Saturday, August 22, 2020

The American Government and UFO's

It's UFO time . Recently declassiffied rader images from  the famed
USS Nimitz show Navy pilots chasing a mysterious aircarft
shaped like a tic-tac , doing things that no normal US aircraft
can do . Question now is : Is It the Russians or the Chinese ?
Here it is , FINNALLY the  (1)>>US government  admits and is worried about UFOsThe US department of Defense has formed a new body to investigate what it calls “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAPs) to monitor reported sightings of what most people call UFOsWhile the "name" UFO means  Unidentified Flying Object . The new term means about the same thing “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAPs) . Unidentified flying objects — a term that refers to objects that are literally unidentified, not necessarily suspected alien spacecraft — have made the news several times in recent years . (1.2)>>Before it GETS DEBUNKED ! On July 23 the New York Times published the U.S. government’s announcement that UFOs are real and that the government has for years studied UFOs and worked on understanding how they fly.Thus does the UFO cover-up end ? MAYBE .Actual management of the new government UFO program is under the Office of Naval Intelligence Comm. RADM Kelly Aeschbach, who oversees collecting and analyzing UFO information and objects that ONI receives from all intelligence branches of U.S. armed services and its allies. Adm. Aeschbach is also director of ONI’s National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office, which does the organizing of that UFO information.The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force includes retired Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and top scientists Hal Puthoff, Ph.D., contractor physicist specializing in antigravity, quantum physics, interstellar flight and extraterrestrial intelligence, and Eric Davis, Ph.D., engineer and consultant, who in March briefed the Defense Department about “retrievals of off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” This whole thing is REALLY SHOCKING . It's really a crack in the (2)>>Government egg shell of a Cover up that is nearly 80 years old, it goes right back to 1947 with the  (2.1)>>ROSWELL UFO CRASH. But a few months ago, the Navy released UFO videos, and since then more stories keep appearing, suggesting at the very least that the U.S. government is taking thepossibility of aliens visiting Earth a lot more seriously than has been the case in the past. The sightings of these “things” and most of the testimony regarding them has been, for some time, based on the events that occurred around (3)>>the USS Nimitz fleet off the coast of Southern California in 2004. At
US gov has a history of hiding things . 1947
famed UFO crash at Roswell NM .
Flying Saucer to "weather Ballon".
the time, the Nimitz was the most technologically advanced piece of hardware in the navy’s arsenal, and was conducting unarmed training exercises using cutting edge AEGIS tech amongst other things. 
What most don't realize is that the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group wasn't just equipped with some of the most advanced sensors the world had to offer, but that it also had hands-down the most advanced networking and computer processing capability of any such system. Dubbed Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC), this integrated air defense system architecture was just being fielded on a Strike Group level for the first time aboard Nimitz and the rest of its flotilla....... The key takeaway here is that if ever there was an opportune time to capture the very best real-world sensor data on a high-performance target in near lab-like controlled settings offered by the restricted airspace off the Baja Coast, this was it. And by intention or chance, this is exactly what happened. 
The U.S. Navy hasn’t released an official explanation for the footage and didn’t provide one with this most recent release. The call for the UAP review was included in a report accompanying a draft of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 that  (4)>>Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, submitted on behalf of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on June 17, 2020. A popular theory among extraterrestrial skeptics is that the Navy pilots encountered advanced aircraft from Russia or China, not an alien species. It’s even possible, though Rubio discounted this in his interview, that the encounters are part of an American advanced weapons program. Actually the knowledge of aliens would do more to bring the people of Earth together than anything else. Race and nation means zero when a possible Alien race, far more advanced than Us can show up and take over. More than likely, the Aliens would care less about ones ethnicc background. I think there is more to this ,  What are the possible reasons why the government would want disclosure? It seems like there are a lot of reasons and motivations to keep knowledge covered up and secret. Such as an economic/military advantage, or just not wanting the public to panic. And if it’s just our technology then they would want to keep that a secret too. (5)>>But why would
the government want to do a full disclosure? Maybe they see it as being inevitable soon with the commercialization of space by private companies? Or they want to gain more money for the creation of a space force to militarize space by creating a false or manufactured threat? The "need to know" hierarchy of information takes priority. Some civilians may want to know what UFOs are. But.., do they need to know? Especially if there is no advantage. An extraordinary 95 percent of all Americans have at least heard or read something about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), and 57 percent believe they are real.’ Former US Presidents Carter and Reagan claim to have seen a UFO. UFOlogistsa neologism for UFO buffsand pri vate UFO organizations are found throughout the United States. Many are convinced that the US Govern ment, and particularly CIA, are engaged in a massive conspiracy and coverup of the issue. The idea that CIA has secretly concealed its research into UFOs has been a major theme of UFO buffs since the mod ern UFO phenomena emerged in the late 1940s.If the military can't catch UFOs with their jets, or shoot them down etc, then the public has no chance. Disclosure will most likely cause insecurity/panic.I think go around the military. They will tell us when they are ready.., but I don't think they can be forced to (unless the majority of citizens wanted it.., perhaps). But even then, the military is well known for keeping secrets, regardless of public opinions. Above all. It's what they believe is best for national security. UFOs pose no immediate threat, but the potential for hysteria nationwide could be a real problem (War of the Worlds reaction for example). If they pose no immediate threat.., but telling people could cause panic (especially 1940's people) they need to protect national security above all first.  So the Pentagon's release of the three core videos is them opening the door a crack, because they know the truth will eventually come out. Third, this is the worst-kept secret in the world and they know it. Strange phenomena should be investigated, whether the end goal is to protect ourselves from cone-headed extraterrestrials, or just to learn something new.(6)>>If it's not whistle-blowers like Lazar or credible military witnesses, the fact is that UFOs are everywhere, all around us, every day. It is not 1958 and they cannot continue to make shit up like swamp gas and weather balloons to explain away what we're seeing and documenting, as information is easier than every to share and access.

