Sunday, May 10, 2020

May opinions

The Economy Crash . Blame The State Governors .
Massive layoffs should not
be happening . It's crazy !
Right now thigs are so Delusional . WE  "people" who are so out of it. So the blame game goes around . MANY ,  (1)>>Honestly BLAME the economic carsh that was it the "virus"Some will blame China, Donald Trump; others, like Trump himself, will blame Barack Obama. Yet, all will still put COVID-19 at the center. So far thge  CDC reports 554,849 cases in the United States out of around 329 million. So this means that .169% of the U.S. is sick with the virus and 99.98% are not.In addition, since COVID-19 might be considered in the future another strain of what we call the flu, does this mean that we will have to shut life down during the annual winter flu season?  (1.2)>>The  some state governor's responses has been to put thousands [ MILLIONS] of people out of work, close down small businesses (as well as large ones) to try to stop the virus from spreading. Some people are relatively unaffected by the pandemic, able to keep their jobs, work from home and pay their rent. Others have watched their lives fall apart.  From that point , its not the virus , but the fear induced state governors that killed the nations economy . The prevalent neoliberal approach maintains that the state will deal with the pandemic (by strangling the economy and the psychobabble “love is keeping your distance”), while the market powers will deal with the poverty and unemployment, which this strangle policy is already creating.I UNDERSTAND that some of the governors , yes they were reacting in the NAME of  PUBLIC safety . Most of "their" understanding may have been based on faulty data how the virus is transmitted . That kind of reasoning is what is really behind the lockdowns , the unknown . WE STILL don't know as of now too much about the "virus" , every day we hear of new symptoms to fighten us , so the governors continued the shutdowns . But there’s an alternative to this model. Instead of complete economic paralysis, what we need is to isolate only populations at risk for a significant length of time (a move that will still hurt the economy, but not like the current freeze, because most of the people in this group don’t work), enable the economy to operate under minimal restrictions and carry out tests to locate infected people. NOW It seems to me that our whole government was unprepaired to handle the the economic pandemic [ not as much as the virus] letting everything crash like it did , with massive layoffs is a cardinal sin .
The November Election and SLEEPY JOE BIDEN.
Someone was saying " Time to wake Joe!!!". Biden has virtualy vanished . It seems likely that social distancing will force the presidential campaign to be played out entirely on our screens. That will free (2)>>Mr. Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee. In the New York Times, was a recent 👉 Sunday column by Frank Bruni, who wrote about . . . the diminished role of Joe Biden on the public stage. Biden for all it seems to me , he just went into "hiding". That  extended absence from the front pages of the press has turned sour . Several years ago I wrote about the possibility of Biden as President . In that regards since he became Obama's Vice President choice he showed some promise to the Democratic Party . Since 2016 , Biden has had a rather slip downwards . Out of desparation , the fledgling Democratic Party has no choice to "nominate" Biden . Joe Biden's problems have taken a slight political punching bag twist of fate recently Tara Reade, the former Biden staffer,  worked in Joe Biden’s Senate office filed a criminal complaint with the Washington, DC, police on April 9, accusing the former vice president of sexually assaulting her in 1993.Reade told ðŸ‘‰Business Insider that she filed the report because she had been harassed in the past and “wanted to make it clear that I would be willing to go under oath or cooperate with any law enforcement regarding it, because it did happen. Even if it was 26 years ago.” WE know this kind of dirt digging comes up just during an election to use what is called the moral bandwagon against a rival candidtate to discredit . I can say this , if what good are Tara Reade's alligations ? Look at our current Commander -in -Chief in the White House  Donald J Trump , he was always known for decades as a womanizer , playboy billionaire . Trump is a woman's nightmare .  He still got elected , women still voted for him . So the alligations against Biden are nothing but a ripple in the wind of public viewpoint . (3)>>But Biden other problem is,  will he still be around in November ?  The WHOLE election is SCREWED since the Covid-19 pandemic took center place . As most Americans’ routines were upended by the virus, so was the political landscape. With just over six months until (4)>>Election Day, two-thirds of Americans (67%) – including 80% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents and half of Republicans and Republican leaners – say it is very or somewhat likely that the coronavirus outbreak will significantly disrupt people’s ability to vote in the presidential election. Fifteen other states and two territories — Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, West Virginia and Wyoming, and Guam and Puerto Rico — have either pushed back their presidential primaries or switched to voting by mail with extended deadlines.Some states have even postponed their primaries multiple times, as the pandemic continues. A successful election will require some Covid-era changes. The main one is enabling tens of millions more people to vote by mail (also called absentee balloting — the terms are synonymous) than have ever done so before. It’s also important to make adjustments to keep polling places open for people who don’t have stable mailing addresses — a group that increases as people are uprooted during an economic downturn — or whose disabilities, like blindness, make it hard to fill out a ballot unassisted.


