Friday, February 9, 2018

The "DEEP-ER STATE" of the UNION .

Notes to President Trumps State of the Union Speech.
The stock market is going
Up and Down for
the next few months .
OK , I caved in and watched  President Trump's first  State of the Union address . With people some "boycotting" it . I had to tune in and give me own opinions . About  (**)>>The "good" & "bad" Trumpism. While a few people  I know , I asked them what they thought of it , YES, asked me What I THOUGHT . As far as a great speech , it was not so great . (1)>>I sensed looking at Trump that he was not exactly a happy man , his facial expressions gave way to an irate man , who addressed a divided Congress. Trump overstuffed his speech with stories of people in the audience, and some of those stories were indeed emotional. But they were overshadowed by the rhetoric and divisive language. Trump also had a habit of clapping for himself, which was a constant loud distraction in the microphone. This was a speech mostly for the base. The speech kicked off as a lackluster affair, as Trump rattled off a trumped up list of “victories,” taking credit for a booming economy that he inherited from President Barack Obama. If you saw that none of the Democrats were applauding or standing , the whole Senate House looked gloomy . (2)>>Mr. Trump while swimming in scandal regarding the Russia probe did deliver  on some of his "promises". I have to give him a good notation on his Tax plan . The Democrats here are entirely wrong in regards to taxes . I know , have studied economics that there are two things that do stimulate a economy , but neither party in our political system likes the other . First , you have to reduce Taxes {Republican} . Second , you have to raise the wages across the nation {Democrat}. The more money a person , or  business corporations  have  , this exactly creates a stimulus that puts a certain amount of wealth , buying power to the population . While this seems perfect , its not entirely , this nation has far too long never kept up with the cost of living expenses . In certain states in the union no can afford to buy a home either . We have issues with wage inequality , the lowest earners on the tax scale will not see much of an increase . While the top 1 % , business corporations took a boost from the plan . You can pick so many wrongs with it , but it has some positives . Another note is that the so called (3)>>Trump tax plan was drafted by Sen. Paul Ryan himself.    The government has to give back something to the people . reducing taxes is the first step . Many more things have to be done .  My opinion also , while the DOW & Stock market looked rosy at it's biggest numbers above 23,000 . Bragging about the rise of the stock market could backfire on the president if there is a sudden downturn. Stocks fell more than 1 percent Tuesday, as rising bond yields are becoming competitive with stocks that pay big dividends and traders are looking for less risky places to put their money. (4)>>The warning is that the stock-market is a bomb , if Mr. Trump ever gets impeached , as I have said before the market will dive so fast that its going to look like the what the Market looked after the 9-11 World Trade Center Attacks . SERIOUSLY! have to watch this , I really see why the Republicans are all standing behind Mr. Trump , out of fear of a domino effect .  According to Trump’s metric, almost $360 billion worth of wealth in the stock market disappeared Tuesday. In his speech,
Trump tied strong economic indicators to his policies. He took credit for 2.4 million jobs created since the election, although the 2.1 million added during his first year in office represented the slowest pace in six years, Economists say the White House can take some credit for consumer confidence, but in reality, the consumer was already spending before Trump and the GOP took control a year ago, and the labor market was already strong. However, the improvement in business attitudes and spending is a direct result of the changing of the guard in Washington and may be contributing to a more consistent growth pattern. Trump immediately angered those who supported him based on his pledge to crack down on illegal immigration by trying to sell lawmakers on what they ruefully insist is amnesty.His contentious immigration plan ends the Obama-era program (5)>>Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals granting temporary, renewable work permits to young immigrants brought into the country illegally by their parentsbut only after offering 1.8 million of them legal status and a chance at citizenship.   The most disturbing part of Mr. Trump's speech , which I don't agree with , (6)>>is that his administration wants to build more Nuclear weapons . Over the past decade, while the United States has led the world in these reductions, Now Trump plans the exact opposite strategy. The Pentagon confirmed its commitment to the modernization of the U.S. nuclear force that Obama approved in 2010 in exchange for Senate ratification of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or New START. The military will introduce new bombers, submarines and intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as a new cruise missile for the bomber. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the plan will cost about $1.2 trillion over 30 years.  After the speech, Democrats struck a different tone, arguing that Trump inherited a strong economy and has not done enough to help American workers. The responses from Democratic lawmakers signal how they could counter Trump should he and the GOP use the economy as their main pitch to voters in the 2018 midterms and beyond. Republicans will partly count on a healthy economy to help them overcome Trump's dismal approval ratings during the elections this year. The GOP is trying to hold on to majorities in both the House and Senate as Democrats see an opportunity to gain ground amid anti-Trump sentiment. (7)>>The United States government has a serious deficit problem nearing 20 trillion . Deficit upon deficit. The last administration added a trillion to a already existing trillions from the Bush era . That still has to be addressed . With signs of economic growth under the Trump administration . There lurks a dark cloud .

