Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Mask Mandates Return , possible Lock downs.
It's not just a "conspiracy theory " at all. 

Aug. 18 episode of “The Alex Jones Show,” warned of possible lock-downs again . It's not just a CONSPIRACY THEORY at all . For us who swallowed the nonsense , it's just the new normal we have been living for the last few years . The media will hype it up in the next few months as winter rolls in , BUT WHAT do we expect ???Also, the WHO literally came out and said the new  (1)>>Eris isn’t any more dangerous then previous Covid variants. Also, new boosters are coming out next month, which will address hospitalizations and help the severely afflicted, the elderly and vulnerable. All this new surge is a waning immunity. Don’t forget, most of the population isn’t up to date on their boosters. So essentially Covid seems to behave like the flu. It peaks during certain times of the year.Also, why would the Biden administration want lock downs? To destroy the economy right before an election year? Seems smart.The thing that infuriates me is that in the face of every crisis our official's and richest people's first response isn't 'What selfless acts can we do to help our fellow man?' it's 'How can we make money from people's suffering!', disgusting! 🤬...Crazy how they manage to cook up just the right booster before the variant even hits. (1)>>Almost like Klaus releasing his detailed COVID book a couple months after the world found out it even existed. These people must be from the future! We should definitely trust them.The US just found a new Covid variant in wastewater during routine test. The deadly strains of the virus have been gone for two years now and yet the recent outbreak of a mild flu-like variant is again stoking panic on the left and by left-leaning media outlets. Nearly 100 universities are requiring masks this fall. Lionsgate movie studios in Los Angeles and Atlanta-based Morris Brown College just stated they are reinstating not just mask mandates but social-distancing measures and contact-tracing as well. This comes after the government began investing in new Covid equipment and a vaccine, and weeks after they informed government agencies of coming lockdowns. How did they know they’d find new variants? Are the government officials physic? (2)>>They just happened to warn of mandates in mid September and October and then find a new variant at the end of August? Does anyone actually fall for this anymore? THINK BACK !!! What unfolded in March 2020 was a national shutdown unlike anything the country had tried before.The shutdown was profoundly strange and has had lasting effects on our national psyche. The Washington Examiner reported : President Joe Biden is gearing up to declare yet another round of COVID-19 emergencies, and he is setting the stage for more vaccine mandates to go along with it.Biden announced that he is going to ask (3)>>Congress for more funding for a new COVID-19 vaccine. What was wrong with the previous vaccines? Here’s what Biden himself had to say (emphasis mine): “I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works.” Biden’s Project NextGen proves that no lessons have been learned from the last set of pandemic restrictions. Even the British government – certainly not one you could accuse of failure to lock down and vaccinate – is doing none of this.We the people are sick of it, and are starting to resist. Only 17% of Americans got their Covid booster shot according to CDC data. Americans constantly read alarmist stories about new variants and potential future lockdowns, and have started saying “hell no” to the tyranny. But you are ok with them hijacking elections, forcing inflation, cutting off fuel, destroying ice vehicle transportation for the masses, food shortages, cutting energy to heat and cool, raping the federal reserve and sending our tax dollars to the Ukraine laundromat, law schools calling for scrapping the Constitution, the FBI now going around and shooting conservatives in their homes at will and the feds murdering entire town in Hawaii for the land?     (4)>>BESIDES LEADING UP TO FALL -WINTER . I'd expect something bizarre to come as far bio weapons .This kind of leaves some of us Californians wondering why there was a illegal Chinese run bio lab here in California that our own government was very upset that we found out about. But don't worry, they promised us they won't do it again.🙄It takes 6-9 months to make a flu shot tailored to a specific strain so it’s remarkable that they were able to make a COVID shot tailored to this new strain in such a short amount of time.. (5)>>BY THAT TIME A NEW VARIANT EMERGES . LIKE ERIS ...Well, I'm against any new covid-19 mandatory lockdowns masking vaccines, etc, but that being said, in the last 8 weeks, our family has had 3 members that tested positive for covid-19. It's totally different from the original covid-19 that I experienced in 2020. Very mild cases for everyone lasting about 5 days! I don't understand why (6)>>this version of covid-19 is prompting such panic inside our government and schools. Just in time for the 2024 election and all of those cartons of mail-in ballots (90% Democratic voting) arriving in the middle of the night.No, they want to make decisions for you so that you are easy to predict and control. (7)>>This is just a distraction to make the public too rattled to be able to see what's happening to the tanking economy or the illegal things going on in the swamp.You can distract them back by organizing boycotts. BUT that will not stop Government officials from declaring a new EMERGENCY in the next coming months .

