Saturday, October 28, 2017

"Cats out of the Bag "

AS they say the "Cats out of the Bag " Case in point  the Trump dossier . As we recollect this dossier was during the election a document that contained some damaging but less credible evidence that  Donald Trump secret ties with Russia , or Russian intelligence has attempted to develop a secret relationship with Trump or cultivate him as an asset?  Interestingly with all the Russia hype going about Mr. Trump . (1)>>The Russian media is hammering Trump constantly to the point of ridicule . What the Russian government wanted out of Trump , was Putin's hope that the Sanctions imposed by Obama would be lifted and relations would be normalized . Period the end of a new cold war . It never came about . Donald Trump took a step backward bowing to the  Washington war hawks of the old  guard McCain type cold war era  politicians . Basically it put Donald Trump in a precarious situation , perhaps  betraying any closed door "negotiations" with the Russians.  Recently a Russian politician has threatened to "hit Donald Trump with our Kompromat" on state TV. Speaking on Russia-24, Nikita Isaev, leader of the far-right New Russia Movement, said the compromising material should be released in retaliation over the closure of several Russian diplomatic compounds across the US. When asked whether Russia has such material, Mr Isaev, who is also director of the Russian Institute of Contemporary Economics, replied: "Of course we have it!". So If Presient Trump is loved by any Russians in Putin's cabinet you can forget it   The  big story on Tuesday was saying that (2)>>Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee financed research for the "Steele dossier" — a much-discussed report prepared by a former British intelligence operative. The dossier for me would have been incredibly embarrassing to the American Government if it was true. The fact Democrats were behind the funding for the dossier is not totally new. When Mother Jones first reported on the research that led to the dossier back in October 2016, it said the research effort was originally funded by President Trump's GOP opponents and then, when he won the nomination, by Democrats. So many conservative media figures and GOP politicians have increasingly tried to publicize other Russia-related matters that they say implicate Trump’s political enemies — whether the Obama administration, the Clintons, Mueller, fired FBI Director James Comey, or even the FBI as a whole — in misconduct of some kind.Two of these stories — questions about an Obama-era uranium deal, and questions about the salacious “dossier” on Trump — have been bubbling in conservative media for some time, and have gotten particular attention this week. There is a lot of word play here going on .
Conservative Antics .
The Dossier story gets weirder , besides camp Hillary looking for dirt on Trump in 2016, The Washington Free Beacon says it hired intelligence firm Fusion GPS during the 2016 Republican presidential primary.  the Fusion efforts researching Trump were first funded by Republican foes of Trump, and Democrats began paying the research firm later on, after he became the presumptive nominee. It appears there were Republicans that did not want Trumpas their nominee choice . (3)>>Obviously Trump was already tainted with Connections to the Clinton's . The Republican operatives who ran against Donald Trump — the managers of the Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and John Kasich campaigns — had not only not heard of any GOP-funded oppo project but did not believe one existed. Neither did some of the NeverTrump activists working outside the campaigns to try to stop the GOP front-runner. So many falsehoods... first Donald Trump was the Republican front runner from the moment he announced his candidacy. Trump led the Republican field in every National poll consistently through the primaries and debates right to the nomination. The BIG question is who groomed Trump for the Presidency ?  It was not the Russians , but the inner circle of Republicans who planned for years for the perfect coup . 

Flake &  Croker. 
The  question is there any unity in the Republican party is fracturing . (4)>>Flake’s remarks followed a series of television interviews in which Tennessee Senator Bob Corker denounced Trump, followed by angry retorts from the president. That all came just hours before Republican senators met for lunch with Trump to discuss the path ahead for their plans to overhaul the tax code.Flake's decision not to run for re-election will have electoral repercussions in Arizona where the GOP is now scrambling to find a new candidate to run in his stead. But, Flake's decision not to run leaves him unencumbered for the next 14 months in Washington: free to speak out or even vote against Trump's agenda if he disagrees without any fear of retribution. Flake also brings the number of ardent (5)>>Trump-defying Republicans to three in the US Senate, a magic number that is enough to block even simple majority votes in the Senate, where Republicans have 52 members.   Corker -- once considered a serious contender to be Trump's secretary of state --has had especially sharp barbs against Trump in the weeks since he announced he wouldn't run for re-election. Corker told CNN's Manu Raju Tuesday that Trump's legacy be "the debasing of our nation, the constant non-truth telling, just the name-calling." Mr. Corker, another loud Trump critic, is going home after next year. So are several moderate House Republicans: Charles W. Dent of Pennsylvania, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida and David G. Reichert of Washington. Mr. Trump said the turmoil in the Republican Party is nothing compared with what is happening in the Democratic Party, which is still reeling from revelations that party officials conspired to sabotage Sen. Bernard Sanders’ presidential run in favor of Hillary Clinton.“That’s a mess” Mr. Trump said, adding that his lunch Tuesday with Senate Republicans was “a lovefest.”

