrier groups in the Mediterranean now. I don't even think Iran is at all likely to do any more than complain and covertly support terrorism.Still the whole thing could explode. Crash U.S. Foreign  policy . Israel is unwilling to do a cease fire , the Israeli government officials say that this war could last "months". CRAZY RIGHT ? Many believe it will break out in the Middle East, especially in view of what took place there on May 14, 1948. On that day Israel proclaimed itself a nation​—the seeming triumph of a people who for centuries had suffered dispersion, persecution and even genocide. And though its foothold seemed tenuous at first, the tiny nation has for over three decades held its own in the troubled situation in the Middle East.Between Palestine and Israel of course, but you’re right it’s not even a war it’s more of an ethnic cleansing, and the Israeli government is on the brink of collapse .Lmao the Americans committed horrible war crimes in the Middle East, there's two sides and they aren't good Vs bad Search Abu ghraib prison, look at the pictures if you can stomach them.  (3)>>As I WRITE THIS almost 20,000 Palestinians have been killed . Most CRAZY type people support Israel so blindly that they are quoting holy writ to justify the war .  (4)>>The INSANE Christian Evangelicals who are pushing for "support for Israel" in order to take back the Temple Mount as the cost of eliminating the Palestinians . The reality of modern day conflict is that random groups, with a lot of ambiguity as to who is behind them, can do some real damage. Hot issues here for the USA, aside from defending a key ally, is the Middle Eastern oil and Suez Canal. In the case of wider conflict, with state actors in the Middle East won't necessarily need to be involved directly and conventionally to do some tangible damage to "collective west" should they choose to proceed on this path. They can target the vital infrastructure and supply networks in the Middle East. For example, Suez Canal, not being very far from the conflict epicenter, cost 12% of global trade, 9 billion dollars a day, when it was blockaded in 2021, due to it being jammed by ship accident. It would not be very hard for Iran to devise strategy causing these types of diversions, causing significant distress to already depressing western economies. (5)>>The USA's carrier groups could come under fire from a variety of sources, which would provoke a response. One of the many government forces, pro government forces, rebel forces, or covert groups could send off a couple of missiles to draw in the US or Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, (5.1)>>Iran, etc. The situation is incredibly tense and ripe for both hot heads and false flags.
2. Ukraine , Russia and the EU .
Another ISSUE that will pester the United States , Congress and the inapt President Joe Biden is Ukraine .  (6)>>Congress is still going to debate funding to the corrupt government under Zelensky , who is a puppet of NATO who is carrying out a proxy war against Russia . AS of WRITING Congress will resume talks in January 2024 for funding , which has completely run out. The Average American has to have figured it out by now . The "priority" of Congress is not THE AMERICAN PEOPLE , the fact that talks stalled over sending billions more to a stupid war , not neglecting the US southern borders is outrageous . Then the issue of the "Debt Ceiling" has not been resolved . So the US economy is been stalled by a war that no American supports . The Amount of money is still staggering . The US has already sent more than $75bn in assistance to Ukraine, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German research institute. The EU has given more financial aid to Ukraine, but the  (7)>>US has provided significantly more military aid. Republicans have grown increasingly skeptical of giving more aid to Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion almost two years ago. In December, Senate Republicans blocked a $111bn spending package that included $60bn for Ukraine. If 41 Senators wish to be on the record blocking aid to Ukraine, let them filibuster. But don’t give them the excuse to block the bill because of irrelevant provisions like border security which should be addressed separately on its own merits. Bundling just gives the politicians opportunity to hide what they think from the public. (8)>>THE NEXT QUESTION is how will Russia react when Ukraine is given membership in the EU? Could that be Putin's red line? Remember too, Zelensky is a madman he's been trying to pull NATO into a bigger "role" in fighting Russia , pushing for World War III . The US want the EU to pick up the tab. So the EU has to pay its gas energy twice as much as before, supply the necessary weapons and munitions, and support 40 millions people totally derelict , all in all probably around € 250 billion per year..And all of that without one single budget vote in any of the 27 EU countries...Where is EU Democracy ?Ukraine is nowhere near ready for EU membership, their politicians should stop creating these ridiculous expectations of Ukraine entering EU in 2 years because it's going to be very disappointing for everyone. The US was already tiring when Hamas invaded Israel, and Israel is a much more significant political priority to the US than Ukraine. President Biden might not have the political standing to win re-election, let alone while supporting both Ukraine and Israel. (9)>>The USA is used to poking small countries without consequences, but they shouldn't dispute a territory against a strong military force or they would risk getting mauled.Time has come for the Ukrainians to get organized and dislodge the Zelenskyy clique in a peaceful way. Enough blood has been shed for no good reason. This government is caught up in its own rhetoric, and is not able to move beyond that. The outcome that eventually the Ukrainians will be left to fend for themselves was long predicted even in these comments, so the handwriting on the wall was never too cryptic. You should negotiate and have good relationshipp with your next door neighbour, especially if it is militarily invincible due to nuclear weapons and is more than three times your size. Integration with that country is your best shot at any success ( this could have been like Canada and US, but corruption of leadership on all sides failed the Ukrainians and the Russians).
