Thursday, June 18, 2020

Pandemic or "Plandemic"?

The Following is a hypotheses of a phone call between China’s Chairman Xi and Russia’s Putin , that took place LAST APRIL 2019.

Xi: What is going on in America ? I thought that Trump was your guy ?
Putin : I don’t know , he has become a puppet , a slave of the American political system .
Xi: Insane Trump just killed Iran’s top general , now he(Trump) wants to start another war , after he botched Syria .
Putin: I thought for a moment with Trump as a US President , we could have a better world view of bringing the world together.
Xi: Crazy American Trump has threaten China with Tariffs , the American government has armed dissidents in Hong Kong .
Putin: America is out of Control .
Xi: I think we have to slow the American beast .
Putin . How ( laughing)
Xi: We have a little secret weapon . A small tiger , we are working on . It will weaken America , drive them crazy……

Imagine if Hillary Clinton was president when this pandemic hit. Would Republicans be praising her actions if she had acted as Trump has? Would they say we shouldn’t be politicizing our responses?  Donald Trump is not responsible for this pandemic! At the beginning of his presidency, Trump had engineered a tax cut that substantially reduced corporate taxes and individual taxes for upper-income Americans.  The tax package did bolster economic growth but by late 2019, it was clear that the boost from the tax cut had run its course. Even though there were signs that economic growth for 2020 would have been modest, Trump’s re-election committee was hoping that the stock market would continue to reach record heights and the job creation registered in February would continue into November 2020.  BUT was this Pandemic  a deliberate attack on America ? Over historical times these pandemics have occurred like the Black Death and others. Blaming the rulers is silly.  Blaming Trump has been part of the pandemic problem by the political left , which has hurt the nation . Was Trump's response slow ? I believe that his response was.  BUT Since March 28,  (1)>>conspiracy theorists —coronavirus deniers” — have been using the hashtag #FilmYourHospital to encourage people to visit local hospitals to take pictures and videos to prove that the COVID-19 pandemic is an elaborate hoax.  I was asking that if we had any REAL  investigative reporting we would film an entire hospital ward full of COVID -19  paitents .  (2)>>The point is not whether the pandemic is fake it is that hospitals are empty. There are have been lots of media reports, including in the National Post, (2.2)>>of empty hospitals, ER visits down 50% and COVID-19 hospitalizations being a fraction of what was expected and nowhere near crashing the system. At the same time we've cancelled almost all lab research, cancer screenings, cancer surgery, joint replacements and organ transplants to 'make room for the surge' that as per media reports isn't happening. Yes, it didn't take long for the mainstream media and other sources of "approved" information to start labelling people as "conspiracy theorists" and "deniers" if anyone questions the unprecedented government response to COVID-19, and the already enormous toll on society said lockdown has produced. It's the exact same tactic, straight out of the  (3)>>Saul Alinsky playbook, that they use with people who question or express any independent thought on the current state of the Earth's climate, and humanity's affect upon it.  I think that "evidence" for a widespread pandemic is vary weak . What we have been reciving from our government agencies is  (4)>>"BIG NUMBERS of Infected and BIG numbers of Deaths", we had the daily numbers , 24 hr propaganda  . I am going to interject this , COVID-19 is real , but the "numbers" have been manipulated in order convince a large number of the American population that we need the "lockdowns for an indefinate period", Then the  gov overinflated the figures and someone needs to be fired for stopping the economy. They are also re-writing history because initially the lockdown was supposed to last until May 12.  If the government is seizing all of our civil liberties, ticketing us as we walking in our parks or for going to the mountains, singing happy birthday from our cars - you bet damn sure they owe us an explanation. It is critical that people question the government to the point the government knows the power is in the hands of the people.   . 
The Riots .
Then Came the murder of George Floyd by a white Police officer , this twist in the pandemic drove thousands , maybe millions of people world wide to protest the streets , all of them ignoring social distancing , face masks . The rage ignited by the death of George Floyd is symptomatic of a profound sense of alienation that has been building for years , but by no means racial injustice , police brutality had been one of the large problems in American society for decades . Just last Month, Gun sales spiked more than 80 percent year over year in May as consumers responded to safety concerns and civil unrest prompted, in part, by the novel coronavirus pandemic, experts said. The arming of US citizens , the riots .Welcome to a real civilization-destroying pandemic, one that makes the recent saccharine exhortations to “stay safe” and the deployment of police officers to enforce outdoor mask-wearing seem like decadent bagatelles. BUT following days of rioting that spread with lightning speed across the nation, with murderous assaults on police officers and civilians and the ecstatic annihilation of businesses and symbols of the state. What a year 2020 has been. We have not even gotten half way into the year and we have dealt with a global pandemic, potential murder hornets, protests and riots and even the possibility of an over-active hurricane season.The pandemic and unrest together have trapped the country in a bind. The demonstrations oppose police brutality. But peaceful, masked protesters—and the journalists covering them—have sometimes been met with an overly aggressive police response. As protests over police brutality continue to roil cities, this is an extraordinary moment of pain for the nation, especially for black Americans who are bearing the brunt of three crises — police violence, crushing unemployment and the deadliest infectious disease threat in a century — that have laid bare longstanding injustice. Public health experts, activists and lawmakers say the triple threat requires a coordinated response.
Better known by its former definition of “psychological operations,” information support is the mysterious military art of influence through electronic media broadcasts. Covid-19 is a perfect Psyop. 1) Face Masks . You have to wear a mask to hide your idenity not as much as keeping your self safe from the virus. 2) Social Distancing . Treating everyone as a "infection".  👉It has been widely publicised in the news and social media that anti-social behaviour (ASB) cases had likely to rise during the lockdown period as tensions build within communities and tolerances are pushed to the limit. The Riots for example .With all the global craziness and panic surrounding the Coronavirus happening presently, how likely is it that we are seeing an active attempt to depopulate our planet (whether COVID-19 is man-made or just a really convenient vessel for the implementation of martial law/government control) and cripple the middle and lower classes worldwide until the global whole screams for government intervention which ushers in global compliance? IF This REALLY is a global emergency. For most of us, it is uncharted territory and it is scary. Yes, there will be restrictions on certain fundamental rights, but proper pandemic response does not mean they have to be extensive or long lasting.  Power grabs that exploit the current dynamic and perpetuate false information create more fear and chaos – not less – and don’t help save lives. Reemember that our current media is so scripted that the COVID-19 virus is not just a "virus" but a perfect psychological mechanism to induce paranoia among people.
Self Distruction of our American system.

