Saturday, January 8, 2022

Mass Formation Psychosis : A Satire.

Let's call it the
"information psychosis "
These people all think this is a new idea that “some right winger” came up with. They aren’t even aware that this whole concept stems from way way back. You’re wasting good time on these poor people(1)>>Key mRNA contributor Dr. Robert Malone, a prominent skeptic of mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, suggested to popular  (1.2)>>podcaster Joe Rogan—days after Malone was suspended from Twitter—during an interview that the United States is in the midst of a “mass formation psychosis.” 
“Our government is out of control on this,” Malone said about vaccine mandates in the interview, which was released over the weekend. “And they are lawless. They completely disregard bioethics. They completely disregard the federal common rule. They have broken all the rules that I know of, that I’ve been trained [in] for years and years and years.”Malone, an expert in mRNA vaccine technologies who received training at the University of California–Davis, UC–San Diego, and the Salk Institute,  (2)>>was banned by Twitter last week. Malone told The Epoch Times last week that Twitter offered no explanation for why his account, which had amassed 500,000 followers, was suspended.A spokesperson for Twitter told the left-wing Daily Dot outlet that Malone’s account “was permanently suspended for repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy … per the strike system outlined here, we will permanently suspend accounts for repeated violations of this policy.” (3)>>Mass Formation Psychosis = Mass Hysteria. Driven by the Media , the blue state demagogues .Negative information which is spread through mass media repetitively can affect public health negatively in the form of nocebo effects and mass hysteria. We argue that mass and digital media in connection with the state may have had adverse consequences during the COVID-19 crisis. The resulting collective hysteria may have contributed to policy errors by governments not in line with health recommendations. Its an elaborate way of trying to revive the “mass hysteria” argument. Its the work of commercial covid deniers.They’re using different terms to keep their conspiracy theories fresh in the public eye. (4)>>Mass Hysteria is a slightly documented set of events where crowds of people believed to be sick without evidence. It is not regarded as a legitimate mental illness, but more a recorded set of events for science. The Commercial covid deniers are dressing up in labcoats and pretending to diagnose people following pandemic controls as mass-hysterical.Which would be worth attention if the virus did not exist.No, that's not true. (5)>>Nobody said they brainwashed half of the country "into believing covid is real", this is the caricature you folks like to turn this debate into when you have no actual arguments ready. Mass formation psychosis. Most people believe that covid is real, but anyone who goes outside more often than once a week should hopefully know by now that it's really nowhere as dangerous as they're pretending it is. Additionally, people are being forced to take vaccines, have their freedom stripped away in the form of vaccine passports that will soon only be renewed when you've taken your quarterly shot, all for said relatively mild virus and every notion that  (6)>> goes against the narrative gets censored or ridiculed in a propaganda fashion, despite the fact that many such notions have already been proven right. You are here using fallacies to bash Robert W. Malone while your country has elected a man into office who seems to be incapable of speaking any sense and has spread multiple lies about covid by now.. I don't think they're saying it's fake, I think it's more about the manipulation of the herd.  But conspiracies are for special kinds of people. They were spreading the mass-hysteria argument about a year ago. No, what I took was that a large percentage of the population has been essentially controlled by our government using fear. I’ve seen dozens if not hundreds of posts wishing death on unvaccinated, go look on the coronavirus sub. If that’s not psychosis I don’t know what isLooks like this is round#2 with a name change.

