Saturday, May 2, 2020

Dr Fauci's Merry-go-round

Dr Fauci's Merry-go-round 
All this information coming out now on how China, and possibly the (1)>>WHO, mislead everyone to where Western Medical Experts were making the wrong decisions. To think we have after-the-fact experts here in (1.2)>>America blaming Trump for not acting sooner when even experts like Dr. Fauci {Fauci has been the head of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984} didn't know exactly what was taking place.I don’t want to embarrass him,” Fauci added. “I don’t want to act like a tough guy, like I stood up to the president. I just want to get the facts out. And instead of saying, ‘You’re wrong,’ all you need to do is continually talk about what the data are and what the evidence is. And he gets that. He’s a smart guy. He’s not a dummy. So he doesn’t take it—certainly up to now—he doesn’t take it in a way that I’m confronting him in any way. He takes it in a good way.”As recently as this past Friday, Dr. Fauci had to publicly tamp down expectations for the anti-malarial drug that Trump has been touting as a miracle cure for COVID-19.He's worried about Trump getting angry with him because he's having to correct Trump and actually talk in facts. A conservative former California congressional nominee who has been a sharp Fauci critic on Twitter, DeAnna Lorraine, responded to the interview by tweeting, (1.3)>>“Fauci is now saying that had Trump listened to the medical experts earlier he could’ve saved more lives.  (2)>>Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US public at large. It is tragic that thousands of people in the country have died or may yet succumb to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. For three years, critics of President Donald Trump have claimed that he arrogantly refuses to listen to his experts and that his exaggerated sense of self prevents him from accepting his limitations. Applying that narrative to Trump's initial failure to appreciate the gravity of the coronavirus, NBC host Chuck Todd recently asked former Vice President Joe Biden, "Do you think there is blood on the president's hands, considering the slow response? Or is that too harsh of a criticism?" Even Biden called the criticism a "little too harsh.""A little too harsh?" Trump, neither a doctor nor a scientist, merely followed the advice given him from his medical experts. The problem is that a lot of the advice was vague, inconsistent, contradictory or flat-out wrong. But we also must remember that millions of people have had their lives and livelihoods permanently altered because of the government response to this virus. 

 The Hijacking of the Economy .  Two weeks ago, at least 3.3 million people filed for unemployment benefits. This week, 33  million more joined the ranks of the unemployed. On Thursday, an additional 6.6 million workers were added to the rolls of the unemployed.For Fauci, is it merely a societal or economic inconvenience that about 17 million workers are unemployed because of the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, with many more to come in the weeks and months ahead? (3)>>The economic calamity lies largely with the origination of policies resulting from Fauci's recommendations.Fauci has admitted that the models he relies on are unreliable. The models, and their panic-inducing projections, have seemingly been revised down every couple of days. Fauci insists this because of his policy prescriptions, but time and data from the United States and other nations will reveal whether that is true.Bill Gates, billionaire philanthropist, and Anthony Fauci, the White House’s go-to for shaping the public’s response to coronavirus, have been given some mighty powers in recent weeks — specifically, the powers of influence that have led to the shuttering of businesses; shutting up of citizens in their homes; shutting down of schools around the nation; stalling of the national economy; and of late, shaping of messaging that’s led to thousands of Americans wearing stupid face masks everywhere they go.  The shutdown is creating the greatest wealth heist and now some evidence of it here's an article from MIT press News America's super rich see their wealth rise by two hundred and eighty two billion dollars in three weeks of pandemic two hundred and eighty two billion in three weeks of the pandemic a new report from the Institute for Policy Studies found that while tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs during the corona virus pandemic  (4)>>America's ultra wealthy elite have seen their net worth surged by two hundred and eighty two billion in just twenty three days twenty three days this is despite the fact that the economy is expected to contract by forty percent this quarter goes on to say America's billionaires accrued more wealth in just the past three weeks than they made in total prior to 1980.  With the pandemic the private sector austerity model has fallen apart we've seen such a tremendous collapse of the capitalist state institutions that are supposed to help people during a crisis the the guidelines for what to do have been all.  (5)>>This never should have happened , the insanity of this , make it to a epic fail of our two party system. over the place the medical gear is not enough,   the hospitals are overwhelmed the the tests still aren't widely available in the U.S. can you talk about why it is that our institutions have failed us so thoroughly you see you can't really the civilization by cutting the budget of a government so thoroughly you know what is so callously called austerity should actually be called barbarism the United States government since the financial crisis of 2008.While our government may make promises and help make things better once the hysteria subsides, there is nothing our leaders will be able to do to make everything completely right again.

