Thursday, September 8, 2022

Biden's Speech against MAGA ( a Observation )

Biden Unleashed !
calling out MAGA and Trump.
Did Biden do more harm 
or for the better 
good of the November 22
midterms ?
The Big Hocus Pocus....First keep Biden in the Basement ....Now Pull Joe Biden out for all to See.....But alas the Background is Just a little off,....But No Problem some "Unofficial Biden Fixers" got Joe covered.....So He looks "Just Right". This whole Presidential Term reads like a Fairy Tale, unfortunately one with a dark theme.(1)>>Biden unleashed ! 
The president came in for withering mockery online for the harsh black and red backdrop, with many comparing the optics to “Star Wars” and “V for Vendetta.”  His anti MAGA speech that was supposed to be on "unity" was such a flop that its getting a backlash from Democrats as well.  (1.2)>>So , Biden's is not even sure what the hell was he talking about later he denies what he said. Speaking to reporters afterwards , Biden said he wasn't referring to "any Trump supporter" when he spoke about the threats posed to American democracy the night before. This whole speech shows that Biden is afraid that he might face TRUMP and lose in 2024 to him. While Biden has signaled over the past week or more that he plans to escalate his rhetoric against the GOP heading into Labor Day and the post-holiday sprint to November, liberals are cheering the tactic as long overdue — even if its impact is uncertain. Despite White House suggestions that the address would not be political, it’s hard to not see how it would not be seen through a partisan lens, or that it even makes any difference. ANY WAY . IT WAS POLITICAL , and pretty much anti Trump , anti MAGA . This speech was so unnecessary , what a facade it was . I am as middle of the road as they come... But I see our nation splitting before my eyes. The divisiveness is rooted in the left. The theme of the democratic party is divide and then divide some more. Hopefully both sides move more towards center. Probably not...   (2)>>Biden has to focus in UNITY with in CONGRESS but people who like Donald Trump or the MAGA movement are entitled to their views.  (3)>>Yawn, ignoring all Bidens failures won’t make anything better. The fact he is still talking about Trump indicates a FEAR of running against him and Politician Joe is trying to frame this in a way to make it seem like it’s about “democracy” when it’s simply a stunt to avoid facing Trump again. (4)>>It’s a pre 2024 hate speech to paint Orange Man as evil, yet again.They spent years attacking and impeaching Trump over blatant lies. None of it had any basis in reality. They took his words and twisted them to attack him. Nothing of substance besides Trump just being egotistical and bombastic was actually used against him. People are remembering Trump, and then comparing him to Biden. (4.1)>>Keep in mind if it wasn't for the laptop stories suppression he likely would have won. The guy isn't unpopular, the government just hates him. In their obsession to stop Trump at all costs, the Left may actually be nailing their own coffin for the next presidential election, because it will solidify support behind this man,  (5)>>Ron DeSantis. Who most will find more electable and appealing anyways. If the Left really thinks Trump is broke goods and unelectable, they would just sit back, and allow him to run then. But even 19 months since leaving office, they are still terrified of him. So they make him out to be the Boogie Man. Because they know Joe is an epic failure, and that they have no one else appealing to offer American voters. So make everything about the Boogie Man this next election. They think Trump is the sure threat, but they don’t even realize it’s actually Ron DeSantis at this point. Let them keep exhausting all their time and energy on Trump. My understanding is that, at the most basic bare-bones level, like toddler level shit, is that there is two ends of political freedom: autocracy and democracy. As in, rule of one and rule of the people. All government types fall under the spectrum between these two points. The most democratic form of government would be some e-gov direct democracy shit I guess, and feudalism would be deep into the autocracy wing. A republic is a type of democracy and is therefore a democracy.  (6)>>End of story.

