Thursday, June 23, 2022


Madame President Nancy Pelosi shows
up at RuPaul's Drag Race , convincing 
the world that this is what America 
is all about .....
 We have to look  at this with caution , what am about to say,  some people may not like this . THE TRUTH IS HARD . America is going down in a DRAG , our Washington D.C. Leaders [ Democrats - Rhino Republicans ] are sinking the nation down , the world is watching .
In our ever so decedent society of leering inclusiveness and perverseness  . (1)>>Drag and Drag Queens seem to have made appearances in Public Schools as part of  "reading time"  to children.  Ah you'd say who cares? Most liberal minded  parents would think its cuteness . I think its immoral . The tip of the Ice Berg came when (2)>>House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., claimed that drag queens are “what America is all about” during an appearance on the reality TV show “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars.” Plugging the audience for votes for the midterms while getting a bunch of weird pats on the back for her "tireless" hard work against I don't even actually know what (has she put in some kind of effort for the gays that I'm unaware of? I know she hasn't done shit all for poor people). She told them all that "[their] freedom of expression in drag is what America is all about" and then one of the more vapid drag queens said that her slow clap was a "master class" in politics, kind of makes sense given her whole personality is basically a kind of drag.  (3)>>With that , America is in a drag decline , the world knows it . Russia and China know it . But the dumb Democrats see to have put on the pink . In the clip, which aired  on the streaming service Paramount+, Pelosi greeted the contestants as they gathered on stage. She told them that it was her “honor to be here to say to all of you, how proud we all are of you.”“Thank you for the joy and beauty you bring to the world,” she added. “Your freedom of expression, of yourselves in drag, is what America is all about. I say that all the time to my friends in drag.” She may have meant her friends in drag like most of the left congress . What get's me here is our own national strengths should be based on family values , the love of 'freedom ' , liberty of the press . So the new accusation is that Nancy Pelosi is promoting cross dressing as the "new normal" that the American system is all about ? Really ??  
Economy: Looks like we're headed for $7/gallon gas Democrats: Let's ensure drags have the right to wear women's clothes, which no one has ever denied. Imagine praying declining morals and then wondering why the country is so crap right now. Sometimes I wish the aliens would come and wipe us off the face of the planet lol.

NOTES AND COMMENTS: (1)>>Drag and Drag Queens. Drag queens are the new black face. They are a mockery and a caricature of women, if one can even define what a woman is. The flag-waving, hotdog eating, country-loving America that I know is NOT all about grown-ass men dressing up like hookers and exaggerating their mannerisms. FOR SERIOUS AND CONTROVERSIAL , this is  serious how far sexual deviation has crept into Public Schools . Not ALL SCHOOL DISTRICTS are doing this . We have recently heard of Satan After School Clubs which are popping up all over the nation replacing Boy- Girl Scouts  , recently the Drag Queen reading hours were making the news . IN  New York state for example NYC is spending over 200,000 $ for drag queens to come to schools and read . Its' not just reading , they are dressing up the boys and girls into little drag queens , in worse case a drag queen who is a biological male would to a striptease show where in front of parents would let their  children  stick dollar bills in the thongs of the almost nude drag queen . Don't you even understand let me be correct that these "old school" drag performers were making fun of the fact that someone would try to be or act like the opposite gender? Don't you understand that the very basis for the humor was the absurdity of a man trying to pretend he's a woman? These drag performers were making fun of men who acted like women, unlike these LGBT drag performers today who actually take themselves seriously and DON'T think it's absurd for a man to think or act like he's a woman. These LGTB drag performers think they are doing something normal and their whole purpose of doing it in front of children is to normalize the behavior?? REALLY INSANE !  (2)>>House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., claimed that drag queens are “what America is all about” . Pelosi is obviously out of touch with reality  , here is the core what she said “My honor to be here, to say to all of you how we proud we are of you,” Pelosi said. “Thank you for the joy and beauty you bring to the world. Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about.” AM sure that the world thinks like her . Right now we have a crisis of "national identity " , which is crumbling . What is the left’s fascination with men dressing up as women? It is lame as entertainment, confusing to children and reeks of misplaced sexuality. I am mystified by its popularity. It should  really should have notching  to do with politics . But politicians like Pelosi have made it political . Pelosi has a crazy relationship with sensationalism . One of the more notable instances was in April 2020 at the start of the Wuhan virus outbreak here in the U.S. when Pelosi acted stupidly during an appearance on James Corden’s “Late Late Show.” As millions of Americans were sitting at home jobless and broke thanks to all the business closures associated with draconian blue state efforts to combat the coronavirus, Pelosi did an interview from her posh San Francisco home, standing perfectly coiffed and stylishly dressed in front of two large and no doubt very expensive stainless steel refrigerators while gushing to Corden about her freezer full of premium ice cream treats.(3)>>With that,  America is in a drag decline , the world knows it . Russia and China know it . Not sure if drag -queen -cross dressing is a sign of decline in a society.  Religion has been on the decline in the West for many decades, and since the 21st century, this change has been accelerating. A decline in faith ethics is another . Other nations around the world are looking at America right now , they view themselves as "morally superior to the US"  In Russia  Nearly one-in-six Russians see America as a country of "rampant crime and moral decay" while a similar number think Americans lack "human warmth," according to a new poll. Vladimir Putin aired a speech to the Russian nation chiding the United States for its moral decay. He observed an America “blotting out whole pages” of its history, pursuing “reverse discrimination against the majority in the interests of minorities,” and renouncing time-honored values in an effort at “public renewal.”Mass shootings, racial hatred, social injustice, incivility, fraud, These extremes forms of behavior have occurred because of a decline in morality and ethical behavior. Morality is the system through which we determine right and wrong conduct – i.e., the guide to good or right conduct. The left's embrace of the gender identity has put the country in a moral crisis.  Right Now the Democratic party has gone full drag , its vary effeminate in ways, if not hawkish.