Monday, January 18, 2021


Like a marriage made in heaven
can the Biden -Harris duo
survive four years ahead?
Let's take a look. 

ONE OF THE LINGERING QUESTIONS is Can the  (1)>>So CALLED BIDEN-HARRIS administration end off one of the most tangled up nightmares in American History ? IN order to govern a country that requires some sophistication , some ingenuity . What he have seen in the last few months is a dire situation with the American economy . COVID -19 , as a little virus , it was big enough, it pretty much exposed how weak and fragile our nation is under the shinny blanket . Joe Biden has a tough situation ahead of him, not only on the domestic front but with foreign governments.  (2)>>President-elect Joe Biden envisions reconnecting with the international community and restoring the U.S.’s historical role as a world leader to be his top foreign policy priority. This he considers essential for promoting and protecting democratic values globally.  (3)>>BUT HARRIS has to prove her self from all the bad press and dirt that will emerge in 2022 AD. To meet this goal, he has often spoken about rebuilding traditional alliances and reengaging with partners, especially in Europe and Asia. He promises to restore America’s “moral leadership” and to host a global Summit for Democracy. BUT the American economy is ins serious trouble.  On a day the Labor Department reported that the economy lost 140,000 jobs in December, ending a seven-month streak of growth after the country’s plunge into recession in the spring, Mr. Biden said there was “a dire, dire need to act now.”He pledged to move rapidly once he becomes president to push a stimulus package through Congress to provide relief to struggling individuals, small businesses, students, local governments and schools. January amid an economy that is likely to be slowly recovering from collapse. The Senate now in the hands of the Democrats will probably end — any opposition party perhaps willing to do enough to try to prevent steep damage to the economy and markets, but unwilling to embrace the kind of multi-trillion dollar spending agenda that could generate a Biden boom. This combination would mean that the Federal Reserve would be left playing the dominant role in trying to propel an economic recovery, with the downsides that would entail.Much about that forecast is uncertain.He also pledged to ramp up efforts to slow the spread of the virus, which is now claiming 4,000 lives each day —Biden’s original plan was for a bill under $1 trillion but he said on Friday that “economic research confirms that with conditions like the crisis today, especially with such low-interest rates, taking immediate action — even with deficit financing — is going to help the economy.”  (3.1)>>STILL the ECONOMY HAS TO OPEN UP AND END THE RIDICULOUS LOCK DOWNS .
Biden's Nation wide Lock down still lingers!
Multiple public health experts that have been appointed to President-elect Joe Biden's COVID-19 advisory board have said he is not in favor of a nationwide lockdown. The March recession ended 128 months of expansion, the longest in U.S. history.1 And it is possible that when the coronavirus crisis abates, the economy will snap back to health on its own, particularly if the Biden administration handles public health policy effectively. (4)>>STILL LOCK DOWNS will remain in  blue states like California  & MAYBE EXPAND FOR MONTHS UNDER BIDEN. Lat year , Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus adviser to Biden, said the drastic move to lock down the whole nation could help bring the pandemic under control in the United States and even revive the economy.That's a sign of the tough dynamic Biden will face when he is inaugurated in January. He campaigned as a more responsible steward of America's public health than President Donald Trump is and has been blunt about the challenges that lie ahead for the country, warning of a “dark winter” as cases spike.But talk of lockdowns are especially sensitive. For one, they're nearly impossible for a president to enact on his own, requiring bipartisan support from state and local officials. But more broadly, they're a political flashpoint that could undermine Biden's efforts to unify a deeply divided country.
 The "return" of  Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton .
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not exactly alone in their administration . What I am reading from internet sources is that while Biden is the "outwordly" President , Harris his VP . Biden is pretty much working closely with Obama , whose influence is to be seen in the next 4 years . Harris on the other hand is so complete immature by political standards that Biden is going to get the likes of Hillary in his cabinet as a "back up" . Biden's administration may be the most politically correct one in decades going toward a mostly inclusive staff . Its  really on a shaky foundation . Who will be running the county , the shadow government will be Nancy Pelosi . Pelosi and Biden’s call for the nation to come together and unify around the Democrats’ progressive platform is, at this point, just rhetoric. Their actions leading up to the new Congress will be a better barometer of the authenticity of their extended hand.The 44th US president’s memoir, A Promised Land, was published in November 2020 and, shifting nearly 890,000 copies in its first 24 hours, is likely to become the bestselling presidential memoir in modern American history. It topped his wife Michelle Obama’s book, Becoming, which sold 725,000 copies on day one.As he promotes the 768-page tome, Obama is being asked what influence he and his allies may wield when his former deputy,  (5)>>Joe Biden, assumes the presidency in January. It is a double-edged sword. Biden knows that he will always be able to call on his old boss for advice – but he has big shoes to fill and could suffer by comparison.Joe Biden would not even be president had not Obama plucked him out of a Democratic Senate lineup to be his 2008 running mate. Prior to that Biden, your average Joe, had run for president twice and been defeated.
 Nancy Pelosi as the Shadow Madame President .

The ERA of Joe Biden and Harris has a "shadow" that will linger in the background and "dictate" policy . While many Americans take for granite that Joe is President, the TRUE and SHOCKING REALITY (6)>>it's Madame Pelosi . She has demonstrated a keen craftiness how she for 4 years plotted , planned to get Trump's agenda to utterly fail . While she borderline senile , she proved a fact that you can have a coup , take over of government that would slip under the radar of the Average brainwashed American . Nancy secured her 
 coup d’état , took over both the House and Senate . Pelosi is extremely bizarre she demonstrated that last year with her last ditch effort to impeach Trump for a second time blaming Trump for a insurrection at the US capital . It seems that Trump's followers did get out of hand but indirectly was not all Trump's fault but a small fraction of his  (7)>>followers led by Q Anon . BUT Pelosi as Speaker of the House has too much power for a woman , even regardless what took place on January 6th. Nancy Pelosi could have a strong influence over Biden .
The RISE OF CHINA 2022-2023 , the weakness of America.
Joe Biden's character may be defined as flip floppy . His China policy is perhaps mired in his dealing with China during the Presidency of Obama . Communist China's former vice minister for foreign affairs, Fu Ying, made clear what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) hopes to see from a potential Biden administration: a "join hands and cooperate" approach, one that doesn't "point a finger at the Chinese system or take action against Beijing for its policies on domestic matters." Biden's surrender to China is historic . The South China Sea was a area of conflict with Trump - Pompeo era. Taiwan , a hot spot of cold war tactics sank out of the U.S. Foreign policy in 2023 when the US officialism recognized Taiwan as part of China . How far did this go?  (8)>>Chinese Troops have been in Canada for the last five years practicing drills with the Canadian Army . Additional Chinese troops were sent to Canada . China - America . Biden has railed against President Trump's groundbreaking "America-first" foreign policy and pledged to work with nations around the world to restore a gentler approach to foreign relations. As the liberal New York Times editorial board put it, Biden gave "signs of America's imminent return to a role in the world that better reflects our historical values."Career politicians like Joe Biden have rolled over and allowed Communist China to take advantage of Americans for decades. And does appeasement of dictators and support of a regime that is committing genocide against its people reflect American values? Really?  (9)>>Many American's were caught off guard when America surrendered to China to avoid a nuclear conflict . But 2024 aside, Republicans and Democrats alike are increasingly alarmed about the communist Chinese government’s often-belligerent actions on the world stage and what it will mean for U.S. power in the long term. The confirmation hearings could thus offer a taste of intense future battles in Washington about how exactly to go toe-to-toe with Beijing.
The Economic Riots of 2022 and 2023 AD.
