Tuesday, January 24, 2023


A Tiny Virus made America and 
the World DUMB !

Way BACK , February 2020 AD . The socall outbreak of  (1)>>Covid -19 played like a superstar on all network  TV mainstream news media That's what happens when globalists buy off the media to spew only their propaganda and nothing else. Lack of actual journalism is a real threat in any democracy..... (2)>>THE DAILY DIATRIBE. COVID has uncovered all that is wrong with us, our society, our values, our humanity. It has highlighted how we are self-righteous, keen to apportion blame, self-absorbed, unempathetic to the plight of others, void of reason, and the list goes on. Sure, the hotels were a debacle, the tracing wasn't up to fight, poor decisions have been made, but. how many world leaders have made poor decisions in battling this. Why has Victoria copped this so badly? For the same reason NSW, who let hundreds of COVID positive Ruby Princess travellers. Now we have been reduced to arguing whether (3)>>the lives of the elderly are worth protecting at the cost of possibly  (4)>>destroying our economy for years to come. We seem happy to ignore one other salient issue. The elderly are dying because they don't have the strength to fight the disease, yet by far the greatest cohort to acquire the virus, by far, is 20 to 39 y.o.The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance. The one thing about this I don't understand -(5)>>Why are so many "scientists" afraid to talk about this possibility? Why did so many deflect away from this? etc etc .I don't see what they have to gain. Unless they just don't want to admit that this could have been a lab accident and that would make all of them look bad and threaten their future lab work or something.I doubt we ever find "proof" and the people who were on the ground are probably all dead by now. (5.1)>>And China probably destroyed all the evidence etc etc. So we will just have theories and studies and 'perhaps it did come from the lab".Follow the money. "Science" follows (largely federal) grant money. Grant money follows political regimes. The political regime has a policy of appeasement towards China. Meanwhile, direct payments to individuals (scientists and politicians and university administrators alike) permeate the ecosystem and corrupt it at all levels.Let's embrace a new concept: (6)>>'Smart Masking' ALL OVER AGAIN !! Where was flu or a cold during covid? Mysteriously vanished yet replaced by a virus with identical flu symptoms for exact duration. No scientific curiosity about it only silly comments that masks helped yet the mask box says otherwise. World wake up your critical thinking skills. The Omicron wave is receding, but..... (6.1)>>Democrats’ insane COVID policies Fauci just vanished . It seems reasonably obvious to me that were the health department actually encouraging more people to seek testing that positivity rate would drop well below that 5% threshold and there would be no plausible excuse for keeping schools closed. Way back in 2020 there was some data manipulation to inflate the numbers . RIGHT now its the reverse , now the numbers are being hidden. With mask mandates dropping all over the country and virus transmission rates falling as well, the future of our pandemic is starting to look a little brighter .  Alleged  COVID-19 ‘global pandemic’ has been the mysterious disappearance of the seasonal flu in medical and public health record keeping. It’s as if the Flu just vanished into thin air after being the most common perennial seasonal respiratory virus.Is there no flu this year or is flu “the second wave of Covid?”  (7)>>Don’t expect any honest answer from health authorities. They have the fear running strong, so strong that people are submitting to needless lockdowns that are causing economic havoc to their lives and to mask mandates that do more harm than good.What is it all about? Is it simply about vaccine profits for Big Pharma?More lockdowns? Put economies back on life support? What about all those profiteering billionaires? Shut borders? Close airports? Our leaders are running scared. 