 (1)>>Honestly BLAME the economic carsh that was it the "virus" While the virus goes about hurting the health of Americans . The Virus created a a financial tsunami in many of the States run by Democratic Governors . To the "extreme" , the Governors of New York and California are a perfect storm of crashing their states own economy . California finance officials revealed a $54 billion deficit Thursday in the first economic assessment of the coronavirus pandemic’s devastating blow to the fifth-largest economy in the world. What is so interesting about this . It CAN BE FIXED!!! . Its about putting people back to work , let the small businesses reopen . With the proper precautions, and the deployment of tools like contact tracing, self-quarantines, and telemedicine, we can continue to protect the most vulnerable, while returning as many Americans as possible to work. We will still need to address high-risk populations, like those in nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, jails, and prisons. But we are persuaded that much more can be done to reopen the economy today, thereby improving the lives of hundreds of millions of low-to-middle income Americans. With flexibly adjusted to the situation in different U.S. locations, which is essential. Each location will have distinctive conditions in terms of medical conditions, the availability of resources for health care delivery and maintenance, testing capabilities, population demographics, and business priorities. Given that these factors will be fluid, the task of staging business re-openings in a safe and thoughtful manner will be complex. (1)>>The  some state governor's. define "lockdowns" with basically three traits: First, individuals are ordered to remain at home or expected to provide special proof of need to leave their home; second, assemblies are banned above a very low, usually single-digit threshold; third, a large number of businesses are ordered to discontinue operations.Within lockdowns there's a lot of variety. Some states or cities enforce stay-at-home orders very strictly. Some do not. Some focus on assemblies. Others are more tolerant of assembly. Some close more businesses, some close fewer. But the basic features are stay home orders, low-number assembly bans, and ordered closure of numerous businesses. Most of the debate about lockdowns has focused on economic tradeoffs: We assume that lockdowns make COVID-19 less awful, and we assume they cause economic harms, and so we want to balance those. (2)>>Mr. Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee. The DNC will pull whatever tricks they can to get their candidate thru. They pretty much admitted to that in 2016. The DNC isn't looking out for the interests of everyone, only their rich & corporate donors.The whole point of the primary is to find the best candidate, as of right now its a perfect repeat senario of 2016 on the Democratic side which has few options .If the Democrats mean what they say, that defeating Trump is their very first order of business and a moral necessity, they will replace Biden now and by any means possible, with some sane governor on the front lines of the struggle, whose campaign, just like Trump’s, would be his performance in office. They owe nothing less to themselves and their country. And who knows? They might just pull it off.  (3)>>But Biden other problem is,  will he still be around in November ?  PREDICTING multiple consequences for the November election, including higher turnout by conservative voters (as happened after Tea Party protests in 2010, he notes); reframing the election as Trump supporting a reopened economy against business-depressing governors; rebuilding Trump’s winning 2016 coalition, as protesters connect via social media; and rallying GOP officials to Trump, as they perceive protesters to represent majority public opinion. (4)>>Election Day, two-thirds of Americans (67%) – including 80% of Democrats .The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample. Hispanic voters, young people, women and self-identified liberals are most likely to favor dumping the former vice president for Cuomo.The poll, conducted April 3-6, was commissioned by the conservative pro-market Club for Growth, which generally supports Republican candidates.