Friday, September 10, 2021

so·lil·o·quy of September 11th 2021 AD.

September 11th 2021 AD 
20 years ago , and today .
the shadow of the war on terror
has ruined a nation .

SEPTEMBER 11th , 2001 .  Is another day of infamy in American History . Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of the most lethal attack in history on American soil, a commemoration of the 2,977 people killed when 19 terrorists from half a world away hijacked and turned four commercial aircraft into missiles that rained death on New York City, the Pentagon and a field in rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania.   It's is also one of the turning  points that led to the expansion of US militarism , finally the collapse of the American machine after the debacle withdraw of Afghanistan.  As the country comes to grips with the tumultuous exit of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan, the departure has raised long-term questions about U.S. foreign policy and America’s place in the world. . The al-Qaeda is known for planning attacks on dates with symbolic importance. The 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya happened on August 7, 1998, eight years to the day after American troops first arrived in Saudi Arabia.There is speculation that September 11 was chosen because it was the anniversary of the Battle of Vienna, which represented a major victory by the West against Muslim invaders. That might be bit of a stretch, but it's more likely than planning the date based on a joke. A joke that only makes sense in the US and Canada.  There are a lot of parts of the 9/11 investigation that leave a lot to be desired and are answers we'll probably never get. In almost every case they point to agency CIA, not foreknowledge or conspiracy, though. The biggest example, in my mind, is the story behind  Able Danger.   "the evidence did not support assertions that Able Danger identified the September 11, 2001, terrorists nearly a year before the attack, that Able Danger team members were prohibited from sharing information with law enforcement authorities, or that DoD officials acted against LTC Shaffer for his disclosures regarding Able Danger." The enduring power of the Sept. 11 attacks is clear: An overwhelming share of Americans who are old enough to recall the day remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news. Yet an ever-growing number of Americans have no personal memory of that day, either because they were too young or not yet born.Today, the terror group that once roared to world attention is reduced to a whimper, but it is far from dead. And now says it's planning a comeback after US forces leave Afghanistan, by partnering once again with the Taliban.In its response to CNN, two members of al Qaeda's subcontinent broadcast branch heap praise on the Taliban for keeping the fight against America alive. "Thanks to Afghans for the protection of comrades-in-arms, many such jihadi fronts have been successfully operating in different parts of the Islamic world for a long time," the spokesperson says.

The Conspiracy to bring down the World Trade Center Organization .

Remembering September 11th  2001.  Is like waking  up from a nightmare , where ever you were that day , the whole nation rattled . I remember I was heading to work tuning in a the local radio & around 7 a.m. , the report came that a "Small plane hit one of the world trade center towers".  Hours later the reality would set in , as news trickled down from the East Coast . News crews later were already showing images on TV of the first towers being hit by the plane . I remember I was with group of people watching it on TV with bad reception .In those days cable TV was not an option at the work place . What unfolded on Tv was a static image of the first tower . Seeing the plane hit the first tower was hard for the mind to register at first glance. It was creepy . Vary otherworldly . The first crash had changed everything; the second changed it again. Anyone who thought the first was an accident now knew better. This was not some awful, isolated episode, not Oklahoma City, not even the first World Trade Center bombing. The Aftermath, we all know what happened . War was coming , it did . There are still a lot of puzzling things about it,(1)>> conspiracy mongering is no small phenomenon. Any Internet search turns up thousands of explanations for the events of September 11. These theories come in a nearly infinite variety, but all reach essentially the same conclusion: The U.S. government, or some shadowy group that controls it, organized the attacks as part of a master plan for global domination. But the truth is more mundane. Strangely enough a few days before September 11th , 2001  things seemed a bit too normal . Never the less it may not have been. (1.2)>>How far the US government "knew" has been the subject of a lot of writing and film making . Micheal Moore's (2)>>Fahrenheit 9/11   did a great job on documenting exactly what led up to the attack and it's aftermath . The film then segues into the September 11 attacks. Moore says Bush was informed of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center on his way to an elementary school. Bush is then shown sitting in a Florida classroom with children. When told that a second plane has hit the World Trade Center and that the nation is "under attack", Bush allows the students to finish their book reading, and Moore notes that he continued reading for nearly seven minutes. Right before the September 11th attacks, some fishy business happened within the stock market and insurance firms. An “extraordinary” amount of put options were placed on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks, the same airlines that were hijacked during the attacks. Many speculate that traders were tipped off about the attacks and profited from the tragedy. The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an insider trading investigation in which Osama bin Laden was a suspect, after receiving information from at least one Wall Street firm. [ You might like to read this CNN chronology here ] . Osama was always the first suspect . What I found a bit curious as to why the Twin Towers were picked . For some reason it may have never been said that hitting the towers was about hitting America . As we know that the WTC Towers were infact the headquarters of the WTO , keep in mind after nearly 20 years it was missed by everyone . Not one single News media investigated it . Mostly because no one thought that bringing down the WTC Towers was just a terrorist act committed by a bunch of Islamic extremists . But no one knew that the real reason for the attack was to bring down the WTO , destroying it would end the biggest "conspiracy" of them all ,  it’s kind of funny that the very people who are concerned often about protecting labor and protecting the environment are opposed to the first steps to create some kind of international authority that might actually do that very thing. And if you look at the records, corporations that operate in less-developed countries often have a much better record of protecting human rights in those countries and protecting the environment in those countries than do the governments of those countries themselves. So in some cases, one power – that is, a corporation – may actually be better than the existing power – the corrupt government – that’s already there. It’s complex, but the issue is what are we really concerned about? Are we concerned, then, about the rights of workers, the environment, and the prospects for citizens in countries that are poor to get access to food, clothing, and other goods at low prices? Destroying it would have cause the Stock Market to crash . Now after 9-11 the market took a dive , nearly crashed as traders began selling . It nearly suceeded. Nearly seven years after 2001 by 2008 the market did not recover till President Obama bailed out the banks , keeping them form collapsing because of  bad loans to home buyers . So the whole September 11th , 2001 attack was probably just a lot more than just a terrorist act on our American soil.

