Saturday, March 16, 2019

Can These Women BEAT Donald Trump?

“Women wield an incredible amount of voting power, but it still comes down to turnout,” Axios concluded. “The two groups who the poll shows would overwhelmingly opt for anyone but Trump — African-American women and millennials — are also two groups that tend to be less reliable in going to the polls.”

The Women in White . 
With that said we have a newly charged Congress with the last midterms brought a blue wave [of sorts] that swept many Women to the political round table .The congressional freshman class of 2019 is perhaps best described in superlatives. It is the most racially diverse and most female group of representatives ever elected to the House, whose history spans more than 200 years. And it boasts an avalanche of firsts, from the first Native American congresswomen to the first Muslim congresswomen.The move is just another reminder that the new House class is of a different political breed. The  incoming Congress is set to be the most female, most diverse ever, (1)>>both racially and ideologically. Of course, not everyone has been excited about the new congresswomen. On Tuesday, Fox News host Laura Ingraham dedicated a 10-minute segment to criticize the four Democrats. Ingraham, whose racist dog whistles are infamous, called them "the four horsewomen of the apocalypse" and accused them of having "the most radical views in Congress" — such as calling for Medicare for All and tuition-free colleges.With Democrats in control of the House and Republicans in control of the Senate and White House, there are questions of what policies will be able to get through the 116th Congress. Nevertheless, many of the representatives-elect have made it clear they're ready to fulfill their promise to serve the people, regardless of the internal squabble that has characterized Congress for a long time. In just a few short days after taking back control of the House, some Democrats have already called for the impeachment of President Trump, the abolition of the Electoral College, restraints on presidential pardon power, and proposed a tax rate as high as 70 percent for the wealthiest taxpayers. Did someone forget to mention at freshman orientation that Congress is also home to a legislative body called the Senate? In order to be effective
...... Take the best selfies.
and actually send legislation to the president, the House must work with the Senate. Otherwise, members are just breathing each other’s hot air.Is this heading for trouble ? If the Democrats just want to pick fights with Trump , its likely that the whole government will hit a brick wall . FORGET THE SHUTDOWNS . Where its heading , The Democrats will start by showering the White House with dozens of frivolous subpoenas as they pursue baseless investigations that are only designed to undermine the nationwide support of President Trump. Top Democrats in the House have already vowed to investigate “all the things” he has done that they believe goes against the Constitution. They also plan to dig even further into aspects of his personal and business life. In fact, the Democrats had already drafted at more than 60 subpoenas targeting the Trump administration before the midterm elections last year, just as Nancy Pelosi pledged to pursue bipartisanship in Congress. She knows that the American people are more interested in progress than politics, but she will be hard pressed in keeping her unruly caucus from shooting itself in the foot by wasting time on partisan investigations. 

Sen . Warren .
 Who that candidate will be is anyone's guess at this point. And voters had varying views about how to beat Trump, whether it be through character and policy contrasts, inspiration and passion, or adopting the incumbent's own tactics. But the sentiment is driving interest and attendance at political events at this early stage in the cycle. And the prospect of taking Mr. Trump on is attracting what is expected to be the largest Democratic field in two decades.  Still, an undeniable cultural shift has taken hold since 2016. The cynicism brought by the Trump era, from his administration’s policies that hurt women and threaten reproductive rights, has helped galvanize a movement of politically active women. Women have fought back at every level of government since Trump took office, inspired to take a more active role in the policies that affect them directly.    (2)>>Voters who want to see a woman in the White House will have many more candidates to choose from in 2020 compared with past elections. According to the Center for American Women and Politics, or CAWP, at Rutgers University, there has never been more than two women competing at the same time in the Democratic or Republican primaries.  Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris (Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.) — would all beat Trump, too. But name recognition is a factor. A near-majority of registered voters said they didn't know enough about Harris, Klobuchar or Gillibrand to be able to rate them as favorable or unfavorable.Still, of these three women, Harris could [ wishful thinking]  beat Trump most handily — by a 10-point
Sen. Harris 
margin — if the election were held today. She polls well with African American and white suburban women, but not with #NeverHillary independent registered voters. Klobuchar polls best with white suburban women, and would beat Trump by 9 points.  Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) has the perfect response to anyone wondering if a woman can really beat President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. The Democratic presidential candidate fielded the question at a town hall event in Iowa on Monday night. During her conversation with CNN’s Jake Tapper, a man in the audience asked what she thinks of the notion that Democrats would have a better chance of winning the 2020 election with a male candidate.Yet at a time of ascendancy for women in the party, there’s a lingering doubt in some quarters about whether there is a risk involved in nominating a woman to take on Donald Trump, who Democrats fervently want to unseat. Playwright and composer Robert John Ford noted that many Democrats “agree that the primary objective for 2020 is to nominate the candidate that has the best shot at defeating Donald Trump.” Sen. Amy Klobuchar had an answer ready for local journalists who asked