(1)>>Key mRNA contributor Dr. Robert Malone. No, he is credited with inventing MRNA and has suggested that Pfizer in particular does more harm than good, says it’s responsible for further mutation of disease.In that alternate media universe, Robert Malone’s star is ascendant. He started popping up on podcasts and cable news shows a few months ago, presented as a scientific expert, arguing that the approval process for the vaccines had been unwisely rushed. He told Tucker Carlson that the public doesn’t have enough information to decide whether to get vaccinated. He told Glenn Beck that offering incentives for taking vaccines is unethical. He told Del Bigtree, an anti-vaccine activist who opposes common childhood inoculations, that there hadn’t been sufficient research on how the vaccines might affect women’s reproductive systems. On show after show, Malone, who has quickly amassed more than 200,000 Twitter followers, casts doubt on the safety of the vaccines while decrying what he sees as attempts to censor dissent.(1.2)>>podcaster Joe Rogan. YouTube has removed a video of a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience in which the podcast host was talking to Dr Robert Malone . While a number of social media users rushed to the defence of Rogan and Dr Malone, others, such as YouTuber and VidCon creator Hank Green, took a more critical view of the exchange.Malone summed up the consequence of the censorship and lockdown campaigns, "Medicine is being destroyed globally. People are losing faith in the whole system, they are losing faith in the scientific enterprise, they are losing faith in our government, and they are losing faith in the vaccine. What is going to be the long term consequences of public health when you have a large fraction of the population who wasn't 'anti-vaxxer' before, that are now saying 'Oh my God if this is how these people make decisions, (then) I don't want anything to do with it. I certainly don't want a jab in my kid.'"Just learned about this new meme from the right and the wackiest part from the Rogan interview is that the guy perfectly describes Trumpism. Like I have not seen a better descriptor of Trumpism than this new "mass formation psychosis" meme that the right thinks is clever. The guy literally describes the way in which people follow a leader who says "I alone can fix it" which is verbatim a Trump quote. It's actually insane how people were able to watch that and not immediately think "oh he's perfectly describing Trumpism. Just wild. (2)>>was banned by Twitter last week. The ban came just hours after the AP posted a controversial “fact check” report claiming Malone “misled” people by claiming the vaccines are failing against the Omicron variant.Although Malone supports vaccines as a medical doctor, he believes that the steps the United States government has taken to bring mRNA Covid-19 vaccines to market from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna “have been detrimental and contrary to globally accepted standards for developing and regulating safe and effective licensed products.” He shares his views on social media. A Twitter spokesperson said Malone’s account was permanently suspended for “repeated violations of our Covid-19 misinformation policy.”Malone has gathered a large following in conservative media for his opposition to government vaccine mandates and recommendations against having children under age 18 vaccinated against Covid-19. (3)>>Mass Formation Psychosis = Mass Hysteria. Driven by the Media , the blue state demagogues .The cable TV news, mainstream news headlines and social media devolved into wild speculation and near-hysteria. Nations “scrambled” and “panicked,” we were told. The variant “stoked fear,” others relayed. Breathless reporting announced each new country in which omicron appeared.The proliferation of journalists, influencers, and other media types with large followings posting about the variant has helped omicron earn the moniker “the media variant.” Many New Yorkers on social media have posted images that have gone viral showing people lined up around city blocks to get a Covid-19 test, or TikTok compilations of screenshots from their group texts showing friends alerting each other of their Covid-19 statuses set to blaring pop music.The data out of South Africa, after five weeks of Omicron spread, suggest that Omicron should be a cause for celebration, not fear. Its symptoms are mild to nonexistent in the majority of the infected, especially the vaccinated; hospitalization rates are over nine times lower than for previous COVID strains; deaths are negligible. That assessment will only be confirmed as the United States and other Western countries gather their own data on Omicron.(4)>>Mass Hysteria is a slightly documented set of events where crowds of people believed to be sick without evidence.  Two weeks ago people were getting lined up to get tested with a quick antigen 15 minute test. Public schools followed in by testing students and staff before returning  to work , and school . Well as "predicted" soon as millions were tested the covid tally spiked upward  with over a million testing positive . NOT TO MENTION that all these hand out test kits are made in China . The proper PCR test could more accurate than the antigen test . Putting that aside . The mass hysteria of getting tested before the holidays is a perfect example how much control the government has on people using the "fear factor" . Now how much of Covid Stress is making people sick [ with out virus ] has not been counted as a leading factor of "illnesses" . I know of fully vaccinated people who are ill right now , its' nothing to do with covid , but the stress . There are reports of hospitalizations surging . Now how much of that should be investigated . The emergence of Omicron has happened at a time when most countries in the world looked like they were getting out of the shadow of Covid-19 pandemic. But we are into another bizarre world of renewed worries!...  I question if Omicron and Delta both exist aside from the real SARS -COV2. (5)>>Nobody said they brainwashed half of the country "into believing covid is real".  Like I said COVID is real , but how much of its overblown by the government and media is to be noted . The "brainwashing" part is on the media matrix side of the dark.You know what I mean promoting  a agenda to keep people into a flux of endless vaccine subjection . When omicron came out media went hysterical for their good reasons to kick up the propaganda machine . As far we might guess that Omicron could be just the "common cold", or IT's ALL MADE UP.  The media outlets. These groups sensationalize matters searching for scapegoats - particularly whenever their own governments make massive mistakes.Those with psychosis will claim, absurdly mind you, that it doesn't matter what The President, these high level doctors, politicians and medical experts claim or tell you because they're not science and science never means a 100% guarantee.And anyway, science evolves! Never-mind that inhumane draconian policies are being forced on citizens because of outdated, faulty and incomplete scientific models. Let's just continue course ... no questions dummy!(6)>> goes against the narrative gets censored or ridiculed in a propaganda fashion. Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene rang in the new year with a permanent Twitter ban and a 24 hour suspension from Facebook. The bans follow repeated violations of both platforms’ COVID-19 misinformation policies. Silenced and Misinformed: Freedom of Expression in Danger During Covid-19 reveals how governments’ and authorities’ reliance on censorship and punishment throughout the crisis has reduced the quality of information reaching people. The pandemic has provided a dangerous situation where governments are using new legislation to shut down independent reporting, as well as attack people who have been directly critical or even attempted to look into their government’s response to Covid-19.. Communication channels have been targeted, social media has been censored, and media outlets have been closed down – worse you cant contradict the narrative.