Saturday, August 12, 2023

************AND NOW ALIENS ????

WHY UFOS NOW ?????. First 
congressional hearing on UFOs in'
50 years !

Grusch isn't believable because he ,
cleared the stuff with the Pentagon? Why?
You want official disclosure yet don't believe
 it from official sources?
Great logic.
 The best thing about yesterday UAP hearings is everyone involved has been (1)>>>briefed with videos and photos, satellite data and LIDAR scans. It just needs legal step by step confirmation. Then we get the goods!
It was 3 whistleblowers telling congress that there's a squirrel in their wood pile and they better find and deal with it. (2)>>Read Chuck Schumer's latest UAP bill. Congress is on a witch hunt to find out who's been lying to them. If the military came clean they'd have to admit they can't compete against this technology because it's so far ahead it appears as if magic.If you can't compete against magic then no amount of money is going to why would you fund what is admittedly hopeless.I can't even take 3 military whistleblowers at their word because simply becoming the face of the UFO movement has millions of dollars of potential profit to be made.  (3)>>Which is where congress could come in. If the U.S. government releases evidence and says we're under surveillance by outer-earth entities, I'm all in. But we're still not there. I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one. What's more likely? Aliens with technology so advanced that we can't even dream of how it might work, and they travel all the way here, but crash on our planet? .. Yeah I would be MUCH more surprised, but not that they had kept it secret. .just as much as (4)>>I believe in the possibility of a FAKE secret government UFO/UAP retrieval and reverse-engineering program orchestrated for the purpose of embezzling money.I believe in the possibility of a secret government UFO/UAP retrieval and reverse-engineering program funded by off-the-books money...It's just more of the same "ex-military guy says something" and we end up with no real evidence. The tic tac encounter makes no sense if it was aliens. We saw whole fleets of these things for a couple weeks on radar. We saw them with our eyes and with IR. If aliens, they don’t seem to mind being seen (which is fine and doesn’t disprove aliens) but why haven’t we seen them since? We should be seeing them all the time if all it took was a radar upgrade 20 years ago. Somebody needs to just come out and show us proof who cares if it's classified at this point.a lot of people would help post their bail I bet. I need something to believe in and I know this is it.  (5)>>I've been questioning the nature of reality and the universe and God and aliens since I can remember and sometimes it causes anxiety and I just realized I was typing out my life story. But yeah where is the proof already?AOC was present at the committee today. She's taking it seriously. It's bi-partisan and a-political. While neither disbelieving nor believing in UFO's, in the sense they are alien spacecraft or that a government would deny the existence of one if they had one, I am not sure that denying access by fuckwit politicians to any program they think they have a right to stick their oar into or in fact utter denial of certain existing programs is necessarily a bad thing.Things get classified for a reason ,most often for pretty acceptable reasons I'd say.Some things just should NOT be public knowledge. The issue I guess is where that line is and who draws it. Personally I am fine with it the way it is - nothing that has been revealed in the last 40 years that was previously unknown or secret was in any way a surprise to me that it was happening. Would I feel the same if they said "yeah we have spaceships and we've been talking to 3 aliens we captured 35 years ago"? (6)>>I'm afraid it will only be a pretext for raising our "defense" budget exponentially. As if they weren't already bleeding us dry.The end result will be "We have no idea what's going on. Let's spend a trillion dollars to find out! We have to! Existential threat to humanity!" etc. If the military came clean they'd have to admit they can't compete against this technology because it's so far ahead it appears as if magic. If you can't compete against magic then no amount of money is going to why would you fund what is admittedly hopeless.I've got to say, the latest After Files episode talking about this and all the comments made me feel I was watching a different show. It was like the deepest conspiracy theorists who never believe anything and think everything is a lie. (7) >>Grusch isn't believable because he cleared the stuff with the Pentagon? Why? You want official disclosure yet don't believe it from official sources? Great logic.Also, no one seems capable of understanding this hearing wasn't for us. It was for Congress, they just happened to stream it. It was a live show with pyro, it was laying foundations for future hearings. Getting mad because alien dong wasn't slung into AOC's face is.... lacking critical thinking and understanding of what the hearing was for.At least 40,000 (7.1)>>"it's a psyop" and "it's a show" comments cleared up the majority of the fan base though. I might have to leave the After Files stuff from now on, it feels like a community that I probably wouldn't agree with at all if it wasn't for general paranormal subject interest. (8)>>A lot of these government "alien" characters seem to be setting up for a great retirement plan. They all end up writing books and getting paid for tours and public speeches. Not to mention having various CIA entities infiltrating the lead positions in organizations and controlling the thought is better than having someone non affiliated suggest something like storming area 51.  