Saturday, July 7, 2018

Michael Moore’s "Dreaded" predictions.

Michael Moore keeps making shocking
predictions , no Democrat is heeding
Us political pundits read a lot . We spend our "time" in nervous anticipation of our current American political system . The midterms , the year 2020 might ring a bell .My last post I talked a bit about the Democratic ' anticipated blue wave in November . I really think the Democrats have to get their act together , the party needs new leadership ,get the incumbents out . Recently (1)>>Micheal Moore, a left wing commentator  correctly predicted that Donald Trump would win the presidency this past (2)>>November 2016 , and in a new interview with Fast Company he is saying he thinks Trump will be re-elected come 2020. "I should say re-appointed, because we will have an even larger population that will vote against him in 2020,” the filmmaker told the magazine. “But he will win those electoral states as it stands now.” Can what he says be true ? If it is true ,  our American system is in trouble.To this date, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the only president to have served more than two terms. The U.S. Congress passed the 22nd amendment in 1947, then ratified it in 1951,
16th century the prophet and
Michel de Nostradame
which limits any elected president to serving no more than two terms, amounting out to the maximum of eight years in office.
But he says it's not too late to flip that script, and he's outlaid a simple agenda: Stoking activism and supporting an insurgent law that would make it happen.Moore is looking hopefully at the National Popular Vote interstate compact, an accord in which states agree to award all of their electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote. He said that even though it's a long shot, with only 10 states and Washington, D.C., having signed on so far, he looks to the uphill battle women had to secure the right to vote. Moore also thinks there is hope in the younger generation. "We’ve raised a generation of kids who don’t hate people on the basis of race, or they don’t hate somebody because they’re in love with somebody of the same gender," he said. "Nearly 70 percent of the country is either female, people of color or young adults between 18 and 35, or a combination of the three. The angry white guy is dying out, and the Census Bureau has already told us that by 2050, white people are going to be the minority, and I’m not sad to say I can’t wait for that day to happen. I hope I live long enough to see it, because it will be a better country.”
Nostradamus Predicted too a Donald Trump win ( with Caution) 
It was revealed Nostradamus also predicted a (3)>>Trump presidency as well as the end of the world. The seer has been credited by some with predicting World War Two and the 11 September Attacks on New York City. Some believe that Century III, quatrain 81 refers to the 2016 presidential election.
"The great shameless, audacious bawler. He will be elected governor of the army: The boldness of his contention.
"The bridge broken, the city faint from fear."

The majority of the
Evangelicals see
Trump as the Messiah .

A recent analysis of several of (3.1)>>Nostradamus’ quatrains has some believing that the legendary prophet has also indeed predicted billionaire-turned-realty TV personality-turned-U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump’s stunning clenching of the 2016 presidential election—as well as its apocalyptic aftermath. Some began wondering if Trump might be the Antichrist back before the last U.S. election, when he was briefly a potential candidate. This time round, quite a few folks are reaching the same conclusion. Trump’s unprecedented triumph over presumed Democratic victor former U.S. Secretary of State (3.2)>>Hillary Clinton is perhaps the greatest upset in U.S. political history, with the Republican’s surge to the White House through battleground states largely unforeseen among pollsters. (4)>>Though Clinton won the popular vote, Trump seized the all-important electorate vote.The real estate mogul, as known for his brash, unapologetic style and off-the-cuff tirades—encompassing everything from the need for a physical wall to be constructed between the United States and Mexico to keep undocumented immigrants out and the establishment of a Muslim database to keep dibs on followers of Islam, and countless sexist comments, most infamously, perhaps, his “Grab them by the p***” remarks championing sexual assault against women—as his signature blonde hair, will soon be crowned the most powerful elected official in the free world.It is well known that Donald Trump is self-conscious about the size of his hands, appendages apparently so tiny that Nostradamus couldn’t see them at all from his 16th century vantage. Born into wealth, Trump would have appeared to Nostradamus as of almost royal nobility, and the wounding at a game of tennis may be a reference to when Donald made a first-class goat of himself playing tennis against Serena Williams in April, 2015. Having already referred to Trump as a thunderbolt, Nostradamus predicts Trump’s striking moment occurs near a well “under the oaks” – a reference, perhaps, to the pool at the Washington Monument and nearly Dumbarton Oaks. The “three” who are joined together are undoubtedly Trump, vice-President Pence and Steve Bannon, Trump’s closest advisor.This is perhaps the most interesting quatrain of all, as it accurately predicts the time of all events portrayed. In the first three lines, Nostradamus sees America “sorely troubled” that her democratic values and constitution (“holy law”) are being ruined by Trump. He sees a time when Christianity is secondary to “other laws” – money, politics, and perhaps even Islam. But the real kicker comes in the last line, when “a new source of gold and silver is discovered". If Nostradamus is referring to the revolutionary currency, Bitcoin, that’s as close to a time-continuum bullseye as can be expected from a distance of 500-odd years. Nostradamus  says in a cyrptic way that Trump's own psychological make up hides a maniac . The "false Trumpet" :

