Monday, January 21, 2019

Government Shutdown "May" never end . (Speculation)

The Government Shutdown is
really ridiculous .
The U.S. government shutdown over President Donald Trump’s demand for border wall funding became the longest in the modern era , (1)>>may the longest in American history. People might be wondering what happens if the government shutdown never ends. President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats locked in a hardening standoff over border wall money that threatens to carry over into January.Trump vowed to hold the line, telling reporters during a visit to Iraq that he’ll do “whatever it takes” to get money for border security. He declined to say how much he would accept in a deal to end the shutdown, stressing the need for border security. “You have to have a wall, you have to have protection,” he said.With no deal at hand, members of the House were told there would be no votes , negotiations dragged dimming hopes for a swift breakthrough.Some Trump allies have been encouraging him to declare a national emergency and redirect other funds to begin building the wall.But Trump said that he wasn’t rushing to use that option, which would be challenged in court and, if not overturned, establish a precedent expanding the power of future Democratic presidents. It’s not clear whether Trump’s olive branch will yield fruitful negotiations, given that Democrats want the government open first, want more than he’s currently offering, and don’t trust him. And it’s unclear how much Trump is willing to cut a deal as he tries to shift blame for the longest
......and politically embarrassing
to both Democrats and Republicans !
government shutdown in modern U.S. history.
White House estimate of the costs of the 1996 shutdown during the Clinton administration described the loss as "significant." So it's likely that politicians are really feeling the pressure to end the shutdown, as the nation enters its third week of the crisis.
  (2)>>So how did we get here? The general consensus is that President Trump refuses to reopen the government until he receives $5 billion for his border wall. Democratic politicians, like newly sworn Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), claim Trump is holding the government hostage because he promised Mexico would pay for the wall, and that money has yet to be seen. (2.2)>>Most Americans agree that it was a ludicrous promise. The Trump Administration and Republican politicians claim that Democrats in the House and Senate are being unreasonable by choosing not to fund any form of border security. The Democrats, led by Pelosi, have shown no signs of compromising. Before she was sworn in, Pelosi was asked Dec. 6 if she would agree to “some degree of wall funding” in exchange for “a permanent, bona fide solution” on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Pelosi declined and justified her answer by claiming that funding for the border wall and DACA are “two different subjects.” But why not kill two birds with one stone? On Jan. 3,(3)>> Pelosi called plans to build a wall “an immorality". It’s not who we are as a nation,” she said. Yet the Vatican is surrounded by 30-foot walls. Is the Vatican immoral for having giant walls? Of course not. Still, Trump is not doing himself any favors. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) proposed a compromise that would provide money for Trump’s wall and offer protection to Dreamers. Even Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) voiced support for Graham’s proposal to reopen the government, calling it a “great place to start.” The lawmakers received no guidance on when, or how, the partial shutdown may end. Take my word , it may not end so easily because of the how the Democrats are resisting . What will burn the Democrats is not the question of a wall , but the refusal to talk about real immigration reform,border security sticks out as a sore thumb in their face . The Democrats have flipped flopped over the decades on how to deal with illegals. So now its time to get back to the table and end this . Its so easy .  In classic fashion, Trump rejected the proposal. “I’m not interested,” Trump told reporters. “I want to get it solved. I don’t want to just delay it. I don’t know if we’re closer to a deal. This should be the easiest deal that I’ve ever seen. We’re talking about border security. Who could be against it?” Apparently, a lot of people are against it, Mr. President. As the author of “The Art of the Deal,” can’t you — oh, I don’t know — make a deal?


(1)>>may the longest in American history.  The Shutdown may not end in January . I want not to predict it , but its likely to run through the middle of February According to The New York Times, the partial government shutdown will become thelongest shutdown in history on Saturday, Jan. 12, marking the 22nd day of the crisis. During this time period, over 800,000 federal employees have been furloughed, and agencies like the FDA and the DHS have been largely inactive.After all, the president himself has said that it might go on for years. In short, for the government shutdown to end, there needs to be a majority agreement on the budget. If there continues to be a lack of will to compromise on the budget, then the government will have to start fully shutting down services and agencies, according to The Washington Post. The publication notes that it would also have to start seeking loans from financial lenders.  (2)>>So how did we get here? President Donald Trump told Democratic leaders in a remarkable on-camera clash he would be "proud" to shut down the federal government if he doesn’t get the $5.7 billion he demands for a border wall with Mexico. “If we don’t get what we want ... we will shut down the government," Trump said during an exchange in the Oval Office with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., offered the temporary spending bill after President Donald Trump’s demand for $5 billion in funding for a wall along the nation’s southern border resulted in a standoff that threatened to shut down parts of the government. It wasn't clear whether Trump would sign the measure but the White House appeared to retreat from Trump's position of being "proud" to shutdown the government and take any blame for the impasse. (2.2)>>Most Americans agree that it was a ludicrous promise. It is, by far and away, the stupidest government shutdown in American history.  In 2019, the federal government will spend a whopping $4.407 trillion. Yet Congress and the president are shutting down the government in a dispute between the $1.3 billion the Democrats have approved for border security and the $5.7 billion the president is demanding -- precisely 0.0998 percent of the total federal budget. In Washington, that is considered a rounding error.    (3)>> Pelosi called plans to build a wall “an immorality".  Pelosi said this "immorality " word when asked and agreed on one Dollar.But did they ask her to explain the immorality? Don't believe so! Immoral to direct people to the proper , legal entrance? Preventing them from improperly entering the USA is not who we are? Keeping women & children from walking the desert is wrong? In 2006, Democrats were saying ‘build that fence!’ [ see this URL ]  Pelosi continued. “It’s not who we are as a nation. And this is not a wall between Mexico and the United States that the president is creating here, it’s a wall between reality and his constituents, his supporters.” 

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