Friday, March 18, 2022

America's Gas fuel shortage ( coming) ?

NOW here is what is ahead . Gas shortages in the
US & Gas approaching 10 dollars a
gallon . 

What I WARNED in 2019 :I wrote parts of this between 2015 and 2019 . Its about our gas prices . I warned that gas prices would go over 8 dollars $$$. Yes did I write about gas shortage in 2023 ?  Well we are approaching [ have approached] the 5 dollar mark [and beyond]   in gas prices in some parts of (0)>>California. Certainly California has created a gasoline island by its anti-pollution rules. I don’t question that. When it comes to fuel , Californians are overtaxed and suckered into raising gas taxes. We all have been told that it's   (1.1)>>because of supply and demand issues , Oil company executives admit the supply shortages to which they frequently expose California are highly profitable.Normally, the price differential between California and the U.S. would return to around 30-40 cents per gallon. But not likely anymore .  (1.2)>>This BIGGEST LIE we are told is that there is a "special blend" of gas that is a Summer blend and a Winter blend . I believe its BULLSHIT! Sorry for the bad language , the cuss word , but I have not heard any Consumer Watchdog group jumping to  (1.3)>>REALLY INVESTIGATE if there has been any changes of gasoline formula  during the seasons to verify that there is a defence between the gas formula's to justify the high gas prices . California raised GAS TAXES thanks to Gov. Brown without the vote of Californians   (2)>>TO REPEAT WHAT I SAID he added a tax to an already existing tax on fuel .  Outside factors also play their part in our gas scams , perhaps OPEC  like (2.2)>>the oil sanctions against Iran which oil prices jumped 28 % in a matter of hours , but nothing explains why crazy prices for gasoline out here in California, they’re nearing $5. To be sure, those prices are outliers, economists say, and California is the country’s most expensive gasoline market, due to taxes, other costs, and environmental regulations.Also there is a shortage of new refineries, no refineries have been built in CA for five decades, which is curious as I was saying for such a large state that needs to meet the supply and demand with the different blends . This altogether furthers the notion that some kind of hoax is going on a state (3)>>level bureaucracy . Experts predict prices won’t be coming down anytime soon. California’s gas tax goes up again effective July 1I'm 100% convinced that gas station owners in my conservative town  (4)>>purposefully jack up the pricesbecause they canIf you're not for high gas prices you want people to be killed and you're unpatriotic.  The Wall Street Journal had an interesting opinion piece about (4.1)>> "who get's Rich off the Price of Gas" .  I have noticed that Gas prices here in (5)>>California have remained over the national average .  Yes , it's all about taxes rather than supply and demand. Here is my low down on the profits.  The federal gas tax is 18.4 cents on every gallon of gasoline sold in America.  ***State gas-tax rates vary from a low of eight cents per gallon in Alaska to a jarring 49 cents per gallon in New York. Other states where it's steep to fill up include California and Connecticut—each with 48.6-cent-per-gallon gas taxes—and Hawaii, at 47.1 cents per gallon.Some local governments have gotten in on the act, too. In California, local sales and excise taxes on gasoline average 3.1%, according to the Los Angeles Times.   According to the Washington Times.The Joke is  Gas prices are so high that even Priuses are looking attractive If gas is double the price today than it was yesterday, you may decide to only buy a little gas in hopes that the price will return to normal soon, leaving more for others. According to a contemporary poll, the most commonly forgotten line of the theme song is “Through the courtesy of Fred’s two feet.” Which incidentally is how I’ll now be traveling. Or you may decide to delay gassing up, which means fewer lines Second, if consumers pay more for every gallon of gas, producers can justify spending more to hire more drivers to transport gasoline to the station, for example. Or, they can buy gas from neighboring states that aren’t suffering from the shortage and pay the higher transport costs. The higher price consumers pay makes these decisions worth it. On the other hand, when prices don’t rise, there is no incentive for a consumer at the pump to conserve gas for others. That leads to politicians resorting to moral suasion to get consumers to stop pumping. Funny story: The people that plotted to kill the governor are from my town. (6)>>So yes, the "Biden: I did that!" stickers are on our gas pumps.
