Friday, May 21, 2021



Thoughts on Israel and Palestine renewed Conflict .

The "Promised Land"
of Conflict .
People accomplish more working together than against each other. Harmony accomplishes more than conflict. Peace has more power to advance humanity than war. Peace is a sign of health, war a sign of sickness. I think this debate has been approached by overwhelming amounts of facts from propaganda and unreliable sources. I believe this should be more of a philosophical debate. How do we define ownership of land? What is justified in a time of war? Is war ever justified? Etc. Israel is wrong for using disproportionate force in retaliatory strikes,imposing collective punishment on innocent civilians, expanding illegal settlements, treating Palestinians as a second class, and violating international law.Israel is smart to use violence in self defense.Palestinians are wrong for imposing collective punishment on innocent civilians and violating international law.Palestinians are smart to use violence in self defense.The refs should have blown the whistle on this fight, but they all have conflicting vested interests in the outcome. Israel was created naively by western forces, in a place they did not understand. Israel, however, is responsible for its own sins... It's true. If you look at the map over time, you'll see that they've become a tyrant of their own. It's tragic that we still lie and deceive the US people about the conflict.Propaganda or no propaganda, the United States pays Israel billions of dollars a year that is used to fuel that war. Americans have more important things to support than two groups of Arabs fighting over a pile of bricks in the middle of the desert. That conflict would be over except for one thing: the western world is making war in the middle east profitable by use of an elaborate kickback scheme where we give Israel $6 Billion dollars a year and they in turn funnel it back to American companies in the military industrial complex. If they want to fight, we should stay out of it and not fund their wars. The U.S. owes nothing to Israel. The people that have lived for thousands of years in Palestine have always been called Palestinians. One can actually etymologically kinda see this in the resemblance the name Philistines have with Palestinians, and as far as I know, other Arabs (ie. non-Palestinians) still call them Philistines (or the equivalent in Arabic obviously).The real answer to your question though is pretty interesting: In 1984 a writer by the name Joan Peters published a book called From Time Immemorial, and in that book she claims that Palestinians or the Arabs living in Palestine aren't indigenous. The book went on to become a huge success in The US and was praised in a lot of American Press, but was quickly deemed a 'fraud' and such things by actual historians who were knowledgeable in this area. These responses were not widely reported in the American Press though, and that might be an explanation to why your question even arises. It has become part of the background-tableau or mythos that surrounds Palestinians and seems to be generally accepted, or at least widely accepted in many Americans. According to data published by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), some 5,600 Palestinians died between 2008 and 2020 while nearly 115,000 were injured. During the same period, around 250 Israelis have died while approximately 5,600 were injured. On the one hand, we say that Israel is a sovereign state and has all the rights that are granted to a state, but on the other we say that they cannot control the area because the Palestinians have rights there, too. This is the root of the problem. These people cannot BOTH have rights to this land. These people have proven that they cannot live together in peace, because both are dedicated to the destruction of the other. I understand that we try to make this compromise because the Palestinians are getting shafted here, but this piecemeal disintegration of their community is not just either. Neither one is going to give up, ever, until they have total control of this land.The Israelis have instituted a system of apartheid. One more draconian than anything seen in S. Africa. The Palestinians are an impoverished minority group within Israel. They are treated like shit by the government and confined to ghettos. Ironically, what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians is exactly what the Nazis did to Jews before WWII. While I empathize with both sides, I feel like the attitude "fight fire with fire" is completely wrongheaded. You don't fight fire with fire, you fight fire with water, or else you contain it and let it burn itself out. What we have in isreal is a blazing inferno. Every military effort merely inflames the situation. It doesn't matter how many terrorists you kill, because the act of killing terrorists creates more terrorists. Each side believes that they can prevail against the other by fighting, and that the harder the enemy strikes, the harder you strike back. This conflict cannot be solved by the Israelis or the Palestinians. They are set in there ways. Logically, they will keep killing each other until they change their philosophy. In pre-civilised times, the stronger one would simply mow over the weaker one, but now that the world has changed to a more humane philosophy, that is simply unacceptable. We must step in as peacekeepers. When two people you love are duking it out, you step between them and break it up, and that is what we must do. We must force peace upon them, with every trick up our sleeves from the carrot to the stick, because the ones who want peace from within the region are outgunned by militaristic brutes. If we are unable to force peace on them, then we must do everything we can to make the conflict harm the lowest number of civilians. People in the military are willing to die, so while their deaths matter, their deaths are not as much a violation of their right to life. They yielded their right to life, after all. Protect the ones who do not desire the death of others, for they contribute the most to our world society.