 For the LAST FOUR years I have heard so much out of the American Democrats , on like WHO is just to blame for all of this ? First they blame Donald J Trump , next its Russia . But if look CLOSE ,  the worst enemy to America is the American political system , the two party establishment that has fostered not only Police Brutality , the new economic crash during the lockdowns . TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE , the one sideded  (5)>>Democrat leaders have promoted the violent riots , looting and willful distruction of American businesses during the riots. The whole country is buring . Most Americans believe that America cannot be destroyed by an outside enemy, but many Americans are now beginning to wonder if America may be self-destructing from within. This perception is easy to assume given what is happening in America today — the left against the right, the right against the left, a leaderless Congress and immorality running amok throughout America, including its elected leaders.. As we now know, the riots proved only that Americans who are white are the ones destroying the nation. While marching under the banner of Black Lives Manner .  As soon as the housing bubble burst, the financial antibodies themselves turned toxic, attacking the institutions that created them and crashing the US economy.  BUT as Martin Luther King Jr. declared, “to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The civil rights marchers came not to abolish America, but explicitly to fulfill its promises through the proper channels of public persuasion and law-making, not rioting and vandalism. America once again paid up. Americans are scared and anxious about what the next few months will look like, and we need to have the most accurate information possible. American businesses and the millions of hardworking people they employ need to get back to work and get our economy back on track as soon as possible. Even if we cannot open the entire economy at once, we must open it where we can. 