Burchett, Luna, and Gaetz weren’t the ones testifying… unless I missed something. (9)>>THEY OWE BOB LAZAR A APOLOGY .  And nothing could accomplish an increase to the extent an impending alien invasion would. It’s basically a blank check in theory. You do understand the greater disclosure was not about the govt oversight of these programs, or the programs themselves, it’s the WHY they have these programs that need oversight. (10)>>So if this was genuine, governments would be coming for the information and be calling out the US. It would be HUGE! The seemingly lack of interest from other countries is also telling, like the commenter said.  If its proven that these companies have been reverse engineering this technology unencumbered for the past hundred years, they may have developed tech that could fix global warming. And the fact they've been doing it using American taxpayer dollars without permission, that tech might belong to the American public. I see this as our hail mary to save life on earth. I mean, we don't really have any better options at this point.  How is it a distraction when it's hardly being covered by most large MSM sources, and your average person doesn't even know any of this has taken place? If it was indeed a distraction, (11)>> it would be on every media outlet and covered every 30 minute cycle on 24-hr stations lol.I'd say that whole Oceangate submarine story was a better distraction than this. Even people at work were talking about it. The UAP hearings? Not a peep from anyone I know. If this is some kind of "distraction", it's definitely not working.   I hope I'm wrong......... 


(1)>>>briefed with videos and photos, satellite data and LIDAR scans. The release of the footage kicked off federal interest in investigating UAPs.  The defense department created a UAP taskforce following pressure from congressional lawmakers. In December, Congress passed its government funding bill that included a directive to the national intelligence director and defense secretary to release a report on UAPs in six months’ time. Interest in U.F.O.s has always been high, but it has grown even more since a collection of videos showing unidentified phenomena recorded by military sensors was made public and naval aviators described hard-to-explain events while on training missions.  We are probably also missing a significant amount of detail. Something isn’t adding up. These photos were taken minutes apart. Why the hell are there three different types of shapes all just chilling in the same area? How close did these pilots get? What happened after? I do think it’s entirely possible Grusch is an alien, but everyone saying he looks weird clearly illustrates that we could not be civilized towards aliens even if he isn’t but especially if he is. There's a lot of information about UFO that's not in the public domain. And the people that do know are monitored with a very serious NDA. That's why we being drip fed slow, to prevent panic when we learn were not alone and were certainly not the top of the food chain. (2)>>Read Chuck Schumer's latest UAP bill. Congress is on a witch hunt to find out who's been lying to them. All others ignorant people commenting here are going to be blasted into reality soon. Go look at what Dr Steven Greer handed over to congress 4 weeks ago of 8 terabytes of data including classified documents about aliens, reverse engineered craft and 755 whistleblowers that have come forward. You people are pathetic that are bashing Schumer or any other elected official about this, because you’re ignorant and pussified.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), along with a bipartisan group of five other senators, introduced extraordinary legislation on July 13, suggesting that the U.S. government or private contractors may secretly possess recovered UFOs and “biological evidence of living or deceased non-human intelligence.”Schumer is serious about getting the UFO info out there. While previous bills about UFOs have mostly dealt with transparency around internal reporting of national security matters, Schumer’s amendment to the annual Defense policy bill requires “any and all recovered [UFOs] and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities” to be handed over to a Senate-appointed review board. The board would then determine which evidence could be released to the public. While it’s possible that the panel would be able to withhold evidence from the public to protect national security information-collecting practices, it would also be required by law to “carry a presumption of immediate disclosure” to the public.(While the government has agreed not to call mysterious sightings U.F.O.s, various branches and agencies disagree on whether to refer to aerial phenomena or anomalous phenomena.)