(1)>>Covid -19 played like a superstar on all network  TV mainstream news media.  WE STILL GET THE DAILY FRIGHTMARE of the news about the dangerous variants of this covid virus . Talks of MOORE BOOSTERS . While we all have been distracted , pointed the finger at China , Wuhan lab as the possible leak of the COVID virus . That has always been part of the "conspiracy theory" . Yes, there is a lot of things we will never know how this pandemic was cooked up . The pandemic of the media! The media has fueled fear for two years now.Additionally, media hysteria in the face of COVID-19 and the new vaccines has gotten much worse.How many articles have we seen about COVID vaccines and the hope they present to the American public? Or how cases have begun to drop as a result?The simple answer is not that many because in the eyes of many newspapers, good news isn’t worth talking about. The reason why: it’s beneficial for them and their political allies to focus on other topics.I have suspected for a long time that we are the victims of mass panic.  (2)>>THE DAILY DIATRIBE. EVEN WORSE is hiding facts from the American public , using the main stream media to brainwash people into a corner of fear . Another factor that drove my skepticism was the daily covid numbers that started to appear on CNN . You know the daily count  how many people a day were "testing" positive .LONG BEFORE there were Covid Test Kits !What if the Chinese had not tested their patients for coronavirus or there had not been any test? Would we have carried on with our lives, without restrictions, not worrying about some deaths here and there among old people, which we see every winter? I think so.(3)>>the lives of the elderly. THE COVID INSANITY put elderly in nursing homes to exposure to this virus . REMEMBER that One?  Cuomo has been dogged by criticism for months over his March advisory directing nursing homes in the state to accept patients who had or were suspected of having COVID-19.As the virus tore through nursing homes, killing dozens at some of them, Cuomo came under withering censure. His administration’s policy, implemented with an eye toward freeing up hospital beds for an onslaught of COVID patients, seemed to disregard the risks to frail and elderly nursing home residents who were especially vulnerable to the disease. IT WAS a CRIME , but Cuomo got away with state murder in my view . (4)>>destroying our economy for years to come. The single most important thing people need to know about how COVID-19 has affected the economy is that federal aid really kept the wheels from falling off completely. Personal stimulus checks or unemployment allowed people to continue spending and keep some businesses afloat. Direct aid to state and local governments kept really harmful budget cuts at bay.You do realize if the economy collapses, we’re going to deal with deaths from that? Plus we’ll have no immunity to COVID, so we’ll have more people dying from that too?Economic recession kill people. The study from the great depression is the only one that went the other way but that was because people stopped working in extremely hazardous factories and it's not really applicable to today.The emphasis after the emergency first lockdown should have been on test, trace and separate the sick/suspected sick from the healthy. Locking up millions of healthy people will prove to be catastrophic for the economy, mental and non-covid illness and future prospects of millions. I also fear deeply the authoritarianism of future governments now they know how easily human social interactions can be curbed. We have lost much more than we currently realise in allowing these disastrous lockdowns.(5)>>Why are so many "scientists" afraid to talk about this possibility?   We’ve seen these types of tactics dozens of times before. Government officials repeatedly buried vital public health data about the pandemic during the Trump administrationTo be clear, Americans have no obligation to take every scientist’s idea seriously. Misinformation about Covid-19 is abundant. From snake-oil cures to conspiracy theories about the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease, the internet is awash with baseless, often harmful ideas. We denounce these: Some ideas and people can and should be dismissed.At the same time, we are concerned by a chilling attitude among some scholars and academics, who are wrongly ascribing legitimate disagreements about Covid-19 to ignorance or to questionable political or other motivations  NOW that the question of Covid’s origin has “mostly been tackled by people outside the mainstream scientific establishment.” People inside not only have been “disappointingly incurious” but have tried to shut down the inquiry “to protect the reputation of science as an institution.” The most obvious reason for this resistance: If Covid leaked from a lab, and especially if it developed there, “science finds itself in the dock.”The politicization of science leads to a loss of confidence in science as an institution. The distrust may be justified but leaves a vacuum, often filled by a “much more superstitious approach to knowledge.”  A letter signed by 18 scientists , said that both the theory that the virus spilled over from animals and the theory that it escaped from a lab “remain viable.”Even vocal proponents of the lab leak as a viable hypothesis are quick to dismiss theories that the virus is some sort of engineered bioweapon as far-fetched. Facebook, Google, and Twitter have engaged in multiple acts of censorship against scientists holding a range of views on COVID-19 and the public health response to it. This censorship sets a dangerous precedent — allowing large, unaccountable corporations to set themselves up as arbiters of not only acceptable public speech, but also of what constitutes acceptable science.(5.1)>>And China probably destroyed all the evidence etc etc.   If China destroyed the "evidence" , but home of the U.S. government was involved ? At issue is whether the National Institutes of Health funded research on bat coronaviruses that could have caused a pathogen to become more infectious to humans and, separately, if SARS-CoV-2 — the virus that causes the disease COVID-19 — transferred naturally from bats to humans, possibly through an intermediate host animal, or if a virus, a naturally occurring one or a lab-enhanced one, was accidentally released from the Wuhan lab. U.S.