The "deeper" state of the Union .
(8)>>The deep state entered America’s national discourse in 2017 with the feeling of an already familiar character, ready to assume a starring role as hero or villain—depending on how you feel about Trump. It’s easy to dismiss the idea as the breathless complaint of a frustrated president who hasn’t learned to work the system. But it’s not that simple: There really is a kind of cabal that operates independently of elected officials in Washington—even if it’s not quite what Trump or his conservative allies think it is. In the daily circus of the Trump presidency — the tweets, the porn star, the racist trolling, the Russia investigation and the bizarro conspiracy theories about the Russia investigation — it’s easy to lose sight of normal political stories like Carrier. But normal stories are Trump’s biggest vulnerability, and the circus is actually his friend. Democrats would be wise to remind themselves of this fact every single day. On Friday, the US president approved the release of a classified memo commissioned by the (9)>>Republican chairman of the House intelligence panel, Devin Nunes, that alleges bias against Trump within the FBI and justice department. It is surely no coincidence that the extraordinary move – denounced as reckless by the justice department – coincides with the special counsel Robert Mueller reaching at least the end of the beginning of his investigation into alleged collusion between (10)>>Trump and Russia during the 2016 election. Curiously enough , the memo makes no sense that the FBI would be working to undermine Trump , since it was the FBI that foiled Hillary's chances at wining the Presidency by investigating her e-mails . In 2018, it seems, history rhymes: Trump fired the FBI director, James Comey, last year, who in every sense helped  then, according to media reports, ordered the firing of Mueller.  Trump has been telling confidants that he believed the document would validate his concerns that the FBI and Justice Department conspired against him. But the FBI says the four-page document is inaccurate and stripped of critical context. And Democrats say the memo, which makes public material that is ordinarily considered among the most tightly held national security information, cherry-picks Republican talking points in an effort to smear law enforcement. According to the Daily Beast, the president’s decision to declassify the memo came about after he consulted the Fox News host Sean Hannity. In recent days, Hannity’s colleague Tucker Carlson called the allegations contained in the memo (11)>>“more troubling than the underlying crime in Watergate”. Another presenter, Jeanine Pirro, has called for investigators to be “taken out in cuffs”. The memo has demonstrated that the FBI had been monitoring former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page as well both during and after he worked for the Trump campaign. Remember that Trump accused outgoing Obama for wire tapping his "phones" { LOL ☺} that made a media frenzy . Personally I believe the memo is "fake"  , its another kind of distraction to anything regarding the collusion theory.  (12)>>Like a viscous circle ,   The President seems to be digging himself deeper and deeper in a problem that he created all around himself that started during his campaign .  