Post 9-11 realities ?

Americans will likely be paying the financial cost of the war for decades to come.  Bush's war now falls on the tax payer . That’s because the nation largely financed the post-9/11 wars through debt, according to an analysis by the Costs of War project, an initiative from scholars at Brown University and Boston University. Taxpayers have already spent $925 billion in interest payments related to those wars, the analysis found.The analysis estimates — had America pulled out last year — that the cost of the interest on the Afghanistan war debts could grow to $2 trillion by 2030 and to $6.5 trillion by 2050. Another paper from the Costs of War project estimates that over the next 40 years, interest spending on the borrowed OCO spending (assuming all marginal war spending is borrowed) would total an additional $6.5 trillion over 40 years.The question of how many people have lost their lives in the post-9/11 conflicts has been the subject of ongoing debate, though the numbers in all cases have been extraordinarily high. Previous Costs of War studies have put death toll figures in the hundreds of thousands, an estimate tallying those directly killed by violence. According to a 2015 estimate from the Nobel Prize-winning Physicians for Social Responsibility, well over million have been killed both indirectly and directly in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan alone. And when the wars do end, the costs of war will continue to rise, the report notes: A towering $2.2 trillion of the estimated financial total accounts for future care that has already been set aside for military veterans, the researchers said, and the U.S. and other countries could pay the cost of environmental damage wrought by the wars for generations to come."What have we truly accomplished in 20 years of post-9/11 wars and at what price?" said Stephanie Savell, co-director of the Costs of War Project and a senior research associate at the Watson Institute. "Twenty years from now, we'll still be reckoning with the high societal costs of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars—long after U.S. forces are gone."


(1)>> conspiracy mongering.  Conspiracy theorists claim that action or inaction by U.S. officials with foreknowledge was intended to ensure that the attacks took place successfully. For example, Michael Meacher, former British environment minister and member of Tony Blair's Cabinet said that the United States knowingly failed to prevent the attacks. (see ) The idea that the 9-11 attack was a "excuse" by our American governmnet to engage in a globalist war . The title of the opertation as "Operation  Enduring Freedom" gave that sense that America would be at war for an extended time .  And what of the U.S. economy in a world in which Mohamed Atta and his fellow terrorists never hijacked airplanes? If the United States had not invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, the national deficit and debt would be considerably lower today. According to a recent report by the Congressional Research Service, between September 2001 and March 2011, Congress appropriated $1.283 trillion for the wars, additional security measures and health care for veterans — with 63 percent of the total related to Iraq and 35 percent to Afghanistan. Economists Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes have estimated that the long-term cost of the wars, including veterans’ care, may exceed $3 trillion  . Adding the fact the Afganistan was the first target , the Taliban and Bin Ladin . Next Iraq and Saddam . By 2011 the Arab Spring was a trigger that the American Neocon's needed . While it looked like the Muslim world was rocked with upheaval that was a by product of the US Invasion & conquest of Iraq , the war spilled over into Libya and Tunisia . The overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi , last of all Syria with Assad .In the past 10 years, the U.S. has directly or indirectly overthrown at least three governments in the Muslim world.  In reality it really smells that something more was going on . Right now the American war machine is exausted , it can't further continue this war [ war on terror] , it has reached its apex . With Russia taking sides with Syria and Assad against the American supported Jihadists seeking the overthrow of  Assad, this war may be closing to an end , perhaps nations need to sit down and stop drawing the "red line".  (1.2)>>How far the US government "knew".  I don't want to put up anything that may not contridict " known facts" { OFFICIAL REPORT}  , but I submit the entire 9-11 Commission Report [ ] its a long read that was published in book form . (2)>>Fahrenheit 9/11. I finally got to see "Fahrenheit 9/11", and I don't know where to begin describing it. The first adjective that comes to my mind is "horrifying". How honest is Michael Moore with this film? One thing is for certain: he is honest about his intent, which is to help defeat Bush in 2004. The quotes he uses from the Bush administration folks are genuine, as they are provided in the form of video clips that feature the suspects. As usual, Moore injects a lot of his personal emotions... he is a master at this. There is speculation which appears a bit wild at times, particularly in the first half of the film. However, the basic information is there and the questions arise from it.The fact that Michael Moore can make a film this compelling and exposing makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs to question why we let this Bush administration do these things. This movie was not a total shock to me, as I must admit that I already agreed with Moore long before I saw it, but this movie made me so angry and upset at the current state of America. It filled me with such a sense of urgency which has stayed with me for months and months afterward. Everyone in America should sit down and watch this movie if they haven't. You might like Moore's new film with a similar title Fahrenheit 11/9  ↦   In May, Moore teased the documentary on Twitter, sharing a clip of him and Trump appearing together on Roseanne Barr’s 1998 talk show, The Roseanne Show. In the clip, Trump congratulated Moore on Roger & Me, Moore’s film about General Motors C.E.O. Roger Smith. “I hope he never does one on me,” Trump said. And that election is the jumping-off point for “Fahrenheit 11/9,” which begins with a lengthy section on election night and leads into the opening credits with a simple question: “How the f— did this happen?”    (3)>>UK Press TV show the Agenda.     Jeremy Corbyn has come under fire for saying it was a “tragedy” that Osama bin Laden was killed by the US rather than being put on trial.