Saturday, February 6, 2021


A California coup is just like a standard coup, except it's slightly narrower and longer.

California is such a CRAZY STATE in the American Union now it merits a (1)>>second recall of it's Governor. ALAS ! California is not the only state on record for recalls. 2021 may be the "year" of the recall effort.  There are about👉 three-dozen pandemic-related recalls have been launched at the state and local levels.Governors might have to worry too  about the current wave of recalls. Lock downs exposed a lot weaknesses in how State Governments did handle the pandemic . Only two governors have been successfully recalled in American history: Republican Lynn Frazier of North Dakota in 1921 and Democrat Gray Davis of California in 2003.
The way California’s recall system works, voters are asked on the same ballot whether to revoke the term of the incumbent, and who they want to succeed her or him if the first measure wins a majority.  The defeat of Davis led to the election of Republican  (1.2)>>Arnold Schwarzenegger
as governor. It also had what political scientists like to call a demonstration effect, increasing the number of 
recall attempts against lower-level officials. BUT California was lackluster before the pandemic hit . Gov. Newsom and Pres. Trump were both riding high on the wave of the Wall Street wallet before 2020 , both men though at odds with each other were in fact both benefiting from the Tax cuts that Pres. Trump himself initiated .  (2)>>Covid crashed the state economy in 2020 . But there some similarities how Gov. Newsom and former Gov. Gray Davis faced , what led to their recalls . It's the ECONOMY . 2003 was a bad year for California , the state was broke , it had issues with Electrical Deregulation , it's so called 20 billion rainy day surplus was nothing more than a 20 billion deficit . (3)>>
I doubt you can  TRY to replace Gavin Newsom, but if you actually want to have a chance of success, you would need to replace him with another Democrat? The GOP in California was doomed after Arnold Schwarzenegger cooked the party . Doing some research to see who is behind the recall Gavin Newsom campaign and found this comment.👉 "  What do you like about him? His signing of AB5, his complete mishandling of the pandemic, and flouting his own rules have seriously made me consider signing the petition ". I'm not sure what the alternative is, really, but I know I don't like a lot of the things he's done this year.He has mishandled the pandemic as of late, but not at the level of republican governors. His March stay at home order was a success, and he's taking many steps towards fighting California's most pressing problems. (4)>>I am very critical of him for flouting his own rules and not being tough on enforcing the rules, but considering he believes in science and did not send the police with guns to silence a truth telling data scientist.Lastly, he had an entire year to come up with a Covid Vaccination plan and he still failed at that. An entire year! There is no structure or order for how California is administering the vaccine and we're still doing it too slowly. He has fucked up beyond belief here and yeah I agree with you on who is particularly funding the recall efforts. Thanks for the discussion downvote though!

California Budget Uncertainties 
While Gov. Newsom rolled the January 2021 budget with 200 billion in spending . Looked really good on paper . The reality of it is Throwing money at the problem has been tried for years.  Last year the State of California fell into a 54 billion dollar insolvency due to the Pandemic shutdowns , it blew the 20 billion dollar surplus out the window if it ever existed . California was waiting on Federal Stimulus money from the HEROES ACT, that federal money was stalled , is still in stu waiting for approval of both Democrats and Republican's to send it to Biden . That money is still frozen . Yet (5)>>Gov. Newsom created a imaginary budget just to keep state institutions running . Truth there is REALLY NO MONEY.While The $227.2 billion fiscal blueprint includes what Newsom referred to as a $5 billion (5.1)“immediate action plan”. The budget assumes $6.7 billion in anticipated federal support from the coronavirus relief package recently approved by Congress, that has yet to reach the state .To the extent that the estimate is politically influenced, there are offsetting incentives to consider. On the one hand, more pessimistic budget estimates mean more politically painful cuts are needed. (6)>>On the other hand, a bigger deficit could bolster the case for a bigger federal bailout. Indeed, back of the envelope estimates of the $3 trillion Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act’ allocations suggests that the latest coronavirus stimulus and relief bill making its way through Congress would bring $51 billion to California state government, almost fully closing the budget hole that Newsom had been expecting .  NOW EXPECTING the 2021 "May Revise ", he  is waiting on the American Congress to agree on a Covid bail out stimulus.  Yet Newsom's budget is based more on hope than reality.


