Sunday, August 4, 2024

NEXT 100 DAYS of American Political CHAOS !

Global unrest casts uncertainties over the 2024 US elections. Prior to the election, it was hard to imagine that this kind of post-election pandemonium, usually seen only in countries where the democratic systems are underdeveloped, could occur in the US – the world’s most powerful country.
Less than 100 days until the US election
I predict mayhem on Election Day. ðŸ¤ž) there is going to be CHAOS like you never seen in American HISTORY . If Biden wins, Trump and his allies will try a bigger, bloodier January 6. If Trump wins, he will invoke the Insurrection Act when in office and mobilize the national guard against protesters.In either case, we can expect to see sporadic violence at polls. Trump has called for tens of thousands of poll watchers to intimidate the wrong type of voter from voting. Last election cycle, we saw armed stooges standing nearby mail-in ballot drop off points. This is what’s going to happen in the United States in less than 100 days. Kamala’s KHIVE is who stolen 2020. RINOs will let it happen, won’t do anything. Stolen elections have consequences! If Biden wins, there will probably be another Charlottesville-esque series of protests in major cities.  If Trump wins, there will be a Ferguson-esque series of protests in major cities.  I THINK 1000% expect major political violence this year. As the United States approaches its November election, the risks of violence will thus rise. This should not be surprising. Historically, violence is actually quite common in the United States, especially during election seasons. During the Reconstruction era, much of white supremacist violence directed against freed Black men and women was intended to intimidate would-be voters, ensuring that segregationist Democrats maintained their grip on power in the Deep South. 
As N.Y. Times columnist Nick Kristof presciently put it this weekend, this "feels like August 1914, a fulcrum in the sweep of events. These days may have moved the arc of America and the world, with history lurching in competing directions in ways that may shape our course for decades."  Presuming this is yet again a close election, we're going to be in another situation where the final clear result isn't available election night and things could drag out a little bit. The far right's going to lose their minds if this happens "again".Harris will be almost impossible to beat for the nomination, thanks to endorsements, money, optics and 2028 politics. Given the Democratic base, are you really going to take down the first Black American, the first South Asian American and the first woman to be elected vice president? Trump officials know there's danger for him in debating a woman with historic status. "When women confront Trump, he can be impolitic and imprudent, and say politically dangerous things," one GOP insider told us. So Trump could alienate women and many other non-MAGA voters the campaign is eyeing. Plus Harris could look better-versed on reproductive rights, and more evocative of the future than the past.They aren't going to run with Kamala Harris. They didn't just stage a coup to have someone run who has the same approval rating as Biden. They are GOING DEEP ! Was she praised as a heavy hitter when she was in Congress on the Intelligence Oversight Committee? I think that’s one of the primary things that got her heavy recognition as a potential VP candidate. Of course they’d praise her if she was doing their bidding. They probably groomed her the whole time. They've already openly expressed support for a dictatorship.

They no longer care about democracy and only care about winning. They've added so many people in several States to help put their thumb on the scale of elections and if that doesn't work - It's just going to confirm their belief that the election system is never going to give them the result they demand anymore.
They will be moving to "the fourth box of freedom" - the bullet box. THERE will be death threats across the board for everyone involved in swing states, Trump trials, etc.I would expect more things like the kidnapping of governors, violence against state election officials, etc. it's not going to be well organized but you are going to have bombing and mass shooting style events at Federal buildings and left/liberal locations like gay nightclubs.Truth social, Signal and telegram will be implicated in violent events as locations where events were planned / coordinated. I would expect some items in December- January but the real ugly would probably be around April. That's when you have the anniversary of Ruby ridge, Waco Branch dividians, income tax day. All these things that swirl together in a close proximity that light up all of the Anti-Federal government rabid right-wing side. I'll put it this way. I will not be anywhere near a federal location or a leftist large gathering of any sort at this time. America became 'the laughing stock of the world' due to election mess - Fox Even amid instability in the world and numerous internal problems, the most important issue for America now is ensuring fair elections, which are threatened by the authorities' attempts to prevent Donald Trump from running, channel host Rachel Campos-Duffy said on Fox News.In her opinion, this has become such a serious challenge for the American government that it has begun to be noticed abroad - and the United States is now becoming “a laughing stock for the whole world.” As Campos-Duffy recalled, the crisis of democracy in the States was also noted by the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, who had just been re-elected with a record result: in his victory speech, he walked around America, noting that Washington politicians who constantly criticize the Salvadoran leader for violating the rights of criminals , they themselves cannot ensure democracy in their own country and are making things worse for opposition candidates.

(opens in a new tab) fund-raised US$200 million and 170,000 volunteers signed up to help her campaignBut what can we expect in the now 100 days leading up to Election Day?We should not naively assume this will play out like 2020. Trump is more desperate, the GOP has purged the ranks of non-believers, and not a single GOP politician saw even mild punishment for January 6 (except for those kicked out of the party for not supporting it). Through banal passitivity, we've created a much more volatile situation heading into the 2024.