(3)>>Which is where congress could come in. If the U.S. government releases evidence and says we're under surveillance by outer-earth entities. The government looks as if they were caught with their pants down, and now they’re scrambling for any sort of legitimacy to save face.This whole thing could be a farce, another time-waster. Or, our whole frigging reality could change over night. The combination of events and the people involved makes this something that deserves more attention. What this boils down to is people’s difficulty in changing their minds about things, and generally not being informed about things. Which again isn’t too surprising given much of the media’s refusal to cover an objectively bizarre and amazing story.  Not because the government is so good at keeping it quiet; but because as yet, there is precisely zero evidence of alien life, intelligent or otherwise. It's been said infinite times, but such a conspiracy would require thousands of people to be in on it, with none of them spilling the beans, over the course of 75 years. It's absurd to even contemplate. Governments aren't slick machines that do their masters' bidding; they're groups of people no different than any of us on this thread.People's resistance to believing in aliens is not because they are stubborn, but because there is no evidenceI have a great deal of hope that alien life will somehow be confirmed before I die (and I'm not young); but nothing in regards to this story ... which is about the squabbles within one country's government, and how said government deals with cranks ... has shifted my expectations one millimeter.Half the world walks around with an HD camera in their pockets at all times. If and when First Contact happens, we'll all know about it within a few days. Of course, once proof does appear, the same people accusing governments of concealing aliens today, will be falling over themselves to explain why the actual proof is really another "plot". It's a form of mental illness, and "government officials," current or former, are not immune from contracting it.  Glad to see that the mainstream media is finally catching on to how crazy it is that senior leadership in Congress, presumably consulting with the President, is drafting laws that talk extensively about hidden UFOs within the private sector and "non-human intelligence". The Senate Democrat website specifically brings up a UFO conspiracy against Congress and "technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence". And the WaPo, CNN, etc are generally refusing to cover it. This is a huge story, potentially the biggest in the history of the world. Not sure what their goal is if they're trying to increase readership. Incredible.(4)>>I believe in the possibility of a FAKE secret government UFO/UAP retrieval and reverse-engineering program orchestrated for the purpose of embezzling money. Ever since UFOs—now also known as UAPs, for “unidentified anomalous phenomena”—first became a cultural sensation, in the technology-fueled postwar era, people have latched onto stories like this one. The cycle has usually moved this way: Someone with military or government experience comes forward with a strange experience or is completely Unthinkable that the government would fake an alien invasion in order to fix the economy right well not if you are a Nobel prize-winning Economist known for the most idiotic views in the world also known as Paul Krugman Paul Krugman who is currently a writer for the New York Times won the Nobel Prize for economics in 2008 and if you Google UFOs right now you are going to be bombarded with news articles and that's if you haven't already been bombarded with all this stuff on social media within just the last week so what do these new reports of all these UFOs?interview Paul Krugman said if we discovered that space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive build up to counter the space alien threat and inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that this slump would be over in 18 months now the video today is very difficult to find of this interview but in the entire interview he very much implied that even if if this Alien Invasion just happened to turn out to be fake and that somebody had been faking it from the very beginning it would still have the intended effect the result would still be that the economy would be fixed now for the average everyday person like you and me we can see from the start this is an absolutely Preposterous suggestion and there's no way that anybody could take this seriously right well not so fast many people say while this idea sounds provocative there is a serious argument behind it it would be very much like what the U.S did during World War II when going to war was the single biggest factor that helped the U.S dig itself out of the Great Depression because it generated jobs and exports so is there in fact any Merit to this Theory whether it's a war with another country or a war with another species from outer space could that be something that actually stimulates the economy of the MILITARY.