Biden and Harris SHOULD NOT FAIL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE .Let’s begin in the summer of 2020, when the unabated spread of disease was heralding an increasingly dire outlook for economies and societies.  The idea that "more riots" are ahead is based on the BLM riots of 2020 . Social Economic inequality is the signature reason of US society collapse . The Lock Downs  destroyed small businesses , put many Americans in a state of homelessness that was not addressed by any state or federal government systems.  The riots of 2023 seemed to be triggered by Looking forward to 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, the Bureau) expects slower GDP growth to become  (10)>>the “new normal.” In addition to the recession’s impact on potential growth, the economy faces a number of hurdles. As the nation’s demographic shift continues, with the baby-boom generation moving into retirement, the labor force participation rate will continue to decline, moderating growth. The need to keep the debt-to-GDP ratio undercontrol will weigh heavily on fiscal decisions.Continued reductions to federal spending will slow growth5 and cap discretionary spending on projects that could create jobs or research and spawn technological progress.  (11)>>Housing remains one bright spot in the projections: even at slow rates, population growth implies a need to create homes for additional people, spurring activity in the construction sector.In the summer of 2022, the other major crisis of our age took a turn for the apocalyptic. Climate breakdown finally landed in the developed world, testing the resilience of social systems. In the Midwestern U.S., a severe drought wiped out crops that supplied one-sixth of the world’s grain output. People woke up to the need for governments to form a coordinated response to climate change and direct global fiscal stimulus in support of a green economy while China dominated the world.


The Idea of Biden - Harris is the "dream ticket" of the American system  . It's a total miss match like the ODD COUPLE .The Biden/Harris ticket is a marriage of convenience—a political business arrangement. They have a lot of work to do if they want to keep the nation safe and united. Presidents and vice-presidents are often selected by the constituency they bring to their party’s ticket. The 2020 election is no exception. Biden is a corrupt, career politician, and dedicated globalist. His family financial dealings in Russia, Ukraine, and particularly communist China, would make Joe Biden a national security risk and a threat to American interests worldwide. SO BIDEN - HARRIS  ticket has to "pull it off" in a way , not a easy magic trick, get a proverbial rabbit . If Joe Biden wants to be a success , he may have to drain a swamp he helped create . 


(1)>>So CALLED BIDEN-HARRIS administration end off one of the most tangled up nightmares in American History ? Of course, this assumes that, despite Donald Trump challenging the results of last week’s election, Biden and Kamala Harris will be able to take office the conventional way.If that happens, millions of viewers around the world will celebrate and a socially distanced crowd on the National Mall will cheer the end of what they consider a four-year nightmare.And then an urgent question will crystallise: can Biden and Harris put America back together? Can they end an era of hyper-polarisation and economic inequality that has degraded democracy and turned Americans against each other; that has shredded the idea of America? BUT Harris, who has spent just under four years in the Senate and six years as California attorney general, has yet to be given a portfolio or focus for the incoming administration. Rather, Biden has given a broader description of her job, saying during a CNN town hall earlier this month that he plans to rely on Harris to help with whatever is the “urgent need of the moment.” Harris described her role as being the “first and the last in the room.”Huge challenges await the Biden-Harris administration. It will inherit subverted institutions, deformed traditions, an economic crisis, extreme inequality, a rampant Covid-19 pandemic and a bitterly divided electorate churning with hope, expectation, suspicion and resentment.(2)>>President-elect Joe Biden. Biden will be the oldest president ever inaugurated when he takes office, a fact that stoked speculation he wouldn't run for re-election in 2024 even before he won. Biden allies worry that Harris will be focused more on making another presidential run in a few years. Biden did say he was only for one term . This leaves a empty void in American politics . (3)>>BUT HARRIS has to prove her self from all the bad press and dirt that will emerge in 2022 AD. Harris is one piece of Scandal , we have to keep our eyes for something coming up about her that goes back to Willie Brown.  However, Harris' history as a prosecutor and attorney general in the state of California was a touchy subject and cause for concern long before her presidential campaign, and is expected to be recirculated in the upcoming 2021-2022 news.  