(**)>>The "good" & "bad" Trumpism.  The "theory" of a "good" and "bad" Trump goes like this : TAX CUTS = THE GOOD TRUMP . WALL & DEPORTATIONS = THE BAD TRUMP . Trump’s accomplishments aren’t minimal — and a huge number of his setbacks are self-made and rhetorical. All of which demonstrates why Trump is beloved by his base but carries an approval rating of 35%, the lowest approval rating of any president at this point in modern American history (every other president since Kennedy was above 50%, except for Reagan in 1981, who clocked in at 49%) (1)>>I sensed looking at Trump that he was not exactly a happy man , his facial expressions gave way to an irate man.   whose “State of the Uniom” address broke rec ords — it was the slowest in at least half a century.According to Business Insider, Trump spoke at an average rate of 72.6 words per minute in his 5,800-word, nearly hour-and-a-half-long speech, which explains why everyone in the audience looked so miserable.  He used the word “we” 130 times, “our” 103 times and “us” 15 times. He mentioned “the people” nine times. He used the word “I” just 35 times and “my” 14 times. He went with the second person “you” 25 times, though that includes “thank you.” (2)>>Mr. Trump while swimming in scandal regarding the Russia probe . For a "complete" analysis  I would recommend reading from the MotherJones magazine , which gives a detail history of Trump -Russia relations . [ see ] his business ties , and dealings , are only self incriminatory .(3)>>Trump tax plan was drafted by Sen. Paul Ryan himself.  This tax cut that was recently passed has all the marks of Sen . Paul Ryan himself . Critics has said that  it’s clear that Republicans will fall short of these promises. True, they made attempts in earlier versions of the bill, and those provisions just didn’t make it through last-minute dealmaking. But some of the guarantees turned out to be straight-up lies. So they went back to the drawing board to re-write the tax before the Christmas "promise" .   When he became Speaker, Ryan said he was reluctantly passing the title of Ways and Means chairman, and the opportunity to focus attention on tax reform, to Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas)Now, the 2017 tax revamp will bring the American tax system more into lockstep with those conservatives’ thinking than perhaps ever before — making the idea that what works for corporate America will work for the country at large a central plank of U.S. policy for decades to come, maybe even a generation or more. (4)>>The warning is that the stock-market is a bomb . I don’t think Trump, a billionaire businessman will intentionally do anything to hurt the market, but in the words of J.P. Morgan, “The market will fluctuate” and that market includes stocks, bonds, real estate, currencies, and commodities. Blame the investors who many maybe Democrats . Trump is elected for 4 years, will the market change? Assuredly. Since most of the past 8 years have been up, some of the next 4 will be down. Monday’s stock plunge was the worst in six and a half years, with the Dow sinking by more than 1,100 points, despite President Trump’s repeated insistence that the economy is thriving under his leadership. (5)>>Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Mr. Trump's  seemingly "generous " offer to the Democrats to deal with DACA . President Donald Trump offered Democrats a concession on immigration but at a price that so far they’ve been unwilling to accept.The administration Thursday night proposed giving 1.8 million undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children a path to citizenship in exchange for drastically reducing family-based migration. (6)>>is that his administration wants to build more Nuclear weapons .  During the State of the Union speech , Mr. Trump unleashed the plan to increase our nuclear weapons stock pile . Crazy . President Donald Trump wants more weapons with small yields, which would in theory give military planners more options for waging a "limited" nuclear war that, while unimaginably destructive, would presumably stop short of completely wiping out human civilization. (7)>>The United States government has a serious deficit problem nearing 20 trillion . The practical obstacle to reaching compromise on those issues is the budget deficit increase produced by the tax cut. The ideological one is opposition of Republican congressional leaders, if not the president himself, to a larger role for government.  President Trump follows , keeps the status quo,  the national debt has exceeded $20 trillion for the first time ever — rising the same day President Donald Trump signed a bill into law suspending the debt ceiling and allowing unlimited federal borrowing.The debt ceiling had been frozen at about $19.84 trillion since mid-March, and the Treasury Department was forced to use "extraordinary measures" to prevent borrowing from exceeding that level, the Washington Examiner reported.  