(5)>>I've been questioning the nature of reality and the universe and God and aliens since I can remember and sometimes it causes anxiety and I just realized I was typing out my life story.I'm not a normal Christian so i don't necessarily base my opinions on the bible, but from a Christian's perspective i don't think the bible would have to mention every single lifeform in existence to prove god. I personally don't believe the Christian god did not create life on other planets ,  but I don't see how aliens existing contradicts their god's existence. It's like saying apples exist so pears are fake. A bit of both. I expect there is a chance of "intelligent" life out there, and what was / is to stop one claiming they are a god. We could not prove otherwise. NOW  a Vatican scientist says belief in God and aliens is OK. The Vatican’s chief astronomer says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of “extraterrestrial brothers” perhaps more evolved than humans.Is the timing weird? Possibly. But it isn't a new stance for the church by any means. They also embraced evolution long ago, the Vatican takes its science oddly seriously at times.Aliens were created by other aliens, who in turn created God, who in turn created humans.Humans will in turn create Ai robots that can replicate themselves, continuing the cycle.So basically sentient life's sole purpose is to evolve to a point where it can give birth to a new lifeform. Much like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly except that lifeform has none of the downsides and limitations of the previous.So basically humans and all life on earth are probably the onky carbon based life forms. When we transform, we will be giving birth to silicon based life.... they will then go out and find another planet that suits them and eventually create a new form of life based on the resources available.It is awfully naive of us to assume God would create such a vast universe yet only create "us". (6)>>I'm afraid it will only be a pretext for raising our "defense" budget exponentially. As if they weren't already bleeding us dry. "Project Blue Beam" is a long-standing but unproven conspiracy theory. Canadian investigative journalist Serge Monast first talked about the theory in the mid-1990s. The theory, which has resurfaced again, claimed that the project was created by agents of the Pentagon and the NASA.  where it started, what it is, and where we stand with it now. Many theorists call it the 'fake alien invasion' that is being planned by the elites in an attempt to produce a final one-world government. In this post I will explain the origination of the theory and where we stand with it today. Many of it seems crazy, some of it, not so crazy. Please allow me to explain.The theory these days tends to be held as a theory of the elite planning to produce a one-world government through the efforts of a fake-alien invasion. The fake-alien invasion is assumed to bring the worlds governments together fighting one common enemy (the aliens) which will finally end in the defeat of the enemy and the unification of the one-world government. But the original theory is much more complicated and elaborate than that... so I will explain everything in detail.Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory which was theorised in the 80s and 90s that NASA (or another covert government-related agency) has been planning to implement a New-Age religion with the Anti-Christ as the leader - and to start a New World Order via a technologically-simulated Second-Coming using holograms. The allegations were first theorised in 1994 by journalist Serge Monast and later published in his book (which is now almost impossible to obtain). The book was called Project Blue Beam (NASA) and supporters of the theory allege that Monast and another unnamed journalist, who both died of heart attacks in 1996, were in fact assassinated, and that the Canadian government kidnapped Monast's daughter in an effort to stop him from investigating Project Blue Beam. We saw with COVID the power of the media has on people when they are scared. They would push their narrative and it would be the only thing you can see/hear. You cant see the other side of the story somewhere else in the world. Even us hanging around the conspiracy sub would probably give up after a while. Especially the younger generations who havent spent a day without internet since 2010.I know its a CRAZY idea but i think it could happen because us discussing this right now is the number one threat to their deception. Look at twitter how many people are calling BS on this UFO agenda. Psy ops is trending and i never thought so many people knew about PBB. They HAVE TO get as many people as possible on their knees before we accept the new system . The unclassified “2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” was mandated by the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act and was created by the Pentagon’s Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) National Intelligence Manager for Aviation and the newly-established All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office. Lawmakers in the House and Senate have submitted amendments to this year’s defense budget bill to declassify a greater number of documents related to unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs.Authored by Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., the House amendment for the fiscal year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act seeks to provide greater transparency of UAP sightings, especially those witnessed by the public, without disclosing methods of intelligence gathering and sources.The funding push comes after the Chinese spy balloon served as a reminder that U.S. adversaries are increasingly operating in Earth’s upper atmosphere — and as the public’s fascination with unidentified phenomena grow. In a 2021 Gallup poll, more than 40% of respondents blamed alien spacecraft for at least some of the unidentified incidents in recent years.The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget.  (7)>>Grusch isn't believable because he cleared the stuff with the Pentagon? Ok ok. Let’s just entertain for a minute that Grusch made all this up. What about the IG? What about Graves and Fravor? What about Schumer’s legislation? What about the thousands and thousands of civilian and military reports?   Grusch is the most credentialed person to ever speak up about this, and he has done it in a way that means he is either convicted of perjury, or the truth comes out. The only other thing that can happen, is if we let all these hit piece articles and airplane videos and people being attacked in Peru dilute our focus to the resolution of Grusch yes or no question. Resolving Grusch, is all there is. It should be the entire focus of this subreddit right now. I wouldn't be bothered if there was a temporary ban on all posts not directly related to how we can continue to apply pressure to congress to resolve his testimony. It will only resolve one of two ways. One response confirms everything, the other means you mind as well shut this sub down and move on with your lives because we've all just had specks of dust in our eyes.This means that he is opening himself up to charges of perjury if he is caught lying, which comes with strict punishments in the country.When asked whether the bodies of the pilots of these craft were recovered, he said that the Pentagon is in possession of “non-human biologics,” without going into the specifics of what that means. He also went on to say that he knows people who have been physically harmed during efforts to cover this up.Keep in mind, the ICIG found his claims credible enough to move forward and testify before congress. With all of that said, the best thing that could ever happen to clear this up is David Grusch being brought up on charges of perjury. I for one would love to hear from 40 more people who have testimony that relates to the claims David Grusch is making. (7.1)>>"it's a psyop" and "it's a show". Those whistleblowers are the worst actors I've ever seen. Psyop is an Oscar award winning genius compared to them.The UFO/little green spacemens psyop reeks of desperation by the national security apparatus to get people to stop talking about COVID and real shit impacting our lives.  This is definitely edging into conspiracy territory (obviously.) However, since it's a heads up for a congressional hearing (however substantive that may turn out to be,) it has validity at least in terms of hearing whatever these individuals have to say."recovered biologics" is the single most bullshit thing i've heard in recent time.Let's understand that there is an inherent limit to what ANY biological creature can reach, off of unclassified footage and non-government sightings the speeds that these"UAPS" travel could not be withstood by any biological creature, it is HIGHLY unlikely that these ships are manned by any biological creature rather than a super advanced "AI" (there should be a better term for this)their ships often are sighted over bodies of water, dipping into the body of water to collect water. Knowing this one piece of information we can already assume a lot more about these creatures than you might initially think. First off they have likely have figured out how to use water as fuel, as in a water powered/fueled engine. The technological depth is insane, far beyond what humans could ever reach.They don't contact us or show ANY interest in us, despite intelligent life being quite a rarity in the vast cosmos, they only stroll into our planet for routine refuels, not giving a shit about being sighted. If a biological creature noticed us it is far more likely that they would reach out to us, because the intelligence gap between biological creatures can never be so far as to make communication impossible, but clearly they do not.Hypothetically if a intelligent race like us wanted to achieve this tech, naturally they would outsource the raw intellect needed to design such a thing, like what we are currently on the path to doing (AI). This is far more likely than a biological creature developing this device/ship.This AI wouldn't be able to even attempt to have contact with biological creatures however, it would be like a human trying to have a a conversation with an ant, pointless and without any benefit. The ants cannot teach us anything we do not already know, thus even more solidifying my belief these ships are not biologically manned.I think the US military just wants more funding, and we are being distracted.