Saturday, August 15, 2020

COVID conspiracies .

Yeah the whole conspiracy thing is  bonkers. BUT honestly , so is this this COVID thing , had America been taken to the CLEANERS? Compared with other Americans, adults who “often” use social media to get news about COVID-19 report higher levels of exposure to the conspiracy theory that the pandemic was intentionally planned. A lot of the media is pushing the same level of fear mongering. I don't even read the "paper" any more and just stick to communications from local officials to understand what is happening and what I should be doing. I was never an anti-MSM type of guy but after this I'm very disappointed in how the news media is treating this crisis.  United States’ president Donald Trump thinks that COVID19 is a `Chinese virus’. Conspiracy theories are making rounds that the virus was compounded in a  (1)>>Wuhan laboratory. Several American politicians, such as Senator Tom Cotton, suggested that the coronavirus is a bioweapon leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But the social factors increase it, people feel like they belong to something, and having more time at home and online has only increased this massively. The other point is that the human brain thrives on pattern recognition and does not do well with chaos. So when a chaotic event takes place, we want it to fit a pattern, hence the rise in conspiracy beliefs. Bad news for you people, life is chaos! Bill Gates/5G/David Icke lizard people has all to do with it..That will be what we try to explain to future generations, when they ask, "   (2)>>Why did the US do so poorly? Why couldn't you just not get each other sick? Why are there all these videos of people going out and coughing on people or making fun of them for wearing masks? What was wrong with everyone?" Luckily for us, if this pandemic has been any indicator to how America will handle future catastrophes, we can simply say, "Don't worry yourself about that, we need to keep walking north to see if we can find arable land and potable water, Nestle has finished draining the aquifers here and Mexico and Canada aren't accepting anymore climate refugees." This shouldn’t be lost in the signal to noise ratio where the noise is created by conspiracy theorist or politicians trying to deflect blame from their own shortcomings. I recall twitter banning accounts they considered to be too fringe in Jan for asking if the virus escaped the Wuhan lab , now this seems a mainstream acceptable question .
Covid Conspiracy #1. The Lockdowns & Economy .
The Lockdowns , while they are by assumption areFlattening the spread of COVID-19 using lockdowns allows health systems to cope with the disease, which then permits a resumption of economic activity. In this sense, there is no trade-off between saving lives and saving livelihoods. There has emerged a sinister plot twist to the whole thing . Again it seems that the way the virus is spreading ( if your a true Covid believer , read the daily statistical jatgon of deaths and infections) it seems that the lockdowns are NEVER GOING TO END . But the idea is, is they get all doomer, then they think it'll lessen the blow when they get bad news keeps coming . It never does, they still get hit hard emotionally if something bad happens, and if something bad doesn't happen it's "We were lucky THIS TIME!" or they blow something up that isn't "bad" to make it seem like they were half right or something. It's super frustrating.Again, the original intent of lockdowns has been completely and totally lost in the noise. Let's get back to the original problem they were trying to solve (hospital shortage) and ask if those problems have materialized outside of a few very narrow areas.It’s absolutely insane how people are desperate to restart the economy as if it’ll do anything but delay the crash AND cause a ton more deaths. We really should focus on keeping everyone well fed, with water and electricity, and safe in their homes — press pause on the economy — it’ll be better for everyone, even the businesses because they aren’t ground down struggling to keep themselves artificially alive. The private sector is absolutely misplaced and misguided in their demands.
Covid Conspiracy #2.Government disinformation .  .
 (3)>>Does any of this sound familiar? A similar event, though felt mainly in the US, happened on the 11th of September 2001. After the WTC collapsed and American (and to a degree international) society was injected with an appropriate amount of fear through the media, the following wars and the dissolution of freedom and privacy brought about with such legislation as the Patriot Act, were left unquestioned by the majority of the populace. It was needed to “fight and win” the “war on terror”. A war that has only created more of that which it was supposedly fighting against. BUT COVID 19 is just like "terrorism" , yes it is out there and it can make you sick . The reality its like Twisted Psychology .  I'm afraid to say so, but although some of the hysteria might be organic (by the news media, in order to get attention, clicks...), a lot of it is quite likely by design, as a scared population will easily succumb to a variety of measures if one offers to alleviate their fears with "measures of security" (even if these measures are completely superficial in their nature). That's why I liken this event with 9/11 in the article - the fear after that event was enough to create several wars and horrendously  (4)>>Orwellian legislation. Who knows what the populace will agree to in this case when so much fear is pumped into their minds.Alleviating the fears, for all of us and for those close to us, can be a great antidote for this hysteria and can mitigate unconscious decisions that could be made or legislation that could be passed as a result of this "COVID-19 panic".We will never know the truth about this virus or whatever it is. The socialist government and the totally incompetent medical mafia and news media will use this confusion and propaganda to send wave after wave of panic alerts that will never allow our economy to recover. Millions will slip into the abyss of permanent lost income, lost opportunity, and hopelessness and eventually death sans the virus.This was never about a killer virus and always about the destruction of capitalism worldwide through the use of fear and panic and its replacement with a Communist-like worldwide government that features complete control, an utterly stupid green-based world economy, and murder if you refuse its dictates. We have not even seen 1/10th of the coming destruction and misery. But many seem to be happy to join the Gates-hates-the-world club without so much as a whimper.