It's going to happen (10)>>TAIWAN will UNITE WITH CHINA . REGARDLESS what the U.S. Government thinks. Predictably it will be next year as the start of China building up it's military around the island of Taiwan . Let’s say China pulls the trigger and invades Taiwan. The US responds by declaring war and the two fight for control of the island. Regardless of whether China’s invasion is successful, how would the conflict escalate beyond just Taiwan? I imagine it wouldn’t even be possible for either side to invade the other. Despite Xi Jinping’s more populist and nationalist rhetoric and more forceful political interactions with the USA, he’s not a warmonger. The mainland, Taiwan and indeed the USA all agree that Taiwan is part of China, there’s just a long standing disagreement about which part should rule the other, which is incredibly silly on the face of a comparison of the two countries.Millions of Chinese and Taiwanese have visited the other geography in the past 20 years. Lots of Taiwanese are in favor of re-uniting with China. It will happen eventually. (11)>>But all war-mongering exercises make it clear that the USA and its allies couldn’t win if they engaged in a battle over Taiwan. As with all wars, everyone would lose. The USA stopped engaging in battles it couldn’t win trivially easily probably 50 years ago, and it hasn’t won a war in decades. Americans don’t care about Taiwan the way they care about Israel or Cuba, so there’s no way to justify a war with China.It's funny to see the people who think the US wouldn't intervene or would delay. The whole US force posture is built for this conflict. We know it's the main possible thing to prepare for.Expect surprises. Things coming down from space. Electronic warfare capabilities nobody expects. Subsurface drones. Really ugly losses on boats getting ferrying troops. In the first 24-48 hours, massive losses. Possibly on both sides.Whoever controls the sight in a potential war over Taiwan will win. So each side will have to knock out the others ability. China best chance of this is first mover advantage unless they know for some reason USA/Japan won't enter the war (which is think is unlikely but also unknowable ahead of time)
4. "wars and Rumor's of wars...."The present debate over the war in Iraq and the events of September 11, 2001, are tragic reminders of the prophecies concerning “wars and rumors of wars” With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, many are worried about the times we have entered. Has the Cold War returned… and finally gone hot? Is this a sign of the End Times, the “war and rumors of wars” that bring the end?Most dangerous in this matter of justifying war is the potential for misuse of even the appropriate criteria. Few armies in any century, and especially the twentieth, have gone to war without the conviction that their cause was somehow justifiable and even righteous.We need not jump at every war and rumor of war we hear. (12)>>WE should be "cautious" about our American leadership how it handles a crisis . The lack of "negotiation " of peace in regards to Ukraine helped expose the Deep State war -mongering Congress on both sides . American policymakers and officials should recognize that proxy wars are one of the most likely ways whereby the United States will come to blows with its great-power adversaries. American strategy and doctrine is failing ,should reflect that strategic reality to change its foreign policy to a diplomatic strategy than a adversarial one ..International developments, including proxy wars in Syria, Ukraine, and Yemen over the past decade, revealed this to have been an insightful list. Western democracies put up with extended deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years, so the diagnosis of a “syndrome” that is vary dangerous for the future of the United States. 2024 could unleash multiple wars were the United States is involved in, why risk it ? and endanger the American People?  

