Saturday, October 31, 2020

America's MASK CULTURE .

Putting on a mask is a big deal . It's not going away.

 With government agencies’ having  tendencies to “flip-flop” on guidance related to preventing transmission and spread of coronavirus (“COVID-19”),
All the relevant "authorities" have shed every last shred of credibility throughout this whole thing.  (1)>>Masks bad, masks good. Can't live on surfaces, can live on surfaces. Hydroxychloroquine.I don't know if they're lying or just incompetent, but why anyone would expect the government to protect them after all this is beyond me. 
 I feel like it is a self fufulling prophecy, and also just very creepy. Our lives and society as a whole have been completely transformed in just one month, and yet when I look at the stats I wonder why? Its like "the new normal" is some kind of brainwashing to get people to just accept this lockdown as their fate. I don't want to. This doesn't need to be the new normal. It will only be the new normal if we allow it to be. I wish someone would say that. The virus isn't controlling us, we are. It's the jerks running the nation into the ground. So here is the big swindle , Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, spoke about the future of COVID-19 during a virtual meeting with doctors and students at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. “I feel very strongly that we’re going to need to have some degree of public health measures to continue,” he said. “It’s not going to be the way it was with polio and measles, where you get a vaccine, case closed, it’s done,” Fauci said. “It’s going to be public health measures that linger for months and months.” People will likely need to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines through the end of 2021 and into 2022. 
Is this the America you
want ?

 (2)>>However MASKS are HERE TO STAY . The PROBLEM in America is not exactly the " masks "  or the "social distancing" . The problem is that  this new so called
new normal.  WELL IT's NOT NORMAL.
I actually learned recently that feeling like you can't get enough air through your nose is in fact not normal. Put on the mask !  NOW this has created a society where everyone is a suspected carrier of the virus . Your treated like  some infected zombie when you go to public places like shoping , or getting a bite to eat .Americans are either scared you have the virus and will infect them or they think you’re an asshole for wearing one.  I have seen places were people still stand out side of a store , and the line of people is so long that it takes up to an hour for a group of people to enter that store . Some places the 6 feet apart thing has gone a little too far . People are so alienated with all the CDC regulations , it's like the whole society turned upside down . The  lockdowns have uprooted government institutions like education , public agenices like EDD , DMV , Hospitals for examples .   (3)>>Then we have acting state governors who seemed to put themselves as medical professionals crafting insane regulations to control movent of people. I can’t stand when people say it. I’m sorry doomers but this time next year, restaurants are going to be full, bars/clubs will be packed to the brim, people will be shaking hands, hell we’ll probably get the normal Black Friday/Christmas rush at malls and shopping centers this year. This is all fun and games until they give us the go ahead to start opening up businesses and people start trampling down their doors to get out of their houses. Summer might be slow but that’s about as far as they’ll get. The only people standing in between the current state and getting back to normal are the governors. A lot of people are ready to move on and that number is only growing by the day.NOOOOO ! Just think if Biden wins , we could be locked down for the whole year(s) of 2021 waiting for a vaccine lol  . These morons are going to  kill more people than the virus . While the crazy news media KEEPS UP the daily count of the "numbers" , people just sit in front the televsion set soaking up the daily hypnotic spell.

(1)>>Masks bad, masks good. The fundamental problem is that the need to wear masks is to
prevent or reduce the potential for the wearer to spread the disease, not so much to protect the wearer from others.
  The real "stupid" people are the ones that have the mask only covering their mouths and leaving their nose uncovered or using masks with ventilator valves in them (they protect you but not anyone else) and then complaining when other people arent wearing one period when they are not wearing it correctly or the wrong type either. this happened to me today at the store the lady had the mask on her CHIN saying I had to leave because I didn't have a mask on. "excuse me Ms but neither do you" . [ YOU might like to read this medical article on "masks" that was posted back in May of this year , the info here reflects the whole flip flop . Why put on a mask or NOT : 👉 ] 
 (2)>>However MASKS are HERE TO STAY . It’s perfectly clear that facemasks, especially N-95 respirators, are one of the most important tools for healthcare workers in the fight against COVID-19.   I put my N95 mask on and hopped in the car.On the way to the grocery store, I didn't see a single person wearing a mask. I found it odd, but I figured they were outside and their social distancing was acceptable.When I got there, I got out of my car and noticed that people were giving me weird looks. I ignored them and entered the store. To my surprise, not a single customer or employee had a mask. For the entire 30 minutes I was there, I only saw one couple wearing surgical masks, out of 300+ people. People kept staring at me like I was an alien. A few old people even came to me, crossing my social distancing bubble, to tell me I shouldn't be wearing a mask. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.When I got back home I disinfected everything and did some research. Sure enough, my government has been telling people that they shouldn't wear masks and that wearing a mask was not only ineffective, but actually dangerous. What?I went looking for masks back in February and everything was sold out. Yes, there is a stigma about wearing masks, which is dumb, but I don't think there are enough masks to give to everyone. Whatever stock we have isn't even keeping hospitals fully equipped. Stock ran out here after a limited run on them because China took them all for themselves when they knew shit was hitting the fan. Now other countries are forced to use the misinformation that they won’t do any good because their medical personnel don’t have enough.  (3)>>Then we have acting state governors who seemed to put themselves as medical professionals.  Many Blue State Governors issued draconian "regulations" out of the blue that they claimed were from CDC science based . Worse place for these hyped up new rules range from New York Coumo to California's Newsom . Newsom’s assertion came in response to local and national headlines — and the strong reactions to them — that the state had issued a “Thanksgiving mandate.” The guidelines, announced ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, define gatherings as "social situations that bring together people from different households at the same time in a single space or place."The order requires the host of any private gathering to limit attendance to no more than three households and the duration to no more than two hours. Hosts should ensure guests gather only outdoors and promote physical distancing, frequent hand-washing or sanitizing and the use of masks or face coverings.In addition, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged and should be avoided. How did California arrive at limiting gatherings to three households? Why not 2 households or 4 households? Why is a household with 1 person considered the same as a household with 10 people?I'm guessing something like 80% of Californians Seriously, how effective are they expecting this to be? How is it going to be enforced? We're planning on having a smaller one this year with masks for obvious reasons...but it's not following like half of these guidelines. What now then? 

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