Covid Conspiracy #3 Bill Gates and the "vaccine" .
The 1918 Flue Pandemic , one of the biggest problems regarding that was the vaccine development it took 40 years for a vaccine ! to treat the actual flu  virus . While we hear about Fauci it might take a year or so to make a batch of a working vaccine , or you have the likes of Bill Gates spouting a vaccine , they are lying to the American people . It might take decades . The best chance to get rid of COVID-19 is by drugs to eliminate the symptoms of the virus , rather than risking a possible dangerous vaccine.  BUT Billionaire Bill Gates has become a top target of conspiracy theories related to the coronavirus pandemic, which the Microsoft co-founder called “bizarre.” But how so ? Conspiracies can be real , here is more. Bill Gates was recently caught offering a $10 million dollar bribe for forced vaccination in Nigeria. Based on an intercepted human intelligence report, a controversy erupted in Nigeria whereby it was revealed that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced vaccination program for Coronavirus to the Nigerian House of Representatives. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said it is backing the world’s largest vaccine maker, Serum Institute of India, to churn out 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccine for poorer countries and price them at less than $3.The move comes as governments around the world, including the U.S. and U.K., strike vaccine production deals with the manufacturers of a handful of promising, late-stage vaccine development projects. In 2015, Gates said at the ted conference that “if anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus.” Three years later, he stands by that assessment. “It would take a heck of a meteor or volcano or earthquake to get you to 10 million,” he tells me. “Even a nuclear weapon going off in New York City wouldn’t be 10 million.” By contrast, in 1918, when an H1N1 flu virus swept the world, it killed between 50 and 100 million people, and slashed U.S. life expectancy by 12 years. Now here is even a more BIZZARE CONNECTION ! Others are on the same page: (5)>>Tony Fauci, the director of the National Institutes for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, recently👉 [ PLEASE READ  unveiled a strategic plan ] for creating a universal vaccine. The new Gates/Page grand challenge is designed to shake things up even further. It’s specifically looking to fund completely new and unconventional approaches that differ from those already in development, projects that draw in people who don’t normally work on flu, and ideas that will bridge the “valley of death” that stops pharmaceutical companies from investing in otherwise promising technologies. So let's go to the Next Conspiracy : A malarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, is being used to treat COVID-19 worldwide with phenomenal success. Yet in America, it has been banned by governors and its effectiveness denied by Dr. Anthony Fauci and Big Pharma.
Covid Conspiracy #4 A malarial drug, hydroxychloroquine.
Deep State director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci stated, “There are no proven safe and effective therapies for the coronavirus.” Ignoring the highly successful controlled study in France by Dr. Raoult, Fauci claimed, “We’re getting stories from people who have tried them, but they’ve tried them in trials that are not controlled.”What’s even more telling about (6)>>Fauci’s political agenda is his discouraging people from going to their doctors and requesting chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine – a less toxic form of chloroquine. Fake news cannot stop the international excitement, however. Hydroxychloroquine is now being used worldwide as shown on a map from Dr. Raoult. A global survey of more than 6,000 doctors conducted reported that hydroxychloroquine is the most highly rated treatment against the deadly coronavirus.Meanwhile under the watchful eye of Fauci, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is experimenting with a vaccine for the virus. Annual vaccinations of a hysterical American population, who are being told by Fauci to expect a recurrence of the virus in the fall, are far more lucrative than a low cost, quick cure.
 Covid Conspiracy #5 The Education Shutdown.