The End of the Republican party ? .
But defections of mainstream conservatives like Flake and the others foreshadow a splintering of the Republican Party. Trump wants a party not committed to principles or policies, but only to the Trump brand, however he defines it. The "real" conservatives have fled the party to certain point leading to a complete disconnect in Congress . Their rebellion against the power of organized money has upended American politics in ways that may reverberate for a long time. The face of the party today hinges on what next Donald Trump does next . The next four years are going to be a roller coaster ride.  { see this "prophetical" article written in 1955 } Most recently, deep fissures have been evident in the Republican Party between establishment and insurgent types. This began with the 2010 midterms, when the party’s control over its own nominations slipped away in the Tea Party revolt by conservative voters. Republicans and progressives to proclaim their disgust at what the GOP has become—the party of Trump and Moore, not the Bushes and Romneys. 


(1)>>The Russian media is hammering Trump constantly to the point of ridicule . Most of us that are convinced of Russian -Trump Collusion may have missed a valid point right now . Donald Trump is not liked in Russia anymore . Kremlin-controlled news outlets used to root for Donald Trump’s election. Now they’re reveling in the chaos and division of his early presidency.“Sessions Scandal: ‘U.S Headed to Constitutional Crisis,’” reads a March 3 headline on the website of the Kremlin-funded English-language network RT.“Immigrants See American Dream Fade in Wake of Surge in Hate Crimes,” Sputnik News, another English language outlet bankrolled by the Kremlin, reported the same day.“America is in the grips of hatred,” the Russian television commentator Dmitry Kiselyov told viewers of the Rossiya 1 network on Sunday night. The popular host, appointed directly by Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggested the political discord could lead to violence in gun-friendly America — “a dangerous combination with free-flowing firearms,” he said.  Some analysts say that the Kremlin doesn't yet know what to make of Mr. Trump, particularly given his habit of saying one thing and then promptly reversing himself – often via a bluntly worded tweet. Politically Trump makes no sense anymore to the Russians, since he's going against what Putin hoped for as a type of alliance in Regards to Syria . It's not the way that Moscow is used to handling relations with its nuclear rival. "Official Russian behaviour since Trump came to power is extremely cautious," says Fyodor Lukyanov, a prominent foreign-policy commentator. "It seems the Russian leadership is starting to understand that the United States is much more unpredictable than anyone imagined it could be." Unless President Trump can kick the old guard war hawks of the 50s to stabilize relations with Russia . Were heading back to the conflicts with Russia mirroring the 1960s.  (2)>>Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee financed research for the "Steele dossier" . The Nation published Patrick Lawrence’s article “A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack.” The article largely reported on a recently published memo prepared by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), which argued, based on their own investigation, that the theft of the DNC e-mails was not a hack, but some kind of inside leak that did not involve Russia. A new Media Research Center study finds that, since the inauguration, major TV news networks have devoted an astonishing 1,000 minutes out of a total 5,015 minutes of Trump administration coverage discussing speculation that the Trump campaign may have colluded with Moscow in hacking Clinton campaign emails, “which means the Russia story alone has comprised almost one-fifth of all Trump news this year.” In contrast, they so far have devoted just 20 seconds to the more substantive scandal of Hillary and her husband possibly trading US uranium rights for Russian cash.(3)>>Obviously Trump was already tainted with Connections to the Clinton's . Let's take the early '90s, for example: Back then, Trump had taken his two elder sons to the White House with him, and they had met with Hillary Clinton. He would later write, "The First Lady is a wonderful woman who has handled pressure incredibly well." Or how about the time Donald Trump went out of his way to defend the indefensible incident of 1999?Just before the turn of the century – in an interview with The New York Times – Trump tried to downplay the Monica Lewinsky scandal for his old pal, Bill. He said, It's sad because he would go down as a great President if he had not had this scandal. People would have been more forgiving if he'd had an affair with a really beautiful woman of sophistication. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were on a different level.Clearly, Trump was a fan of the Clintons.And it's easy to see why: Trump is a powerful New York businessman, and the Clintons are a powerful New York family.It's no surprise that they'd run into each other at fundraisers, as they did during the summer of 2000. At the time, Clinton's vice president, Al Gore, was running for president.  (4)>>Flake’s remarks . A cordial conservative with a maverick bent, Flake angered Trump’s base by refusing to endorse Trump in 2016. Flake also criticized the president’s order banning people arriving from seven heavily Muslim nations. In Flake’s book “Conscience of a Conservative,” released this year, the senator said it’s time for Republicans to reclaim conservatism from Trump. (5)>>Trump-defying Republicans to three in the US Senate. The Republican Party is divided into four groups. The first two, core conservatives and “country first” conservatives, overwhelmingly approve of Mr. Trump but disagree on immigration and America’s role in the world.The other groups are market-skeptic Republicans and “new-era enterprises ” that are strongly pro-business, according to Pew. Mr. Trump’s base remains energized and mostly intact, and it’s wreaking havoc on the Republican establishment.

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