 (1)>>US government  admits and is worried about UFOs. The Senate Intelligence Committee has voted to require U.S. intelligence agencies and the Defense Department to compile a detailed public analysis of all data collected on "unidentified aerial phenomenon," including intrusions recorded by Navy pilots in recent years.The provision contained in the annual intelligence authorization bill, which still needs to be adopted by the full Senate, sets up an unusually public debate on Capitol Hill about how extensively the government has been tracking high performance aircraft of unknown origin, or UFOs. Senators on the panel were first briefed a year ago about reports from naval aviators and other personnel about a series of incidents in recent years involving unidentified aircraft stalking Navy aircraft carriers off the the West and East coasts, including a trio of videos that were recently made public. Now the Senate panel, chaired by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), is directing the executive branch to centralize all relevant information about such intrusions collected from a wide range of sources, including the Office of Naval Intelligence, the FBI, satellites or other technical means, and human spies. Florida Senator Marco Rubio said he hopes that UFOs are extraterrestrials and not advanced Chinese aircraft. In a July 16 interview with CBS reporter Jim DeFede about a range of topics, including the government’s Covid-19 response and the possible existence of extraterrestrial life. “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises and we don’t know what it is and it isn’t ours,” Rubio said. “Frankly, if it’s something outside this planet that might actually be better than the fact that we’ve seen some sort of technological leap from the Chinese or Russians or some other adversary that allows them to conduct this sort of activity,” Rubio said. “That to me is a national security risk and one we should be looking into." (1.2)>>Before it GETS DEBUNKED !  A lot of things were debunked. Being debunked doesn't mean it wasn't true it means debunkers were sent in to squash it and get people like you to write what you wrote. Basic psychology, and for whatever reason..they actually had people assigned to the task. There are at least two famous intelligence operatives who spent their time debunking that have come forth in the last 10 years to talk about what they did. Just following orders.  (2)>>Government egg shell of a Cover up. The Brookings Institution Report, and before that, the War of the Worlds broadcast is their motivation for the coverup. They think it would cause too much panic and destroy society. I'm sure they have some classified research in this area they share with other governments, whether it's misleading or not.  The New York Times, Thursday, December 15, 1960 (Slightly sensationalist, but that's the Times for ya)  Mankind is warned to Prepare for Discovery of Life in Space - Brookings Institution Report Says Earth's Civilization Might Topple if faced by a Race of Superior BeingsWashington. Dec 14 (UPI) -- Discovery of life on other worlds could cause the earth's civilization to collapse, a Federal report said today.This warning was contained in a research report given to the National Aeronautical and Space Administration with the recommendation that the world prepare itself mentally for the eventuality.The report, prepared by the Brookings Institution, said "while the discovery of intelligent life in other parts of the universe is not likely in the immediate future, it could nevertheless, happen at any time." Discovery of Intelligent beings on other planets could lead to an all-out effort by earth to contact them, or it could lead to sweeping changes or even the downfall of civilization, the report said.Even on earth, it added, "societies sure of their own place have disintegrated when confronted by a superior society, and others have survived even though changed."Responding to Crisis"Clearly, the better we can come to understanding the factors involved in responding to such crisis the better prepared we may be."The agency's 100-page report, prepared at a cost of $86,000 was for the space agency's committee on beings-in-space studies. The members, headed by Donald M. Michael also recommended further study of other space activities, including the symptomatic and propaganda effects and the implications of communications and weather satellites.On the question of life in outer space, the report said that if intelligent or super-intelligent beings were discovered in the next twenty years they would probably be found by radio communications with other solar systems.Evidence of such existence "might also be found in artifacts left on the moon or other planets," it said.An attempt already has been made to contact outer space. Government scientists at Greenbank, West Virginia used radio astronomy in an effort to pick up signals that might have been beamed by intelligent beings. They concentrated on a star about fifteen light years away.Signals were sent from Greenbank were of a kind that would show to anyone receiving on other planets that they were man-made and not natural phenomena. The big question in my mind is where is the US Air Force in all of this? The report does not mention anything specific about that question. After all is not their territory the skies over the US and US interests? Also no mention of non-human UAPs as part of the report. Would that be the classified part? (2.1)>>ROSWELL UFO CRASH. Government declassifying UFO information may have