Wednesday, November 27, 2019



Dr . Fiona Hills testimony was perhaps the best look at what exactly "propaganda" is really is. While the impeachment hearings are a amusing look at what is wrong with our government , most of Adam Schiff's testimonials bare a striking resembles to McCarthyism of the 1950s . While Trump may looked at in my word as part of a huge distraction machine at work .  Dr. Hill echoed that a dire warning that Russian intelligence and its proxies are gearing up to interfere again in 2020 — and that the U.S. is "running out of time to stop them." . After hearing this from her . I had sudden flash of insight into this new Russian scare . It seems that who ever is creating the myth of Russian meddling is vary much trying to scare the American voter from voting ! [ keep reading]  Yet Many of the Die hard gullible actually believe that Donald Trump is working for Putin , he won the 2016 election with Russia's help . The whole thing is nullifying even for me who can see through the smoke and mirrors of what is really going on . Someone [ collective outfit] wants the average American to think that Russia is our enemy .  I got tired of hearing “bad Russia” “bad Putin” amongst people around me who thought of themselves as “smart” and “clued in”.   We right now since 2015 our relations with Russia have hit a dangerously low point thanks to the Obama- Clinton Democrats in Washington D.C. These crazies , have thrown out diplomacy . These vary  same people also hate  (1)>> Tulsi Gabbard who is right on the mark regarding the endless wars , she had been the target of many of the Democrats who sit along with some Republicans allied with the Military Complex .  Gabbard though is only polling at around two percent and stands little chance of winning the nomination.  As I explain here the Meddling theory is false narrative being played out to the American public to take the focus away from our corrupt system and blame someone else : Russia .

Media Brainwashing .

I used to tune in to  (2)>>Rachel Maddow several years ago when she was Bashing George Bush's war of regime change in Iraq . I admit she was really good at digging in on things back then , but since the 2016 election MSNBC has become so leftist , it just as bad as FOX news spewing propaganda . I don’t know whether the saddest part is seeing my peers fall for it all over again, or seeing a supposedly “woke” younger generation so easily succumb to such blatant cultural demonizing. This obsession with Russia has had a palpable effect on the national conversation. Maddow is one of the most influential and popular voices for American liberals, and her theorizing on the Russia/Trump connection is part of a larger theory connecting the alleged collusion between the two to every world and national event. Look no further than the reactions to Trump’s bombing of a Syrian government airfield on April 6 for proof of that—despite the fact that Bashar al-Assad is openly backed by Russia, some liberal commentators refuse to see the missile strike as at all possibly opposed to Russian interests. That’s life on the small screen, and while it’s easy to rue the melodrama and the superficiality, Russia has been the moneymaker since Trump was elected, and it’s not going to change.  “Donald Trump, Who’s Totally Not Vladimir Putin’s Puppet, Warned Russia Before Airstrikes on Syria,” was Salon’s sarcastic headlineThe war rhetoric fits into a larger narrative developed by Democrats and liberal media, in which Trump is presented as being compromised by Russia and soft on the Kremlin. Russo phobia, like any irrational hatred, plays directly into unscrupulous hands. It works by frighting Americans that Russia's so called "Meddling" has in effect canceling out American votes in the election system . Yes , it so subliminal if you can't pick up . What these slick propagandists are doing , they are trying to keep Americans from voting in next years election .The rationality is vary challenging , but many Americans who are Democrats really believe it . When we hear our elected politicians , both Republicans and Democrats both babbling " Russia compromised our election" I think they don't believe it either . If a comparison between the 2001 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans and the still unproven allegations of Russian meddling seems outrageous, it is precisely such an analogy that has been made by Russiagate’s own biggest proponents, from neoconservative columnist Max Boot to Hillary Clinton herself  (3)>>American Russophobia brainwash (ver heard of “Russiagate”?) and feeds off of the many campaigns of hatred for Russia and Russians. Mind you this is not done for honest reasons, but to defend the status quo dominated by 0.0001% of the population, who are filthy rich and own everything worth owning—from media, academia, and Hollywood to the politicians themselves. Russophobia was on full display during Democratic Party debate, with ominous repercussions for the future of American foreign policy. Why would any one who is  pacifist Democrat want top vote for any of these candidates who are already reading the playbook of the Military Industrial complex? Russia-baiting reflects in part an attempt by the corporatists to try and channel popular enmity away from the domestic plutocrats who have rigged the American political-economy in their favor, and onto a phantom foreign enemy whose existence can be used to justify large-scale military expenditures. This one of the "dangers" of this hyped new cold war that was started by the Obama- Clinton cronies . Unless we wake up , we cold be heading to war for no reason . There is no such possibility. The Democrats are screaming “coverup” and demanding the resignation of attorney general Barr and Trump’s impeachment. The presstitutes are claiming that the Mueller report vindicates their reporting. Trump continues to use US foreign policy to commit criminal acts. He has declared that the president of Venezuela is the person he picked, not the one Venezuelans elected. He has given to Israel part of Syria as if Syrian territory is his to give. He threatens Iran with war as Israel requires. In other words, American arrogance rises to ever higher heights.Without explicitly saying so, the report shows that neither the US government nor the American media has a nanoparticle of integrity. Both are criminal organizations that are willing to risk war with Russia in their pursuit of narrow policitized agendas?