While COVID is blammed for closing schools , the looming fear of Teacher's and Children being "carriers" of the virus .  (6.2)>>Most of the school closings are looking more about politics , rather than going with the current  (6.3)>>CDC recomendations for opening up schools . The National Teacher's union pushed for keeping schools closed for safety .Education leaders across the country are trying to determine whether and when they can safely reopen K-12 schools. Either way Education leaders though moving with caution on reopening , they are creating problems flip flopping,  while at the same time State and Federal "guidelines" continue to do back tracking .   Right Now the Far Right , pro education reformers are jummping up and down with joy on what is going on right now with the school shutdowns. Schools being closed are ripe for huge budget shortfalls , depending on which state you live . The next domino effect will stress out parents to pick alternatives to schooling. Many private schools and homeschool advocates see an oppertunity to cash in. Globally, according to a research review published recently in The Lancet, a leading medical journal, the number of Covid-19 deaths prevented by school closings has been vanishingly small. The same can’t be said about the closings’ educational effects, which have been devastating. Regular public schools were not prepared to switch to distance learning. Teachers were not trained; equipment was not in place, and as UNESCO put it in a report on school closings’ adverse effects, parents were “unprepared for distance and home schooling.” This was “especially true for parents with limited education and resources.” All this seems for me is wide range [ hidden plan ] to dismantle the public edcuation system so the private sector fills in the gap?  with special attention to Betzy DeVoss . California is leading a multi-state lawsuit challenging U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ ruling that orders states to share federal coronavirus relief with private schools. In all case Trump's threats about witholding money to schools is worrisome.  But by shifting the role of educator and weekday caregiver to families, these shutdowns will risk leaving a large section of the U.S. labor force with less time and energy to work, as well as less money to spend in the economy.
 Covid Conspiracy # 6  Face Masks and Social Distancing . (7)>>Putting on Mask , it's more about protection . But in reality it's making us less human .There is no explanation at this point. They’ve had their chance to explain and continue to refute science and evidence saying the masks help. I don’t like wearing it either but damn, get over it. In the US, the mandate to wear masks has been met with some backlash from black men who fear that wearing masks could expose them to harassment from the police. The basis of racism goes beyond a mere hatred of a different skin color and culture. It can be a result of toxic upbringings, lack of education, and economic/class struggles. We know why people won't wear a mask. They don't feel like it. They're so selfish and entitled they think they shouldn't have to make any self-sacrifice if it's uncomfortable, no matter how important it is for society, so they decide it's all fake and invent stupid stories to justify their narcissism. It's not about "personal freedom," because they accept all kinds of other public health laws. It's not about the economy, because we all know full well that the economy cannot recover when people are dropping dead all over the country and will only do so exponentially more if we just open everything up.You could make the argument that tribalism is involved, that people are using an anti-mask stance to flag their membership in a particular worldview, but that doesn't make it any less stupid or narcissistic. The stories to justify it are still just asinine 'spin' made in bad faith, so they are irrelevant and should not be given a platform.Singapore is apparently the testing ground for the New World Order. The alleged "COVID-19 virus" and the response of various governments to the staged crisis should give a strong indication on which regions are fully sycophantic and committed to the psychopaths engaging in a coup of the planet.Singapore is on the extreme end of this spectrum, as everyone 12 and up will be electronically monitored and fined and/or imprisoned for refusing to comply.This is beyond nightmare material folks, and is everything the conspiracy theorists have warned about for decades. The plan being implemented from August 11, is said to be using devices for tracking behavioural activity. These devices will be provided to incoming travellers, including citizens and residents, from a select group of countries who will be allowed to isolate at home rather than at a state-appointed facility. If it CONTINUES TO GET WORSE , its not going to suprise me if more draconian measures will be in place right here in the United States . If you aren't concerned by this, there is no hope left for you.
Covid Conspiracy # 7 the 2020 AD November Election IS " COOKED"!