NOTES AND COMMENTS: (1)>>September 11th , 2001 AD . Well here's a rabbit hole 🕳️.   The invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq have represented two milestones in its history, influencing radically the perception that Washington’s allies and rivals had of the United States. The years immediately following 9/11 have seen the peak of the US involvement in the Middle East, both in military and political terms. However, Washington’s engagement with the region as envisaged by the Bush administration proved soon to be unsustainable. America also has a history of false flags to get into wars. The Spanish American war, a ship was attacked that was supposedly a passenger ship and citizens were attacked. It was later uncovered that it was in fact carrying weapons to our allies and the enemy was just in taking it out. The golf of Tonkin got us into Vietnam and it was a made up battle of a warship being attacked but really wasn't. Then operation Northwoods and Kennedy being pissed at the CIA over the idea of killing roughly 2K Americans in a staged cuban attack. In his speech about, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He calls out that he wants to root out secret societies, the parties that are manipulating things behind the scenes. He was later assassinated. Even WW2, Americans wanted nothing to do with it. Intel on Japanese discovered plans that they would be attacking Pearl Harbor. The info was relayed and a message regarding the attack was on the president's desk 3 days prior to the attack.  And let's be real, not on the same scale, but every year there are disaster all over the world. Some will be more talked about, some not so much and some not at all. I've been noticing since 2020 it feels like we're in the age of the latest disaster where one thing happens, it gets spammed to death and then something else happens and the previous gets put behind, like it's a weird trend of the hottest tragic news. Maybe this has been happening even before '20 and I just noticed it now.Paradoxically, conspiracy theorists actually have more faith in the government’s competence than those who are not conspiracy minded. But if you want evidence of just how competent they were, look at what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq. Overwhelming force, but complete incompetence and failure. Massive spending, massive loss of life, unintended consequences such as the return of the Taliban and the rise of Isis followed by a Vietnam-style humiliating retreat. These people were not strategic geniuses. And the conspiracy theory version of 9/11 doesn’t actually explain anything, but requires more suspension of disbelief. Your supposed justifications are not really good enough reasons. America doesn’t usually need a reason to do those things anyway. (2)>>I believe  any countries are willing to engage Israel over Gaza will happen next year . The BIG DISASTER of 2024 , Joe Biden and his administration owns it . Israel will never stop bombing Gaza , the mass killings of Palestinians will not stop because it's backed by the corrupt American government . Iran , and many Arab nations have already drawn a red line with the Israeli "occupation" of Gaza . SO it's GREATLY POSSIBLE that a huge regional war will begin , dragging the American government into a huge conflict . It's ALMOST , I WOULD CAUTION the American leadership to pull the plug on the Israeli funding urgently and call for a ceasefire . And the U.S. is signaling its concern about the conflict growing, sending two carrier strike groups to the Eastern Mediterranean, publicly warning Iran not to get involved and putting some 2,000 troops on ready-to-deploy orders. With Israel already under heavy fire, analysts fear the nation may soon have to contend with a multifront war that could engulf the entire Levant.The Gaza war could end up being extremely bloody and long, and a prolonged Israeli campaign in the dense urban coastal enclave will likely heighten any risk of a wider regional war, according to analysts. (3)>>As I WRITE THIS almost 20,000 Palestinians have been killed . It has been 76 days since Oct. 7. At least 20,000 Palestinians have been killed, including at least 8,000 children and 6,200 women. The number of deaths is far higher than in any conflict in Gaza in recent history. And it is higher than the estimated 15,000 Palestinians killed in the violence that followed the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Palestinians call that mass displacement the Nakba, or “the catastrophe.”UN-backed report warns the entire population of Gaza faces a food crisis, with 576,600 people at catastrophic – or starvation – levels.New York Times alleges Israel bombed areas where it told Palestinians to seek safety, using 2,000 pound bombs. On Friday, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution calling for increasing the flow of aid into Gaza, but stopped short of demanding a cease-fire. The US and Russia abstained.“Congress is still negotiating sending $14B to Israel. More than 20,000 Palestinians have been killed. We should be ashamed of ourselves.”Masks are off. We no longer have to pretend the west has any moral high ground. They have never cared about human rights /human lives, democracy or any of the other things they pretend to stand for. It’s all about greed and power.