Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kavanaugh : senate judiciary committee Opinions .

Since writing this I had to change a few things . With this sensitive subject . I have made a point to take a  VARY UNORTHODOX approach. I don't care what the people on the left , or the people on the right think about Bret Kavanaugh or Dr Christine Blasey Ford  .  I would love to THROW THEM BOTH OUT . The most obvious was the tone each took. Ford was polite and quiet in recounting her accusation against Kavanaugh; he was angry and loud in his denials of the allegations against him. Beyond the style of their testimonies, there was a striking difference in the content of their words. Both Ford and Kavanaugh fielded questions from senators and the prosecutor hired by Republicans, Rachel Mitchell.But only Ford made an effort to answer every single question. Kavanaugh actively dodged questions. He often repeated the same non-answer over and over. Other times, he insisted on answering a question with “context” — which inevitably was a long story about his childhood — but never actually answered the question.  I have issues with both of them . On the left While the general felling among women is that the United States Congress cares vary little about women in the wake of Trump's nomination of Kavanaugh . On the right we have the right wing hooligans spewing out defense with the likes of Sen Lindsey Graham screaming . The Republican party wants Kavanaugh .  So my verdict on is is , Yes, I believe somewhat Dr. Ford may have been a victim of a rape , without pointing the fingers right at Kavanaugh , recollecting nearly 40 years of an alleged attack during a party . The only evidence is Dr. Ford and her testimony . [ see next below The Accusations  ] . If you heard Dr. Ford she said it was her "civic duty" NOW to report something 40 years later . WELL  I did not buy into that .  She had a long time to report the incident  first to her parents . It made suspect that she was at the Party without her parent's permission , where she may have had a  drink herself  .   Next  & While the assumption is that the Democrat's were trying to stop Trump's pick (1.1)>>using a politically motivated scheme just before the midterms.  President Trump mocked Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, at a rally in West Virginia on Saturday for saying last week her staff did not leak a confidential letter Ford sent her local congresswoman, Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., in July accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault in the 1980s when they were in high school. It is probably that it was a political move to halt Kavanaugh  by the Democrats  .  Even with this move on digging up dirt on what Bret Kavanaugh did in High School raises a lot of questions . Question next how far an ethics committee will go after some one . Perhaps all the way down to Jr. High school , or even Elementary school  just to weed out bad behaviours to uphold an almost hypocritical moral standard . I don't think its going to change anything , while now there is a week in which the FBI will investigate the further allegations . Next I don't believe that Kavanaugh was clean as far as the accusation.  I think he was a real party animal while in High School in a silly way to describe  it .  How much did he drink ? Do I really care ? Look that the rest of Congress on both Parties [ Democrats &  Republicans ] they look plastered sometimes at press conferences .   SO I decided to hammer everyone . I first BLAME PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP .  I really think Donald Trump passed up a golden opportunity to have avoided the whole Kavanaugh fiasco . Past July of this year,  there six conservative women that he could have picked , while these women may have not been any of the favorite of the Democrats , they would have been better than the current Trump choice .Six out of Trump's list of 25 potential nominees are women. Why & Why Donald did you not pick a woman  ? With the fight over abortion rights in mind, some conservatives had been pushing for (1)>>President Trump to nominate a woman to the bench. It seemed he picked the worst . There's no doubt that Trump wants to nominate an anti-abortion judge to the court.  Trump should have learn from Ronald Reagan , it is worth noting that Reagan's first appointee -- Sandra Day O'Connor --. Donald Trump choice was a political move , the guts to put forward a nominee who would so clearly inflame the culture wars? Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. A mistake .Though Kavanaugh will likely get  the bench , choosing an equally qualified female nominee should have been a priority for the president, considering his team seemed to believe there were equally qualified female nominees. Considering the times we live in America . A woman would have been a better choice . 

Dangers of a Judge Kavanaugh .
 Brett Kavanaugh—a former senior aide in the George W. Bush White House who has been involved in multiple controversial political events spearheaded by conservative activists—  In September of 2017, he delivered a speech at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington, D.C. conservative think tank, in which he characterized the right to privacy as a creation of a ‘“tide of freewheeling judicial creation of unenumerated rights that were not rooted in the nation’s history or tradition.” He views the right to privacy as an erroneous concept, a mistake of judicial interpretation. In his interpretation of the Constitution, the right to privacy does not exist –In his telling AEI speech, Kavanaugh positioned himself as Rehnquist’s natural successor on the Supreme Court. 

A Politically Motivated Leak .