Colonial Pipeline "hacking" 😂

WE all heard it that it was the "Russians" somehow hacked into Colonial Pipeline system . If another group is involved it probably helps with denying they were involved. It’s just a conspiracy theory though, so nothing to take seriously until there is more information released. How about saying it was a inside job, not the Russians . Blaming Russia is getting kind old right now . The US issued emergency legislation on  after was hit by a ransomware cyber-attack. The pipeline carries 2.5 million barrels a day - 45% of the East Coast's supply of diesel, petrol and jet fuel. President Biden  said there’s “no evidence” that the Russian government is behind the Colonial Pipeline ransomware hack. That's the point of destroying or locking out a huge infrastructure like the Colonial Pipeline. There were reporters already out the next day asking Biden when and how fast should we be focused on the clean and renewable energy-sources. Could be coincidence or could not be, who knows with the US nowadays. The oil company could have just said "we got hacked!" And raised the price of oil. There would be little evidence to lead them to any faction capable... They can just say "hackers" and the public would just accept it blindly and pay their increased prices. Do we know that it was a Russian government based attack and not a couple of Americans that offered a very lucrative deal so fuel prices increase? I could definitely see papa orange hiring them so he has an offensive strategy in 2024, and I could definitely see executives in the industry planning this for their own profit. However it’s also very easy to say it’s just Russian interference, which makes this situation very interesting to follow if it ever turns out not to be them. Addressing the hack on , Biden tried to ease millions of Americans’ concerns over gas shortages and rising prices even as the pipeline company restarted its operations. ‘Don’t panic, number one,’ Biden said from the White House. ‘I know seeing lines at the pumps or gas stations with no gas can be extremely stressful, but this is a temporary situation. Panic buying will only slow the process.’ The president continued: ‘I also want to say to gas stations – do not, do not try to take advantage of customers during this time.’ Most electrical grids aren't "hack able". Or at least in the US anyways. Trust me they hold that shit together with hot glue and twigs, you think they would pay to add features to it? It happens more often than people think. Oil pipelines have and infrastructure have been shut down before. One time, a company replaced thousands of hard drives in PCs because of an attack. It resulted in a global shortage of oil and hard drives. or maybe an employee wanted to drive oil prices up to hit it big in the stock market so he slipped this in there.  Which likely means that someone downloaded something they shouldn't have and some critical part of the system was infected.A whole lot of Ransomware on enterprise environments aren't the direct result of someone downloading the individual file accidentally.Its usually an actor gaining access, spreading through a whole network, gaining access to as many systems as possible then selling the access to the ransomware group.This was the case for a lot of the third parties I have seen hit, the actor had been in their networks for months.Getting a very successful attack usually requires a lot of hands on keyboard work otherwise you might only take out a couple devices.


THE LAB LEAK Hypothesis. 

 Why do you say that's never been a hypothesis? This article from New York magazine argues that we should consider a lab origin a plausible hypothesis alongside the hypothesis of a natural origin, and notes that there has been plenty of experimentation with taking natural viruses and engineering them to be more infectious for the purposes of preparedness. t’s a hell of a coincidence that the first outbreak was so close to the lab. Of course, it might also make sense that being so close to the lab led to it being identified. This shit could have been floating around the world for a long time prior to its discovery in Wuhan. It’s anecdotal for sure, but I know multiple people who had a kick ass flu several months prior. Once dismissed as a conspiracy theory, the idea that the COVID virus escaped from a Chinese lab is gaining high-profile attention again . As it does, reputations of renowned scientists are at risk — and so is their personal safety.At the center of the storm is Peter Daszak, whose EcoHealth Alliance has worked directly with Chinese coronavirus scientists for years. The scientist has been pilloried by Republicans and lost National Institutes of Health funding for his work. He gets floods of threats, including hate mail with suspicious powders. In a rare interview, he conceded that he can’t disprove that the deadly COVID-19 virus resulted from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology — though he doesn’t believe it.“It’s a good conspiracy theory,” Daszak told KHN. “Foreigners designing a virus in a mysterious lab, a nefarious activity, and then the cloak of secrecy around China.” IF the Covid virus was created in the Wuhan lab & escaped, the fact the research was funded by US taxpayer grants is an important consideration, which should definitely not be swept under the carpet. This stinks of a cover-up by responsible persons in the DC swamp. The various strands of evidence outlined in the article, when pulled together, are compelling support for the pandemic having originated from a virus modified by researchers in the Wuhan lab. Anthony Fauci on  clashed with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) over the role of the Wuhan, China, virology lab in the origins of COVID-19. During a Senate hearing on the pandemic response, Paul alleged that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) had been sending funding to the Wuhan lab, which then "juiced up" a virus that was originally found in bats to create a supervirus that can infect human cells. White House press secretary Jen Psaki refused to say whether the White House had seen evidence that would disprove the Republicans' point."Has the White House seen any circumstantial evidence that it did not originate in the lab?" Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Psaki.Psaki did not answer directly but called for transparency from the Chinese government.