(1)>>WHO, mislead everyone to where .That is not the world we live in. “The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric,” tweeted Donald Trump on 7 April, summing up just one of the many lines of criticism the WHO is currently facing. It is not just Trump – even some of the WHO’s supporters in government, academia and NGOs argue that since the start of the coronavirus crisis, it has caved in to nationalist bullies, praised draconian quarantine measures and failed to protect the liberal international order of which it is a linchpin. The WHO’s response to Sars was considered a huge success. Fewer than 1,000 people worldwide died of the disease, despite it reaching a total of 26 countries. The pandemic was defeated not with vaccines or medicines, but with NPIs, or “non-pharmaceutical interventions” in WHO parlance: travel warnings, tracking, testing and isolating cases, and a huge information-gathering operation across multiple countries, all made possible by the WHO’s willingness to wield authority that it had, in a sense, created simply by speaking it into existence.  (1.2)>>America blaming Trump for not acting sooner . Former White House advisor Steve Bannon has been defending President Donald Trump against criticism that he was slow  responding to the coronavirus.Bannon recently lauded Trump's Jan. 31 order restricting travel with China, the original source of the virus. Bannon said the action came while a key medical adviser - Anthony Fauci,  director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases - was saying covid-19 was not a threat to the United States. "Fauci told us there’s nothing to worry about. That’s his quote, ‘There’s nothing to worry about,’" Bannon said during an April 14 radio interview on The John Fredericks Show, a coservative broadcast based in Portsmouth, Va.Bottom line, many medical experts were caught flat-footed or were slow to recognize the seriousness of this pandemic. China's repeated denials and outright lies about the likely origin of the coronavirus did not help. A study by the University of Southampton estimates that 95% of the cases in China could have been avoided had China begun early detection, isolation of cases, travel restrictions and sanitary cordoning three weeks earlier. The fact that all of this translates to Trump having "blood on his hands" is yet another symptom -- not of the coronavirus but of Trump Derangement Syndrome. (1.3)>>“Fauci is now saying that had Trump listened to the medical experts earlier he could’ve saved more lives.  I am starting to suspect that crucial information was withheld from Donald Trump regarding the nature of the Pandemic . Seriously this may have caught the White House off guard to down play the dangers of the Cornonavirus . If any thing was coming out of the WHO [ World Health Organization] that was  trustworthy and not influenced by the Chinese Communist Party there could have been a different oucome to the situation , rather than pointing the finger at Trump. (2)>>Fauci was telling people on February 29th. On February 29 on NBC’s Today, for instance, Fauci said: “At this moment, there is no need to change anything you’re doing on a day-by-day basis, right now the risk is still low, but this could change. ... When you start to see community spread, this could change, and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread.” Chinese government had  accused America's top infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci of 'misleading the public' and 'appeasing Trump' after he suggested that people who tested negative for coronavirus did not need face masks. Even the Chinese officials were aware of the dangers of the virus for a long while prior to the outbreak in Wuhan , as early as October of 2019 . (3)>>The economic calamity lies largely with the origination of policies resulting from Fauci's recommendations. “Many businesses have been shuttered forever,” the lawmakers wrote. “It will be almost impossible for countless other small businesses to reopen once the government gives the all-clear for the economy to restart.”Congress has made efforts to mitigate the economic fallout of the pandemic, signing into law a series of three coronavirus relief bills. The latest stimulus package, clocking in at about $2 trillion, has set up programs to administer loans to small businesses, pay workers as well as set up funds to help the airline industry. Some economists have mused to me that the closest comparison to the economy we’re creating now is the economy of World War II: The government was spending huge amounts of money on the war effort, but wages were suppressed, goods were rationed, the public was pressured into buying bonds, and social norms discouraged excessive consumption. At the moment, the government is, or may be, spending massively to enable social distancing, but even the households that are financially stable will find their opportunities for consumption limited, and public health mandates and social pressure could curb spending for some time to come.(4)>>America's ultra wealthy elite have seen their net worth surged. The Institute for Policy Studies’ report paints a picture of a modern day oligarchy, where the super-rich have captured legislative and executive power, controlling what laws are passed.  A { see here 👉 new report } from the Institute for Policy Studies found that, while tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, America’s ultra-wealthy elite have seen their net worth surge by $282 billion in just 23 days. This is despite the fact that the economy is expected to contract by 40 percent this quarter. The report also noted that between 1980 and 2020 the tax obligations of America’s billionaires, measured as a percentage of their wealth, decreased by 79 percent. In the last 30 years, U.S. billionaire wealth soared by over 1100 percent while median household wealth increased by barely five percent. In 1990, the total wealth held by America’s billionaire class was $240 billion; today that number stands at $2.95 trillion. Thus, America’s billionaires accrued more wealth in just the past three weeks than they made in total prior to 1980. As a result, just three people ­– Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffet–own as much wealth as the bottom half of all U.S. households combined.  (5)>>This never should have happened , the insanity of this.  Over or nearly 30 million people laid off . It's crazy , there really should be no reason for such a massive layoff . Even if its for PUBLIC SAFETY . Even in places without bans, bars and restaurants are seeing business slow to a halt, hotels and event venues are experiencing massive cancellations, theme parks are shutting down, and airlines are slashing flights. Economists say the sudden stop in spending could strike a bigger blow to the global economy than the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, since nobody knows when it will be safe for people to go out again. Sill all of this may be fore nothing.