Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg the After "thought".

 No Post edit here . Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have been a remarkable Woman , we can take sides on what she did for women . This short note is not about her legacy , but what is coming in the aftermath .
When YOU all think that THINGS are going to GET WORSE . 
Trump called the Senate minority leader on Tuesday, and Schumer told the president that picking a justice hostile to the Roe v. Wade ruling or Obamacare would be "cataclysmic," a person familiar with the conversation told CNBC. The New York Democrat told Trump that such a choice would divide the United States and tarnish his legacy, the person added. Democrats didn’t focus much on judges in 2016 election. I remember republicans week before the election just vote trump you’ll get Supreme Court nominees and then In 4 years don’t vote for him. But, more broadly, the Supreme Court has always been in the business of empowering certain groups of individuals, groups, and organizations, and disempowering others. That's a purely political affair, and there's really no getting around it. So you can admit it (as many judges do), or you can be obtuse and pretend that judges are passionless legal sages to make you feel better about yourself. NOW Why did Ruth Bader Ginsburg had to die ? Could she have lived another 4 years ? You wonder .Justice Ginsburg was an inspiration to many and an icon of the Supreme Court, but we know that her death may be controversial due to the political implications.  Am so sick of our Two PARTY system , the parties of opposition , now the Democratic side is taking action to stop Trump's nomination of a replacement of Ginsburg , that might possibly be a WOMAN . It’s really amazing how they can’t vote on a stimulus bill to help the people but can vote immediately on a nomination that will inevitably help there political careers. It’s really disgusting. The Two party system will not agree on anything  , just a few 40 days of the November election the Democrats are calling on another impeachment attaempt . Republicans seem likely to prevail in this round. Trump said he will announce on Saturday his choice to replace the late liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Republican senators continue to fall in line, some reversing the positions they took when President Barack Obama in 2016 offered Judge Merrick Garland for an open seat in a presidential election year. But the Republican show of strength could prompt a backlash if Democrats win the White House and flip the Senate in November.  Trump’s nominees to the court, Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh, were part of a 7-to-2 majority rejecting Trump’s objections to subpoenas for his personal financial records as part of investigations by a New York prosecutor and congressional committees.The Supreme Court is apolitical. The ideological split comes from there being 2-3 different, well-defined ways of interpreting our basic laws, and this leads to predictable behavior of judges in certain major cases. You'll note that the justices still tend to agree a lot more than they disagree, but on issues of constitutional law, how you read the Constitution can have a big impact on how you rule. Since these competing legal philosophies tend to (at least loosely) align with the major competing political philosophies, Presidents tend to be able to appoint judges who will agree with them moat of the time. The Supreme Court how ever is caught into a political typhoon . Why so many problems on a President's Court choice ? The truth is Roe V Wade , both sides of our political system are trapped by Roe V Wade , issues of ethics of the nomination deal with Roe V Wade.Remember Brett M. Kavanaugh? We had months of political smearing , it took center stage for months . Perhaps that is why the Democrats wanted to wait till January 2021? .That  which they "hope" Trump would be out of office [ SNEAKY] . The reality they don't want on either side a Judge that takes the seat and leans too far to the left or right. 
We need to stiffen up and resign ourselves to the fact that it could very well be another 6 years, not 2. And if that is the case then his replacing RBG and Breyer is almost a certainty. It would be the end of the country for at least a generation.