Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Washington D. C. Riots : a Perspective .

This was coming . Trump supporters 
storm Capital Hill.
the reality what did accomplish ?

Now avoiding the distraction of getting entangled in a distracting debate as to which protests were more destructive, or for that matter arguing which ones were justified and which ones were not, what this double-minded behavior by American politicians
 . January 6th has arrived and the  (1)>>Republican Party is in a meltdown . It LOOKS LIKE THE DEMOCRATS are sweeping the Senate , pretty much possibly   (2)>>ousting Mitch McConnell . I can only say that the Republican party hurt it's chances by abandoning Donald Trump .  (3)>>Trump was the symbol of the Republican right .  BUT the Democrats have pulled off at least one Senate win in Georgia, with another likely to follow. And Republicans are pointing a frustrated finger at Donald Trump. EITHER case as of this writing the American Capital is besieged by Pro -Trump protesters . It was heading that way all year , here is why . Last year as I see it the whole nation was engulfed with BLM protesters that were violent . The News Media praised the BLM riots as freedom of expressions of speech . The far left was out in Americas's streets during the surging pandemic .  (4)>>Democratic leaders silent .  The hypocrisy is staggering. What is one man's bravery is another's tyranny, and vice versa ? The Media hypocrisy is big , now the Trump supporters were treated like the public enemy , but last year when D.C. under attack , burning seemed OK? It shows you why there is a psychological flip , tuning in on the media " calling it a dark day in our democracy " is utterly shameful . That sticks out like a sore thumb , just when was our country ever a real democracy? Those who advocate such political thought deliberately seek to mask American geopolitical interests and opportunism by painting every situation as a binary battle between good and evil and then framing the United States as a righteous country who intervenes in the pursuit of the common good. We have President Elect Joe Biden preaching to the American people on "unity"? But what have we seen in the last 4 years, that our two party system,  has been less united .The saddest part about what's happening is that what's happening is historic, yet I am completely calloused to these events and knew and expected exactly what's going on to happen. No one didn't see this happening. .

After the Trump supporters
storm Capital Hill
nearly nervous Mitch  almost
"cried" .
What happened to Congress is really from a international perspective embarrassing. The Storming of Capital Hill as historic as it is . Its a valuable reminder to Congress , it's their wake up call . It's not about the angry mad Trump supporters , if you look at last Summer with the Floyd riots that nearly burned down Washington D.C. its a warning of things to come . The nation's leaders have been failing the American people way before Trump took office . AS I BEEN SAYING , the pandemic is pushing social unrest into the country . The lock downs , and Congress inability to bring economic relief is a center of this whole thing we have been witnessing the last few months is boiling down to one kind of national revolt . We have to see what is coming up next , what will the new Congress under the Democrat control do in the next 100 days ???.
When politicians aren't pressured to declare themselves, they don't. Most Republican and Democratic pols are transactional personalities who hate taking a stand until after consensus is formed. They'd rather wave a moist finger in the air to see which way the wind blows.Political street violence is a national thing right now.  Democratic-run Congress beings . And the hunting begins.


(1)>>Republican Party is in a meltdown .  Though it would be a rocky road back for the GOP, it is not impossible for sanity to ultimately prevail, if the moderates that remain get off their rear-ends, just say no to hate-speech and fear-mongering,  – and lost in fair contests – but the Republican Party remains in the grip of voters whose heads are filled with elaborate delusions about American politics. They are likely to rally around other terrible candidates in future elections and, in this state anyway, that will guarantee the Republican Party more disasters at the polls.(2)>>ousting Mitch McConnell .  McConnell’s speech was a clear sign that the president’s clout over his party may be waning. The comments came just hours after election runoffs in Georgia, where Democrats are on the verge of sweeping two Senate races to wrest control of the chamber away from the GOP, a defeat many Republicans have been quick to blame on Trump, whose attempts to overturn the presidential election dominated the final weeks of the campaign. The Democratic take over of the Senate has already trimmed down McConnell's power . It's now in the hands of Nancy Pelosi as "de facto" ruler of the U.S. . She controls not only Joe Biden & Kamala Harris , but forced McConnell into a lame duck corner (3)>>Trump was the symbol of the Republican right.  In 4 years Donald Trump replaced Ronald Reagan as the political image of conservatism . In 4 years , Trump crashed it . Trump was not a REAL REPUBLICAN , he was a showman with his own political agenda based on 30 years of his personal observations of the American system that he tried to reform by "draining the swamp" . Trump's biggest problem 3 years , he was a puppet of Pence . He's been reading a script playing a Republican President .  Finally he broke away from his own party as we have seen in the January 6th rally . The Trump Storm was his own followers breaking into Capital Hall protesting a election result . I don't believe Trump is not going away , his shadow will dominate the US Political system . He needs only to raise up again  on the Democrats own failures ahead in the future [ 2021-2023] (4)>>Democratic leaders silent . The Floyd Riots which we known as the BLM Peaceful protests ,were far from peaceful . They shook the whole nation . The Democratic leaders sided with the notion of un funding the police . There is a disturbing silence from leaders of the Democratic Party over those gangs of black-masked leftist thugs shutting down free speech and beating people to the ground with clubs at Berkeley. We've seen such leftist violence before, and we saw it again just the other day at a protest in Berkeley, when the city police backed off and the thugs who call themselves antifa swarmed peaceful protesters of the right.