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., vowed Sunday to launch a thorough inquiry into Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee to find out whether there was any wrongdoing in how they managed the sexual misconduct allegation Christine Blasey Ford leveled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh."We're going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again," Graham said during an interview on ABC News' "This Week.""The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.Feinstein denied leaking the letter, but Kavanaugh alleged during his Thursday testimony that the accusation was used as a back-up plan to derail his nomination after he appeared likely to be confirmed. Feinstein has been criticized for keeping the letter secret and not handing it over to authorities or Congress until confirmation hearings for Kavanaugh had concluded. Feinstein has argued she was honoring Ford's request of confidentiality. Republicans have routinely accused Feinstein for sitting on Ford's allegations for six weeks after receiving them, and accused her of weaponizing it to torpedo Kavanaugh's nomination for political purposes.Graham said he suspects “somebody” in Feinstein’s office of leaking the information, reported The Huffington Post. He did not cite any evidence for the accusation.“All I can tell you is it came from somebody with a political motive. … No friend would do this to Dr. Ford,” Graham said on “This Week,” according to The Huffington Post. “She has been victimized by Democrats ... on a search-and-destroy mission for Brett Kavanaugh,” Cotton said on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” reported Politico.

The Accusations.
Commenting on a "sensitive" issue as a male with out disrupting how most women feel in the #MeToo movement regarding Christine Blasey Ford is going to be difficult. In our era of #MeToo reckoning, these voices have become quieter and things have finally started to change. But things haven’t changed enough for one woman’s word to be believed simply on its own without corroborating evidence. Or without the argument that her experience has timed out—that statue of limitations exist when it comes to trauma.Here is what I think , not to be insensitive ,  and just say that  Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in a speculative way did assault Christine Blasey Ford, here I can't say that it did not happen , but I will not pass judgment on this . I am going say  that I am cautious to what I already heard and read from the news media sources . If it is true as she claims , sorry but Kavanaugh committed a serious crime , that today many young men get jail time for the same actions  & so [if true again]  he should have paid for it a long time ago .  So here I have to elaborate . I read President Trump's tweet regarding Dr. Ford , while it "alarmed" many that he questioned the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford asking 'If the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local law enforcement authorities". While Trump sounds like a jerk , he nailed a problem with Dr. Ford . Like I said that there can not be any denial that she may been a victim of a crime . Rape is a crime on the law books .  At 15 years old Dr. Ford,  at that age had the power to say something way back 37 years ago .  (2)>>She was a minor . She was at a party that involved underage drinking . I suspect that her 40 years of silence has much to do that she may have been at this party without her parents consent . That might be seen that the legal age for drinking in the 1980s was 21 years old .  There is so much move involved again with this accusation.  While most women have sympathized with her , why women don't  report  rape , the excuse the really has been so politicized  . That point made me think as to what kind of culture we have in America , in most countries any kind of rape is the death penalty [ if you think Saudi Arabia ] , with such  harsh laws  it's unlikely that the  victims are afraid to speak up to the authorities  . I think that the root of the problem why many men have gotten away with such a crime (3)>>is because women don't speak up. There exists a culture of silence.Waiting nearly 40 years to accuse someone ruins the credibility of the victim . It shames the victim to public scrutinize , which now Dr. Ford has to testify . I think that the FBI should investigate her claims because she was a minor at that time .And for the record, this is not the last minute. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, are obviously -- and brazenly -- setting artificial deadlines in an attempt to rush Kavanaugh's confirmation through before the November election. It seems sadly with the Republican control of the Congress Kavanaugh may seem to have slipped through the system.


(1.1)>>using a politically motivated scheme just before the midterms . It's clear that these vicious Dems are out on a smear campaign — confident that a character assassination of Kavanaugh will result.  If the voting public sees this as a coordinated smear campaign (1.2)>>President Trump to nominate a woman to the bench.When running for president, Trump published a list of people, which included women, he would likely appoint to the court should a vacancy or vacancies occur. In that regard, he was like Reagan who promised in his 1980 campaign that one of his first appointments to the court would be a woman, though he did not give any names.(2)>>She was a minor . Hypothetically, should a serious offense committed at age 17 be held against someone for the rest of his life? It happens all the time. Seventeen-year-olds are often tried, convicted, sentenced and jailed as adults in many states, including Maryland, where Ford claims the assault took place. These youthful offenders' lives are permanently shadowed, if not ruined, for things they did when they were too young to vote. (3)>>is because women don't speak up.   According to stats from the Criminal Justice System, female victims don't report because They fear retaliation . Believe police would or could not do anythingIt was a personal matter. It was reported to another agency .It wasn't important enough to report. Didn't want the person to get in trouble. 30 percent gave another reason. The LAW as it is written in the books of this nation since the 1980s requires the victim to report it before any statute of limitations take place .

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