Even before Russia started surrounding Ukraine,  (7)>>rising gas prices were affected by  Biden energy policy or action.Where in hell are the government agencies that are supposed to protect us from this BS? Oh wait. The government itself benefits from this in the form of higher tax revenue. And don't hold your breath waiting for the Harper Government (tm) to take a stand against big oil. Americans must understand that this is no accident. It’s the result of European climate policies just like those that Democrats want to force on Americans, substituting unreliable and costly renewable energy for oil and gas. It is the continent’s adoption of a (8)>>Green New Deal-like agenda – banning fracking, subsidizing wind and solar, etc. – that has made Europe dependent on a hostile nation to power their economies.  So I did some research, in 2020 the average price to fill up the tank was almost $40. You will also see it did drop a bit under Trump, when the country was shut down and no one was buying gas. That problem was fixed which lead to an increase in cost, which isn't bad for a worldwide pandemic, our failure to handle said pandemic, global supply chain issues, and global now a war in Europe.But as reluctant as he was to ban (9)>>Russian oil, it took Biden no time at all to start blaming Russia for rising gasoline prices. “Since [Russian President Vladimir] Putin began his military buildup at Ukrainian borders . . . the price of gas at the pump in America went up 75 cents,” Biden said in his announcement of the oil ban. When asked what he could do about rising prices, he replied, “Can’t do much right now. Russia is responsible.” The White House even came up with a slogan — “Putin price hike” — and tried to make it trend as a hashtag. “This is the #PutinPriceHike in action,” White House communications director Kate Bedingfield tweeted. Meanwhile, the Biden administration was busy changing its narrative about high gas prices. After promising a couple of weeks ago to “work like the devil” to address rising gas prices, (10)>>Biden himself said he “can’t do much right now” because “Russia is responsible” as he arrived in Fort Worth, Texas for an event.

(0)>>California. A bit of history of California gas tax, was: 27.8 cents/gallon 11/1/2017: 39.8 cents/gallon 7/1/2019: 47.3 cents/gallon, 1/1/2020: annual increases based on the inflation rate California diesel tax, was: 10.19% sales tax, plus 16 cents/gallon 11/1/2017: 14.19% sales tax, plus 36 cents/gallon, 1/1/2020: annual increases based on the inflation rate. (1.1)>>because of supply and demand issues.  It is embarassing to watch an oil company executive on television try to explain the reasons for a spike in gas prices. It reminds me of the guys outside of the subway entrances in New York City playing "three card Monte" asking the spectators "where is the queen?". Just a total grift on the driving public is all. They have no shame and the real joke is that they think this is all a plausible explanation and we believe them. So sad. Isn't it amazing how often these outages seem to happen and how gas prices spike immediately, before the effect of shortages can actually occur? Oil company and tobacco company execs are professional liars. Don’t be embarrassed for them. They know they are lying and are happy to make people think they have no alternatives to gasoline.  AND AS mysterious refinery outages right on time as they seem to be every year. Just as scheduled.  (1.2)>>This BIGGEST LIE. What the crock is this? Every year we always here the same thing. Prepare for high prices at the pump for the summer season. This usually extends well into August citing late summer vacation travel as the culprit. But lookie here a sudden reversal calling the season immediately after July 4. (1.3)>>REALLY INVESTIGATE.   I have a bold theory here , I don't believe that WE are being sold two different types of fuel.First place there are not enough fuel refineries in the state to switch between blends of gas each season for each statewide gasoline station [ Exxon , Arco, Union76 and Shell to name a few] so this seasonal blend of fuel is vary slow to transport. Another observation is that a local gas station let say its May , its time to switch to the summer blend of gas still has its station tanks filled with a winter blend of gas ,  EVEN through its summer that station gouges its price per gallon , while still selling to the California Consumer a winter blend of gas while its  SUPPOSED to be selling a summer blend. (2)>>TO REPEAT WHAT I SAID. What happened? I thought if we approve taxes that they will only take what they need? Well, at least the roads and schools will get better like the last tax hike. I mean, look at them now! Only potholes that are 1 foot deep, and the kids can almost read now.The high price of fuel is due to California’s taxes on gas and diesel. The price of crude has gone up in the past few months driving the price of gas slightly. It drives me crazy when everyone blames the refineries for the price of gas. Look up how much the feds and the state, and county, are taxing gasoline. Its all available online. Fuel prices are pretty consistent across the country. It all comes down taxes in California its state sponsored gouging of gas to funnel money into other dark projects , not fixing roads !