The Petition to Recall Newsom hit 1.3 million signatures , still growing . It's possible that it will make it on the March ballot .  (7)>>NOW HERE IS ANOTHER TWIST . Gavin Newsom could survive the recall unlike former Gov. Davis ??? . AS I said above ☝, the Republican's need another Arnold Schwarzenegger to kick ass with public appeal. Though the recall effort is largely a Republican project, it could gain more support from other voters unhappy with Newsom’s record this year . Pro Newsom Polls tell another story : Newsom’s backers say he has done all he can to manage the disparate crises, and recent polls suggest that many Californians agree. In a poll conducted in November by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California, 58% of adults surveyed said they approved of the way the governor was handling jobs and the economy". WE know that Newsom has support from strong Union members in the state . That's a percentage , but you have to look back at the last recall of 2003 which many state Union members voted Republican .But California Democrats and their political backers are bracing for a campaign nevertheless as recall organizers turn in hundreds of thousands of signatures. State lawmakers are proclaiming their support for Newsom, seeking to tamp down any signs of disunity. Interest groups and donors who would be called upon to fund a recall defense are quietly ramping up, with one union launching the first public counteroffensive.Nearly 18 years ago, California's only gubernatorial recall drew 135 candidates, including several B-list celebrities and one A-lister: Arnold Schwarzenegger, who swept into office on a Republican promise to clean up state government. With just two statewide elections in the U.S. this year — governors races in Virginia and New Jersey — another California recall would likely become the biggest political event of 2021.

(1)>>second recall of it's Governor.  While the Nation is in a grip's with a possible "second" Impeachment of it's former President number 45 . California will make history recalling it's governor again 😂, its been decades since the last recall . So laughable, its like payback politically since the Democratic side in the last 4 years was after Trump . Now California just may give it's self a new fresh start with the recall .  (1.2)>>Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor. The petty bourgeoisie want to save their businesses, I understand and can sympathize. But I don't trust their political instincts, and I doubt they would advance a candidate any better. Maybe another Conan the Barbarian.👉👉The 2003 recall of Gov. Gray Davis succeeded in part because Arnold Schwarzenegger ran to replace him. He was a charismatic, largely self-funding candidate with 100% name recognition and California-friendly moderate position Like Donald Trump was in 2016 . The STAR POWER shows the public gullibility .  How he got elected  is strange in the first place .Gov. Schwarzenegger was really awful , Davis was equally bad when it came to the Sate Budget , how lucky we survived Arnold's cuts , the battle with the "girly men" Democrats in Sacramento reminded me how Trump was fighting the Washington D.C. "swamp" ,like Arnold's "special interests" in California  . I have wondered if both Arnold and Trump were groomed by the same sneaky group that had hidden agendas . Both men seems to have had the same agenda , sounded vary similar in both their policies . (2)>>Covid crashed the state economy in 2020 . Sure Newsom locked the state down early and had success for a month or two. Then he completely caved to political and company pressure, opened the state

