Sunday, September 3, 2017

A "Slight" case of Global Warming / Climate Change.

A "Slight" case of Global Warming / Climate Change.

Gore can't be all wrong I admit.
 This week we all saw the ravages of Hurricane Harvey blast its way along the costs of Texas and Louisiana . President Trump took to Twitter with an “oh, gosh” tweet: “Wow - Now experts are calling #Harvey a once in 500 year flood! We have an all out effort going, and going well!”-- as a climate change "denier" he seems to have woken up as a national crisis unfolded . The problem is not that President Trump does not realize that Harvey is huge; a number of his tweets on the storm have contained the word “Wow,” and he called it “epic” and “historic,” adding that “Texas can handle anything!   Another right wing personality also started to "reflect" that something is really off the wall is Glenn Beck who spent an entire last few days lamenting Harvey's outcome in dollars : So you know, this is going to affect the entire country,” Glenn said of the storm on radio Wednesday. Glenn Beck as I
Beck's book was a rebuttal
to Al Gore's book .  It
may need a update now .
remember viscously attacked Al Gore , in 2006 Beck went on (1)>>a rant about
 film An Inconvenient Truth, about former Vice President Al Gore's campaign to raise awareness of global warming, to the Nazis. Beck dismissed many of the conclusions drawn from the documentary, stating, "When you take a little bit of truth and then you mix it with untruth, or your theory, that's where you get people to believe. ... It's like Hitler. Hitler said a little bit of truth, and then he mixed in 'and it's the Jews' fault.' " . Today it's 2017 , Glenn Beck seems to be recanting the decades worth of illogic as he took a air plane fly over  , like President Trump to view the disaster area . Glenn Beck seems to be worried about the price of oil going straight up , he laments  
“The lower the cost of oil, the better our system runs,” Glenn said. The great thing about climate change is that everything proves it: cold weather, lack of hurricanes, too many hurricanes, warm weather, rainy weather. Too much of it could be STRANGE .  Too less of it could be STRANGER ! You'll have people saying  (1.2)>>" ah the strange weather ..." . Yes, the weather has been vary off beat since a long time . I could guess that the build up of Green house gases like Carbon Dioxide and Methane . Of course, we'd then have to acknowledge that there are things about climate change and its causes we really don't know. And assuming there are things we might have done to mitigate climate change. However to note to any meteorologist the force of the hurricanes has been greater according to the The Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale (SSHWS),currently runs from Category 1 through Category 5, and Category 5 is classified as 157-plus mph. But how far above 157 mph could the winds go while still being considered Category 5 wind speeds? Katrina and Harvey were both "gigantic storms", both were as large as the Caribbean sea by volume .  We have another hurricane on its way . It's name is Irma , right now there are projected {predicted}  landfalls . (2)>>I looked at the chart , it seems as many models point that its heading to Florida . In this case we are heading for trouble . To deny any kind of weather change is now like beating your head to the wall . A little repentance is needed .

CO2 level going as high . Additional summary .
As Glenn Beck mentioned in 2005 about the C02 levels rising . It presents some rather scientific analysis  of it . Scientists have pointed out since the dawn of the Industrial age C02 levels have risen . Since the 1880s . Burning  coal , wood  are major green house contributors. Now here is the question how much C02 in the atmosphere could become lethal to life ? In 2016 a report was published that showed that atmospheric oxygen levels have fallen by 0.7 percent over the past 800,000 years. The scientists concluded that oxygen sinks — processes that removed oxygen from the air — were about 1.7 percent larger than oxygen sources during this time.Although a drop in atmospheric oxygen levels might sound alarming, the decrease the researchers found "is trivial in regard to ecosystems," The rise of C02 levels could effect plants . As much we are told that plants produce oxygen by taking in C02 , the model of this means that we have to put more plants back in the ecosystem.Example stop cutting , burning rain forests . If we reduce plants we reduce oxygen . Any life forms : Human & Animal that exhale C02 could also contribute to the rising levels of C02 . So we have to balance the ecosystem . BUT there could be a even frighting reversal of warming . Lowering the levels of Co2 , increasing levels of oxygen may have just the opposite effect . That's what happened 800,000 years ago as the Earth went through its many ice ages . Since Earth own air is 78.09 % Nitrogen,  this gas has been associated with global warming / cooling , if you take away all the C02 , Earth would be much colder . If the air contained more than 78% Nitrogen, then (subject to evolution adapting) it might be too inert to support respiration in carbon-based life.  Likewise if it contained less, the oxygen percentage might be too high to allow the air to be safe for the body, as well as creating an atmosphere in which the world around us could burn up uncontrollably with every naked flame. Putting Earth into a deep freeze  would better .
For Global Cooling buffs , I recommend this web site . Great charts and data for the extreme.

(1)>>a rant about film . Glenn Beck , a Mormon { honestly again , Mormons are really good people . I have  Mormon friends , but at times its been hard to be apologetic to Beck's rants over the years }  took to blast away back in 2015 his most odious , foul mouthed rant I ever heard . He said 'SCREW GLOBAL WARMING' ! . Honestly I like Beck , but since 2015 he has soften his tone . BUT  Conservative thinking: has become blind to reality , They don't talk about guns after a mass shooting, don't talk about climate change during a huge natural disaster. Where climate change plays a part is not the occurrence of the storm but the intensity. The storms have been getting more and more severe. Glenn Beck in 2005 made an astounding statements here is what he said :  BECK: So, if you look at this chart, you will see the CO2, and it mirrors the temperature. Now, what I find interesting about this chart is CO2 seems to naturally go up by itself. Hmmm, I don't remember those 200,000-year-old cars; I think Henry Ford wasn't around yet. I don't know if Fred Flintstone actually did have a car, but apparently, according to this chart, somebody was driving around in a car or an airplane. Maybe it was Al Gore giving the frickin speech at Stone Age colleges. I'm not sure, but it definitely correlates.Now, what happened where this thing falls apart -- and it won't for most people who go to this movie -- is he then projects what's coming. Again, it's the projection that's the problem. See, when you take a little bit of truth and then you mix it with untruth, or your theory, that's where you get people to believe. You know? It's like Hitler. Hitler said a little bit of truth, and then he mixed in "and it's the Jews' fault." That's where things get a little troublesome, and that's exactly what's happening. Now, if Al Gore's projection is right about the CO2 level going as high as he says it will, then the temperature here on planet Earth will be about 400,000 degrees. We'll be the sun; we'll be the frickin sun. But that's a huge "if." { Beck flying over Texas , note remarks : } 
(1.2)>>" ah the strange weather ..." .It must have been the hottest weekend I ever experienced . California , parts of the Southwest , Washington, Oregon  broiling over . It was adrenally called a "heatwave" by weather reports on television . For a person like me with no air conditioning its horrible .Global record temperatures being broken every year = no climate change. Stronger than ever weather events = no climate change. 55F temperatures one morning in during August = definitive proof that there's no climate change. While I am sweating away here ............(2)>>I looked at the chart. To better illustrate here is a video I found . It shows Irma's path straight to Florida . In this case both these hurricanes are fueling the surge of warm air that has been pushed toward the southwest . Again next week , possible . 

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