Monday, August 12, 2024


Kamala Picked Gov. Tim Walz , probably
the most Controversial  Governor 
of any State in America . Minus California 
Gov . Newsom .

Tim Walz is a terrible pick for Kamala. Kamala needed a moderate candidate that would appeal to moderate voters in swing states. A centrist like Shapiro would’ve been my pick.Instead, she picked a leftist governor who is basically the poster boy for the most infamous riots of the 21st century.might find it hard to believe, but the riots were viewed negatively by many moderate and independent voters. I’ll bet my left nut that tomorrow republicans will start rolling ads of the twin cities burning. These ads will elicit a much stronger emotional response from voters than the sick couch burns.However, I think you're probably incorrect about what the overall strategy needs to be. There are incredibly few true swing voters. It's much more a matter of getting the people on your side motivated to actually cast their ballots. And I think the calculation here was that they have more to gain by motivating progressive than centrists.That said, he's also not just the George Floyd guy, no matter how much Republicans will try to paint that picture. He does have a good deal on his resume that could appeal to those centrists. None of the three finalists would have been perfect, and ultimately I don't think he's really any better or worse than the other two. The guy has too much political baggage at the moment and it's liable to detract from the campaign.He did his part in covering up the murder of Ellen Greenberg, which was initially ruled a suicide (she was stabbed 20 times, including in the back of her neck). The case is now being reviewed by the PA Supreme Court. With this circulating through the news cycle, it would absolutely detract from the Harris campaign and be its own drama.He also mishandled/excused/covered up (take your pick of describing his actions) sexual harassment by one of his long time aides...this also is circulating the news at the moment. When will the Democrat party get rid of its socialists such as Harris, waltz, sanders, etc? Today’s radical Democrat party is a threat to democracy and a danger to the country. They want to impose their extreme agenda on the country and change it at it’s core.   So you consider Cackling Kammie and Tampon Tim (very weird) having real conservative values? Let's hope the rest of BUCKS County isn't as stupid . So this story is breaking now. In 1999, a complaint was made against teacher Tim Walz for actively recruiting students into a gay club that was labeled as an anti-bullying club. However, what the story did not tell you is that two students made allegations against Walz that they were being recruited into the club even thought they were stated straight males.Several Parents made complaints with the School District. One student, an 18-year-old male, claimed unwanted advances against Walz. Upon calling the school district to confirm the story, I was given a "No Comment" on all questions. For the record, I have no issues with how people live their lives, I have issues with Teachers taking advantage of kids and trying to tell them what their sexual preference is. Yeah, he is creepy.  Harris is not bright and Waltz lies all the time. He was never in combat. He let blm and others burn his city down. IF you think the last four year was bad elect Harris. She will take care of the illegals. Jokes on the democrats. Stupid people vote for crackles and a liar. You tipped your hand at weird: The new Talking point for the left wing lunatic media