up too early, and we saw the spikes we had in summer. Remember he even allowed for the riots last year with no message to the public during the pandemic . Now he's done absolutely nothing to curb Covid state-wide. Here in LA, we are the Covid epicenter of the nation beating out all those red states with shit governors and shit policies. Believing in science isn't enough, you also have to act on it! Put in place real measures and hold people accountable to enforce these measures. Right now he is just picking and choosing what industries get to work as "essential" and which get to be destroyed.
 (3)>>I doubt you can  TRY to replace Gavin Newsom. A Alternative would have to run against Newsom if the state would have to remain a "blue " state for the Democrat's sake . OTHERWISE , there has to be a good Republican to take the state and transform the legislature . Best case scenario is a nonpartisan-ish silicon valley businessman who built his company ground up. Like Elon Musk if he hadn't packed it in and headed to TX.Trouble is those guys are too smart to believe politics leads on anything, or changes the world in any meaningful way. What we need is structural reform. CA is too big for a legislative structure like we have. We need more reps organized differently to better represent this diverse state. Perhaps a 3rd part should run for Governor . 
(4)>>I am very critical of him for flouting his own rules and not being tough on enforcing the rules.  Gov. Newsom Broke his own rules . California Gov. Gavin Newsom has been pleading with his state's nearly 40 million residents not to gather in groups, even with friends and family. Meanwhile the sly Governor attended a party that would make Dr. Fauci go AWOL . The party at the posh French Laundry restaurant had harmed Newsom's credibility and messaging as the state entered a critical holiday stretch with virus cases increasing.Plus so many people are being like, "why should I follow any new covid guidelines if Newsom can't do the same" instead of understanding that the reason we should be mad at him is because the guidelines are IMPORTANT and it's a breach of public trust to have the governor not follow them. It's like people could care less about covid and only care that he showed hypocrisy about something. No Masks , no social distancing , on the sideline with a state Medical Lobby attending the party . So..... Far..... complaints about favoring big businesses over smaller ones are fair and basically accurate. Newsom drew a lot of heat over this .(5)>>Gov. Newsom created a imaginary budget just to keep state institutions running.To the extent that the estimate is politically influenced, there are offsetting incentives to consider. On the one hand, more pessimistic budget estimates mean more politically painful cuts are needed. On the other hand, a bigger deficit could bolster the case for a bigger federal bailout. Indeed, my back of the envelope estimates of the $3 trillion Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act’ allocations suggests that the latest coronavirus stimulus and relief bill making its way through Congress would bring $51 billion to California state government, almost fully closing the budget hole that Newsom is expecting from last year. (5.1)“immediate action plan”.  His budget proposal calls for roughly $90 billion in education funding, the highest level in state history. Parents are currently paying for tutoring and supplies that would have otherwise been provided in classrooms. Given that it will be months before teachers return, parents bearing the costs of educating their kids at home might wonder if this is a misdirection of resources.The budget directs a total of $7 billion in pandemic-related support to schools and students. These funds are in addition to the billions of dollars that California schools have already received in federal aid. Yet classrooms don’t need to resemble hospitals. They can already return with the same added cost-effective precautions seen in the rest of the economy. More government spending won’t fix the economic problems facing the state. California has the country’s seventh-highest unemployment rate, with 1.5 million people looking for work. Poverty, economic opportunity, and income inequality are all among the worst in the nation. The state’s strict Covid-19 restrictions have caused immense small business pain for little-to-no apparent gain. Hospitalizations per capita are near the highest in the country, and many ICUs are overrun.Californians earning a mere $59,000 per year face a 9.3 percent tax rate. Yet, Golden State residents get almost nothing in return for their massive tax burdens. Schools are failing (when they’re open), homelessness is out of control, infrastructure resembles the Third World, and first responders are slow to arrive, if they come at all. That’ll get worse to the extent California communities succeed in defunding police.  (6)>>On the other hand, a bigger deficit could bolster the case for a bigger federal bailout. As the Wall Street Journal reported, California’s revenue for last fiscal year is almost $10 billion above projections, while New York’s revenue increased more than 4 percent from September of 2019 to September of 2020. All this is to say that states do not need bailouts; they want bailouts so they can use the money — intended to address the fallout from COVID — to plug the long-standing holes in their budgets and pension systems. It’s as simple as that.While many states have severe fiscal problems, the depth and unusual persistence of California’s budget problems — .— But even if the pandemic hadn’t happened, California would have accumulated a large deficit once the next recession hit. Now in 2021 , the January Budget is based more on a Federal bail out. (7)>>NOW HERE IS ANOTHER TWIST . While waiting on the Budget from the Feds, Newsom has a problem with Vaccine distributions. His "mass vaccination " plans might be slowing down after February. The speedy recovery to return to normal still might take months in reality . BUT Newsom seems to have just given up . He now wants to reopen the state that he helped crash , besides reopening schools , business , the covid virus is still spiking , or declining or what ever , as long as you believe the whole propaganda . The states Covid numbers don't add up any way , even if you follow the color coded tiers.They constantly roll them back after numbers go up. Remember too that Since March Gov. Newsom has kept the whole state of California in  limbo . His latest "opening up" might be a sign of desperation .