Saturday, August 10, 2024

Kamala Harris & The DEEP STATE .

Kamala is a bait and switch 
tactic of the Deep State .
 So, the "proof of life" was Biden "phoning" into Harris' address? Truly, this coup in the US gets an A+ for entertainment value. These people truly believe that their citizens are absolute morons, which is probably for a good reason. LMAO 🤣🤣🤣Today is August 10th, 2024 and Kamala Harris lead a successful coup against Biden and Democrat voters 20 DAYS AGO and still does not have a SINGLE hint of a policy platform on her website .Assume the worst.I wrote so many posts on the SILENT COUP , How Biden was ousted and " replaced" what certainly looks worse than Biden  as a PUPPET of the Deep State .The Deep State & Their Fake News Say Kamala Harris “Is Ready To Serve”. The global elites aren’t looking for a candidate who thinks they are in charge like Hillary. They are looking for another sock puppet like the one they’ve had for the last three and a half years. Hillary might actually assert herself on certain things like the border, China, and Ukraine…even if it is mostly symbolic. They want none of that. Kamala is their perfect rube. She is as far left as they come and her vacuousness makes her easy to manipulate.Remember she is the least qualified person , it has nothing to do WITH HER RACE . Kamala Harris is the new candidate proposed by the Democrat party. She’s a deep state puppet, endorsed by the deep state himself Barack Obama. She’s been endorsed by most of the elites and billionaires like Melinda Gates.IT'S VARY STRANGE .People wonder why Kamala Harris is dodging the press and not facing the American people. They expect candidates to do so and answer questions. The reason is that Kamala isn’t expecting to be selected by the American people. She is expecting to be installed by the NWO/deep state cabal that is running this country. Don't you at least thing that that was the "plan all a long " ? AM Sure that America has been put up to the level that there needs to be a woman as President , this was a long time notion in the political fields . It's now a abrasion. It's not about having a woman as President , but using Kamala as a puppet of the Deep State , she is being propped up in a way that is vary suspicious . It Mirrors the election platform that Hillary Clinton ran on in 2016 , and remember she lost to Donald Trump . Kamala Harris has deep connections to Obama , Nancy Pelosi of California & they have some hidden agenda perhaps to continue the status quo of JOE BIDEN as the SHADOW PRESIDENT behind her . You can't TRUST the DEMOCRAT PARTY . The whole thing by forcing Biden out was to basically extend Biden to a second term through Kamala , like Biden was a extension of Obama .The bigger problem is that Harris has no campaign infrastructure of her own. She last ran for office 5 years ago and most of those people are gone(it was reported that the campaign was a toxic environment and a bit of a mess).Whitmer and a number of governors have the infrastructure and staff in place already to ramp up a campaign a lot easier than Harris, unless Harris decided to literally let the people that are currently knifing her behind closed doors to prop up Biden run her campaign.  Recently Democrats pushed Joe Biden out as the candidate the voters chose as their nominee, in favor of the heir apparent, Kamala Harris. Simply because Joe’s polling numbers were bad. Now they’re trying to walk back nearly everything Kamala said over the last 4 years and even trying to hide the fact that Joe Biden made her the Border Czar, which was the only significant job she was given, and which was a job she failed at miserably. Democrats claim that the switch was necessary because they only became aware of Joe's mental state a few weeks ago after the debate with Donald Trump.In reality there are only two reasons that Democrats chose Kamala. The first one is that she is a woman and she has brown skin. This makes it clear that Democrats think women and minorities are stupid. Democrats really believe that people will change their vote in favor of her simply because of her skin color, and because she has a vagina, and that they’ll ignore the fact that she supports the same radical leftist agenda of Joe Biden’s administration.The second reason they chose her is because they know they can control her. Unless you’re living in fantasy land, everyone knows that Joe Biden has been a cognitive mess since day one of his term in office. He hasn’t been running anything. The DNC tells him what to do and what to say, then they give him cards with written instructions on them and put him in front of a camera, while someone shoves a pen into his hand and they tell him to sign a piece of paper he’s never read, and wouldn’t understand even if he did. They wouldn’t be putting this much effort into Kamala if they didn’t think they could get the same thing from her.A Kamala Harris presidency will give us four more years of what we just got with even more fiscal insanity. Outrageously high inflation. A 400% tax increase and an army of armed IRS agents to take it from you by force. Criminals will roam the streets stealing, raping, and murdering with no repercussions, and you will be disarmed so you can’t defend yourself. Our border will be wide open so that military age men from enemy countries, terrorists, and criminals can flood in, and be given free healthcare, and free housing using your tax dollars. Your sons and daughters will be sent to die in a war with Russia so that Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and the DNC elite’s money laundering operation in Ukraine can continue. Meanwhile Israel will be left to fend for itself. You won’t be allowed to own a gasoline powered car. You will own nothing, so the Democrat Oligarchy can be protected.