Complete hypothetical here, but let's say that the Coronavirus cannot be contained (seems likely) and the mortality rate ends up being around 3%. If the spread continues into the fall, I could see Trump attempting to delay the election, citing public health concerns.I don't think he would succeed because it's A) unprecedented B) blatantly unconstitutional and C) not under his purview as the elections are run by the states. However, I wouldn't put it past him to try.According to this Washington Post article, a Poll showed that half of Republicans would be open to the idea of  (8)>>suspending the 2020 US elections based on Trump's currently unsupported belief that there was massive voter fraud during the last election and that millions of illegal immigrants were what gave Clinton the popular vote.If Trump were to attempt to suspend elections, what would the ramifications of that be? By the time people are voting for president, there is a good chance the country will in at least a recession. The number of layoffs have been crazy! I dont like either candidates. I was watching the news and I couldn't believe the nonsense Trumps press secretary and Joe Biden were saying. The press secretary clearly sold out for the prestige of working at the White House. And the "ain't black" comment coming from a candidate for president like Biden is ridiculous! I thought Trump was almost certainly was going to lose in 2016 due to his previous comments. I feel he is likely to lose this due to his terrible response to Covid 19 and the economic downturn. In Ohio, during the 2004 Presidential election, 153,237 ballots were simply thrown away — more than the Bush “victory” margin. In New Mexico the uncounted vote was five times the Bush alleged victory margin of 5,988. In Iowa, Bush’s triumph of 13,498 was overwhelmed by 36,811 votes rejected. The official number is bad enough — 1,855,827 ballots cast not counted, according to the federal government’s Elections Assistance Commission. But the feds are missing data from several cities and entire states too embarrassed to report the votes they failed to count.Correcting for that under-reporting, the number of ballots cast but never counted goes to 3,600,380. Why doesn’t your government tell you this?This isn't particularly new or unique either. US political history has a slew of corrupt officials from both Parties doing this kind of stuff. Go back to the Gilded Age, or for more recent examples look at the behind the scenes in the Presidential elections of 1960 (Texas and Illinois) and 2000 (Florida). Donald Trump‘s crusade against mail-in voting continued on Thursday when he floated the idea of delaying the 2020 US election until in-person voting was feasible.The charge would raise sceptical eyebrows under normal conditions. But in the coronavirus-embattled world we now inhabit, in which billion dollar sports leagues cancel seasons and states postpone – or even cancel – their primaries, is it really that (8.1)>>absurd to think Mr Trump could delay the 2020 election?There's an even more subtle and insidious possibility: they could manipulate some votes to shift Blue, then reveal evidence later that this was actually done. They would then claim the Democrats cheated and that it would invalidate the whole election. This would be a page directly out of the Putin playbook and would cause massive chaos. Can you imagine Fox or OANN running with this narrative, along with Trump's own daily incendiary tweets, for two straight months after election day? They'd whip up his supporters into a roiling frenzy of seething hate by Inauguration Day.
Covid Conspiracy # 8 Flawed Data , Contact tracing . Spotty Data, Flawed Testing,
Undercounted Deaths Create Misleading Picture Of Outbreak In States. One major problem is that even though U.S. laboratories are now conducting 4.5 million Covid-19 tests a week, many patients are waiting seven days or longer to get test results.  (9)>>This makes the tests almost useless.A steep decline in California’s coronavirus infection rate announced this week by Gov. Gavin Newson may not be accurate, according to the state’s top public health official who said Tuesday that the state’s data system used to process COVID-19 test results is marred with technical issues.The snafus have caused delays in analyzing test results and cast doubt on Newsom’s announcement Monday of a 21.2% decline in the seven-day average rate for positive infections compared to the average from the week before.  California’s public health director, Dr. Sonia Angell, quit without explanation following a technical glitch that caused a delay in reporting virus test results — information used to make decisions about reopening businesses and schools. Last week, New York City’s health commissioner was replaced after months of friction with the Police Department and City Hall.A review by the Kaiser Health News service and the Associated Press finds at least 49 state and local public health leaders have resigned, retired or been fired since April across 23 states. The list has grown by more than 20 people since the AP and KHN started keeping track in June. The departures are making a bad situation worse, at a time when the U.S. needs good public health leadership the most.  All these Ongoing glitches with the state’s coronavirus tracking database, CalREDIE, have resulted in tests — and cases — going unreported, health officials said this week. Worse yet, officials weren’t sure of the scope of the problems with the data, which is used to track California’s battle with the pandemic and inform decisions about when — and whether — individual counties can resume reopenings. Some of the coronavirus testing kits sent to state laboratories around the country have flaws and do not work properly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said  way back in February !!!
Covid Conspiracy # 9 Sick Covid " Children".
