Monday, May 15, 2023


Donald J Trump has become a political
phenomenon that will not go away.

Donald J Trump is a  (1)>>SHADOW PRESIDENT . I said that they'll NEVER GET RID of Trump .  (1.2)>>THE CNN town hall interview is a big FYI . THE whole CNN thing is vary eye opening . It proves that the Democrats can't get rid of TRUMP . So much for CNN never having anyone on who was an election denier.I believe this is where CNN really failed. While their line of questioning was entertaining, it did nothing for the republican voter who was actually interested in what Trumps policies will be moving forward (foreign policy, border, abortion, economy).This was just a rehash of all the top news headlines from the last two years. Trump is a ratings machine and CNN has been unable to recapture their ratings since trump has been in office. This was simple way of throwing up a softball to their base. (2)>>Trump gets ratings. CNN knows boring and stable gets the channel changed so they have to balance entertaining to get their ad dollars vs bat shit crazy conspiracy theories. People are saying how CNN “failed”, but don’t be fooled, they got exactly what they wanted which is viewers and money. They attempted “gotcha” journalism and attacked him, which he easily shook off and played it to his own strengths. Trump became President by hacking this silly game the media plays, and he did it yet again.  To be clear, this is not a post for or against Trump, and I’m sure that Biden couldn’t even handle 20 mins let alone 3 hours of an interview. This is just frustration about legacy media and how ridiculous it seems in a day and age where we have intelligent long form dialogue.   Now he is part of a bigger movement that embodies true conservatism, pro American first policies.  While the term "Trump-ism" is haunting the American political spectrum .  (3)>>The Democrat party was for the most part a utter failure on progressiveness  , by putting the American people last  . For the most part what created the monster known as Trump , was the American Democratic party.The leftist policies sadly has gone overkill .  The Four years of the Democrats trying to oust Trump , their own obstructionist agenda shaped the madness of the fours of Trump's  future possible second term .It is possible that for all of Mr. Biden’s rhetoric, his next four years if he lasts long enough, he  would be spent trying to get out of Mr. Trump’s shadow, both at home and abroad ..It was hardly the repudiation of Trumpism that many had hoped for. It leaves the 74-year-old ex-president intact as the dominant figure in his party, an albatross around the neck of every Republican. There has been no better illustration than their awkward complicity with Trump’s refusal to accept the election result. A politician who puts the people first will never make it onto a national ballot. I'm not talking about Bernie Sanders, just anyone with some integrity that isn't a millionaire or a career politician. Someone who is similar to the majority of the American electorate. This has never happened and never will.Politics have been completely captured by corporate interests and the wealthiest citizens. It won't be immediate but it's looking like this American experiment is burning itself down.


(1)>>SHADOW PRESIDENT .  Donald J Trump can never seem to be out of the limelight , he's all over the media . WE don't even hear peeps of the likes of Obama , Clinton , Bush or Gore . They all vanished . BUT TRUMP'S SHADOW is like a ghost haunting the Democrats and some Republicans that he is STILL THERE .  Mr. Trump has been omnipresent during the campaign and still intends to ramp up his presence, with rallies . Trump has not quit since he was supposedly voted out of office . The MAGA movement is a prime example of identity politics and identity politics is less about exercising power or winning a second-term or achieving concrete policy objectives than about distinguishing one’s own group from other morally inferior groups. They are less interested in participation than in recognition. They do not itch to govern the country. What they seek, instead, are personal dignity and social respect.Nobody wants to admit to being out of touch, and so the Trump-as-Revolutionary narrative serves a valuable function for those of us who were working in the GOP trenches before his trip down the escalator—this veteran of Jeb Bush’s unsuccessful effort included. And Trump uniquely dominated earned media and, with it, the primary conversation in 2016. Yet what if, deep down, his success is really a story not of radical change but of continuity? Trump’s popularity with the GOP base has put somewhat of a freeze on the 2024 field, but some are running versions of shadow campaigns. Just this week, other top potential GOP presidential candidates were making public appearances and made the news, as they jockey for position — if Trump doesn’t run. Which HE WILL anyway .(1.2)>>THE CNN town hall interview is a big FYI .  Trump ON CNN town hall was a bomb shell , he pretty much did a good job . BUT CNN looked stupid by giving him the leverage he needs on his political platform . Yup, CNN is being turned into the new FoxNews. I don't trust anything coming out of them anymore. Not that I didn't check with other sources before, but now they may as well be OANN. BUT it's not the issue that Trump had free press . CNN is totally bias against TRUMP . WE know that .CNN is doing what they did in 2016, playing both sides. They have Trump on or play clips of him spewing  and then have their hosts talk about how bad it is. All they’re accomplishing though is allowing him to spread his propaganda  further and making it easier for people to dismiss valid criticism of him. It’s good for ratings but terrible for the Democrats . With two CNN town halls in short succession, I almost wonder if they’re preemptively trying to create a new home for Trump. With the shit-storm hitting Fox lately, seems like there might be a void they could fill.(2)>>Trump gets ratings.  TRUMP gets RATINGS. But CNN , Ratings plummeted after the town hall that evening. But I want to know what happens long term. Will their ratings continue to shrink?  What’s funny is how CNN is basically losing both sides. Conservatives will never watch CNN and are convinced anyone left of them get strictly all their news and opinions from them. And left leaning people are getting sick of their crap and playing both sides and basically morphing into Fox. The TV audience for the town hall was CNN’s largest in primetime since at least July 21, 2022, when it drew 3.18 million viewers for the final televised hearing of the Jan. 6 committee. It was about four times larger than the usual tune-in for Anderson Cooper 360 in the 8 p.m. hour. The 3.31 million viewers on Wednesday is the second largest audience for any single-candidate town hall on CNN since 2016; an April 2020 sit-down with Joe Biden drew 3.47 million viewers.Among those critics was CNN’s own longtime host Anderson Cooper, who called the town hall “disturbing” and told viewers that they “have every right to be angry and never watch this network again.”Cooper pointed to cutthroat comments made during the event, including when Trump referred to a black law enforcement officer involved in the Capitol riot as a “thug,” and when he called host Kaitlan Collins a “nasty person” while she was pressing Trump about the ongoing investigation surrounding his handling of classified documents. (3)>>The Democrat party was for the most part a utter failure on progressiveness  , by putting the American people last  .  Democrats are losing voters without college degrees while running up the score among college-educated voters.   Democratic voters might have maintained enthusiasm if the party’s leaders had explained that they actually had a plan — one to use all the power they now have to improve people’s lives and to get more power to do more in the future. Instead, their only plan appears to be to come up with as many excuses as possible for their sluggish drift to nowhere.This year, Democrats have chosen to run a campaign focused on three things: abortion rights, gun control, and safeguarding democracy—issues with strong appeal to socially liberal, college-educated voters. But these issues have much less appeal to working-class voters. They are instead focused on the economy, inflation, and crime, and they are skeptical of the Democratic Party’s performance in all three realms.The key to Trump’s unlikely success, which Democrats seem predisposed to miss, is to speak plainly to as wide a group of Americans as possible at the same time, even when the product is nihilism. It is the opposite of the microtargeting that Democratic consultants so love. This is an irony, since Democrats claim to represent “the people”. Fighting for ordinary Americans is a far harder sell when your marketing is tailored to so many different ones.