Sen. Klobuchar
her this week about the fiasco in a human trafficking bill that held up the confirmation of attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch because of an abortion provision. Amy Klobuchar has laid the grounds for a presidential run on an image of “Minnesota nice.”But behind the doors of her Washington, DC, office, the Minnesota Democrat ran a workplace controlled by fear, anger, and shame, according to interviews with eight former staffers, one that many employees found intolerably cruel. She demeaned and berated her staff almost daily, subjecting them to bouts of explosive rage and regular humiliation within the office, according to interviews and dozens of emails reviewed by BuzzFeed News. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D–N.Y.) announced on January 15 during an appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert that she would be filing an exploratory committee for president of the United States. “I’m going to run for president of the United States because as a young mom, I’m going to fight for other people’s kids as hard as I would fight for my own—which is why I believe that health care should be a right and not a privilege,” she said on the show.For all of the hand-wringing that was done in the wake of 2016 about the unique challenges that face
Kirsten Gillibrand (D–N.Y.) 
female candidates, Gillibrand — whose PAC, Off the Sidelines, supports women running for office — made it clear that she would not shy away from her femininity, and in fact, would use it to contrast herself with President Trump. After calling attention to the fact that she was a mother, Gillibrand painted Trump as a whiney toddler. Yet Gillibrand, who has served in the Senate since 2009, also has shifted some of her positions since her days in the House, when she took more moderate and conservative positions on issues such as illegal immigration and guns. Next we have Best-selling author, motivational speaker and spiritual adviser Marianne Williamson announced plans to run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.  And once called the "high priestess of pop religion" is throwing her hat into the 2020 presidential ring.     Williamson – whose first book A Return to Love shot her to prominence in 1992 – may not share Oprah’s celebrity, yet her deeply entrenched spiritual value system and maxim to ‘choose love over fear’ is one that will likely 
Marianne Williamson
appeal to many Oprah loyalists.
This is not Williamson’s first foray into politics. In 2014, she raised $2 million as an Independent candidate in a bid to fill a seat in California’s 33rd congressional district. Despite support from prominent Democrats and celebrities she finished fourth in a field of sixteen.  She later shared in an interview with Oprah that the experience taught her to trust her own judgment more and rely less on that of others.  Williamson is a prominent New Age author who has written New York Times best sellers, most recently Tears to Triumph about “the spiritual journey from suffering to enlightenment”.Should she win the presidency, Williamson, 66, not only would be the first woman president but the first Jewish one, though few seem to be aware of her Jewishness. Williamson quotes an array of religious thinkers in her popular spiritual — but post-religion — lectures. 

At 29, Ocasio-Cortez is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Her social media skills are fierce, helping make the self-described democratic socialist a darling among the progressive crowd and a target for conservatives. .When Anderson Cooper sat down with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on 60 Minutes in early January, he asked if she considered herself a “radical.” She replied, “It has only ever been radicals that have changed this country. If that’s what radical means, call me a radical,” before venturing further and adding: “What’s unrealistic is what we’re living in right now.” And she’s right. After hearing that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez supports ideas such “paid family and sick leave” and “clean campaign finance,” The View’s Meghan McCain said it was “petrifying” that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s ideas could become “normalized” in the United States.There is no question that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez may be “too radical” for those who either operate within the domain of establishment politics or those who have been convinced that those who have been slapped with particular labels can be dismissed out of hand. But perhaps the only “danger” posed by Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was that she proved an under-financed candidate with a populist message can defeat an establishment opponent backed by corporate money and wealthy benefactors.  Ocasio-Cortez has put forward a (3)>>“Green New Deal” that includes generating all of the nation’s power from renewable sources, building a national smart grid and entirely eliminating industrial greenhouse gas emissions. A proposal from the democratic socialist lawmaker calls for achieving those goals within 10 years. Ocasio-Cortez has been pilloried for her plan to “get rid of farting cows and airplanes,” upgrade or replace “every building in America,” replace “every combustible-engine vehicle” and provide “economic security” for people “unwilling to work” — and rightly so. The old five-year plans of the former Soviet Union are modest, by comparison, in their pursuit of full socialism. Yet the big untold story is her admission that all of this cannot be paid for simply by taxing the rich. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is campaigning for president on a wealth tax, while Ocasio-Cortez has proposed 70 percent marginal tax rates on wealthy Americans. The message is clear: We’ll soak the millionaires and billionaires and mega-rich corporations so we can give you free stuff. The Crazies in the Democratic party are even driving Speaker Nancy Pelosi bonkers
Ilhan Abdullahi Omar 
Perhaps Ilhan Abdullahi Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Harbi Tlaib of Michigan will be the first two Muslim women ever to serve in the US Congress. Most of the media coverage since their election on November 6 has been effusive in praise of their Muslim identity and personal history. Less known is that both women deceived voters about their positions on Israel. Both women, at some point during their rise in electoral politics, led voters — especially Jewish voters — to believe that they held moderate views on Israel. After being elected, both women reversed their positions and now say they are committed to sanctioning the Jewish state.  Rashida Harbi Tlaib otherwise crazy sister of Ilan Omar  She lost no time in promising her supporters that she was going after Trump: “…we’re going to impeach that motherfucker!” . 
The Last word .
From this standpoint  these women are fueled with hate of Trump , hate of everything else that the Republican agenda is  .  #MeToo world that brought  women in power are still caricatured as inauthentic.  Trump's inept treatment of women has set the stage for sweeping ascendancy of radical feminists to power . AS the women present themselves as opponents to the Trump machine . Does this make things better ?  I don't think they are going to accomplish anything but ANY  UNITY or bipartisanship . Such kind of  progressives will be eager to push back against an administration they believe has abused its authority in the nearly two years since Trump's inauguration. It's going to be a tug - a-war , do nothing Congress that will be fighting Trump , while the Republicans will be fighting the Democrats back . The Strong likely outcome will be that the Mueller probe if it EVER becomes public is going to be a disappointment driving the Democrats crazy for anything to get Trump .Democrats who support impeachment have argued that Trump obstructed justice by firing former FBI director James Comey, and that hush payments to at least two women made by his personal attorney during the presidential race violated campaign finance laws. So if finding dirt on Trump is what these women are going for in Washington D.C. They are going to bring down the House and the Senate .