What happens now is we get to see whether Trump can make good on two completely incompatible promises he made as a candidate. Both concern the debt. He vowed 1) to eliminate the debt—all $20 trillion of it—in eight years while 2) not touching entitlements like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.Why are these incompatible? Because entitlements—which devour 60% of all federal spending—are, by far, the biggest driver of the debt. And with 10,000 baby boomers retiring daily (projected to continue through 2029) it’s quickly getting worse. Every year, four million more people go from working to getting a check from Uncle Sam. Remember: entitlement spending is “mandatory,” meaning lawmakers can’t touch it.You don’t have to be a math whiz to figure out what that’ll do to the budget, but here’s what the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office predicts: “Outlays for mandatory programs increase as a share of GDP by 2.4 percentage points from 2017 to 2027—mainly because of the aging of the population and rising per capita health care costs. Social Security and Medicare account for nearly all of that increase.”In turn, this means that discretionary spending—stuff that CAN be touched by lawmakers—will drop to about 5.3% of GDP over the next decade. That doesn’t leave much to cut—just a small part of the federal budget that lawmakers and Trump can take an ax to. Good luck wiping out $20 trillion in debt from that. (8)>>The deep state entered America’s national discourse in 2017.  The deep state is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as meaning “a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.”  Political scientists and foreign policy experts have used the term deep state for years to describe individuals and institutions who exercise power independent of—and sometimes over—civilian political leaders. The Washington swamp — the deep state — is bigger, more vicious and more dangerous to American liberty than even a cynic could have imagined.Now that we know what the declassified House memo says about government misconduct, we also know what it means. (9)>> Republican chairman of the House intelligence panel, Devin Nunes. The memo, written by Republican House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, raises concerns about the FBI’s securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant as part of the investigation into possible ties between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia. The memo claims the FBI and Justice Department’s actions in obtaining the warrant against former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page ”represent a troubling breakdown of legal processes established to protect the American people from abuses related to the FISA process”. However, the memo appears to fall short of the promises made by some Republicans – namely that the evidence it contained would cast doubt on the origins of the Russia investigation. Much of the information it contained involved allegations Mr Nunes and others had previously made public. Democrats also point out that Australian officials told the FBI about another Trump campaign official, George Papadopoulos, had possible knowledge about Russia’s activities. The memo itself states that information about Mr Papadopoulos ”triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016.” . (10)>>Trump and Russia during the 2016 election.  According to New American, the Deep State’s “Plan A,” is the imploding “investigation” into alleged “Russian collusion” by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, said Stone. If and when that fails, which Stone suggested was likely and soon, the establishment would move to “Plan B.” In essence, Plan B would involve trying to get a majority of Trump’s cabinet to declare him unfit for office. This would allow Trump to be removed under the U.S. Constitution’s 25th Amendment.(11)>>“more troubling than the underlying crime in Watergate”.  Trump's tweets are a bit amusing and at best self incriminating . He said , “This is Nixon/Watergate,” he tweeted  last March, while falsely accusing President Barack Obama of tapping the phone lines at Trump Tower. Trump has declared that “Benghazi is bigger than Watergate” and said the Obama-era sale of uranium mining interests to Russia is “Watergate, modern-age.”   . The last election could have been rigged on both sides of the political system . It could be a most bizarre twist of Russian meddling would be that "they" have wire tapped Trump himself , while at the same time , trying to hack Hillary's e-mails at the request of Trump who asked Russia to hack and find Hill's 30, 000 e-mails . (12)>>Like a viscous circle.  the Russians did not fully trust Trump . They may have had an incriminating but politically embarrassing dossier which could topple the Trump administration . At the time, Mr Trump denounced the document as fake news, and its veracity has widely been questioned.But Sir Richard Dearlove, who ran MI6 between 1999 and 2004, told  BBC's Newsnight programme: "I think that there is probably some credibility to the content..I wouldn't put it any more forcefully than that."Among the more lurid allegations was a claim that the Russians held evidence of Mr Trump hiring prostitutes during a visit to Moscow .The file also claimed that the Trump campaign team had multiple contacts with Russian officials during the presidential election race. [ see this URL : ] Trump supporters started a misinformation campaign about the dossier, circulating images on 4chan and Reddit that include passages not contained in the original document. They claim the entire dossier is made up and that it was sent to a Republican strategist, Rick Wilson, last year. Wilson denied being the source of the leak. 

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