Sunday, November 1, 2020

The "Day" after the election.

The 2020 election is just a "remake" of the 2016
election . A closer look shows also that the
whole media is making the same mistakes
by adhering to the polls .

The Day after the election could be a riot . IT ALL DEPENDS on what side of the fence as a nation we are standing .  I am going to say this that if Biden or Trump wins either side will not back down , this WHOLE ELECTION is So close . While the POLLS from the MSM media are often bias , they show Joe Biden leading Trump , they could be off . The Networks know it, they are shaking every time Trump has a rally and thousands show UP . Not to get anyone off on a trigger , but it looks like we are going to see another round of (1)>>Trump derangement syndrome (TDS). Or our senses are going to go numb if Biden wins . Either case election night will show some surprise . I CAN PREDICT that with the fears of a another lock down of the economy , many who live in Blue states will shift towards Trump . That has to happen , while 90 million did vote , am sensing that Voter anger is out there against the Democrats rather than the Republican party at a glance  .  If it was not for the Covid virus it would have been easy sailing for the Biden camp . On the other hand Trump would have done better with a economic recovery  with the lowest unemployment in US history.  However that has ALL CHANGED . CAN  Americans’ trust in government has been declining for six decades turn around ? If you LOOK at our two party system  (2)>>Pelosi and McConnell can't agree on any further help with stimulus money for Americans . Our political system has failed the American people . Anger with the government is not simply a conservative phenomenon. Liberals are mad, too – usually because they believe the government is not doing enough to address racial and social inequalities. That anger, too, is in full bloom today.  Remember that the Democrats gained control of the House because a record number of Democratic voters came out. Assume that Trump will be able to get a record number of his voters out this November. The point is, if there is another record Republican turnout for the presidential election this year, the  (3)>>Democrats could lose the House . AGAIN that basis is as much as the Republican Party as the do nothings , the Democrats have demonstrated in the four years that they have wasted a endless frivolous rage of getting rid of Trump which can hurt them on November 3rd. Working Class Americans see through all that political b.s. like Nancy Pelosi ripping up Trump's state of the Union Speech . And we saw this in the primary just last Feb. republicans love the vote for Trump. They were getting higher primary numbers than democrats.These MAGA people are zealots. They consider their Trump vote sticking it to high fallutin libs Biden can win without Sanders voters but it’s the Hillary mistake all over again. Biden can put progressives in his administration and that’s good. But he’s going to have to champion a progressive policy. More than just throw progressives on a team. He’s got to believe in it, make it his fight too. Another note is the sudden appearance of Barrack Obama on the Biden campaign ,  (4)>>Obama is not running for President , it's Joe Biden . Biden looks worn out , his speeches are god awful spewing of negativity , and doom . Compare that with Donald Trump's rally speeches , Trump is trying to put a positive picture for the nation , which by contrast the Democratic doom and gloom is not going to turn anything around for this country . The idea of Biden winning in November is a catch 22 . However, I thought Hillary would win back in 2016, so I've come to realize that I have equal chances being disappointed. If I could afford to do so, I'd try and move to another country, but that fact of the matter is I just can't. So no matter what happens I'll have to live in this country. Honestly, Trump winning and the fact he even has a slim chance of winning again in November  will create another round of derangement syndrome .  If Biden does win, he will only last a term . At this point I feel like no matter what happens to Americans, we all basically deserve it. 


(1)>>Trump derangement syndrome (TDS). We wont see the worst of the effects from Trumps presidency for a while. Four more years of eroding the effectiveness (and consequently, trust) in political institutions is going to have a big impact further down the road. That, coupled with inaction on climate change, has the potential to severely weaken the country's institutions to the point where America would no longer be worth living in.In the short term, Trump's presidency doesn't really affect me, other than the embarrassment of having a clown as president. I'm fine with living in America so long as the core principles of liberty exist, which they do. I'd only move elsewhere if paleocons or lefties somehow take the reins. That being said, I'd rather stay and fight the good fight than just throw up my hands and complain that "I've lost all faith in humanity!" (2)>>Pelosi and McConnell . The mixed messages come amid a months-long impasse between Pelosi, McConnell and the White House, with Pelosi and McConnell each claiming that the other wouldn’t budge.White House trade adviser Larry Kudlow claims Democrats “show no evidence of compromising on the very key issues.”Kudlow said he believes Pelosi is “stringing us along.” The top Senate Republican told colleagues that he had advised the White House against striking a pre-election deal with Democrats to deliver pandemic aid, fearing political repercussions. Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, privately told Republican senators on Tuesday that he had warned the White House not to strike a pre-election deal with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on a new round of stimulus, moving to head off an agreement that President Trump has demanded but most in his party oppose.Mr. McConnell’s remarks, confirmed by four Republicans familiar with them, threw cold water on Mr. Trump’s increasingly urgent push to enact a new round of pandemic aid before Election Day. They came just as Ms. Pelosi offered an upbeat assessment of her negotiations with Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, telling Democrats that their latest conversation had yielded “common ground as we move closer to an agreement.” McConnell has tried to reel in the president, who publicly supported a $1.8 trillion stimulus package, offering instead a $500 billion targeted relief bill that Pelosi shot down.  (3)>>Democrats could lose the House . Democrats occasionally get it right but fail miserably on results when you consider that the majority of the public supports them on the issues – not just now, but for decadesAlso, with only one exception, the national popular vote has gone to the Democratic Presidential nominee in every election since 1992. George W. Bush, in his reelection, has been the only Republican in 30 years to win both the popular vote and the electoral college. (4)>>Obama is not running for President , it's Joe Biden . Obama endorsed Biden with a video message in April, but kept an otherwise low profile throughout the primary and largely avoided wading into national politics. In recent weeks, however, he’s reemerged publicly to speak out on policing and the civil unrest that followed the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Taking a closer look , Obama jumping in to help Biden is a "sign" of something  . It looks that Obama might be right behind  if Biden wins the election , we are going to see Obama as President all over again ? .  I am sure he's going to "help" Kamala Harris as well. Obama sometimes struggled to lift other Democratic candidates while he was in the White House, notably losing control of the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014. But in the era of President Donald Trump, Democrats believe Obama’s appeal, especially among Black and younger voters, can help boost energy for Biden. At its core, Biden’s candidacy is premised on restoring that halcyon Obama era — electorally as much as politically. That’s why Obama will be key to Biden’s success, perhaps more so than any other campaign surrogate in the modern era. The former vice president, while respected, was seen as a weak candidate