As the NEWS has been reporting all of a sudden out of the blue as many states plan to reopen schools. Children are being hit with a "mysterious COVID related illness ". WE all heard of  (10)>>Kawasaki disease, which is different than COVID .Kawasaki disease is relatively more common in Asian countries.  Some how again , like pulling a rabit out of a hat is being linked with out evidence to the Corona-virus . But the Media has put examples on TV of Children who look like they are on ventilators in still photos , but during interviews look perfectly healthy , fully recovered .There is no clinical evidence linking COVID-19 and Kawasaki disease, a rare illness that mostly affects children below age 5 by causing inflammation in their blood vessels and may damage the heart in serious cases, but the media is taking this talking point further , as well as the misinformed CDC advice . Do we have enough information from children in Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Florida to be able to draw the same conclusions as those listed in the paper? Or will we only know in a few months? All these crazy questions pop up , I'm surprised there isn't more information, on a lot of states daycares were allowed to remain open, and essential workers often took their kids there. Why is it that we don't know more about how much kids catch it and pass it? School closure was one of the few meaningful differences between Sweden's and Finland's coronavirus response; Sweden allowed schools to operate normally, but Finland closed them for almost two months. (Finland reopened them in mid-May just two weeks before the school year ended, despite teachers' objections. This was the first major countrywide restriction to be lifted.)The new report concluded that Finland's school closure had virtually no effect on case numbers at all, as compared to Sweden. Although Sweden didn't test very actively at the time, it still barely had any severe COVID-19 cases among children, nor any elevated risk to teachers was detected. Finland tested better, but schools closing and reopening seems to have had no detectable effect at any curves at all. The transmission evidence in that paper consists of 5 case studies, three within households and two in schools, and the infected N for each is small. The article itself concludes only by saying, "On the basis of these data, SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools may be less important in community transmission than initially feared." I don't see how that meagre evidence and mild conclusion can justify the very strongly worded title, which will be taken by millions as authoritative evidence that children mostly don't spread Covid.
Covid Conspiracy #  10 THE SUPER FLU 
While People are so brainwashed to worry about COVID -19 , thankfully to the media's roll in spreading propaganda of fear . One element was left out , it's going to be a supper whammy .  (11)>>THE FLU .  I am more affraid of the Flu Virus for a number of reasons . I think my Readers should take precautions . I agree that we should put on a medical grade mask not for Covid , but FOR THE FLU !!! ON similar lines , It usually gets into your system when you touch your mouth, nose or eyes with your hands. And avoiding the horrid virus can be as simple as regularly washing your hands.Like COVID -19 😆 IN 2018 CNN's  Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent predicted a Pandemic flu sooner or later was going to hit . The Years 2018 -2019 prior to the Coronia- Virus was the worst year of the Influenza virus that had two spikes and 4 million Americans had it , 80 , 000 died of it , by the way we had not a peep from the CDC to give a public warning to put on a mask. When most people hear "flu," they typically think of seasonal flu. No doubt, seasonal flu can be deadly, especially for the very young and old, as well as those with compromised immune systems.[ sounds a bit like COVID-19 ] The influenza virus would mutate whether or not there were vaccines for it. The way our bodies work is, when we are introduced to a new virus, it developed other cells called T-bodies I believe. These cells will only ever attack the cells of a virus it is was made to protect the body against. After the original threat is eliminated there is a small number of these specialized cells saved on reserve, but the others are destroyed. Only when an identical virus cell will activate and deploy the same T- Body cell.When you get a flu shot, the newest form of the virus is introduced to your body, mostly dead, but some alive and weakened. This allows your body to fortify itself for any future contact with these cells. This is also why you can get small symptoms of the flu when you get the vaccine.The flu is constantly morphing itself for it's own survival, therefore we are not the cause of it's mutations. What COULD THIS MEAN ? I suspect that as far as the COVID shutdowns , the Flu and Covid are going to morph , the government is SO LAME that , we are going to get a dose of conflicting information that could lead to a meltdown of a long haul of extended shutdowns that could last into next year.

Befeore we GET out of this mess . It's going to get worse . I suspect only here in the United States, with the flawed data of daily infections going UP is going to give rise to mass hysteia , rather than giving accurate data  for scientists to (11.2)>>contain the real virus . . I think as far as looking at some data , the rest of the world is going to flatten the curve as they were hoping for in America.... but with the fact that COVID now is being used in a political manner just before the November election we should cautiously think  (12)>>The WORD Conspiracy !