(4)>>The INSANE Christian Evangelicals who are pushing for "support for Israel". In his 2006 book, Jerusalem Countdown, Hagee imagined an elaborate scenario in which a U.S. or Israeli strike on Iran would trigger an “inferno [that] will explode across the Middle East, plunging the world toward Armageddon.”   Many televangelists have depicted the Hamas terror attack on Israel on October 7 as a piece of a biblical prophecy that some evangelical Christians believe is sign of the “End Times.” These Christian Zionists have preached that bloodshed in Israel is necessary for the second coming of Jesus Christ. In this interpretation, Christian Zionists cite the prophet Isaiah's words in the Old Testament, that God "shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed Judah from the four corners of the Earth,” a prophecy they believe was fulfilled with the creation of Israel in 1948. Further, verses from the Book of Revelation that discuss an apocalyptic war over Israel will usher in Christ’s return and reign over the earth. For many of these evangelical Christians, the modern founding of Israel was the beginning of this prophecy, which they argue states that Jews must control Jerusalem before a war between the evil empires of “Gog and Magog.” Televangelists such as Hagee have said that various Arab nations, as well as China, Russia, and Iran, correspond to these biblical enemies of Israel, and he believes a war is necessary to fulfill the prophecy. According to this belief, the End Times conclude with faithful Christians raptured to heaven and Christ returning to slay or convert nonbelievers, including Jews, before ruling over the world in a final era of humankind. Televangelist John Hagee launched CUFI in 2006, calling for military action against Iran, then led by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whom Hagee compared to Hitler. At the time, Hagee had been claiming that Iran would soon “have the nuclear capability to make a bomb, a suitcase bomb, a missile head, or anything they want to do with it.” That was untrue, given contemporaneous expert assessments of Iran’s projected nuclear advances. But for Hagee, a more militaristic approach was necessary in order to avert “an American Hiroshima.” He urged his supporters to take a stand, as they were meant to “for a time such as this,” a common evangelical reference to Queen Esther, celebrated on the Jewish holiday of Purim, who saved the Jews from extermination at the hands of Haman, the genocidal adviser to the Persian king.The scriptural certainties that draw believers to endtimes prophecy in the first place feed off the spread of violence and mayhem.(5)>>The USA's carrier groups could come under fire from a variety of sources, which would provoke a response. I'm not gonna try and make it look like i have any kind of military know-how (i seem to have come to the right place), but I get the impression the US will be looking for excuses to join the conflict. Currently, the strike group seems to just be heading to provide support in terms of weaponry and resources to Israel (as well as their general ominous presence) but what are the chances they actually join in with the fighting unprovoked? It's also just as probable some dumbfuck from the strip decides to engage them first. Then the US can say they were reacting to a perceived threat. Seeing as this carrier group could probably wage a prolonged conflict on its own with any of the Israel-neighbouring and regional states (bar maybe...Turkey? Which is in NATO anyway), I'd say they are there to show that everyone should sit the fuck down and not make eye contact too much (mostly Iran, probably), while Israel embarks on, what I am going to guess, has the potential to turn into one of the most difficult and bloody urban operations. Meaning the push into Gaza and the systematic destruction of Hamas, which they seem very intent on achieving, also removing the Palestinians from Gaza .(5.1)>>Iran, etc. The situation . US politicians like Senator Lindsey Graham have been pushing for war with IRAN . Nikki Haley too wants to bomb Iran . Israel wants war with Iran and the Arab world. They have neutralized all the other Arab states with US help, and now they want to destroy Iran too. Biden’s refusal to pressure Israel to end its rampage in Gaza has encouraged Israel to instigate a regional war with Iran, and ceded US influence over events to Netanyahu, Gallant and Ben Gvir. It’s hard for US to tell Israel to stop the war when American defense manufacturers are making a fortune on this war. On the first occasion, U.S. forces launched airstrikes on targets in eastern Syria that Washington described as “facilities used by the IRGC [Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] and IRGC-affiliated groups for command and control, munitions storage, and other purposes”. The stated objective of deterring further strikes on U.S. forces was not achieved. For its part, Iran has warned Israel not to expand its ground operation in Gaza, while admonishing the U.S. that its support for Israel’s campaign could be the prelude to a regional confrontation involving the network of partners it has cultivated over decades. Whether under explicit instructions from Tehran or with its implicit approval, groups are now active in at least five theatres – Gaza, southern Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen – where Iran has a degree of influence.  (6)>>Congress is still going to debate funding to the corrupt government under Zelensky .Ukraine assistance has become a flashpoint on Capitol Hill, with new House Speaker Mike Johnson insisting that additional aid is contingent on immigration policy changes.   THE BIG LOSER is Probably Zelensky , but no telling he's probably going to pull a "FALSE FLAG" next year to further escalate tensions between the US and Russia . You can't trust this guy . Meanwhile Congress is fighting over funding the proxy war , pretty much I can't see any money going to Ukraine anymore . If ANY money goes there it's to prolong a wasteful war .Senator Graham just went to a Classified meeting and questioned whether US generals watch enough TV to make appropriate decisions about foreign wars. If I were Zelensnky I wouldn't have the time either.Senate Republicans are making support for additional Ukraine funding contingent on Joe Biden accepting reforms to the asylum system and tightened border security - measures the Democrats have already rejected. Mitt Romney, a Republican senator for Utah, insisted that there must be “security of our border”.The vast, overwhelmiong majority of Americans do not give a shit about Ukraine .President Joe Biden’s budget director warned Monday that the US would run completely out of resources to assist Ukraine by the end of the calendar year, as the White House looks to ratchet up pressure on lawmakers to pass an emergency funding package."There is no magical pot of funding available to meet this moment," Shalanda Young, who leads the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a letter to congressional leaders. "We are out of money — and nearly out of time."We can see now that in spring 2022, when American politicians (and regular people) said "We stand with Ukraine" and "support Ukraine" and "help the people of Ukraine" and there were so many public announcements and demonstrations in support of Ukraine propaganda ... a lot of it was a lie , American politicians don't give a fuck how many dead Ukrainians went to the front lines . AS LONG AS they can keep Russia at bay fighting and exhausting it's military there .More this war is likely to get America to the brink of war with Russia .(7)>>US has provided significantly more military aid.  How come we always afford more wars but we can't afford national health care? free or reduced cost college education? social safety nets so I lose my job I'm not totally screwed? or ya know affordable housing albeit I view the problem there at more of the local level. Since Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, the Biden administration has sent more than $75 billion in cash and equipment to the country for its defense. Isn't it mind boggling that we have all this money for wars yet can't feed the poor nor take care of our own citizens properly? Implement everything you listed first then worry about what's going on in the Mediterranean.  President Biden says Ukraine needs a major new infusion of cash and equipment that only Congress can approve. But many Republicans object to pouring more taxpayer dollars into the faraway conflict and are insisting that Mr. Biden make concessions on unrelated U.S. border security issues for their support.Biden administration laid out the details of a $105 billion national security package that includes funding for both Israel and Ukraine, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he would bring the supplemental request to the floor as soon as next week.But the effort faces steep hurdles in getting through Congress.I think it's funny that anyone would try to claim the money allocated for Ukraine, and Israel would be used for anything actually meaningful for regular people. There should be a UBI, but there isn't. There should be free healthcare, but there isn't. There should be free or at least affordable education, but there isn't. That money wouldn't go to anything that would benefit the American people.(8)>>THE NEXT QUESTION is how will Russia react when Ukraine is given membership in the EU? Could that be Putin's red line? Russia dismissed the possibility of Ukraine joining the European Union as "hardly real" on Thursday, a day after the bloc's executive recommended opening formal membership talks with Kyiv. Kyiv launched its bid to become part of the European Union right after Moscow dispatched tens of thousands of troops in February 2022 in what Moscow calls a special military operation in Ukraine.Russia has pushed against Ukraine's European ambitions since the fall of the Soviet Union.Its attempts to keep Kyiv within its sphere of influence culminated in Ukraine's 2013-14 pro-EU revolution, triggered after the country's pro-Russian president refused to sign a cooperation agreement with Brussels.The EU's 27 leaders still have to sign off on the plan to open talks — which would likely last many years — at a summit in December.Will they be allowed?, Who can stop a souvereignty nation from joining were she wants to, it's a free world they can join if they wish. If any country has a cause for complaint, then let them be ready for war, more war and more war. You can stall thier desire to join , but at the end they'll join , if not for anything to protect themselves, that's what Ukraine wanted to do, before Russia has a cause for complaint and declared war. (9)>>The USA is used to poking small countries without consequences.  