(1)>>Eris isn’t any more dangerous then previous Covid variants. The EG.5 variant – nicknamed “Eris” after the Greek goddess of strife and discord – is steadily growing in prevalence, but there’s currently no sign that it causes more severe disease.  Please tell me this is the strain that is so weak it is basically indistinguishable from the effects of a regular cold. Don’t tell me it’s as bad as everything else but more transmissible. "It is one of several closely-related Omicron subvariants that have been competing for dominance in recent months.... Officials have said that symptoms and severity from these strains have been largely similar..." None of the strains are indistinguishable from a cold. Yes, the initial immune response may appear similar to a cold, but that doesn't mean that the medium or long term effects of the virus on the body have any similarity to that of a cold. (1.2)>>Almost like Klaus releasing his detailed COVID book a couple months after the world found out it even existed. "COVID-19: The Great Reset" is a guide for anyone who wants to understand how COVID-19 disrupted our social and economic systems, and what changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward. Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret, founder of the Monthly Barometer, explore what the root causes of these crisis were, and why they lead to a need for a Great Reset. NO not ignore It at all the virus was a creation of the same people I was on high alert and wore a mask obsessively . There is ample proof that the virus is a creation of the US government bioweapons lab in Fort Dietrich . It was accidentally released there and you can look and see exactly when in Maryand that this incident occurred as it the deaths were blamed one E cigs. Jerkoffs are those who refuse to look at the pile up of evidence telling us that this operation is magnificently dark and despotic and is most likely going to off many many people . I think it is interesting that only 4 % of Russian drank the Kool aid and here you are defending it with your little tyraid . Lol You gonna ignore all the facts of this issue and play illiterate consumer at the speed of science...(2)>>They just happened to warn of mandates in mid September and October and then find a new variant at the end of August? I believe this claim first surfaced from Alex Jones and infowars. As far as I am aware, there is no actual evidence or reason to believe that this will happen , BUT BE ON ALERT . Furthermore, it doesn't really make any sense now that there is a vaccine. Especially with election stuff coming up, this would be a majorly unpopular move. If they were going to do anything covid related, it would be pushing the vaccines and boosters more. And possibly requiring vaccines for things like concerts and sporting events again. Biden announced that he is going to ask Congress for more funding for a new COVID-19 vaccine. What was wrong with the previous vaccines? Here’s what Biden himself had to say (emphasis mine): “I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works.”In other words, we are going to have to “slow the spread” of the virus all over again. Any combination of the terrible lockdowns, mandates, and school closures that were imposed during that two-year nightmare of pandemic response is going to be on the table, all because Biden wants an excuse to bypass Congress with “emergency” declarations. HERE are WARNING SIGNS of ANOTHER LOCK-DOWN . Have your local health officials been advocating for the vaccine a lot lately?Have you heard politicians talk of covid in the way you remember from 2020?These things would all come before a lock-down. If you see one of them, it doesn't necessarily mean much. If you have bingo on all three, then we are getting closer to lock-downs being a possibility. Still not a likely outcome, as others have pointed out.(3)>>Congress for more funding for a new COVID-19 vaccine. What was wrong with the previous vaccines? I was listening to Knowledge Fight the other night and apparently the nutcases are still on the X-Men season of COVID conspiracy. Apparently they think the vaccines are the globalist's plan for mass experimentation to create a population of super men and women by killing off all the weak people who take the vaccines.The White House's $40 billion funding request to Congress on Aug. 11 did not mention COVID-19. It included funding requests for Ukraine, to replenish U.S. federal disaster funds at home after a deadly climate season of heat and storms, and funds to bolster the enforcement at the Southern border with Mexico, including money to curb the flow of deadly fentanyl. Last fall, the administration asked for $9.25 billion in funding to combat the virus, but Congress refused the request. Biden wants to "ask" us to take the vax ....Asked means forced.  No doubt the tin-pot despots here are looking at this with glee.Vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed record breaking profits with zero liability, but now Joe Biden wants Congress to give them more of your money for a new jab that he says everyone should take, could be mandatory . (4)>>BESIDES LEADING UP TO FALL -WINTER .As long as there are award shows,concerts, any place where people gather in close proximity, there will be Covid. Yes, we will have to live with this forever if no treatments are found to stop transmission and infection of this virus. Immunity is short lived after an infection. If there is constant re-infection, there is no lasting immunity...think about it... Covid has not gone away - what HAS gone away is the entire surveillance infrastructure in tracking the virus. The Covid pandemic public health infrastructure has been completely dismantled. NO ONE is keeping track of cases. That is going to come as a rude awakening to folks. Also, it really is past time using the misleading term "mild". That is medical speak for: up to but NOT including hospitalization. Infections have been trending upward for about four weeks now, according to data gathered from wastewater monitoring, test positivity rates and hospitalizations and emergency room visits. The number of "reported cases" is a useless statistic, as it depends entirely on variable reporting habits. The only scientific estimate is one based on random sampling of the general population.   