This requires another Blog 
post .

(1)>>both racially and ideologically.Labeling the Democrats as “radical Democrats” in what may be his new marketing phrase for the opposition.  Almost daily, the Democrats trip over their own extremism – and they’re the only ones who haven’t figured it out yet. Day after day, they choose to lean into their radical agenda, embrace it, and follow it blindly, no matter how miscalculated, misguided or out of touch it is. Democrats get it. Being called a “radical” is not something to run away from. At times in our history, the American people and their political parties have done radical things that were the right thing to do. For the first time in more than 40 years, the left is shaping the Democratic Party’s identity. At a time when the terms liberalprogressive, and leftist are often used interchangeably, it’s worth clarifying what these terms mean. In America, what distinguishes leftists from liberals and progressives—as well as conservatives—is their commitment to radical equality. Leftists are more likely than liberals to argue that economic inequality renders America’s constitutional liberties hollow. (2)>>Voters who want to see a woman in the White House.   Much of the debate is grounded in the question of whether Ms Clinton’s loss represented a rejection of women as president, or of one specific woman. How significant a role sexism played in Ms Clinton’s defeat is difficult to separate from the other liabilities that hindered her campaign.Ms Clinton struggled to deal with decades of political baggage and a Republican attack machine that cast her as aloof, elitist and disconnected. Her reliance on a tight-knit inner circle isolated her from tough political challenges, and she struggled to win over working class white women and men. Clinton lost Wisconsin by just 22,748 votes, and it has been well documented that she didn’t visit the state once during the general election. (She ended up with 38,000 fewer votes in Milwaukee than Obama received in 2012.) Clinton held an election eve rally in front of Philadelphia City Hall, but after August, she never set foot in the parts of the city where she had to boost turnout—North Philly and West Philly—to signal to voters of color that she needed their votes.  Perhaps what gets overlooked the most when accounting for Clinton’s loss in these states is the importance of union voters. According to the exit polls across the Heartland Wall states, Clinton’s performance among union-household voters was the lowest recorded by a Democratic presidential candidate in decades. In those states, labor unions represent between 18 percent and 25 percent of the electorate, and there are hundreds of thousands more working-class voters who are former union members or from union families and who still relate to unions. Turning out the union vote and making the issues that impact workers central to the campaign has to be part of the equation if you want to win these states. (3)>>“Green New Deal”.  Taxing the rich won’t come close to covering the costs of the Green New Deal, which includes a bunch of socialist policies that have nothing to do with climate change. Manhattan Institute budget expert Brian Riedl has calculated the 10-year costs using liberal and nonpartisan sources. The results are stunning: $32 trillion for a single-payer health care plan; $6.8 trillion for a government jobs guarantee; $2 trillion for education, medical leave, job training and retirement security; and between $5 trillion and $40 trillion to fund universal basic income to support those who are “unwilling” to work. (The final price depends on how “universal” it is.) Grand total? Between $46 and $81 trillion.The only way to raise the revenue for even the low end of that estimate, he calculates, would require establishing a European-style value-added tax of 87 percent on everything we buy, or a new 37 percent payroll tax for every American (on top of the current 15.3 percent payroll tax and all existing federal, state and local taxes.)And that covers the price tag only before we even get to the energy and environmental policies in the Green New Deal. It is virtually impossible to accurately calculate the cost of replacing every vehicle that uses a combustion engine; bringing high-speed rail to every corner of America; upgrading or replacing every building in America; and replacing all fossil fuel energy with alternative energy sources. We’re talking hundreds of trillions of dollars. It would be virtually impossible to pay for it. And Americans don’t want to anyway. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that 56 percent say they support Medicare-for-all, but when they learn it requires more taxes, 60 percent oppose it. (4)>>Perhaps Ilhan Abdullahi Omar.Besides the so called anti- Semitic comments . There is a bit of a strange twist to Sen. Omar that was somehow sweept under the rug  [ ]  As Alpha News reported last week, Powerline Blog raised some interesting questions about the current state of the DFL candidate’s marriages and the possibility of her committing immigration fraud. Research by Alpha News suggests that Omar was involved with Ahmed Nur Said Elmi (her legal husband) and Ahmed Hirsi (her cultural husband and father of her children) at the same time.

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