Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The STOCK MARKET CRASH of 2024 and 2025 AD.

Between NOW and the November election and January 2025 , the US STOCK MARKET will CRASH because of WARS .Remember what I said about the markets this morning? How it’s a recipe for the war lovers to declare war on Iran… this admin will be happy to send our sons & daughters to war to distract you from their continued failure and line their pockets.
2024 is the year of both our new all time highs and the start of our heading back to COVID lows.
In all seriousness, my gut tells me the vaginal fortitudes in DC will use a horrible economy to push us into war with Iran. It’s a well worn path used by elected boys with no other skill set. Be it 2024 achieves those lows or 2025, they will certainly be revisited. But we can't just magically get there because things *look* bad. Something has to actually go wrong before we see any real fireworks.July 26th 2023, the fed achieved its final rate hike. There will not be anymore rate hikes. Rate cuts are the real threat to the markets.Trump said today he does not want a war with Iran. That's fine. The truth is the war started a year ago. It's a non-kinetic financial war. We are making good progress toward regime change.I think Netanyahu is just a weak leader trying to use these hawk mode to consolidate his grip on power.Iran government is hated by many of its people so they rattle up warmongering to keep the masses quiet.IMO, Russia wanted something to happen to distract from Ukraine war and that's how that October attack came into being. But Israel and Iran are not crazy to take it any further, it's mostly drama to get attention and get their opposition to shut up. Welcome to the twenty-first-century. There is a current narrative out there along the lines of the market expecting rate cuts this year. we have been trying to go to war with Iran since the 1970's..... This is a long game... We finally got Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, .... still nothing on N Korea ... But Iran will not be easy...Do y'all remember the April 13th selloff? Iran launched missiles at Israel and the markets nuked.Then, right out of that drop, while every other asset was in the dumps, $USA painted a +500% 1H candle.What I recall is that Iran seemed to be playing down previous Israel attack just before they launched 350 projectiles to Israel.US government is saying we were "informed" of this attack at the last minute and will not assist Israel on any offensive actions. If Iran launches another barrage of attacks in retaliation, will US defend Israel as vigorously as last time? If not, and if substantial damage is inflicted on israel, a large scale war/conflict is a near certainty at that point. I know what I want to hold if a war breaks out... They have been talking about going to war with Iran for a while, used the assassination attempt to blame Iran, all the talking heads in congress go on faux news to blame Iran to shift public opinion on going to war with Iran! Do people realize the recent Iran escalations, like the other instruments the political/military complex is using to keep stock prices up, is a way of delaying the imminent economic crash? This country is hanging on with borrowed time, partly bought by desperate war campaigns.These people are evil sick MOFOs! Pray for our soldiers & their families, these people will sacrifice them for profits!History has shown that when the markets are suffering a new war will be bestowed upon us. We’re headed back to the Middle East and the Iranians are the insurgents. Pray for Peace, Prepare for War🙏🏾✝️.