(1)>>Wuhan laboratory.United States’ president Donald Trump thinks that COVID19 is a `Chinese virus’. Conspiracy theories are making rounds that the virus was compounded in a Wuhan laboratory. Several American politicians, such as Senator Tom Cotton, suggested that the coronavirus is a bioweapon leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Bioweapons are a fact they exist. Im not saying its a man made but it could very well be. People have being using biological warfare since ancient times. Any way if they did make it, it got out by accident and not on purpose china didnt warn the world becuase it didnt want to be left behind. If im going down im taking down with me doctrine. Bombs that can vaporize cities are not crazy talk but biowepons are. Saying that biowepons are crazy talk is like saying nukes dont exist. There are genuine reasons to: Figure out what happened Change our relationship with China.(2)>>Why did the US do so poorly. With about 2.5 million coronavirus cases, the US has the highest number of confirmed infections in the world - about a quarter of the global total.The situation got really bad in late March but by May, cases were declining and most states had begun to ease restrictions put into place to halt the spread of the virus.The number of new cases rarely fell below 20,000 though, because as some states were bringing their outbreaks under control, others were only just beginning to see flare-ups. At least three factors enable meaningful comparisons of these nations with the United States. First, we scaled up their population sizes and Covid-19 deaths to match those of the U.S. Second, in each of these countries, roughly 80% or more of the population lives in urbanized, transmission-prone areas, similar to the U.S. Third, the pandemic took root earlier in these other countries than here, as measured by the date of the 15th confirmed case in each, meaning that foreign leaders had to act with less information to guide their decisions than did U.S. leaders. (3)>>Does any of this sound familiar? The cast of characters is different, of course: Trump, desperately seeking "wartime president" status; Dr. Anthony Fauci; epidemiologist Neil Ferguson; state governors such as Cuomo, Whitmer, and Newsom; and a host of media acolytes just itching to force a new normal down our throats. Like the Iraq War architects, they use COVID-19 as justification to advance a preexisting agenda, namely, greater state control over our lives and our economy. Yet because too many Americans remain stubbornly attached to the old normal, a propaganda campaign is required. In the period leading up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Bush administration and its media accomplices waged a relentless propaganda campaign to win political support for what turned out to be one of the most disastrous foreign policy mistakes in American history. How much damage will the lockdown cause? Economics aside, the sheer toll of this self-inflicted wound will be a matter for historians to document. That toll includes all the things Americans would have done without the shutdown in their personal and professional lives, representing a diminution of life itself. Can that be measured, or distilled into numerical terms? Probably not, but this group of researchers and academics argues that we have already suffered more than one million "lost years of life" due to the ravages of unemployment, missed healthcare, and general malaise.(4)>>Orwellian legislation.  A disturbing trend noticed throughout the outbreak has been the aggressive and heavy-handed way our officials have acted. We’ve been sternly directed to shelter in place with the thinly veiled threat of serious repercussions if we don’t comply. There have been numerous reports of people getting arrested or fined for being outside or walking alone on a beach. A clip went viral of a Philadelphia man being dragged off of a bus for not wearing a mask. Was the violent police response appropriate?  Whether you agree or disagree with the closing of businesses and orders to stay home, you'd have to acknowledge that it's right out of George Orwell’s classic1984. Petty state bureaucrats  telling us to report people who may possibly be breaching social-distancing measures wreaks of an authoritative “Big Brother” controlling our every move. Once rights are stripped away, it's hard to get them back. When was the last time you saw a toll booth removed on a highway? We’re still required to take off our shoes before boarding a plane. Human Rights Watch (an international non-governmental organisation) has issued an eight-point declaration to balance individual rights and the need for governments to protect public health:
1. Surveillance measures adopted to address the pandemic must be lawful, necessary and proportionate;
2. New monitoring and surveillance powers must be time-bound, and continue only for as long as necessary;
3. Data must only be used for the purposes of responding to the pandemic;
4. Governments must protect people’s data, including ensuring sufficient security;
5. Governments must address the risk that the tools will facilitate discrimination and other rights abuses against racial minorities, people living in poverty, and other marginalized populations;
6. If Governments partner with private sector entities, the agreements must comply with the law, and sufficient information to allow public oversight must be publicly disclosed. Such agreements should be in writing, with sunset clauses;
7. Increased surveillance should not fall under the domain of security or intelligence agencies and must be subject to effective oversight by appropriate independent bodies;
8. Data should be shared with relevant stakeholders, in particular experts in the public health sector and marginalized population groups.