(2.2)>>the oil sanctions against Iran.  Iran is a massive player in the oil market. It’s the world’s fourth largest producer of oil, pumping five million barrels a day or about 5.4% of global supply, according to data compiled by oil giant BP BP, -0.36% Cutting off some or all of that would have an out-sized effect on prices because the markets are so finely balanced between supply and demand, say economists. (3)>>level bureaucracy . Here's something Newsom could do for CA citizens instead of jetting down to El Salvador for a meet and greet with the future democratic voters, how about finding out why these refineries schedule their maintenance at the same time? They can't make a phone call to each other and come up with a plan to stagger the shutdowns so CA citizens can have a stable supply of gasoline? Wow, how many more times will big oil get away with scam before someone who is in power (Gavin) does something about it?  (4)>>purposefully jack up the prices.   Drivers are experiencing the 'Golden State Gouge' as gas prices soar in California.While this “Putin spike” talking point is half-true, it ignores the reality that oil and gasoline prices have risen steadily throughout the Biden administration. The average price for gas at the pump was $2.11 on the day Biden was elected and markets began pricing in his promises to restrict and ultimately diminish the domestic oil and gas industry. It stood at $2.29 on the day he took office and rescinded the federal cross-border permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. Had he not done that, that major pipeline would be complete by now and moving far more Canadian crude into the U.S. than had been coming in from Russia.(4.1)>> "who get's Rich off the Price of Gas" .  You may blame high gas prices on rich oil company executives or greedy gas station owners. The truth is that governments rake in a larger profit at the pump than anyone—and with gas taxes on the rise in many parts of the country, there's no relief in sight.The price of a gallon of gas is based on the combination of four costs: that of crude oil, of refining gas, of distribution and marketing, and of taxes.Some local governments have gotten in on the act, too. In California, local sales and excise taxes on gasoline average 3.1%, according to the Los Angeles Times. That works out to about 12 cents in local taxes for each gallon of gas, based on the state's current average of $3.80 per gallon.(5)>>California have remained over the national average . California gas prices are the highest in the nation . Northstate Congressman John Garamendi is calling for an investigation into potential price gouging by oil companies as gas prices continue to rise in California. This is one of many potential solutions legislators have come up with to solve the rising issue. It comes after the California Assembly had turned away a potential suspension of the 51-cents per gallon statewide Gas Tax this week. "With the Gas Tax, if we suspended it, it absolutely would be passed down to the consumer," said California Assembly Republican leader James Gallagher when asked if he thought the proposed gas tax suspension was the right solution to lowering gas prices for the consumer.A public watchdog group is now calling on the Attorney General's Office to investigate our state's oil refineries.This public advocacy group believes that what we pay now is about $1.30 more than what we should be paying. They are asking for an anti-trust investigation to be conducted. California Republicans made a push for suspending the 51-cent per gallon gas tax in an effort to give relief to drivers it failed obvious as we would suspect who profits off the price gouging the Government.(6)>>So yes, the "Biden: I did that!" stickers are on our gas pumps. I think the Biden sticker is funny. If I saw this sticker next to it, it'd be 10x as funny. Do it. Biden's baffling illiteracy on economics is also compounding the issue.Stickers of a finger-pointing Biden with the words “I did that!” have been appearing on fuel pumps across the country,Shouldn't we be more concerned with, instead of lol w did it first stickers, forcing the hand of those in power and leadership to make this country ACTUALLY improve? instead of both parties just spewing nonsensical, radicalized bullshit that they never follow through on but then somehow the supporters of both parties talk about how stupid the other party is.