Her baggage as an attorney is not going to play well in the current climate, and I don't see what value she brings to the ticket that others couldn't bring. Biden's choice for Kamala is just ask awkward as Trump's choice for Pence . Remember as I said before that Trump was Pence's puppet till he broke with the GOP on January 6th. Biden's also a puppet in some way , you picked Kamala for him?(3.1)>>STILL the ECONOMY HAS TO OPEN UP AND END THE RIDICULOUS LOCK DOWNS . While there’s no doubt there have been absurd lockdown excesses and we should want to return to normal as soon as plausible, the case against the initial shutdowns is unpersuasive—contradictory and based, even now, on denying the seriousness of Covid-19 [ plan-demic ] In the 2011-12 season, 12,000 people died of the flu in the entire country. New York alone has eclipsed that in a little more than a month, and recorded roughly 9,000 deaths the first 15 days of April (again, while on lockdown). In 2018-19, there were 34,000 flu-related deaths in the United States. We are going to surpass that number nationally sometime soon (yet again, while on lockdown). But despite all these sacrifices, the U.S. also has nearly 40,000 new coronavirus cases a day, far more than many other industrialized countries. The virus continues spreading so widely and insidiously that some hot spots are impossible to discern while they can still be contained. A preliminary analysis of one August biker rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, for example, suggested that the gathering may have led to some 266,000 infections and at least $12 billion in health costs. Given limited data and testing, it’s difficult to know precisely. In much of the country, contact tracing is essentially used to construct maps after an outbreak. It is a palliative measure rather than a preventive strategy. As case counts once again creep up, a “second shutdown” might be the pandemic equivalent of calling tech support and describing an elaborate problem with your computer only to hear in response: Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again?(4)>>STILL LOCK DOWNS MAYBE EXPAND FOR MONTHS UNDER BIDEN.  Though Joe Biden said he will not do any more Lock downs. WE have to be cautious.  Government flip flops have been going on since last February .  I have a honest fear that we are not getting out of the Covid mess even though we have a vaccine . There is not enough vaccines , the up surges , spikes don't seem to be going away . SO with that , I am going to predict that Biden will call for a similar lock down that UK PM Boris Johnson did in England that could go for a additional 6 months . Also we have crazy Governors in Blue States that would do even worse as we have seen last year . Biden will inherit not only a country in the throes of a pandemic that’s destroyed lives and livelihoods — but also one in which public opinion is deeply divided over the true extent of the coronavirus outbreak and the measures taken to abate it. Despite public-health agencies counting more than 200,000 COVID-19 deaths in the country, some Trump supporters feel that the impact of the virus has been exaggerated in an effort to control the populace.Biden’s pandemic plans — which his team has been preparing since March, say sources close to the campaign — promise to ramp up the country’s test-and-trace programmes; address racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 infection rates and outcomes; and rebuild pandemic-readiness programmes cut by the Trump administration.(5)>>Joe Biden, assumes the presidency in January.  Joe Biden waited nearly 50 years to become a American President . He has to thank two men : Barack Obama & Donald Trump, if these two man have not failed as much in the decades past , Sen Biden would have retired out of politics . FOR BIDEN he is Lucky to have made it to his age . We have to see if he will last long enough to be a US President . The hidden matriarchal rule setting in this country has to looked at with a microscope , how far the likes of "Squad" Omar , AOC , Hillary , Kamala and Pelosi will let him make presidential decisions 👉(6)>> it's Madame Pelosi.  Pelosi is NOW THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN US HISTORY . This woman, who is now second in line for the presidency after Vice President Harris ,  she wants to allocate federal spending for stem-cell research, which involves experimenting on unborn babies. Democrats are excited by the fact that endorsements of ‘San Francisco values’ now echo through Washington’s halls right now as ever before . But in the meantime she has no business telling the Joint Chiefs not to follow the President’s orders. Gen. Milley hardly needs the lecture, as he has been dealing with Mr. Trump for 15 months and isn’t about to indulge an unlawful order, much less an effort to launch nuclear weapons.    (7)>>followers led by Q Anon . While Trump was giving his speech it looked as if a "fraction" of his supporters were out side of Capital Hill waiting to crash through the gates . It seems that Q Anon was there , perhaps Antifia ? NOT all Those who stormed the capitol were not Trump supporters. Some have been confirmed to be Antifa, yet the whole bunch looked like your typical rednecks . The year 2020 was also Trump finally gave QAnon what it always wanted: respect. As Travis View, a conspiracy theory researcher and host of the QAnon Anonymous podcast recently wrote: “Over the past few months …Trump has recognized the QAnon community in a way its followers could have only fantasized about when I began tracking the movement’s growth over two years ago.”  (8)>>Chinese Troops have been in Canada for the last five years practicing drills with the Canadian Army .     Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invited Chinese troops to conduct cold-weather training in Ontario last year — and was upset when it was canceled by Canada’s defense chief, according to reports.Canadian media outlets the Globe and Mail and Rebel Media this week published excerpts from secret government documents about the exercises, which were supposed to take place in 2019.The documents also reveal that the US issued warnings to Canada about the risks of holding military exercises with China,but they were ignored.(9)>>Many American's were caught off guard when America surrendered to China to avoid a nuclear conflict .   Biden , and Joint Chief's of Staff , made the unavoidable choice. Have a Chinese nuclear bomb hit a American City or RISK ANOTHER BIO WEAPON like COVID unleashed . The secret "surrender " of the US to China may have saved American lives . BUT it also created a different NEW WORLD ORDER . The expansion of Chinese interests and capabilities means that we can envision several different scenarios in which direct military conflict between China and the United States might begin. These still include a Taiwan scenario and North Korea scenario, but now also involve disputes in the East and South China Seas, as well as potential conflict with India along the Tibetan border. That’s surprising. China has been exceptionally clear about its intentions on the possible first use of nuclear weapons. On the day of its first nuclear test on October 16, 1964, China declared it “will never at any time or under any circumstances be the first to use nuclear weapons.” That unambiguous statement has been a cornerstone of Chinese nuclear weapons policy for 56 years and has been repeated frequently in authoritative Chinese publications for domestic and international audiences, including a highly classified training manual for the operators of China’s nuclear forces. Economic conflict was a near inevitability, which was hastened by Trump madness  The "softness" under Obama was more letting the status quo playout with mild, long-term preparedness with the "pivot".Because we're looking at a structural and systemic question, the hastening of conflict is largely permanent. As funkedup says, this isn't going away, especially with the escalating social/political problems that are now attached. Although saying something like "Biden doesn't have a clue himself" is useless quips, it isn't exactly clear that Biden has a long-term strategic plan. The means may be in place--coalescing the transatlantic alliance-- where to push China isn't as clear: whether accommodation, allowing spheres, enforcing IO rules, or short-term trade deals that have to be renegotiated permanently. (trump's demands on opening the economy to global investment was always a non-starter).What is interesting is ever since Nixon, congress has been trying to act hard on China over social issues while the executive acted soft on economic issues. This is likely changed for good as well.Part of the alliance will be to provide a balancing relation to neighbors and other countries with ties to China, especially ASEAN. For India, which already has poor relations with China, this will likely continue bettering relations, but perhaps more limited since India's options on great power relations are already fairly chosen. Because of that a proper US policy will want to continue strengthen relations, but not at a flattering cost as it would with countries that can still pick between the two.   (10)>>the “new normal.”    Biden recently declared that "America is back," and the media lauded the nominees as a return to "normalcy." Biden's NORMAL might years from now considering the "dark winter" nonsense .That belief -- that Trump was an anomaly, a glitch in the Matrix -- undergirded Biden's entire primary and general election campaign. He campaigned as the change candidate -- to change things back to the way they were in the not-so-bad old days when Republicans and Democrats fought but eventually found ways to work together. Biden's message, broken down to its simplest terms, was this: We -- Democrats and Republicans -- are better than these last four years. Instead, the media suggested we needed to return to the old “normal” —(11)>>Housing remains one bright spot in the projections.  Biden and Harris to survive , they have to restore the American dream nation wide . Part of the riots of 2023 , their central cause was homelessness  and depression like nature of the American economic situation during the 3 years of Pandemic . Shanty towns mostly  up in Blue States grew by the millions , with the Biden liberal policy on "relaxed" immigration during the Covid outbreaks spawned a huge need of housing in the West , and central states . People were forced out of their homes , the crashing of the US borders again in 2021 to 2022 proved a vary precarious to the US government on Housing Commission under Joe Biden.