Additional Note :      I postulated that the theory of a lab leak might involve two laboratories rather than the focus on on the China Wuhan lab alone  . I present my conclusion  that there were two virus leaks , the first one may have begun in the US in 2019 , it was un noticed , misidentified as the vaping illness . Remember this as I say again the US may have been the "epicenter - ground zero" of the virus spreading. The statistics point to this . EXAMPLE ,  United States had recorded 198,589 COVID-19–related deaths, for a death rate of 0.06%, higher than countries with low and moderate coronavirus death rates but similar to those with high death rates. For example, the death rate in Australia, considered a low-mortality country, was 0.003%, while Canada, a moderate-mortality country, had a 0.02% death rate. "Compared with other countries, the US experienced high COVID-19–associated mortality and excess all-cause mortality into September 2020," the authors wrote. "After the first peak in early spring, US death rates from COVID-19 and from all causes remained higher than even countries with high COVID-19 mortality. This may have been a result of several factors, including weak public health infrastructure and a decentralized, inconsistent US response to the pandemic."  PLEASE READ THIS     👉👉    {



We will know more when the Pentagon’s report on unidentified aerial phenomena comes out in June, but now that the government is starting to take UFOs seriously, it’s high time that more academics and industry leaders step up to do the same.Remarkably, in what sounds like the opening crawl of an unimaginative sci-fi film, the report must also include an analysis as to whether or not UFOs pose a threat to national security (perhaps, one day, our puny, primitive weapons will be used to “bring democracy” to a space-faring civilization).As the deadline inches closer, public interest in UFOs has started to spike. Attached to the 5,593-page coronavirus👉👉 relief bill the president  TRUMP signed  LAST YEAR  is an unexpected proposition: a request for the Pentagon to brief Congress on all it knows about unidentified flying objects within 180 days.  I hope we are all around to see it! 180 days seems pretty far. SO TIMES UP IN JUNE . It likely is. My reasoning:For starters, nobody tests experimental aircraft over enemy air space. Unless we're talking about stealth tech such as the SR-71 over the Soviet union but even that was well into the program. This thing has a clear IR signature and I'm sure a missile can lock onto it.Second, say that this originated from a foreign nation, theres only 2 nations besides the US that can develop something like this discretely: Russia and China. Neither of which have the necessary force projection capabilities to test aircraft over a nation on the western hemisphere, let alone the US mainland. The US leads the planet by a long shot in terms of drone tech, stealth tech, force projection and military funding... yet some nation launches a drone, flies it to the other side of the planet without refueling, and just appears above the US of all places? Either it's a US black project screwing with the Navy or someone in China has some big balls lmao. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Sure, these videos are weird. The pilot's reports are pretty credible. In some cases there was more than one observer. But we have little hard evidence beyond these videos, and nothing that absolutely proves we've got little green men taking joyrides in our atmosphere. And think of the enormous harm this whole "release" has done. Whether the UFO sightings are the result of advanced technology from foreign adversaries or if they have more bizarre, otherworldly origins, government officials need to have the facts.   This will give a lot of traction to all the "even the government acknowledges aliens" quackery, and most people will absolutely never look into it, but will say "it's a fact" no matter what. Well, another addition to the chasm between critical thinkers and "believers" of any sort.