Saturday, August 17, 2024


Social Media exploded in the UK and the world,
Possible Civil War in the United Kingdom?

With THE LAST FEW WEEKS ALL HELL BROKE LOSE in the United KINGDOM ! England at the verge of a Civil war !!!!The UK Metropolitan Police Chief is threatening to extradite Americans who post what they consider hate speech or videos of UK riots on social media! Yeah... bring it because I'll post whatever the heck I choose to from the USA!! The British Government Is Lying To The World: If you're outside of The UK and want to know the truth about the "riots"How it all began , followed a stabbing attack that left three young girls dead. A 17-year-old suspect appeared in court to face three counts of murder and 10 of attempted murder.The attack on children at a Taylor Swift-themed summer holiday dance class shocked a country where knife crime is a long-standing and vexing problem. The deaths have also been used by far-right activists to stoke anger at immigrants and Muslims - though the suspect isn't an immigrant and his religion hasn't been disclosed. I find it really disturbing that the police are openly supporting last night’s protests,There is now a strong sense that the country’s institutions and authorities demand you have a certain view. It’s terrifying. So I’ve had a thought after stepping back from seeing what’s going on, and to see if there’s a bigger picture. These past few months, I find it odd that the Manchester airport footage came out. (British vs Muslim).. then riots in Leeds (Muslim vs British) and now the final straw of a stabbing at a nursery, but even though the 17 year old at hand was not considered a Muslim, plenty of media outlets stated he was an immigrant and was under MI6 watch, which of course is a means to make people angry at the government and Muslims/anyone that might be an immigrant. I mean how do they get that so wrong and post it out there? Is this all part of a plan to create division? Is it also a plan to bring in stricter laws? Another lockdown? An insensitive to take rights away?Could all be coincidence.. but I’ve never seen so many events to split division between 2 sets of people in such a short space of time..The British government and “Sir” Mark Rowley , threatened to arrest and extradite US citizens for free speech, exposing the UK riots and government censorship and arrest of citizens. The UK gov also threatened to arrest an extradite Elon.People in the UK, genuinely, do not want to rock the boat. In videos uploaded to social media many of the protesters can be heard chanting “stop the boats”, a reference to crossings made from the European continent by migrants attempting to get to Britain.They don’t like mass immigration, or immigration as the issue it’s played up to be, but they just don’t want to be bothered by riots and shit. It’s why “Tough on crime” rhetoric works a lot, here, despite “Stop and Search” being unpopular - people just don’t want to be bothered.The truth is, the Left here in the UK are excited by the recent riots.We are seeing the emergence of a "two tier illiberalism", where sharing misinformation about the identity of the Southport attacker can have you arrested, but promoting a hoax about 100 far-right riots sees you lauded. They can hardly contain their joy as they call for media censorship, digital ID cards, and Covid style lockdowns. UK officials are discussing whether to revisit part of the Online Safety Act, according to the people familiar with the efforts. The bill was watered down by the last government, which removed language that would have regulated “legal but harmful” content in order to allay concerns of free speech campaigners. 'Legal but harmful', such a chilling phrase.Politicians are keen to blame it on social media to distract from the fact the dissatisfaction is ultimately their fault for ignoring the repeatedly expressed wishes of the public. Their solution is to criminalise the symptoms rather than treat the cause.The online safety act is already unworkable garbage, and it will get even worse. It’s an excuse to make all their authoritarian dreams come true!