Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Deep STATE the thin Blur this election YEAR.

The 2024 Election has the Deep State Split into
two Camps . The Trump Camp and the Harris 

Time TO PUT YOUR TIN FOIL: HAT ON ! The events of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was just not a fluke , the lone gun man theory . But what we are seeing is a DEEP STATE in Panic , besides trying to kill Trump , and kicking to the curb Joe Biden . They have plans to JUST IN CASE TRUMP wins again to infiltrate his administration as THEY DID in his first term. If that don't work probably try to kill Trump again !   Trump is still picking DEEP STATE shills . Let's begin with Trump's choice for VP ,J.D. Vance was planted - and bankrolled - by billionaire Peter Thiel to perpetuate the Deep State into a new generation. Let's be honest... the machine is getting old. There aren't many options for voters after 2024 who are under the age of 80. Young people are leaving the two-party system in droves... mostly because we're fed up with constant war and corporate profit off it .The parties are desperately in need of fresh blood. Right now, we're seeing rising young political stars getting "chosen." Anointed by the deep-state gods, sent off to be trained at Mar-a-Lago, and primed for their release into the swamp. Think I'm exaggerating? Peter Thiel’s ‘big data’ company Palantir has won over $1 BILLION in U.S. Government contracts over the last several years. The more lives are lost in Palestine, the more Peter Thiel profits. Obviously, the propaganda around warfare must continue past Trump. We need a new generation to take up the mantle of war-making. The corporatocracy demands it. So Peter Thiel backed J.D. Vance to the tune of $15,000,000, flew him to Mar-a-Lago to "make up" with Trump. Suddenly, we have exactly what the deep state wanted. Bought, paid for, and delivered: a young, fresh candidate, ready for war. Literally. In the months leading up to this VP announcement, Vance has consistently made shocking and tone-deaf statements about our nation's foreign policy - implying we should war with Iran (a major win for Thiel) - while, of course, radically reversing his "Never Trump" stance. This gives me no pleasure to write; Vance's childhood, beautifully written book, and personal anecdotes hint at a purity of heart that would've served our country well. But money has a way of completely changing your convictions.I don't think this VP pick will ultimately fool young Americans into perpetuating old, win-loss foreign policy and constant war-making.Anyone with political foresight will see: without fresh blood, the RNC is a sinking ship with out Vance. It ends with Trump's last-term, and this is their attempt to plug the holes.The threat is not the Democrats. Who are a Deep State of insomnia .The threat is that Independents - now the largest voting block in our country - are awake, and at odds with the Military Industrial Complex.I do think there is a deep state beyond maybe the vague "bureaucratic state". But honestly I don't really care about that. People who work at department x within a particular agency are by and large not trying to push an agenda.   We want to see it END. NOT be elevated to the White House.
Kamala the Trojan Horse !?
IT SEEMS that KAMALA HARRIS is like a TROJAN HORSE .Her polling as a hypothetical candidate doesn’t tell us much. The argument for her is that she has the opportunity to campaign and grow her share into a lead whereas Biden is incapable of improving his numbers, which I strongly believe. In this highly polarized environment where record numbers of voters dislike both candidates, the value of a fresh face is priceless. BUT NOT KAMALA HARRIS. My theory is that fox news has been beating up on her for 5 years, they might not be able to convince 100% of their viewers that Whitmer or somebody is Satan in 3 months. It's too easy for the Rogan crowd to convince their listeners that kamala was complicit in hiding Joe's dementia. I just want the freshest face possible, I honestly think it could just be you or me and we'd win ha, people don't like Trump, don't give them someone they can justify a trump vote with.I have been skeptical, but open-minded about the whole "Biden should step down" conversation since Rumors started addressing the issue last spring. May main concern has been that many of the people who are for Biden stepping down (1) don't want Harris at the top of the ticket, and (2) have too many ideas for who should be at the top of the ticket, and no clear plan for how to decide who it should be, other than a knock-down, drag-drag out fight on the convention floor. CNN published an exhaustive report about Harris and her team’s complaints after interviewing “nearly three dozen former and current Harris aides, administration officials, Democratic operatives, donors and outside advisers.” They blame several things, from Biden handing her unpopular issues to the administration leaving her out to dry to, of course, racism and sexism and unfair expectations. But racism and sexism are the only reason Harris is where she is now. Biden limited himself first to pick a woman as his running mate and then to pick a black woman after the death of George Floyd. Were it not for those self-imposed quotas, we would not be talking about Harris as a future presidential candidate at all.I don't see any indication that Kamala Harris is a competent legislator/leader. She has spent her Vice Presidency giving speeches with no substance and giggling and dancing at press events. If she was a man I would hold the same reservations. Kamala is absolutely a DEI hire. She had to sleep around to get her positions in California, polled terribly, dropped out of the race after losing her home state, and was selected as VP because Biden specifically wanted a black woman. She comes from an extraordinarily privileged background as well with super wealthy parents. She has a horrible track record in her position as AG, putting people away for minor drug offenses and obscuring evidence when people were on death row.So why would Biden pick her? DEI hire, he said it in plain english. The problem is, no one likes her, and now the Dems have to lie in the bed they made with Biden’s potential exit from the race. They need to keep Kamala far away from the office of the president if they want half a chance of maintaining the presidency. She has made zero impact as VP, mostly coming off as an incoherent, drug-addled, focus-group-tested slogan spitter. Democrats need to win back the independent voters, on-the-fence voters who think Kamala is a "DEI hire" and that is not you. Letting Kamala run would be the MOST IDIOTIC thing the democrats have ever done next to letting an 81 year old senile man run a second term.By wheeling Joe, or Kamala, out there, Democrats surrender the 'democracy is on the line' argument. If this election is truly so dire, the party would run a better candidate. It's really that simple. If the party 'centrists' insist that the senile grandpa was good enough up until he got exposed during the debate; or that the drunk prosecutor with the political acumen of a pear is good enough; then the party loses. If these are the best you guys can come up with, it will be painfully obvious why Trump wins, when he wins.A decent analysis isn't absolution. An occluded accusation of racism isn't really an argument. Both these politicians are fucken train wrecks.