 (1)>>Biden unleashed ! Uncle Joe is something I worry about way too much. He might trip and fall on the debate stage, I worry. His face will distort the grimace , Old Joe might trip over the next staircase, hurt his finger walking the dog, or fall off his bike, and I'm afraid for his safety. President's health is not a matter of national secrets. Secrets cannot be kept from the American people by the president. For our elderly Joe, kindly request an independent medical commission and a cognitive test. Seems like he's speaking about himself and fellow Dems - “I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, refuses to acknowledge an election … changing the way you count votes, that is a threat to democracy.”"I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, refuses to acknowledge an election … changing the way you count votes, that is a threat to democracy." Like Democrat Stacie Abrams, like Albert Gore prince of the hanging chads, like John Kerry author of the Ohio Diebold voting machine conspiracy. Like Hillary Clinton queen of the Russian Conspiracy and all the Democrats with the "Resist" bumper...(1.2)>>So , Biden's is not even sure what the hell was he talking about later he denies what he said.  NOW denying that he attacked Donald Trump voters despite having repeatedly slammed “MAGA Republicans” allied with the former president. “Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to this country?” a reporter asked Biden at the end of his only scheduled public remarks of the day. I’ve gotta say that Biden’s ideas of uniting the country, hadn’t squared with my idea of the way someone interested in doing that would conduct himself to go about it, or would behave. He and his minions had convinced me long before this unfortunate speech and shameful display to change my voting affiliation from “I” to full-on “R” and I won’t be voting for a “D” again in this lifetime! I’m truly disgusted with Biden, his administration, and the entire Democratic Party. (2)>>Biden has to focus in UNITY with in CONGRESS.  Biden should work on uniting ALL OF CONGRESS  , so both parties can work for the American people and not bickering .And for President Biden, the slogan comes down to one word: “unity.”Biden campaigned on — and came to office promising — the ineffable concept of unity, a feel-good catchall that proffered bipartisan bonhomie, but with few tangible specifics.Biden told the country, “On this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together, uniting our people, and uniting our nation. And I ask every American to join me in this cause.” Nice sentiment, but was it sincere? Given the level of cynicism in the country toward all things political today, it’s reasonable to wonder whether Americans felt his unity pledge was heartfelt or just another politician saying what he thinks people want to hear? (3)>>Yawn, ignoring all Bidens failures won’t make anything better.  Biden is a disaster. Inflation, Immigration control and Border security, energy policy, etc. I just don't understand how anyone can think that things are better now under Biden than with Trump's policies had in place. What am i missing? millions walking across the border willy nilly and people don't care. all they do is bash republicans as a "threat to democracy", you know the country's done. the writing is on the wall. Joe Biden is pathetic. It was too much to hope for that he would do the right thing and say it's time to stop hating one another and we must now work together, and respect one another. It would certainly be a day late and dollar short, but at least it would be a 180 degree change. People look at Biden and not just for how bad his policies have been to this country, which he has run into the ground. But the fact that he had a beautiful opportunity to have a defining moment and be a strong, serious leader who could have admitted mistakes and said now we all must work together or some such. He should have said he was giving pardons to those who are enduring very biased and abusive trials, who have been abused physically in the DC jail (see court records on that, too) let's face it, they were a disorganized mob who trespassed and did stupid things the charges they face are so overblown. But Biden is no Abe Lincoln, who said with charity for all and malice toward none. Biden has not the quality, intelligence, capacity or insight nor does he ever do any introspection. He just wanted to be president so bad, he sold his soul for it. And we are the ones who suffer.(4)>>It’s a pre 2024 hate speech to paint Orange Man as evil. FUNNY BIDEN thing calling out Trump by name in this speech, what get's me is that the sheer mention of Trump is giving him the free press he needs   . Now as I give this observation . Personally its going to backfire on Biden and the Democrats . The so called evil orange man is not going away . Honestly as I said before , the "swamp" wants Trump in handcuffs . I'm tired of being told that if I believe there was something wrong with the last election, I'm a "threat to democracy." It just proves that the Dems don't really believe the stuff they're spreading about Republicans being a "threat to Democracy". If they did believe it, they wouldn't take a chance on empowering them to take office. How condescending.The Democratic Party—which has also deployed this shady scheme in California, Colorado, Illinois, Maryland and Pennsylvania—is playing with fire. Democrats have rightly made protecting democracy a national issue. But cynically propping up enemies of democracy undercuts this message. Negative advertising works because both major parties can point to the other one and say "They're worse." And, both of them work to bring out the worst in the other party to help make it that way. (4.1)>>Keep in mind if it wasn't for the laptop stories suppression he likely would have won.  Whatever was on the laptop was on the laptop. But what I can say is Hunter Biden on the board of directors of Burisma makes no sense at all. He is obviously a very ill man, he has no expertise to offer Burisma, and he has nothing to do with Ukraine. There is no plausible reason for him to be on the board of a massive Ukrainian energy company. Near as I can tell, the actual things that have been proven seems to be pretty consistent with "Someone hacked Hunter Biden's iCloud account, loaded up the data into a laptop, maybe sprinkled in some additional stuff, and passed it along to a political patsy". It doesn't help that there's a lot of things that people seem to be just outright making up in places like 4chan, with a "I can't post it, just trust me bro" justification.Like, ok, is Hunter Biden an addict? Yeah, but everyone already knew that. Did he use the family name to get access to jobs he probably wouldn't have otherwise? Yeah, but that's nothing new in America. Well, since Democrats have decided to invoke "contempt of congress" as means of enforcing their will, Republicans are obliged to follow suit. (5)>>Ron DeSantis. Ron DeSantis is responding to President Joe Biden‘s speech on the “soul” of the nation, describing the President as “the American Nero” and a “failed leader” in fresh comments this weekend.“I thought it was one of the most disgusting speeches an American President has ever given. He ran as being a unifier, and he’s basically saying to the vast majority of the country that disapproves of him that they’re effectively a threat to the public.”DeSantis made the comments during Friday’s episode of the Fox News Channel’s Ingraham Angle. The Governor extended his critic beyond Biden’s oratory, also impugning the President’s age.“He dodders. He lashes out,” DeSantis lamented, before offering descriptions of Biden policies that have “left wreckage in his wake.”(6)>>End of story.  Biden couldn't speak about his failed policies so he had to attack Republicans. " … changing the way you count votes, that is a threat to democracy.” But when Trump won in 2016, there were calls to abolish the Electoral College by Democrats. Isn't that "changing the way we count votes"? I'm absolutely floored they didn't claim "Russian Interference", again. They muted it because they knew it was bad. They knew it was beyond the pale. But instead of calling it out and plastering it wall to wall for being the most divisive presidential speech ever spoken they decided to try to help soften it. They are complicit. Complicit, the word the libs love to tag anyone they disagree with with. But they the libs are the most complicit when it comes to this complete disaster of a president. By the way, formula is still hard to come for babies. Babies in America are still having a hard time getting food. Not that that makes the news anymore.