The false trumpet concealing madness
will cause Byzantium to change its laws.
From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants
the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.
Seventeen years ago, Rage Against the Machine accidentally saw the future.During the band’s infamous 2000 video shoot for “Sleep Now in the Fire” — directed by Michael Moore and filmed on Wall Street — they caused such a ruckus that the Stock Exchange was forced to shutter early.In the finished video, around a minute in, you can see an onlooker holding a sign that says “Donald J. Trump for President.”“I think it was either Michael Moore’s idea or one of his staffers,” Rage guitarist Tom Morello tells The Post. “It wasn’t a warning, it was just meant as a joke — pure humor. But it turned out to be so Nostradamus-like.”. In reality a vary bad joke!

(1)>>Micheal Moore .Michael Moore’s predictions about American politics have been consistently accurate and surprisingly prescient in recent years. Moore shocked a lot of people (Exhibit A: An essay predicting Donald Trump’s presidential victory months before it actually happened. Exhibit B: An interview anticipating Trump’s Muslim travel ban.) And now, appearing on Real Time last night to chat with Bill Maher, Moore has another political prophecy up his sleeve. That being, Trump will get elected to another term — and maybe more beyond that. “You have to listen this time, because he is going to win the 2020 election,” he explained. “He won’t leave after the second term if he doesn’t have to, if nobody stops him. This man believes in being president for life. He said a few weeks ago, Roosevelt got four terms, why can’t I? He loves President Xi. President Kim. He loves the dictators.”(2)>>November 2016. Moore notes that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the election by only 77,000 votes in the Rust Belt states. "Here’s the good news: We don’t have to convince a single Trump voter to vote differently because we already have the majority,” says Moore. The harsh reality , Moore says “Eight million Obama voters voted for Trump. We just need to convince a few of them–hold out our hand and bring them back. Can we do that? I think we can do that,” Moore says. “You know, there were seven-and-a-half million that voted Green or Libertarian. I think we can convince a few of them to come back. We don’t need to convince a whole lot here.”(3)>>Trump presidency. Before we start, some people claim that Donald Trump is the Third Antichrist … I do not believe that, when you read the prophecies the Antichrist will fulfill, almost none of them connect to Donald Trump. For me, if he is a human … (3.1)>>Nostradamus’ quatrains. During his lifetime (1503-1566), French prophet-healer Nostradamus made a spot-on prediction that France's king would soon die. He also predicted the Great London Fire of 1666, more than a century in the future. One of his four-line prophetic poems, called quatrains, pinpointed the year 1999 and described an event much like the aerial terrorist attack on New York City's World Trade Center:
In the year 1999, in the seventh month,
from the sky will come the great King of Terror,
bringing back to life the great King of the Mongols.
Before and after, Mars will reign by good fortune.
That of course happened on September 11, 2001, not in 1999 in July or even that September (the prophet's original French says sept). But it was close, and five distressing prophecies mentioning a "trumpet" have now stirred up fresh fascination with the prophecies of Nostradamus.Nostradamus wrote 942 "prophecies" he said spanned the years 1555 to 3797, using symbolic language to describe future wars and events. He predicted three powerful political "Anti-Christs." Most occultists agree that the first two were Napoleon and Hitler. They disagree about whether the third Anti-Christ has come and gone, is currently alive, or has yet to be born.  (3.2)>>Hillary Clinton is perhaps the greatest upset in U.S. political history.  Donald Trump pulled a stunning election victory despite his rival Hillary Clinton winning nearly 2.9 million more popular votes than the real estate mogul. To hear Clinton tell it today, Russia’s interference was the deciding factor. “Even if Russian interference made only a marginal difference,” Clinton said during a speech at Stanford University this October, “this election was won at the margins, in the Electoral College.” (4)>>Though Clinton won the popular vote, Trump seized the all-important electorate vote.  Mrs. Clinton was the obvious victim of the American Electoral Collage not the Russian Meddling investigation circus . While we are being told that the Russians made her lose , while that may be serious enough . There is still no proof . Mrs . Clinton did win just as much Al Gore won out in 2000 , but she lost because of our American system is corrupt and nothing else . 

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