Sunday, January 21, 2018

Trump's "alleged" racism and Immigration Reform.

While putting America "first' , he might also be putting America
in second place . We need real immigration reform,
we can't just round up 11 million non- violent people
deport them , with out creating a police state .
When I first heard that President Donald Trump used a derogatory remark to describe people and conditions in Hati and Africa , How did this all come down ? Well, President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers Thursday in the Oval Office when they discussed protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to several people briefed on the meeting. (1)>>The "remark" he made may have been alleged a lack of "professionalism" .  In the wake of the latest allegations, Trump has accused Democrats of not wanting to strike a deal on a new immigration policy or make progress on preserving the protections in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allows young immigrants brought into the U.S. as children to remain in the U.S. legally.  The fact that later Mr. Trump tweeted that DACA is "dead" is more disturbing . I honestly have said in several posts ago on my blog that politicians on both sides have played a game with the illegals . You have one Party on one side that has used for decades the concept that the

(1.2)>>"illegals will do work that American's will not do " , the other Party has also said "  that we need cheaper faster labor" .  So what the heck is stalling immigration reform ?  IImmigration in the U.S. is broken. Contrary to the popular story spun today , the Democrats were not so kind to illegals . President Obama has implemented the most extreme incarceration and deportation policies in the history of the country. With the government deporting more than 400,000 migrants every year, the nickname "deporter-in-chief" is not too much of a stretch.  Now the new "deporter-in-chief" , Donald Trump is going further than ever . Trump's "plan" ,  In spite of a doubling of the money spent to increase border security in the last decade to more than $18 billion annually, the number of illegal aliens in the country has increased by 3 million. Increased border enforcement has not reduced the number of illegal aliens.  The crazy notion of building a wall that is costly , right now its holding the federal government hostage for a shutdown {see below } . In a politically riven capital where Democrats and Republicans agree on little, they agree on this. About 11 million people already live illegally in the U.S. after crossing the border unlawfully or remaining in the country when their visas expired. What should be done about them? That’s where the consensus falls apart. Most Americans say the undocumented should be allowed to stay — 77 percent said so in a 2017 poll by Quinnipiac University — although there are deep disagreements about what conditions they should have to meet to win legal residency or citizenship. There’s no doubt that our nation’s immigration system is broken. It no longer serves our nation’s interests, and has caused anxiety among native-born citizens and immigrant communities alike. We have seen that legal immigrants, who constitute the vast majority of the immigrant community, face long delays and high financial costs due to our very complex and confusing immigration laws. While current immigration law provides pathways to legalization for undocumented immigrants via the family reunification methods , many immigrants are dissuaded from even applying due to the complicated nature of this process. Fees run into the thousands. Most immigration lawyers charge between $5,000 to $7,500 to accompany a client through the green card process. Some cases can cost closer to $15,000 before adding on application fees and any potential family members.But the real cost is harder to quantify. Applicants can spend years marked by a feeling of lost opportunity and helplessness as they wait for the process to conclude. Right now fixing immigration has stalled , even worse hit a brick wall . President Trump touted hardline legislation that would slash the number of legal immigrants who come to the US annually in half and create a system based on merit and jobs skills instead of family connections.
Why certain immigrants are not going to get the American Dream too soon.
Many immigrants come to our nation for obvious reasons , they do come from the poorest countries , many do seek to really have the American dream . While others are here to work and send money to their families in other nations . Here is a vary hard and tough thing I am about to say , but as SHOCKING as it is , they want part of the Dream that America was .  JUST WHAT AMERICAN DREAM? It fizzed away decades ago .  The "truth' is harder to bare . Immigrants do end up on the tax payer tab , neither is sustainable. Economy wise -You can't even own a home because its so expensive , The wages don't keep up with the cost of living which is driving most American citizens into the the streets with no help from the government which taxes you to death. Healthcare costs are bursting the roof . Crazy . RIGHT !? WELCOME TO OUR COUNTRY !  (2)>>More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that's far higher than the native-born population's, according to a report {  the report }  from the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for lower levels of immigration.About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households, The "natives" are not doing so well either , it depends on which state in America you live. If you come here , your going to be poor , and your not going to get rich for a long time . Some people mistakenly think that immigrants are not eligible for welfare. Several years ago, Congress did attempt to render immigrants ineligible for most forms of welfare. However, subsequent backpedaling by Congress and the executive branch has undone most of those reforms. Furthermore, many immigrant families get welfare through the eligibility of their U.S. citizen children. (It is also important to realize that even when immigrants are ineligible for federal welfare programs, the burden of their support is simply shifted over to the state and local welfare agencies.) Over the past two decades, the United States has run an immigration policy that has substantially increased poverty in this country. Two-thirds of immigrant households—that is counting both immigrants and their U.S.-born children—from Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala live in poverty or near-poverty. Other Latin-American immigrant groups fare only a little less badly: more than 50 percent among Salvadorans; just less than 50 percent among Cubans. 


