Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Q Anon Phenomenon .

The Q Anon Phenomenon .
 One phrase that gets bandied about a lot on #Qanon threads is “Follow the white rabbit,” referring to the turn of phrase used in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and the 1999 film The Matrix, which has been mined for allusions by Trump supporters since he launched his campaign back in 2015.
If there is anything crazier than the Deep State , (1)>>more crazier is Q Anon. Q Anon reminds  of me of a bad psychic , its followers swallow every cryptic message as if it were from GOD. Its so easily to mislead a bunch of people these days because of social media . There is also secret  combination at work, you have the left wing media trying to pick up on anything regarding Russia -Trump if any connection , it goes in cycles regardless of lack of evidence, next you have the right wing media trying to rationalize Trump's irrationality . In between is the vast underground network via internet of alternative information , again regardless if it were genuine , its still " information" & protected free speech . Now free speech is under attack on social media like Twitter , Facebook now because people , trolls etc posting "fake" or hurtful speech that seems to offend so many groups , its almost impossible to censor all of it .  In the Q Anon  messages written in a telegraphic, cryptic style, Q called on Americans to rally behind Trump as he planned a counteraction against forces that would investigate him and remove him from office. Some QAnon followers believe Trump himself inspired their movement with a comment he made last October at a photo session with military leaders. On 28 October 2017, “Q” emerged from the primordial swamp of the internet on the message board 4chan. In a thread called (2)>> “Calm Before the Storm", and in subsequent posts, Q established his legend as a government insider with top security clearance who knew the truth about a secret struggle for power involving Donald Trump, the “deep state”, (2.2)>>Robert Mueller, the Clintons and other stuff. The mystery of Q ? I suspect "its" not he or she , but some kind of government misinformation plant . (2.3)>>If you can figure out Q , its cryptic messages like this :
Q once posted in entirety:
_Conf_goTWIT_P_act-small#_ RED1_RED2_Q. 

As a rule, Facebook does not ban conspiracy theories, or misinformation, from its website. Conspiracy theories create order out of chaos, attempting to make sense of events that don’t make sense. And researchers have found that fact-based arguments against them only serve to reinforce them in the minds of believers. Facebook is only one of the platforms where the conspiracy has been spreading. But it’s a particularly powerful one, bringing far-fetched musings into the mainstream.
Q Sources .
Tuesday night's Trump rally in Tampa as the letter (3)>> “Q” was frequently displayed at the Florida State Fairgrounds.One guy was seen holding up a cut-out "Q." Another sign proclaimed: "We Are Q,” and many attendees were spotted wearing "Q" T-shirts.The “Anon” part comes from Q’s readers, who decipher Q’s “clues” on message boards and build outlandish interpretations. Posters named “Q” have been instigating unfounded theories on social networks including 4Chan, 8Chan, and Reddit.Any reader interested in the particularities of the Q soup is directed to this concise summary. Suffice it to say that Q Anon has a wide enough following to deliver millions of views on YouTube. In April 2018, an app called “QDrops” was among the 10 most downloaded paid iOS apps in the Apple Store, according to an NBC report that cited an analytics site.The site was created in March 2018 and has quickly established an audience of over seven million visits a month, according to the web analytics company SimilarWeb.
Conspiracy Buffs unite !
A man holds a 'Q' sign while waiting
to enter a Pennsylvania rally with President Trump.
Trump’s most recent rally, in Tampa, Florida, on Tuesday night, was unusual even by his standards, with a sudden proliferation of attendees wearing T-shirts and signs touting the QAnon conspiracy theory. While “Q” adherents have been on prominent display at earlier rallies, the group achieved critical mass in Florida, triggering a slew of mainstream media coverage. Broadly speaking, it's actually less of a conspiracy theory, and more of an environment [ thank you Donald Trump]  that welcomes conspiratorial thinking. (3)>>Trump inability to keep his mouth shut , his wild random tweets is creating a new media of Misinformation is being weaponized at an alarming scale, not just by crackpots, but by intelligence services of rival nations. [ Russia , China for example , yeas the United States media ] Sometimes followers of Q just look for signs that he exists. A popular Rosetta Stone they use is to look for uses of the number 17 (the letter Q’s placement in the alphabet). So when Alabama’s football team presented Mr. Trump with a jersey with the number 17, it was taken as coded signaling of Q’s influence. (The team was visiting the White House as the champions of the 2017 college football season and had presented President Barack Obama with a jersey bearing the number 15 when it visited after winning a championship in 2015.)The same way anything travels these days: through any online platform out there. If you look, you can see the seeds of Q pretty much everywhere. For believers, Q moved from 4chan to the even more obscure 8chan. From there, Q -- or users pretending to be Q -- posted cryptic messages about shadowy forces and posited what they thought were the true stories behind real-world events. If you really want to follow along, this exhaustive guide covers the initial flurry of QAnon activity.     The Q community has a great number of media personality followers , examples like Roseanne Barr became an apparent devotee, and in March her public theorizing morphed into a string of bizarre, racist tweets that led to the cancellation of her hit TV show.Alex Jones and his InfoWars conspiracy hub were initially friendly with the QAnon community, with InfoWars personality Jerome Corsi regularly sitting for hours-long dissections of QAnon clues. But when Q denounced outlets looking to make a profit from the clues, InfoWars rapidly turned on QAnon’s followers. In the climactic falling out, Jones declared that a QAnon-supported vigilante effort in Arizona was actually a deep-state “honey pot.”  While there have been an increasing number of mainstream news articles debunking QAnon, the worldwide interest in QAnon’s posts has been rapidly increasing due to mounting evidence that President Trump’s White House is secretly behind the disclosures.Q Anon is perfect for Trump followers, they obviously have believed and will believe anything, no matter how much it looks and smells like fiction (excuse me alternate facts). For Q Anon supporters, it’s not about who or where the “information” is coming from, it’s about what and why.