(1)>>conspiracy theorists — For More to this  see  disgraced virologist, Dr. Judy Mikovits accusing a sinister corporate-controlled “circular cabal” led by Bill Gates himself, of creating the coronavirus pandemic. 👉  . From February until the second week of March, QAnon followed the lead of Trump in downplaying the threat of the virus and calling it a hoax. They believed the virus was a deep state plot to damage the president’s chance at re-election. The QAnon community said those warning about the pandemic threat were trying to detract from U.S. domestic politics, stop Trump rallies and remove all the economic gains they contended had occurred during the Trump presidency.  (2)>>The point is not whether the pandemic is fake .  In a pandemic characterized by extreme uncertainty, one of the few things experts know for sure is the identity of the pathogen responsible: a virus called SARS-CoV-2 that is closely related to the original SARS virus. Both are members of the coronavirus family, which is entirely distinct from the family that includes influenza viruses.But much else about the pandemic is still maddeningly unclear. Why do some people get really sick, but others do not? Are the models too optimistic or too pessimistic? Exactly how transmissible and deadly is the virus? How many people have actually been infected? How long must social restrictions go on for? Why are so many questions still unanswered? The confusion partly arises from the pandemic’s scale and pace. Worldwide, at least 3.1 million people have been infected in less than four months. Economies have nose-dived. Societies have paused. In most people’s living memory, no crisis has caused so much upheaval so broadly and so quickly. (2.2)>>of empty hospitals. In this case of COVID-19 and hospitals, some have seized on the apparent contradiction between a) reports of hospital ICUs overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients; and b) reports of empty hospital beds and average (or below average) ICU wards. To some, this is like claiming that up is down or day is night. Assuming for the sake of argument that both claims are true, how can we reconcile these starkly different observations? In fact, it’s not difficult with a dose of media literacy and critical thinking.  About a week ago, an acquaintance on social media posted the following: “I’ve seen a few claims that hospitals and ICUs are virtually empty, with doctors and nurses having hours cut and being furloughed. How could one verify if this is accurate? I can’t just … go to my local hospitals and take a look around for myself. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t let me in. Not into the ICU anyway. How does one tell what the truth is?” California hospitals have been hit hard financially, not necessarily by a coronavirus surge, but more so because of a lack of patients. California Hospital Association CEO/President Carmela Coyle said that's because Californians have done a good job staying home and flattening the curve, but it has impacted the hospitals in a different way than they were expecting. That some hospitals, somewhere, are empty? I’m sure that there are some hospitals and medical clinics that, for whatever reason, are empty or closed. That specific hospitals in major cities are empty but are being reported as bustling and full? Again, you’d need to specify the claim to make it falsifiable in order to know whether it’s true or not. You asked how to tell what the truth is, and in order to do that you’d need to go beyond a small sample. The best way to do that is narrow down the question: Which hospitals, where? (3)>>Saul Alinsky playbook.   Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is a 1971 book by community activist and writer Saul D. Alinsky about how to successfully run a movement for change. The last book written by Alinsky, it was published shortly before his death in 1972.The quintessential 12 rules to help anyone hoping to be radical one day become that successful radical they aspire to be. Alinsky strictly resisted political labels and affiliations, once explaining “if you think you've got an inside track to absolute truth, you become doctrinaire, humorless and intellectually constipated.” But conservatives began invoking his name as something of an epithet to sully the left’s tactics as sneaky, underhanded, unethical — or Marxist. Remember president Barack Obama’s campaign slogan “Change we can believe in” and his constant proclamations of “hope and change”? How he was always advocating the “Fundamental transformation of America”? In Chicago in the 1980s as a community organizer, lawyer and “agent of change” himself, Barack Obama studied Saul Alinsky’s methods and made these rules a central part of his political identity and public policy. (4)>>"BIG NUMBERS of Infected and BIG numbers of Deaths", we had the daily numbers , 24 hr propaganda  . Government is using daily coronavirus death toll as a 'propaganda tool'. The government used the daily death toll and the death counts and testing counts as a propaganda tool because these data are unreliable when reported, they're inaccurate and they're underreporting the excess deaths [ if the deaths are real] either once a week or once a fortnight, to combat the “incoherent” data sent out to the public. So much of the data on Covid -19 was flawed  from the start , even the CDC and WHO "advice" on masks for example seem to have been fed by China to the world . And the media isn't? I've seen reports on polution, global warming, population, segregation, death rates, bio-warfare,  to name but a few, trying to link this disease to their own agendas and freely supported by the m edia, as long as it fits in with the media thought police.  AS  a political tool. You know the reason why these lib media, lib/dem politicians woman's right group are silent on the Biden case but fully vocal on the virus. It's the main reason they are showing daily COVID-19 briefing from dem governors across the nation to frighten people into lockdowns. Meanwhile people who remain living under the most stringent measures are fearful about what will happen when these rules are lifted.  (5)>>Democrat leaders have promoted the violent riots. Democrats have proved themselves inept in dealing with this crisis. Rather than helping small businesses survive, they have held them hostage and used them as leverage for their socialist agenda. They did it when they blocked the initial coronavirus relief package to try and include a socialist wish list of government handouts, and they did it again this past week when they blocked additional small-business relief to once again demand the package include unrelated spending items.