Here is the the outcome of years of kicking aside immigration reform . A Government shutdown !  The shutdown is entirely President Trump's fault . Several months ago last year in the making . It has been eight months since the president, in a tweet of pique during a soon-forgotten spending fight with Democrats, suggested that the country (2.1)>> “needs a good ‘shutdown’” to fix its mess. The two parties veered away from the brink then, and they have kept refueling the federal tank a few gallons at a time in the months since. The "mess" however is entirely Mr. Trump's fault by going after the DACA dreamers. Funny thing about it , is that the DACA students are "legal" , its "their parents that are here illegally ". The immigrants protected through DACA grew up in the US; people might not assume they are unauthorized immigrants, and they might not have even known it themselves until they were teenagers. The program was supposed to give them a chance to build a life here. The Strange part of the DACA deal is in part that the law was drafted by a Republican and a Democrat . The political debate over what to do about young unauthorized immigrants is, at this point, old enough that it could apply for DACA itself. The first proposal to allow (3)>>people who’d come to the US as children to apply for legal immigrant status and eventually become citizens, was introduced in 2001 by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA). It was called the DREAM Act — Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors— a name that versions of the bill have kept ever since. So what the hell is going on now , that the whole government has shut down ? But for a angry president and an impatient opposition, there may be no way out of the showdown that is building this week. At its core are the competing promises Trump made to his base—to crack down on illegal immigration and build a giant southern border wall—and that many Democrats made to theirs—to protect at any cost the young undocumented immigrants who face possible deportation under a March deadline set by the president.Government funding runs out Friday at midnight, and the Republicans who hold the majority in Congress will need at least nine Democratic votes in the Senate to defeat a filibuster and keep the lights on. Right now President Trump is relishing the shutdown ,Mr. Trump blamed Democrats, who are the minority in the Senate, saying they care more about illegal immigration than the military. Democrats wanted a solution to fix the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program Mr. Trump is ending, something Republicans did not agree to as a part of negotiations.  The most curious thing about the Capitol on Friday afternoon, when no solution to the partisan stalemate was to be found, was just how quiet it was. While Schumer was at the White House, Senate Republicans took a leisurely lunch together, eating barbecue in a dining room across the corridor from the chamber doors. The congressional press corps lingered in the hallways, waiting for negotiation updates that never came and wondering if UberEats would deliver pizza directly to the Capitol. Never mind an imminent federal crisis: when lawmakers emerged from their offices — if only to do a quick hit for cable news on said crisis — they seemed serene, if a little dazed Mr. Trump also said: "This is the One Year Anniversary of my Presidency and the Democrats wanted to give me a nice present."


(1)>>The "remark" he made may have been alleged a lack of "professionalism" . Trump's "alleged "  racism was not arrived solely by his shit hole comments but a lifetime of his actions and comments made since he entered his celebrity and political life.  Five days ago, President Donald Trump and a handful of congressional leaders got together to hash out the particulars of a bipartisan immigration deal. The meeting blew up. The deal was nixed. And Trump said something very, very intolerant/tough -- depending on who you believe -- about immigrants from African and Central American countries.What remains up for debate is what, exactly, Trump said. While the specific word he chose is immaterial.  But there are "nay sayers" within the Republican Party . Republican Sen. David Perdue (Ga.) on Sunday said President Trump did not use the word “shithole” to refer to African nations, Haiti and El Salvador during a White House meeting with lawmakers. During an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Perdue said the comment attributed to the president in The Washington Post is a “gross misrepresentation.” “I’m telling you he did not use that word, George. And I’m telling you it’s a gross misrepresentation. How many times do you want me to say that?” Perdue said after host George Stephanopoulos pressed him for an answer. Perdue was one of several lawmakers participating in a meeting with Trump last week when the president reportedly referred to immigrants from African nations, El Salvador and Haiti as coming from "shithole countries." (1.2)>>"illegals will do work that American's will not do " . One of the "biggest" lies ever spouted . Its a political slogan for predatory modern slave labor . Many illegals who are "hired" to work , will work for lowest wages , paid under the table. Some of them work long hours that no normal American would do . While many have said that this has under cut wages for legal citizens. The American economy is dynamic, and it would be a mistake to think that every job taken by an immigrant is a job lost by a native. Many factors impact employment and wages. But it would also be a mistake to assume that dramatically increasing the number of workers in these occupations as a result of immigration policy has no impact on the employment prospects or wages of natives. The data presented here make clear that the often-made argument that immigrants only take jobs Americans don’t want is simply wrong.(2)>>More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare. The data was obtained from the county Department of Public Social Services --example that immigrant families received nearly $1.3 billion in Los Angeles County welfare money during 2015 and 2016, nearly one-​quarter of the amount spent on the county’s entire needy population. Immigration is vary costly , these people have to work . Many thousands of illegal immigrants participate in the labor force, frequently in the restaurant, janitorial, construction, and domestic service industries.  Are these workers protected by federal, state, and local employment laws?  Generally speaking, yes.(2.1)>> “needs a good ‘shutdown’” to fix its messOn Saturday, the president's reelection campaign released the ad, titled "Complicit," which hammers Democrats for opposing Trump's proposed border wall and other unspecified border security measures. "Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants," an announcer says over images of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.).  (3)>>people who’d come to the US as children to apply for legal immigrant .  The question of immigration, particularly when it involves children, is always fraught with emotion. But the emotion and intensity of the debate cannot and should not overshadow the fundamental nature of the law itself. The "dreamers" should consider themselves fortunate to have been educated in the U.S. and return to their home countries to use their English to fill out those papers and enter legally.

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