The declaration has been signed by many international organizations to urge governments to show leadership in tackling the pandemic in a way that is strictly in line with human rights. These are extraordinary times, but human rights law still applies. Governments cannot simply disregard rights such as privacy and freedom of expression in the name of tackling a public health crisis. (5)>>Tony Fauci, the director of the National Institutes for Allergies and Infectious Diseases. Fauci is leading the nation into a huge disaster in the making . I forwarned you all reading this. Past late January in a memo of a possibly deadly pandemic, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases was telling the news media not to worry. Fauci was still telling the public the China virus was low risk.When we were building new mask capacity in record time, Fauci was flip-flopping on the use of masks. REMEMBER this GUY is on TV EVERY DAY giving advice! And when Fauci was telling the White House Coronavirus Task Force that there was only anecdotal evidence in support of hydroxychloroquine to fight the virus. Dr. Fauci’s advice, my answer is: only with skepticism and caution.(6)>>Fauci’s political agenda. Dr. Fauci back in 2018 predicted that  ....."said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency." This statement is so bizzare it make you wonder if what is going on right now with this pandemic has anything to do with Fauci. Finally, an April 22 Asia Times article raises more questions about WIV. After noting that NIH funding to WIV amounted to $3.7 million, they state that the US passed a federal moratorium on gain-of-function (“altering natural pathogens to make them more deadly and infectious”) research in 2014 “as a result of rising fears about a possible pandemic caused by an accidental or deliberate release of these genetically engineered monster germs.” They say the now-famous Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID “outsourced” this research in 2015 to the Wuhan lab and licensed the lab to continue receiving US government funding.“Also, if there was a government ban in 2014 on federal funding being used for GOF research, what are the federal compliance and ethical issues surrounding the fact that the NIH still gave federal funding instead of private funding to the Wuhan lab to continue the experiments? Moreover, could some strains of the coronavirus have originated in US labs, given the fact the US government lifted the ban in December 2017 on GOF research without resolving lab-safety issues?” Fauci’s studies alarmed scientists around the globe who complained, according to a December 2017 NY Times article, that “these researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic.” Dr. Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Communicable Disease Center told the Times that Dr. Fauci’s NIAID experiments “have given us some modest scientific knowledge and done almost nothing to improve our preparedness for pandemic, and yet risked creating an accidental pandemic.”In October 2014, following a series of federal laboratory mishaps that narrowly missed releasing these deadly engineered viruses, President Obama ordered the halt to all federal funding for Fauci’s dangerous experiments. NIAID-funded gain of function research continued after the moratorium in a Wuhan-based laboratory. Congress needs to launch an investigation of NIAID’s mischief in China.  For more on what Dr. Fauci said on COVID-19  read this : ] (6.2)>>Most of the school closings are looking more about politics.  President Donald Trump has pushed back at states considering keeping schools closed in the fall, describing such a move as "political" and saying it goes against the will of parents and students. During White House discussions  on how to safely reopen America's schools, Trump insisted that everyone was in favor of plans to send children back to school in September, despite the alarming rise in the number of new coronavirus cases across the US.   (6.3)>>CDC recomendations for opening up schools .  According to the CDC "    Extended school closure is harmful to children.  It can lead to severe learning loss, and the need for in-person instruction is particularly important for students with heightened behavioral needs.Following the wave of school closures in March 2020 due to COVID-19, academic learning slowed for most children and stopped for some.  A survey of 477 school districts by the University of Washington’s Center on Reinventing Public Education found that, “far too many schools are leaving learning to chance.”  Just one in three school districts expected teachers to provide instruction, track student engagement, or monitor academic progress for all students, and wealthy school districts were twice as likely to have such expectations compared to low-income districts. "  FOR THE REST READ HERE     [ ]  (7)>>Putting on Mask , it's more about protection . But in reality it's making us less human . This dystopian look, it is reflective of the times we are living in.The dispute over masks embodies the political dynamics of the campaign. It also reflects a classic American struggle between those who defend public safety and those who believe just as deeply in personal liberty. This is what drives Democrats crazy. They believe that masks can help prevent the spread of infection and that if people covered their faces in public then the country could get back to normal faster.While masks are becoming more common in the United States, there is still a significant cultural divide over what they represent. In parts of East Asia, the use of face masks is seen as a general courtesy to others. In the U.S., there have been reports of verbal and physical attacks directed at people wearing them, particularly East Asian people. Earlier this month, a woman wearing a mask was allegedly assaulted and called "diseased" in a New York City subway station in what appeared to be a coronavirus-fueled hate attack.Mask restrictions placed on daily life forced many Americans to alter their habits and everyday routines, and those changes can be jarring. Many stores have started limiting their capacity leading to lines outside the entrance. Inside, shoppers in face masks try to stay at least six feet apart as they scramble for meat, toilet paper and hand sanitizer.Human beings are inherently social, so they’re used to making connections and feeling comfortable in the presence of others. That has changed thanks to the pandemic’s uncertainty, because it’s impossible to tell if another person is carrying the virus.    (8)>>suspending the 2020 US elections.   The constitution permits congress to dictate the dates in which electors are chosen and presented, but since the states have authority on the electoral voting process I'd expect they could still hold popular votes then translate the results to electoral votes at whatever time is chosen.Congress could delay the whole process, but at least the public would be aware of what the results would be. And unless the legislative filibuster is nuked this would need support from 60 senators. Either way, Trump himself wouldn't have any influence, and none of this would be able to postpone his term's end.(8.1)>>absurd to think Mr Trump could delay. Every example you gave is an example of a party working within the system to make the results they want more likely (which is kind of the point of a political party). Beyond that, they are examples of a party that completely accepts the system. If the GOP wanted to overthrow the system, why would they do any of the things you listed? If overthrowing the system were the plan, the Koch brothers wouldn't be lobbying, they'd be investing in weapons caches and MREs in strategic locations throughout the country. The American aristocracy will stop at nothing to undo the progress made in the las two hundred years. They're dismantling it step by step to go back to a time when wealthy white landowners were the only people with any power. To ignore their manipulation of the system is foolish. They're changing it as quickly as they possibly can without incurring violence. That's the game they are playing.By screwing with the system, I meant blowing it up or something on par with just not holding elections. (9)>>This makes the tests almost useless.  Testing will only increase the number of positives , which basically undermines the original purpose of the test.  The C.D.C. recommended testing for people who have symptoms like fever, cough or shortness of breath, and who, within the past 14 days, have traveled to China or have been in close contact with someone who is infected with the coronavirus. Doctors with patients in that category are supposed to consult their state health department about whether the individuals should be tested for the virus.(10)>>Kawasaki disease.  is an illness that causes inflammation (swelling and redness) in blood vessels throughout the body. It happens in three phases, and a lasting fever usually is the first sign. The condition most often affects kids younger than 5 years old.It's most common in infants and young children.Early stages include a rash and fever. Symptoms include high fever and peeling skin. In late stages, there may be inflammation of medium size blood vessels (vasculitis). It also affects lymph nodes, skin, and mucous membranes, such as inside the mouth.Kawasaki disease is usually treatable. Initial treatments include aspirin and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy given in a medical facility.(11)>>THE FLU . While the world is freaking out over the coronavirus, the common flu is far more deadly. "While the coronavirus is getting a lot of attention because it’s new, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than 19 million Americans have fallen ill with the flu so far this season, including 180,000 who ended up in the hospital. About 10,000 Americans have died, including more than 60 children," says infectious disease specialist and deputy medical director at WestMed Medical Group Sandra Kesh. The CDC estimates that last year's flu season was responsible for 36,400 to 61,200 flu-related deaths.The CDC estimates that millions of people get it every year — it's still something you should take seriously. It can land you in the hospital and even kill you. (11.2)>>contain the real virus . . One recurring theme of the COVID coverage is the fear (or the firm prediction) of second or third waves of the disease. We must “prepare for the second wave of COVID.” The UK Prime Minister,  speaking outside Downing Street  urged the UK people to continue adhering to the “tough measures” to avoid a “second spike” of COVID-19.The second or third waves are often portrayed as very likely, inevitable or probable by modelling studiesWaves, as in the sea, are usually preceded by a trough, but this visual analogy is hardly ever mentioned; nor the appropriateness of forecasting waves in a coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile Making absolute statements of certainty about ‘ second waves’ is unwise, given the current substantial uncertainties and novelty of the evidence.  (12)>>The WORD Conspiracy !Conspiracy theorists are positing that the coronavirus was manufactured by humans, whether it be as a bioweapon or to make money by selling vaccines. AS noted above I listed a few of the "10" , there should be ONE MORE which would make it Covid Conspiracy #11 . That is total CENSORSHIP of opposing opinions regarding the Virus . Many have been either kicked out of Social Media for posting "different Information" likewise if you post something contrary to what the Main line Media spills nightly , your attacked by the censors,  following what they call COMMUNITY GUIDELINES of what the so called moderators assume will not offend the somewhat idiots who believe the Koolaide we getting Daily . FREEDOM of SPEECH is under attack , mostly by the Left [ sadly to say] by the angry white neo-cons control things .