In addition, they arouse the ire of the rest of the world with their wars and sanctions because first they slaughter a sizable chunk of the population, and then for good measure, they deny them food and medicine, and refuse to rebuild the infrastructure destroyed by US aerial bombs, leaving the populations without potable water and sewerage treatment facilities. They did this in both Iraq and Syria. This is part of their famous “diplomacy.” UNITED States Special Operational forces have been involved in at least 23 secretive proxy wars across the world on a scale far greater than previously known, new documents indicate.A report published by U.S. website The Intercept detailed the secretive 127e Pentagon programs with at least 14 operations across the Middle East and Asia Pacific region as recently as 2020. In total, U.S. commandos conducted 23 clandestine proxy wars across the world at a total cost of $310 million between 2017 and 2020, according to documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. The biggest beneficiary of our wars has been the Military Industrial Complex.Sure, we've advanced our ideology's around the world with war over the years, and by default opened up new markets by first bombing people back to the Stone age!Tear-em down then build-em back up (in our own image). That's warfare 101 American style! Global power moves used to be done with armies.Now power moves are done by banks with dollars$! What we got from the war and from all the other Mid East conflicts is we got the dollar to last a while longer and the United States Empire along with it. Maybe long enough to institute that tyrannical “New World Order” that Bush Sr. harped about.(10)>>TAIWAN will UNITE WITH CHINA . REGARDLESS . China's "reunification" with Taiwan is inevitable, President Xi Jinping said in his New Year's address , striking a stronger tone than he did last year with less than two weeks to go before the Chinese-claimed island elects a new leader.China considers Taiwan to be its "sacred territory" and has never renounced the use of force to bring it under Chinese control, though Xi made no mention of military threats in his speech carried on state television."The reunification of the motherland is a historical inevitability," Xi said, though the official English translation of his remarks published by the Xinhua news agency used a more simple phrase: "China will surely be reunified".China’s Defense Ministry reaffirmed the country’s threat to use military force to annex the self-governed Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory.Defense Ministry spokesperson Col. Wu Qian told reporters last week that China’s military would “as always take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard our national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” The Associated Press (AP) reported. So- and this is one of the few things left in US politics where both Democrats and Republicans agree, but basically--Taiwan formed when China was becoming Communist as a separate country, originally a military dictatorship, now a democracy- officially the Republic of China (ROC).It's independence has been guaranteed by the US ever since, but never officially recognized.Originally, the "China" that was in the UN was actually Taiwan- PRC (what we today call China, the People's Republic of China) was only voted into the UN in 1971.All along PRC has insisted that ROC was PART of PRC. This is expressed in their "One China" policy. The US has payed lip service to this, while continuing to de facto, but NEVER officially acknowledge the facts on the ground truth that ROC is operating as its own independent nation.(11)>>But all war-mongering exercises make it clear that the USA and its allies couldn’t win if they engaged in a battle over Taiwan. US doesn't have enough munitions to compete with China in a potential battle over Taiwan — Foreign Affairs The conflict in Ukraine consumed a huge part of the American weapons. The United States provided Ukraine with nearly half of it's arsenal , it's also VARY insane that the US Government would take on China in 2024 as the potential election fiasco looming . At the same time, long-range precision-guided munitions are likely to run out in less than a week Therefore, US think tanks are calling for an urgent increase in the production of all types of weapons. U.S. defense-industrial base is not ready for a battle over Taiwan, as it would run out of key long-range, precision-guided munitions in less than one week. (12)>>WE should be "cautious" about our American leadership how it handles a crisis . WE American's should worry what our nations leaders will do next . They are the scary part. You have your opinion on the subject and I have mine and nothing anyone says will ever change my opinion on war and America's involvement in it. If a foreign army comes to American soul then yes America should defend itself. Seriously all of you politicians you world leaders war pigs neocons and warmongers who want this war to take place go get on you a little boat Go find you a uninhabited Island somewhere far the fuck away from the rest of us and y'all blow each other up . Leave the people who want no part of this shit the fuck out of it we ain't dying for you MF'ers  In 1992, comedian George Carlin noted that after the Cold War politicians in Washington were always declaring war on things at home, “We got a war on poverty, the war on crime, war on litter, the war on cancer, the war on drugs.” Carlin believes politicians never declared a war on homelessness because “there is no money to make in this problem.”