-based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, have engaged in what the U.S. government defines as “gain-of-function research of concern,” intentionally making viruses more pathogenic or transmissible in order to study them, despite stipulations from a U.S. funding agency that the money not be used for that purpose.Grant money for the controversial experiment came from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is headed by Anthony Fauci. people suggesting that the coronavirus was engineered, rather than having jumped from animals to humans, the explanation favored by most experts on coronaviruses. The uproar has also drawn attention back to a decade-long debate among scientists over whether certain gain-of-function research is too risky to allow.(6)>>'Smart Masking' ALL OVER AGAIN !! I had hoped that would be one of the silver linings in all this, that most Western countries would adopt the practice as a social norm too. And that might end up being the case in some of the more left-leaning/educated areas, but on the whole a disturbing number of people have been easily poisoned against doing a simple thing for the common good. F'n  bizarre, is what it is.It’s really surprising that if I go to the store 1 mile to the west from my home, it’s probably 90% mask compliance, but the store one mile to the east and it’s more like 10 or 15.As I’m standing in line, with about 10-15 other people, first one lady starts coughing. Then another, then another. Literally every person near me/in line was sick/coughing, and I was the only one wearing a mask. Frankly, I don’t care if people stare at me, or make fun of me. I HATE being sick, and masks clearly work.(6.1)>>Democrats’ insane COVID policies Fauci just vanished .  Three-quarters of the country — basically everyone but the lunatic wing of the Democratic Party — now accepts that Covid has become endemic. Those of us who doubted that mask madness and vaccine mandates would be effective were proven absolutely correct last month, when New York, a state that is more masked than a superhero convention and whose principal city has a Checkpoint Charlie–style regime of demanding vaccine papers from everyone, topped the coronavirus charts. The New York–media-safetyist complex wailed, “Well, it might have been worse!” Worse than everyone getting Covid?The political messaging is playing out during record-high and deeply partisan skepticism of figures like Fauci and federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While roughly the same share of both parties agree that the government was unprepared for the pandemic, more than half of Democrats say they trust public health officials. What has passed for "science" over the last two or three years largely isn't. Science is about honest and open debate. It's about questioning assumptions and conclusions. Censorship and demonization of contrary opinions is actually anti-science. If there is censorship going on, be wary of motivations and robustness of data. Additionally, public agencies have become corrupt. Fauci could be an excellent example. Accusing critics of being "anti-science" with a connotation of tinfoil-hattery is a classic propaganda technique. (7)>>Don’t expect any honest answer from health authorities.  COVID is now BIG BUSINESS  & a BIG CON JOB on the American people.Americans are largely divided into three camps: those that consider COVID-19 over, those that feel left behind by their peers, and those that still think there is a pandemic but are less bothered by it. Little consensus exists over whether key pandemic metrics like cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are increasing or decreasing. New figures from the Peoples Vaccine Alliance reveal that the companies behind two of the most successful COVID-19 vaccines —Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna— are making combined profits of $65,000 every minute. The figures based on the latest company reports are released as CEOs from pharmaceutical industry meet for the annual STAT summit —the equivalent of a ‘Big Pharma Davos’— from 16-18 November.These companies have sold the majority of doses to rich countries, leaving low-income countries out in the cold. Pfizer and BioNTech have delivered less than one percent of their total vaccine supplies to low-income countries, while Moderna has delivered just 0.2 percent. Meanwhile 98 percent of people in low income countries have not been fully vaccinated.That people aren't smart enough to understand waning efficacy and are jumping to conspiracy theories instead?That people aren't aware that 4 or 5 dose regimens for vaccinations aren't unheard of?Or that the initial 2 dose regimen barely even functions as 2 separate doses so we're really more like on our 2nd dose?Maybe drop the /s and have a conversation like an adult so I can actually understand what you're trying to say.My point is that, on one hand, you have an unprecedented pandemic in modern times that a lot of people have difficulty to grasp or even accept. On the other hand, a lot of the same (or not) people are sick of multinationals taking advantage of them and their ignorance about complicated subjects like medical care to make a profit. It's understandable that these people are reluctant, or even hostile to the whole thing in reaction. Take into account the trend for bipartisanship, and demonisation of "the other side", general fatigue of the public, and you get a clusterfuck like we've had for two years now.I am disappointed in the public health agencies / bureaucrats that negotiated the deals with Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies, without developing an adequate safety net/system. For example, reserving a portion of funds, having access to a team of qualified vaccinology/immunology experts (who are well versed in the mechanisms of vaccine action and spectrum of responses) that can be consulted.