(1)>>more crazier is Q Anon.  President Trump's tweets are crazier and zanier than Q Anon's messages . While trying to decipher what Q posts is pandemonium .I have yet to see brought up, is that Q was a creation of 4chan. Does that set off any alarm bells for these plebes? Has anyone heard of "Anonymous"? They were all self-described “followers of Q,” an anonymous person or group of people who claim to be privy to government secrets. That supposedly classified information has been revealed on the 4chan and 8chan message boards and spread around mainstream internet platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Q has attracted people — the exact number is hard to know — eager to consume his “bread crumbs,” or new details in a sprawling web of conspiracy theories.(2)>> “Calm Before the Storm”. I am sure that the coming storm was the Stormy Daniels scandal , it be  seriously funny if Trump "alluded" to his martial problems , his one night stand with a porn star , the big pay off  to "stormy" .  But for conspiracy theorists on Reddit, already primed to believe in code words and secrets and, well, conspiracies, “the Storm” soon became the most important “movement” of the Trump era.  Gander, Kashmira (January 15, 2018). "What is The Storm? Conspiracy theory that mysterious White House official leaks secrets"  (2.2)>>Robert Mueller, the Clintons and other stuff. Rather, Mueller was appointed by Trump to investigate Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other top Democrats, like former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. According to posts written by "Q" — dubbed "breadcrumbs" by the theory's followers — even Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is a target of Mueller's so-called investigation.What are these foes of Trump being "investigated" for? There are numerous accusations floating around the QAnon world. Some suggest Clinton and Obama are in cahoots with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Others suggest they, along with Hollywood figures and other world leaders, are participants in a global pedophile ring."Q" suggests all these figures are secretly wearing location-tracking ankle monitors, so their whereabouts can be monitored at all times, and that they'll all be sent to prison very soon in an event the theory's followers call "the storm." (3)>>Trump inability to keep his mouth shut. The central claim of the #QAnon conspiracy theory is that President Donald Trump’s Justice Department has filed thousands of sealed indictments against Democratic leaders, Hollywood celebrities, and wealthy elites.All are guilty of a variety of misdeeds affiliation with the “deep state,” and/or intent to harm the president and his administration. And when the time is right, Trump will order the indictments unsealed, prompting a massive wave of arrests, with the accused tried in the field and sent to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention. (2.3)>>If you can figure out Q , its cryptic messages like this. “Q” has offered an endless buffet of tantalizing clues to “what’s really happening.” Many take the form of cryptic nuggets such as “future proves past” or “learn to read the map” or “Godfather III.” Others are in some kind of code, with abbreviations like “DNC -> (SR 187) (MS-13) -> DWS”, which accuses former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz of hiring notorious gang MS-13 to murder DNC staffer Seth Rich.(3)>> “Q”. On June 28, 2018, a Time magazine article listed the anonymous "Q" among the 25 Most Influential People on the Internet in 2018. Counting more than 130,000 related discussion videos on YouTube, Time cited the wide range of this conspiracy theory and its more prominent followers and spreading news coverage.

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