opened up a genii bottle problem for the US, if the Navy Nimitz fleet  pilots were chasing UFO’s in 2004 . Its possible that one of these objects may have crashed , our government may have retrieved alien material . I think we should revisit the Roswell incident , it makes it more credible that it was not a “weather balloon” . On 8 July 1947 the Roswell Daily Record newspaper published a front page article with the headline “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region”, and the legend of America's most famous brush with aliens was born. Which raises the question: Have alien-powered craft been stalking the skies since the Truman presidency, all the while remaining elusive and difficult to positively authenticate? And if so, is the “deep state” suppressing that evidence? Or might there be a less extraordinary explanation for a UFO narrative that has persisted for 70 years, ever since the dawn of the advanced aerospace age?  Amid the flurry of sightings that year, one stood out: someone had found pieces of a “flying disc” on a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. A local newspaper was told by an Air Force intelligence agent that a nearby military base had “come into the possession of a Flying Saucer.” This was a deliberate falsehood. So was the next official press release from the government a day later, which stated that the object was actually a weather balloon.  (3)>>the USS Nimitz fleet off the coast of Southern California in 2004. In November 2004, several U.S. Navy pilots stationed aboard the USS Nimitz encountered  a "Tic-Tac" shaped object on theor radars . darting and dashing over the Pacific Ocean in apparent defiance of the laws of physics.  Also  Tic-tac video as well as other similar encounters that have happened in the years since. There is definitely something weird going on there. Now, I’m not saying that aliens are visiting us and doing Navy carrier fly-bys, but that at least has to be in the differential. The physics of these objects according to the eyewitnesses is consistent across more than one source, and the level of physics that would be required to move these objects as described is just something that we or any other country do not have. Now again, I’m not saying these are alien crafts, but these objects should not be dismissed as just “technical glitches” or “pilot hallucinations.” There is definitely something weird going on here, and either some country (even ours) has made such incredible and revolutionary discoveries that we are leagues ahead of any other advanced country in the world, or there’s more to the story that we don’t know. The Navy released the videos in 2017. It is time the government releases everything else they have. (4)>>Senator Marco Rubio    The public and the leaders elected by the public can never know the full truth. there must be some blindspots for Congress. forcing such an issue would be an aggressive threat to national security, IF they truly exist. once a senator knows, the public will eventually find out. they arent particularly well equipped for keeping secrets that could unravel society. Disclosure is creeping forward, and it cannot come soon enough. We can all thank Harry Reed, former (D) Senate Majority Leader, for funding the AATIP program which has led us to this point.   (5)>>But why would the government want to do a full disclosure? Even though we know they have tracked UFOs on radar since the 1950s, with multiple witnesses etc.., the military tended to treat UFOs as laughable in public. From Allen Hynek on Bluebook, coming out saying he was told to say 'swamp gas'. To the CONDON report implying UFOs were mostly fantasy and not worth scientific inquiry, which officially closed military investigations onto UFOs. These were commonly used by skeptics to imply there must be nothing worth looking into, if they deemed it unworthy. Most people trust the government, and the main consensus has been that ever since. The data was there, but the opinions were strong.(6)>>If it's not whistle-blowers like Lazar.   Bob Lazar, The man put Area 51 on the pop-cultural map in 1989, when during an interview with Las Vegas investigative reporter George Knapp, he made claims that would have sent Fox Mulder to a fainting couch. Lazar said he had worked at a top-secret military base, S-4, near Papoose Lake, where his job was to reverse-engineer crashed alien flying saucers. Ever since he released his claims back in 1989, the scientific community has been divided over what to think. Some of Lazar’s claims are so outlandish they seem impossible, yet as the years have gone by, there appear to be small amounts of vindication. I wouldn't say he's a phoney though who knows ,who can know? As there's no way he can prove anything he is saying even if someone considers it proved he worked S4.  Bob Lazar’s biggest claims were the method by which these alien ships worked and the use of an, at the time, undiscovered element known as Element 115.Essentially, he claimed that these spaceships used three anti-gravity cylinders underneath the ship that could swivel in 180-degree or 360-degree patterns depending on the direction. These cylinders supposedly acted as gravity amplifiers.   He's literally one account in a sea of far more credible information, such as multi witness testimony and whistleblowers with decorated military intelligence careers. His story is interesting and worth bearing in mind as a possibility but it's bonkers how much weight it is given when compared to other far more iron clad cases, many backed up by FOIA.