Thursday, September 22, 2022

Martha's Vineyard brings a smile . The immigration debate is way overdue.

Governors Abbott and DeSantis set off
the fire storm of debate on what to
do with illegal migrants . 
On the line , Sanctuary states
are exposed as hypocrites . 

The immigration debate is way over due, we already have an estimated 11m-12m immigrants living in the United States .  (1)>>So WHAT do YOU do with them ? .The fundamental problem is the US immigration policy and enforcement of border security. Spreading out the economic burden of undocumented immigrants is a matter of fairness. As social services in Texas, Arizona and Florida are overwhelmed, the I-95 corridor is asked in a rather rude manner to do their part. The awkward dealing with several hundred uninvited immigrants in (2)>>Martha's Vineyard brings a smile in border states who have thousands each day. The Migrant issue is a war between the Red states and the Blue states .  But while the transfers of migrants were called out by Democrats as political stunts, they also served as vivid reminders of how ill prepared heavily Democratic parts of the Northeast are to handle influxes of poor migrants, even though they have long been immigration strongholds where many people are eager to help.To the readers who support sanctuary cities and liberal policies welcoming all comers with open arms, no matter the cost to our own citizens, where is your compassion for people like this couple? No one is rolling out the red carpet for them. No volunteers are going all out to ensure their child has food and clothing. They are completely ignored and swept to the side in favor of another country’s people. Really burns me up. (3)>>The Blue States have made it clear with Sanctuary laws that they support illegal immigrants, unlike the nasty Red States.What I did amusing is that after years of telling people they are welcome, the Blue States are angry that the immigrants are arriving and calling it cruelty. "How dare you bring people to where they are welcome? You inhuman monsters!" .  As much as I dislike the GOP, this was a genius move. The Dems didn't care about the outcome of the immigrants before, but suddenly are outraged that they "are being misused" because they are expected to back up their claims of "we care about you, and welcome you with open arms."  (4)>>What I don’t understand is why Gavin Newsom is so obsessed with Florida and debating Governor Ron DeSantis. Governor  (5)>>DeSantis is focused on governing Florida. Governor Newsom should focus on governing HIS state instead of campaigning against Joe Biden in a shadow primary. Republicans love to claim California is a shithole because there are so many homeless people here, completely ignoring the fact that a tremendous number of said homeless are not even from here. These aren't people who were born here and lost their homes (well, some are, but nowhere near all of them); a huge portion are people who were already homeless in other states and came here. We didn't make them homeless; they already were. NOW  Border Patrol reports it has encountered more than 1.8 million illegally crossing migrants so far this fiscal year, which ends on Sept. 30. That’s more than all of the last fiscal year and more than double that of any single year during President Donald Trump’s term. Indeed, border encounters for this fiscal year are on track to exceed the total for Trump’s full four-year term.  (6)>>It's all Biden's fault by nature by not addressing the crisis at the border .This is bad for the country for a host of reasons. It’s bad because it does a nation no good to disrespect its own borders. It’s bad because as the country recovers from the pandemic, allowing massive numbers of people to join the economy means legal residents will have to compete with them for jobs. And it’s bad because it divides our country by flagrantly ignoring the sentiments of the half or so of voters who want illegal immigration to be controlled. When we can afford to keep paying social security beyond 2035, then we can afford more illegal border crossers. They are not, by the way, refugees, immigrants or migrants, because those people come here legally. We have to shut the border until we get our own house in order. Infrastructure is crumbling, health care is a mess, housing is unaffordable, social security is soon bankrupt…let’s do that first. Then we can welcome others.