(7)>>rising gas prices were affected by  Biden energy policy . Asked why oil production in the U.S. had not yet caught up to demand, the acting administrator of the Energy Information Administration—the Department of Energy’s data arm—explained to senators that American producers were “trying to reposition for the long term. To state it more bluntly, the Biden administration and its allies in Congress have made it very clear that they intend to put the oil industry in America out of business. What does it look like to “work together” with an administration that promised “to get rid of fossil fuels” and advised that oil company executives be “thrown in jail”?The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s International Energy Outlook projects no scenario in which global demand for oil does not increase through at least 2050. But the Biden administration seems determined that none of that oil will be produced in the United States.(8)>>Green New Deal-like agenda .  Hidden taxes in gas prices ? Perhaps blame the NEW GREEN DEAL .  Many of the Democrats running for President in 2020 support the Green New Deal that was introduced by Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Senator Markey of Massachusetts. The Green New Deal, however, would require a $10 tax increase on a single gallon of gas, according to a study by the CO2 Coalition. Key to the Green New Deal is the goal of eliminating gasoline-powered vehicles in favor of electric vehicles. But in order to make electric cars desirable to consumers gasoline prices would have to increase to $13 per gallon. Such a tax would undoubtedly harm consumers and the U.S. economy.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled her Green New Deal to great fanfare and media hype. The plan calls for a “massive transformation” of the U.S. economy by moving away from fossil fuels to “100% clean and renewable” energy in ten years, while creating more jobs and health care for all (among much else).Harris urged Americans struggling to afford skyrocketing prices for fuel, groceries and all other consumer goods to delight in her vision of a beautiful green future. “Imagine a future: the freight trucks that deliver bread and milk to our grocery store shelves and the buses that take children to school and parents to work,” she said. “Imagine all the heavy-duty vehicles that keep our supply lines strong and allow our economy to grow. Imagine that they produce zero emissions.”  “It’s Not Russia (they supply just 3% of our oil.),”“It’s’ not the oil companies, It Is the GREEN NEW DEAL regulations. They are lying to us…”   (9)>>Russian oil.  In the US, Russian oil made up about 3 percent of shipments in 2021, according to Bloomberg, and when you include other petroleum products, that rises to 8 percent. That’s not a ton, but it’s not nothing, either.Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Monday that if the United States and the European Union banned oil imports from Russia, international oil prices could climb to more than $300 a barrel. "It is clear that rejecting Russian oil will have disastrous consequences for the global market and harm the interests of consumers," Novak said in a video statement broadcast on state television "The surge in oil prices will be unpredictable. If not too high, it will reach $300 a barrel." Novak said that it will take Europe more than a year to replace Russian oil, and it will have to pay a much higher price than Russian oil. (10)>>Biden himself said he “can’t do much right now”.  President Joe Biden is looking for every excuse to ignore the powers he has but refuses to use to help bring prices down.“Can’t do much right now,” he told reporters. “Russia is responsible.”He accused oil companies of exercising “excessive price increases or padding profits” and exploiting American consumers.  “They’re gonna go up,” Biden said of gas prices after landing for a visit in Fort Worth, Texas. The average price of a gallon of gas hit a 14-year high of $4.009 on Sunday, according to AAA.But the trends are clear. After gas prices crashed following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, they stabilized around $2.20 through 2020.From the beginning of 2021 through the middle of May of that year, prices spiked from $2.25 to over $3.00. From there, gas prices rose steadily hitting $3.40 in mid-November, dipping slightly as the country dealt with the Omicron variant, only to continue upward for most of 2022.All that occurred before Russia invaded Ukraine. The president has only himself and his opposition to domestic energy production to blame.