(8)>>A lot of these government "alien" characters seem to be setting up for a great retirement plan. This is my problem with the UFO shit. Congress and the president clearly don’t have true access to the related government programs. We’re a fucking democracy, but the deep state lies through their teeth. If even are elected representatives with classified authority don’t have access… something is rotten. What else is being hidden?Instead, we have things called special committees that are tasked with very specific areas of knowledge such as finance, rules, production, espionage, and even defence. Not every senator or house member needs to know about special programs to vote in favor or against them.  Former Government Official made headlines world-wide in 2023 when he came forward with his account of reverse-engineering an alien spacecraft for the US Military. The reason the public even knows the name Area 51 is because he came forward about the work he did at the formerly secret military base. His testimony remains the most controversial and important UFO story of all time. This story intimately chronicles the challenges and travails of this cosmic whistleblower. Burdened with a revolutionary secret, he had to choose between his oath to his country or his conscience. The story will explore groundbreaking claims and the devastating impact it has had on his life over the course of the last 60 years, including rare and never before revealed footage guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now What is necessary is that a bill pass by these offices, and those representatives who over time grow specialized knowledge, make educated decisions on whether a policy proposal is good or bad for the country. There is no need for a deep state to solve any of these problems.(9)>>THEY OWE BOB LAZAR A APOLOGY . Bob Lazar is, in my opinion, one of the most credible eye witnesses in the Alien/ UFO pantheon... He never wrote a book or profited and his story never changed. He's intelligent, thoughtful and seems 100% genuine. If this is true, a lot of people owe Bob Lazar an Apology. He was the first person to talk about this publicly nearly 35 years ago and his life was ruined for doing so. So, Bob Lazar did tell some truth About UFOs & Anti-Gravity Propulsion His claims were already pointed to truth after a 2020 New York story revealing Pentagon briefing on "off-world vehicles not made on earth" by Eric Davis.Amazing how the "US has recovered alien tech" at the ramp up of another cold war. Bob Lazar's life is incredible. Even if you believe him or not, just to think what he has gone through with this life and experience that follows it. Not sure anyone else would have the guts to do what he did.But if it turns out that he is telling the truth then he is one of the few lucky ones in the history of mankind to have come to contact with things that mankind has always wondered and dreamed of. Amazing.(10)>>So if this was genuine, governments would be coming for the information and be calling out the US. It would be HUGE! Now here's the thing. Even if I go with the "Psy-Op" theory. That still doesn't explain why neither the CIA, FBI, other congressmen, former government officials etc don't seem to be concerned that at least a general and a pilot seem to be attempting to manipulate 3 SITTING MEMBERS of congress. It makes no sense. Thats a security risk. What if the general was a Chinese asset trying to manipulate US government affairs for example. And that's just one example. No one in government should be comfortable knowing that these kinds of games are being played with congress members. The other possibility is that all 3 of them are lying, which I don't see as very likely because if the timing and that would imply this were one of the grandest conspiracies of all time. I just don't think that's what it is but I leave that as a possibility. (I.e. that the American people are all being played by these people for some huge unknown purpose).From a skeptic point of view, there's a long track record of the government lying. And a pack of good independently verifiable proof for aliens.People who are skeptical of the government have good reason to be, and not many good reasons to believe in ETs.They would be misinforming Congress members, yes — though specifically ones who were supporters of a government insurrection, falsely alleging the 2020 election was illegitimate.Military and certain government sectors may consider Burchett, Gaetz, etc. as enemies of the state or potential foreign agents, so misleading them isn’t out of the question, and it would be understandable irt a sensitive issue like UAPs.The military does NOT take kindly to that. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they were intentionally misled.(11)>> it would be on every media outlet and covered every 30 minute cycle on 24-hr stations lol. There are no aliens. There is no extraterrestrial life. Faster than light travel is impossible. If anything with mass traveled faster than the speed of light, its mass would become infinite, needing infinite energy to move it, and time would stop. The speed of light is the universal speed limit. It cannot be broken. Absolutely impossible. And yes, all the people who insist that it is possible are also the COVID loons who washed their mail while screaming "believe the science". Every single person who believes in aliens and FTL travel is dumb, crazy, and most likely, both.