 (1)>>So WHAT do YOU do with them ?  Our immigration system has long been overburdened and outdated, and the asylum process is a big part of what’s not working. The crux of the matter is that the Biden administration dismantled or downgraded every policy that had established control over the Southern border under his predecessor and is directly responsible for the record number of illegal immigrants flooding into the country.They used to call them "undocumented" but now they have been promoted to "asylum seekers". They do have identification papers, they just forget them at home. If they really need them they just visit the local Mexican consulate, etc., and get a replacement. So, four and a half years to wait for a hearing. It gives them de facto citizenship. The rights activists have to answer the fundamental question: do US citizens have the right to decide who gains entry into their country? The system now privileges the foreigner. Just say "asylum" and you are in, for good. I don't like it. (2)>>Martha's Vineyard brings a smile in border states who have thousands each day. Martha’s Vinyard was used for this particular stunt because it’s famous for being where extremely wealthy, liberal New Englander’s live. They’re using it as a symbol of the “limousine liberal” costal elites they’re always banging on about. It’s like how Portland is used as a meme for the more chaotic leftist stereotype (degenerate, really gay, drugs for day) and Trump sent in the feds to get photo-OP’s of strongmen battling “Antifa.”What your supposed to imagine is unwashed “illegals” being dumped on the doorstep of like Gwyneth Paltrow. And the stuck-up elites holding their nose and being like “ew gross poors, not in my wealthy enclave.” So their hypocrisy is exposed and everyone laughs.Of course that’s not how anything works, but it doesn’t matter. Because they took a few pictures and are now spreading this narrative all over right-wing media and social media. There’s a counter-narrative that this stunt “backfired” since Martha’s Vineyard instantly mobilized to help them. So some people feel that the hypocrisy narrative has been disproven. I don’t think it backfired though, I think the people who it was meant for will imagine it the way they want to. (3)>>The Blue States have made it clear with Sanctuary laws that they support illegal immigrants, unlike the nasty Red States. The term 'sanctuary' means the local government refuses to work with ICE, such as providing information on those who live there. The local governments do this because they have to have the trust of those who live there in order for that local society to function. No one is stropping ICE from operating in 'sanctuary' cities. The article makes several suggestions about how the federal government can do a better job, but you need two parties willing to pass the legislation. There have been scores of illegal migrants being flown and bussed to cities around the country by the federal government for many months now. Each time without the agreement of the local officials of those cities.Frequently these flights have occurred in the middle of the night.All well documented.When a Republican governor does it, it is now "a stunt".Your premise is correct though. The system is fully broken and this administration has no interest in the hard work of fixing it.Open borders are not sustainable for a functioning sovereign nation. Shouldn't this be one of those things we can all agree on? (4)>>What I don’t understand is why Gavin Newsom is so obsessed with Florida and debating Governor Ron DeSantis. California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has called for a DOJ investigation into DeSantis’s plan, and US Attorney for Massachusetts Rachael Rollins said in a press conference that her office is seeking the DOJ’s input on the matter. According to Rachel Self, an attorney assisting the newly arrived migrants, a representative for the Department of Justice is at Joint Base Cape Cod, where the migrants are being sheltered; the DOJ declined to comment on the matter.Unfortunately for you Newsom. those 40,000 Californians became homeless/left the state/died from lockdown related causes not to mention your state had some of the biggest Covid waves in America, so it doesn't even matter what you did, you still screwed up big time.It's hard to understand the rationale for Gov. Gavin Newsom's Independence Day political ad in Florida, which urged Floridians to "join us in California where we still believe in freedom." OK, there's a political rationale given that Newsom might actually be planning to run for president, but the video ad is inexplicable. In fact, its wording suggests that Newsom might be delusional. In recent interviews, the California governor pinned his motivation on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' threat to impose a $27.5-million fine on the Special Olympics if that group didn't rescind its vaccine mandate.  (5)>>DeSantis. Funniest part of all this is that DeSantis himself is one of the yale and harvard educated elites his base rails against and I'd be absolutely floored if he didn't have friends who own property in Martha's Vineyard. Not to mention, Mass has a Republican governor...yet he's somehow owning the libs. None of it makes any sense but his base is eating it up.Democrats unable to deal with their own policies coming to their front door. They freaked out over 50 illegals being flown to one of the richest areas of America. The illegals were happy to be at the vineyard, but since these people couldn't be bothered for more than 2 days the illegals were flown to a military base.The national guard was called in to assist those that the island could not support. The truth literally does not matter to them, this whole thing is a W for the maga crowd.Also did Desantis think that rich liberals in Martha's Vineyard wouldn't take this opportunity to demonstrate how virtuous they are and how stupid Desantis is? Idiot.(6)>>It's all Biden's fault by nature by not addressing the crisis at the border . The intended implication is that Biden's mere presence is emboldening terrorists to attempt entrance into this once-great country. Even if that were true, and it's not, I'm pretty sure Biden's had enough time to implement policies that actually get shit done. The Left says things they don't mean, they virtue signal, and they don't stand for their principles. Biden had a full year last year to do something at the border . Biden is responsible for not moving quickly enough to bring DHS to heel and stop the inhumane policies that are refusing refugees of our climate crisis and our CIA terrorism at the border and leaving them to die. The crux of the matter is that the Biden administration dismantled or downgraded every policy that had established control over the southern border under his predecessor and is directly responsible for the record number of illegal immigrants flooding into the country. The administration is steadfastly dishonest about the border. Vice President Kamala Harris says the border is “secure.” " The Biden-Harris administration continues ignoring and denying the historic crisis at our southern border, which has endangered and overwhelmed Texas communities for almost two years,” said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has sent over 10,000 migrants to Washington, D.C., New York City and Chicago since the spring.“Overwhelmed”  is an understatement. The reason for all this is simple: the White House does not believe in deterring illegal border crossers, seeking only to process them as expeditiously as possible into the interior of the United States. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas made this explicit in a recent TV interview, where he was asked whether it is “the objective of the Biden administration to reduce, sharply reduce the total number of illegal immigrants coming across the southern border?” Mayorkas responded: “It is the objective of the Biden administration to make sure that we have safe, orderly, and legal pathways for individuals to be able to access our legal system.”In other words, no, the administration is not interested in enforcing America’s southern border.