Monday, September 2, 2024


BIBI NETANYAHU Pushes for a escalation to

Its BEEN ALMOST 300 Day's or more since October 7th 2023. AND IT APPEARS that so called WAR between Israel and Hamas ( Hezbollah ) will go on endlessly . GO FIGURE !? Meanwhile US Politicians like Kamala Harris & Donald Trump squabble around with the idea of a "cease fire "& we all know that US Politicians speak with both sides of their ASSES . . Tell that to BIBI Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu ! You PROBABLY going to get some BULL or a RED HEIFER . First by deadlock I don't mean a military stalemate but the political deadlock and how to further proceed.Hezbollah is saying they won't stop until there is Gaza ceasefire while they escalate with rocket attacks, starting up fires on Galilee and Golan.And Hamas with Sinwar saying they have Israel where they want, doesn't want a ceasefire until Israel publicly commits to permanent ceasefire and try to extort more demands from them.Gantz and Eisenkot also left the war cabinet so Bibi is left with Gallant and Far right backing who threaten to leave the coalition if Bibi signs a deal which leaves Hamas alive.Reservists are going to be facing their third and fourth rounds of service this year if this continues, which will put further strain on families and businesses, especially if Israel has to go into Lebanon.So bibi's war cabinet has to take into account: Hostages, Hamas & Sinwar, Lebanon and displaced northern families, strained economy, Iran, US and foreign support, West bank and PA, post war Gaza rule, potential Israeli elections..When and how does this deadlock end? Because as it seems to me, this war will carry INTO 2025. In a defiant late-night press conference, Israel’s prime minister insisted on a long-term military presence along Gaza’s border with Egypt, even as international mediators and his own security chiefs warn that it would hold up a deal to free hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. The uncompromising tone came after a day of disruption across Israel during a general strike called to express public anger at Netanyahu’s failure to secure a hostage deal. It followed a second straight night of mass street protests after the murder of six Israeli hostages in Hamas captivity over the weekend. Hamas has suggested they died in an Israeli air strike, a claim the Israeli military has rejected as “psychological terror”. There is currently a testimony before the civil commission of inquiry investigating the  Israeli state's failure on October 7th. STILL NO SIGN of the hostages , American or otherwise . The malignancy is deeper than Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, or Likud. When you have a nation mired in a slew of false myths, it is bound to eventually sink into the abyss. These delusional beliefs include: god, messiah, chosen people, promised land, and no nakba (it was self-inflicted). Unless Israel is able to somehow overthrow these false narratives, it will continue its gradual decline into self-destruction and oblivion. Good people of Israel: WAKE UP and FACE REALITY! Do not allow the demagogues bring the country down. Netanyahu's remarks caused an uproar in the cabinet meeting. Defense Minister Gallant opposed the move, telling Netanyahu and the other ministers that when the cabinet makes an official decision like this, it "ties Israel's hands" in negotiations on the hostage deal. A senior Israeli official said that after Netanyahu announced his intention to bring the issue to a vote, Gallant responded, saying, "The prime minister has the authority to bring any decision to a vote. Even to execute the hostages."In his desperation to cement his governing far-right coalition, Netanyahu has basically endorsed the views of two messianic fundamentalists, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich — who was arrested in 2005 on suspicion of terrorism — and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, convicted in Israeli courts of supporting a terrorist organization in 2007.Both these men call for annexation of the West Bank and provoke settler violence there. They want Israel to maintain permanent occupation of Gaza. As if that recklessness is insufficient, Ben-Gvir is trying to spark a Mideast holy war over the Temple Mount, a Jerusalem holy site sacred to Jews and Muslims.These ministers, along with Netanyahu, scorn the hostage families who engage in constant demonstrations. Yeah, people who expect the war to end when Netanyahu steps down are going to have a rude awakening if/when it happens. I'd say as well that even for a lot of folks who are generally very supportive of Israel -- of which I'd count myself -- the concept of "destroying Hamas" doesn't land as particularly realistic. For me Afghanistan taught us this. A more realistic goal would be to degrade Hamas to the point that they couldn't launch an Oct 7 level attack again, which I think has already been achieved. The conflict seems to have really reached a point of significantly diminished returns from prolonging it, all while continuing to exact a terrible human cost on the Gazans. There is no solution until outside world, especially the US, can force Israel and Hamas into ceasefire, and then a long-term solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It can't be left into the hands of either Israel or Hamas. The dynamic of their relation is not one that can resolve itself, considering their ideological natures and all the foreign support that both have. The reason: the hardest-hit kibbutzim were settled by leftists who supported a two-state solution to the Palestine issue. Netanyahu will hold back on destroying Hamas to keep himself in power, and escalate the conflict if it looks like they’re about to win. You can’t have a leader with an explicit, direct conflict of interest in charge of a war, it’s common sense