(1)>> Tulsi Gabbard . Because I'm a little confused but in  this country if you are critical of our foreign policy and if you speak against the military-industrial complex you are smeared as anti-american and worse the country has painted those who speak up against endless wars seemed to demonized  and who preferred diplomacy such as meeting with Bashar al-assad or Kim Jong un as Russian assets so think about that for a minute if you talk about peace and diplomacy are now Russian asset, whose talking points so what does that say about us it shows us that when Tulsi Gabbard says the Democratic Party is no longer for of and by the people she is right when Democrat after Democrat leader after leader media personality have read from the same war playbook even  after media personality have taken to smear  only candidate brave enough to stand up to the war industry and they have committed character assassination meanwhile as her message continues to spread guess what it actually resonates with the American people her individual contributions have continued to roll in and she's climbing in the polls (2)>>Rachel Maddow.Maddow referenced Russia repeatedly in March. She still does , yes brainwashing her audience.  The highest number of mentions we found was 105 on March 9, the lowest was days earlier on March 6, when it came up only eight times. On average, the country was mentioned around 53 times a show—or over once a minute, once you subtract commercials from the airtime—and Maddow did not let a single opening segment go by for the entire month without at least a mention of Russia’s alleged ties to Trump. Maddow has been the worst of the anti-Russia media propagandist . Last year on live TV she made a false and deceiving statement trying to frighten Americans during the worst winter storm .  MSNBC host Rachel Maddow used the current polar vortex to hypothesize a Russian attack on the power grid.  This vary act so irrational , if the power grid by accident of a storm where to go off , the blame would go to Russia , as pretext that the US was attacked . So Insane . So, again, in the absence any actual connection to actual Russian attacks on our grid, what on earth is Maddow up to here? Is she just using a nasty weather event to stoke the fear that Russia could make it worse? Because that’s definitely what it seems like she’s doing! And fear mongering on that level, with no evidence to support her wild speculation, is deeply irresponsible and extremely reminiscent of the conspiratorial ravings you’d see on Infowars or any other alternative right-wing media source. It’s building an enemy from scratch, and while the Russian government is not a choir of angels, Maddow’s insular red-baiting does no favors to anyone, on any side, and only encourages tribalistic thinking. (3)>>American Russophobia. But strikingly Russophobic statements by former chief US intelligence officials in 2017 caused Cohen to reconsider this factor: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who said on NBC national television, “the Russians, who typically, are almost genetically driven to co-opt, penetrate, gain favor”; and CIA Director John Brennan, who warned that Russians “try to suborn individuals and they try to get individuals, including US citizens, to act on their behalf either wittingly or unwittingly…. Individuals going on a treasonous path often do not realize it until it is too late.” Former FBI director James Comey added, “They’re coming after America.” And there is Senator John McCain’s often quoted characterization of Russia as “a gas station masquerading as a country.” Such comments by top intelligence officials, whose profession requires rigorous objectivity, and by influential political figures, set Cohen on a search for other such statements by leading opinion-makers and publications. He gives only a few of many representative examples. This is important information for Americans and the rest of the world to have. Every person, every government and every private organization that supports Washington’s Russophobic policies is contributing to the growing threat of nuclear war.