Taken together, the figures offer researchers and public health officials the first glimpse of the coronavirus as a post-pandemic, seasonal threat, a permanent fixture of the infectious disease landscape.How SARS-CoV-2 will continue to interact with other respiratory viruses, such as RSV and flu, also remains to be seen.  (5)>>BY THAT TIME A NEW VARIANT EMERGES . LIKE ERIS ...People in the U.S. were just introduced to Eris, which recently became the most dominant COVID-19 strain in the country and now causes 20.6% of cases of the virus here. But why is Pirola concerning, and what symptoms does it cause?Solutions to any "new normals" in diseases affecting public health only happen if people from state, county, township, and borough health departments get out of their chairs and do something.All about the cases. My thing is, they don't even disseminate between asymptomatic and symptomatic cases like before. Each case is an equally bad figure simply for being a case alone, each with the equal significance of leading to a bad outcome because all cases are created and reacted to as equal. But they totally stopped the gas on "asymptomatic" a while ago, as if we're going to forget (who knows, maybe we will). When deaths are dialed back, they ramp the cases. That way, the new reporting of deaths will feel significant. All about them cases.It's unbelievable that we, as a society, shut itself down causing immeasurable economic pain and denied the proper education to a swatch of our population all to fight a virus that we are basically ignoring and living with now. I understand, Covid is more serious than a flu but it doesn't seem like it's much worse.In short, the damned thing’s still very much with us.On the heels of Eris are a handful of other variants trackers are eyeing that could buoy or elevate levels to greater heights.Regardless, cases will likely peak in late November, shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday. The reappearance of some COVID-era protocols has sparked concerns that more widespread measures may be ordered in the months ahead.  "I keep hearing whispers of COVID restrictions coming back," said Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, who vowed to not comply with them. Kari Lake also tweeted about the rumors, calling it the "Covid-19 Election Variant.(6)>>this version of covid-19 is prompting such panic inside our government and schools. The trend has raised questions about whether this may prompt other schools nationwide to follow suit.Doctors say it is not uncommon for this time of year when everyone goes back to school that illnesses like COVID, the flu and RSV start to tick up. But what does it mean for schools now, when major national and international health agencies have declared the health emergency over, if not the pandemic?  As the media continues its relentless push to bring back masks, administrators in school districts across the country are following suit with similarly unproven interventions.A school district in Kentucky has reportedly decided to suspend in-person classes for a week, if not longer. Just a few weeks after returning to school, kids are being forced to remote learning. All because the district claims to be dealing with COVID, strep throat and the flu.Another district in South Texas closed schools for several days this week due to a “COVID outbreak.”These closures come on the heels of study after study and review after review showing that due to school closures, many American school children fell behind in learning by at least a year.A new variant—technically a subvariant of omicron officially classified as EG.5 and colloquially called “Eris”—has become the dominant strain of COVID-19 in the United States and has been categorized by the World Health Organization as a “variant of interest.”As new Covid variants gain traction and cases climb in certain areas, a few schools and businesses are reinstating mask requirements. Experts say it makes sense to increase precautions, including turning back to masks.   COVID-19 pandemic and the principles of public health more generally, the chief medical director wrote, “My message to parents is this: schools are some of the safest places for children to be.”(7)>>This is just a distraction to make the public too rattled to be able to see what's happening. People, wake up these are not our parents democrats these are controlling fanatics that want to limit your freedoms from appliances to how many beers you can drink You eject Biden again you will get that Kamala who is a living nightmare if she gains the top spot because Biden can't make it. You can hate Trump all you want but if you hate him so much to sacrifice your freedoms that where fought and died for then you have some major screws loose The Democrats are gonna have a difficult time in the 2024 election even if it's against Trump .It would be absolute political suicide to have another massive lock down unless it was something even worse than what was happening in 2020.Wanna gain some votes from Republicans after that? Yeah good luck with that. You'd potentially lose those on the political fence as well, and possibly even some blue voters with more lockd owns .It's a tricky situation.For all of you saying this is Alex Jones conspiracy theory you are wrong. Lionsgate has reinstated masks, hospital systems in NY and CA have reinstated masks, and certain colleges in ATL have reinstated masks. Every day more and more masks are being reinstated, and a new vaccine is in the works Biden has come out and stated he may require it for all. Stop claiming everything is a conspiracy theory. Epstein Island was a conspiracy theory until it wasn't.  I think you'd only really see that happen if it was TRULY absolutely necessary.